SUSSEX. (POST OFFICE Clubs-Working MEN's-Contd

SUSSEX. (POST OFFICE Clubs-Working MEN's-Contd

3220 CO.! SUSSEX. (POST OFFICE CLUBs-WoRKING MEN's-contd. COAL AGENTS. Andrews Thomas Whitehead, Dellqnay, . b W k M ' Cl b U See Agents Coal, Le. Appledram, Chichester B rig ton or ing I ens u , pper ~ Austin & Lyon, I2 Upper Bedford Bedford street, Brighton I6 W k B · h Brighton Working Men's Club & Read- COAL DEALERS. street arwic street, rig ton · R w· d b 'Id' w· d Baker Edward, Piddinghoe, Lewea mg oom! 10 wr m mgs, m sor Akehurst Hy. 11 Howard rd. Brighton Bollard & Son, \Vest street, Chichestet" street, BI?ghtoMn , Cl b & R d" Andrews E.Portslade-hy-Sea,Shoreham Banfield William 20 Ship st. StatiQO B uRry WorBkmg Pelnbs ul ea mg Armitage Luther, 49 New York street, street & ']Preston road Brighton . 00h m, uwry,k" u o.Mrou~ 1 Cl b & I & 8I Southover street, Brighton Bash ford John .Fm-est Ro~ East Grin.- eh1~ ester or wg en s u f!· Bacon George 13 Chapel st. W orthin<~' t d ' ' stitutte C(ReEv. ~';ll~on Walke)r, pNres:h Baker Thos. dreen, Ferring, Worthing B:a~~n Cl1arles Portfield Chichester d 1 ealnl ; t 'et . • t ow' sec. ' or Ball Thomas, 38 High street, Worthing Beck J oseph & 'son Cooksbrid<Te S 0 P an , ne1 tes er B Th M h · · · ' · '"' · · Halton (James Blackford man) Albion ar~s omas, ontague. st. w.ort mg Beck Wdham, I23 Kmg's rd. Brightom t t Halto Hast' ' . ' Bomface W. 87 Carlton lull, Brighton Bellin<>'ham William Railway station s ree ' n, mgs Botting J. Up. Beeding, H urstpierpoint East Grin stead ' t- COACH & CARRIAGE Buckler Joseph,38 Cobden rd. W:orthing Blaker B. Portslade-by-Sea, Shoreham BUILDERS. Carpenter H. 20 Hendon st. Br1ghton Borrow T. B. Aldingbourne, Chichester Ball William Sedlescombe Hawkburst Ci.Japmau George, 56 Lennox street, Bottin<>' Edward Rudgwick Horsham, Beaney Th08.9' Western rd.8t.Leonard's' HIa ton, H astmgs· . Bourner"' G.S. Bellevue,High,. ' st.Uckfidd. Bennett Edwin, Montague st. Worthing Croucher E.Roth~rfield!Tunbr~dgeWells Bowler Edward, Pulborough BetchleyJoseph,41 Eaststreet,Horsham D~adman W.? Che~p:mle, Bngl~ton Bowler T. Mockbridge, Henfield S.O Box John, Pound hill, Crawley Dmgley Wm. 21 Bngden s;. Hng~ton Bowrah John, Isfield, Uckfield Brigden John, 187 Western rd.Brighton Durr.ant E.91A, St. George srd.~nghtn Bradford Samuel & Son!l, 34 Terminu»- Brunn Geo. 36 Cheltenham pl. Brighton ElphlCk Jas. I4A, G_eorge st. BrJ~hton road & Railway station, Eastbourne CrippsJohn,25 & 26 Mighellst.Brighton Fanstone R. 19 Wh1tecrossst. Br~ghton Broad & Packham, Burgess hill Cutten George, Sr. Pancras, Chichester FarrantJohn, 8 Mount street, Brtghton Brown Henry, Hurstpie!'point Cutten James St Pancras Chichester Andrew, Lower road, Shoreham Brown Waiter Station road Worthin"' Daws James '43 Seaside• Eastbourne' Gale Th omas, P ortfi e ld , C luc· h ester Bryant William' Framfield Hawkburst' "" Edmonds Charles, Hail;ham Gill A. I & 2 St. George'11 rd. Brighton Button John Ticehurst H~wkhurst ElliottEdwd.Harold mews,St.Leonard's Godda~ll Wm. New land rd. Worthing Ryerley Cha;les, 26 We:t st. Brighton. Farley Geo.I4 Hollingdean rd. Brighton Goodwm Jam~s, Be:ches farm, Hart- Carden George, Hove, Hawkhurst Fuller Albert, East street, Petworth field, Tunbr1dge W~IIs • Carpenter Edward,23Bristolrd.Brighta Fuller Wm. Hy. Chapel road, Worthing Green Wm. 20 Warwick st. Br1gh_ton Chatfield Edward & 8on, 8t. John's Gosden David, near Railway station, Greenway S. 46Queen'sgardens!Bnghtn wharf, North r.t.