Supplementary Table 2. The Major Known Families of Demethylases++ and Related Pathology Mark Family Enzyme Synonyms Substrates Associated pathology and references removed KDM1 KDM1A LSD1, AOF2, Kme2/1 Histone (H3K4, H3K9), p53, Cancer development in bladder, lung, BHC110 DNMT1, STAT3, MYPT1, colon1 and breast2 E2F1 KDM1B LSD2, AOF1 Histone (H3K4, H3K9) Deletion leads to depletion of target gene transcription3 KDM2 KDM2A FBXL11, JHDM1A Kme2/1 (H3K36), p65 Maintain heterochromatin state in prostate cancer4 5 KDM2B FBXL10, JHDM1B Histone (H3K36) Regulate pancreatic cancer and senescence6 7 KDM3 KDM3A JMJD1A, JHDM2A, Kme2/1 Histone (H3K9) Co-activator of AR-mediated transcription, TSGA Regulated by HIF1α and enhances tumor growth under hypoxic condition8 KDM3B JMJD1B Frequent deletion of 5q31 (JMJD1B) in myeloid leukemia9 10 KDM4 KDM4A JMJD2A, JHDM3A Kme3/2/1 Histone (H3K9, H3K36, Overexpressed in prostate cancer H1.4K26) KDM4B JMJD2B, JHDM3B Cofactor of ER in breast cancer and mammary gland development11 KDM4C JMJD2C, JHDM3C, Overexpressed in esophageal squamous GASC1 cell carcinoma12 and breast cancer13 14 KDM4D JMJD2D, JHDM3D Histone (H3K9, H1.4K26) Activates AR in prostate cancer 15 KDM5 KDM5A JARID1A, RBP2 Kme3/2/1 Histone (H3K4) Overexpressed in gastric cancer and in the drug-tolerant subpopulation of cancer cells16 KDM5B JARID1B, PLU1 Carcinogenesis in prostate,17 lung,18 breast19 and melanoma20 KDM5C JARID1C, SMCX Regulation of oncogenic HPV expression21 KDM5D JARID1D, SMCY Deleted in prostate cancer22 23 KDM6 KDM6A UTX Kme3/2/1 Histone (H3K27) Mutated in human cancers and enables pRB-mediated cell fate control24 KDM6B JMJD3 Promotes EMT25 and activation of INK4A/ARF locus in response to Onc and senescence26 27 KDM7 KDM7A KIAA1718, Kme2/1 Histone (H3K9, H3K27) Downregulate angiogenesis in cancer cells JHDM1D 28 PHF2 JHDM1E Histone (H3K9), ARID5B Alteration in breast carcinoma PHF8 JHDM1F Histone (H3K9, H4K20) Associated with cleft lip/palate and mental retardation29 KDM8 KDM8* JMJD5 Kme2/1 Histone (H3K36), (NFATc1 Overexpressed in various cancers and hydroxylation proposed) regulate cancer cell proliferation30 JMJD6* PSR, PTDSR Rme2/1 Histone (H4R3, H3R2), Drive cell proliferation and motility in splicing protein breast cancer cells, marker of poor lysyl-hydroxylation prognosis31 32 NO66 Kme3/2 Histone (H3K4, H3K36), Overexpressed in lung carcinomas (hydroxylation proposed) 33 LOXL2 Kme3 Histone (H3K4) Induced by hypoxia and repress E-cadherin PADI PADI4 PAD4 Rme1 Histone (multiple arginines Ectopic expression leads to inhibition of 34 on H3 and H4), p300 tumor growth in a p53 dependent manner PME-1 PPME1, PME1 -CO2me PP2A Overexpressed in malignant glioblastoma (leucyl) and protects ERK from PP2A35 ++ Modified from Curr Opin Chem Biol 2012;16:525-34. 2010;138:981-92. 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