& at Heathfid. Lewes. Ashford road. Eastbourne HammondE.Rotherfield,~unbri~geWlls Christian John & James, 51 Normau Guy J .High st.Lindfielti,Haywarrl's hth Harmes W · 49 Carlton btll, Br~ghton road, St. Leonard"s Guy Silas, 3 Pevensey road, Eastbourne Hoather Thos. ~Eastern rd. B~1ghton Cockerell George Joseph& Co.5 Pavilion. Hammond Chflrle~~, Tarrant st. Arundel Holden S. 1_0 Kmgsbu~y rd. Brig_hton buildings, Church street, Cliftonville;. Hammond Saml. Waterloost. Brighton Johnson&Biggs,38Glo sterrd.Brt&"hton Hove Railway station, Brighton; & Hay J. 16 & 17 Cambridge rd. Hastings Johnstone D. 20 U:P· Russell st. Br~glltn New Canal basin, Shoreham HeathJohn&Eldrt-d,4INorth st.Horshm Johnstone W. 81 Muthover st. B!Ightn Coles John & Co. 4I High street&; Sta­ Herriott Horace, 9 West st. Brighton Jupp Hy.14 Mount Pleasant, Br~ghton tionroad, Worthing HughesFredk.6Steine gardens, Brighton K~nward John, 54 Coleman st. Br~ghton Coomber J ames, Langne::r road; coal Jordan D. J. ~outh Bersted, Bognor Kmch Jolm, 20 Newlulven st. Br1ghton wharf,RailwayStationyd. l<~astbourne Jordan Wm.Robert ,3 Mount st .Brightn K_nowles Edward, o.Balcombe, C~ckfield Corps& Sons, 5Fountain pl.St.Leonard's­ Key Auckland E. Bopeep, St. Leonard's Little James, 1:23 ~ussex st. Br!ghton Corral1Jas.&Co.40Queen'srd.&l4Princ~ Lenny Georg-e, High street, Lewes Mason James, The Pond, Lmdfield, Albertst. Bri~hton ;& Hurstpierpoint Major James Lewis, 94 Carlton hill & !Iayward's heath • b Darley Henry Edmund, We:st ltchenorll' 32 William Fllreet, Brighton Mills Geo. 22 Marlborougb ~t. Bng. ton Chichester l\Iannering T. D. Cinque Ports st. Rye Morley_A. Haddockho.~exhi}l,Hastmgs Dawes Edgar & Co. 55 Sea Side road', Mercer Jame11 46 North road Brighton Muggr1dge M. South wiCk, ::Shoreham Eastbourne Newman & So~, Hornet, Chidhester Napper Edward, Mayfield, Haw~ burst Dawes Edwd.jun.Wartling,Hawkhurst Newman William, Wool lane, Midhurst Osborne J ames,. Osborne house, Market Dell & Co. Alice street, HO\'e Nye William, 40 Castle street, Brighton street, Worthm!!' . Eade Alfred, jun. Buxted, Uck:field OsbornChas.Hy.I2&.13Castlerd.Hastngs Packham John, 32Bakerstreet,Br~glttn Elphick Geo. & Sons, 18 Hi~h st. Cliffe,. Overton C.45 Upper Russellst. Brighton Pack ham John, IN ewhaven st. B:xghtn Lewes; & Selmeston & Alciston PARR JAMES, 15 Laura place, South- Wm. 73 Lewes;oad, Br~ghton EnglishWmWoolgar,High st.Shoreham ampton. See advertisement Patchmg Robt.17 B?yce ::111t. Bnghton ErridgeRobert Ackerson, 11 Mancheste.r Peerless & M untord, Langney road, Peckham _& FranCJs, 48 Gloucester st. Brighton; &; Claremont rd.Prestofb · Eastbourne road, Brighton Evershed Maurice Billin.rshurst PeerlessThos.Harry, Hayward's heath Pennicott J.oseph, ~rior~rd. Chichester Farley Frank, Stat'ionroad, Midhurst Piercey & Allin, London rd. Ea.Grinsted Peters Dav1d, La!lcmg, :Shoreham Ferguson & Godsmark, Hayward's hth Pollard Peter, Crawley Russell G. Cross m-Hand, Hawkhurst Feuggle John, Shortbridge, Uckfield Prior Cbas. U. 7 Rock place, Briahton Seagrave Geo 34 London rd. Horsham Field James River road Littlehampton Redish Wm. I7 Farm rd.Hove,Brighton Sharman L. KeJruer, H urstpierpoint Foord Hy. 60A, St. J ame~'s st. Brighton. Reeves F1·ederick A. Wish ward, Rye Skinner George, Falmer, Lewes Fry William I Queen street Arundel Reeves John, 55 High street, Brighton Slaney Charles, Bro~ le road, Chichester Gatehouse &'Son, South sr. Chichester Uoakes 'I'. 17 & 18 Station street, Lewes Smart C. Old Shor~haru rd. Shoreham Gatland William, High street & IU Rock & Hawkins,Stratford place, White Smith Harry, Wel!~n)!:to.n street,, Lewes Railway station, East Grinstead rock Hastin!!'S • & 24 Baker street Stapley J ames, 1 V Ictona st. B1·J~hton Gilhurd Robert 3 South street & '0 London w "' ' ' Stenning S. 8 New England rd.Brightn North street Hors ham Simmonds Frank Frederick, London Stone 'Y~· 32 Lavender tlt. Brig~tton Ginner & Son, 45 High street, Hastin~ road, East Grinstead Tree WI1lmm,4 Montague p1. Brt~hton Godo;mark Benjamin, Hayward's heatb SimmondsJsph.Londonrd.Ea.Grinstead Tully John Henry, 12? London rPad & Godsmark George, Cuckfield Smith Fredk. Forest row, East Grinstead 41 Oxford ~treer, Brurh~on Gold Charles, 1 Shornden place, Stevens Charles, 35 Kemp street & 70 U?~tedG.~lbwn ctt~s.Alb10n hl.Brglttn Bohemia, Hastings · p-pper Nortl• 11tr('et, ~righton . \1\ aiker Rtehard, Kmg str.. et, R:ye Golding Charles, Hayward's heath Stmkells Hy. Thos. 9 Umonst. Hastmgs Walk~r Wm. I Stanley road. B~Jghton Gray Harry Gosden, Hailsham Thomas Henry ,50 .I ohn street, Brighton Watkms Alfred, 3 Cato~tle st. Brighton Harby Mrs. Sarah, I9 West st. Lewes Ward John North stl'f'et Horsham Watson Thomas, Battle Hardwick William Hunter The Green White C.& G.4l & 42 Geo;ge st.Brighton W d.Ier R:· M 8t.George's rd. Brighto!" . :5oothwick, Shoreham & 'at Henfteld ~ White William, H gh street, Arundd White _RICha~, Ooldstone street, Chf- Hargreaves John (exors. of) lCbarles to.n':1lle, Bnght_on . N ye, ag-ent), I Western st. Brighton COACH PAINTER. ~~Ittmg~o? T. li>9 Ll'wes rd. Br1gh~on Harvey & Son, High street, Cliffe, Lewes Measures Hdlry, llSillwood st.Brighton \\ !cks Wllham, Chap.-lt~treet, Wor~hm~ Heasman Thomas & Son, London road, Willson A. & Co. 73 Hanovc.:r st. Br1ghtn East Grimtead COACH TRIMMERS. Henly Charles, Tarrant street, Arund~l A1len G. J.2fi Shaft.-sburyrd. Brighton COAL & COKE MERCHANTS. Hillman Hobert, North Rt. Clitle, Lewes Fletcher Geo. 3-1 Cumhridge rd.Hastings Agate Alfred & Sons, West liltreet, HiltonJ sph.69Western rd.Hove,Brightn 'Vade Joseph, 3 Richmondst. Brighton Horsham Hoad Brothers, Winchelsea road, Rye • .

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