• =, 1942 !d Iosox Stop Slightly Warmel New York Yanb JOWA-8lJcllU7 warmer east and ely In 11th THE DAILY IOWAN central portlollS 8" 8&or, on Pa,e f today. Inks Iowa City's Morning Newspaper rIVE CENTS THI ASSOCIATED ralS8 - IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1942 THI AS80ClAUD r .... VOLUME XLll NUMBER 275 or the , don't nlnary Barnes , I laKe to ll1men! )r stu. he reo , gistl'ar ,0 ,n5, IUdents as 'eglstar lend to . irs lor , * * * * *** ,***' * * In ' and * *** *** *** lts 01 gistrar. !Dis by better, Na'zis Thrust Southe,ast 'for n Sept. Richest W'ells Is start rl4Jtion exarn~ * * * * ARREST OF GANDHI; AIDES STIRS INDIAN REVOLT * * * * Jawaharla1 Nehru Mohanclu Gandhi Mme. M. Gandhi German Aim: Allied Planes Shower U. S. Bombers !S will Claim Forces Interpreting '1'8 and Bombs on Jap Bases ' , I COm. The War News nd stu. To Wipe Oul res wiU Are 140 Miles Black Sea Seizure In Flanking Assault BaHer. Japs 1er and Is Impo~tant Goal address U. S. Landing Force, on the from GrOIn, Of Nazi Schemers (hr~sliani'y Aleulian (amp at the Hold Gains Against at 7:45 By EDWARD E. BOMAR Enemy CounteraHack Russians on Defensive LONDON (AP) - Abolition of The unchecked drive of Hitler's christianity is a deliberate, long­ Review of Fighting As Enemy Reserves war machine puts the Germans range objective of nazi administra­ 8y C. YATES McDANIEL Shows 1st American tors In occupied countries, the Try to Pierce Lines within sight of attaining one of GENERAL lIiACARTHUR'S Offensive Going Well 93 inter-allied Inrormation committee HEADQUARTERS, Au, tralia, the prime objectives of their whole asserted in a 10,OOO-word report " 8y EDDY GILMOILE Russian campaign-the complete Wednesday (AP) - A 11 i e d WA HTNGTO (AP) - A I issued la::;t night on religious per­ ?liD OW, Wedn day (AP) control of the Black sea as a trans­ secution In Europe. bombers showered bombs last relentle R eries of air attacks -Oerman troops striking Rontb· portntion route. The deSign may not always be night on the big Japanese b88e and a single bombardment by a luthorl. eBstw81'd in the 'auca us were The top nazi schemers probably obvious, In Belgium it Is more sub. at Rabaul, New Britain, in a val- naval task J'ol'ce hnve bndly bat­ it night are just as eager to win contl'ol Uy concealed than in Poland, the uable flanking attack to snpport tered Japan se land installations rOtists" reportl'd ufficilllly today to be of this historic 700-mile long link report said. But it concluded that thc U. marines who have estab· in the AI utian islands and re­ . recent only 200 miles from the rich between Europe and Asia as they the nazi technique respecting re­ IiRhed footholds in the olomon sulted in the sinking of onc en­ are to seize the north Caucasus ligion is a "care(ully-planned, pro­ islands and are IlOlding their emy cargo ship and damaging of signed Grozny wells after ovcr'running oil fields. gressive (Jttack orl the christian ground despite fierce Japant'Se two others, the navy announced , of the the devas!at d Maikop oil region Black Sea imperilled churches and religious organiza­ count r·attaeks. last night. I terri. in the wesl. The day's dispatches report the tions generally." A communique issued llere to· The bombardm nt by ctuis- A communique announced the invaders to be directly imperilling The report, based on what the errorist two points on the Black sea's east­ committee described as caretully day still avoided all specific men- ers and destroyers- first of its ed by Germans had l't'ached the Cher- ern shore, Novorossisk and Tuapse, tion of the continuing battle 01 the kind in the north Pacific-flo documented and verified informa­ Solomons, across the Coral sea, but I. kessk area, 70 miles southeast of which are almost the last remain­ tion, aid that in Poland the num­ Prime Minister John Curtin sold surprised the Jap!! that they Armavir, in a thrust down the ing operating bases for the red ber of priests ."executed by the yesterday "we are holding our responded to the first shells with restora. fleet. If these ports fall, the bat­ gestapo" or tormented to death Rostov-Baku railway into the own" In that action. anti-alrcra!t lire. It Wi\S carried tered naval force will be cornered in German pl'lsons lmd concentra­ Fourth Attack 1 Caucasian foothills. (Cherkessk, at Batum, facing destruction or the tion camps is estimated at 800. Allied airmen attacked the Ra- out ast Saturday simultaneously will be 'not shown on many maps, appar- stark choice of internment in neu­ In the Polish city ot Po:tnan only baul airdrome for the fourth time with initial attacks on Japanese believe enUy is n town oiten listed as tral Turkey, scuttling, or some three of 77 churches and chapels in as many days, the communi- torces In the Solomon island, more final act of desperation. months Kursavka). now ure open, and seven whole que said, and two and possibly five than 4,000 miles to the southwest. Burma, This peril has become fairly ob­ dioceses have been liquidated, the No Confirmation Japanese fighter planes were de- Last nlght's navy communique, will be vious as the Germans pressed report continued. stroyed north of Samarai, which are no The Germa!!9 have said their southward from Rostov. Probably The committee's researchers is on the southeastern tip of New dealing primarily with a review areas, troops have captured PyaUgorsk, less appreCiated is the key import­ broughl to light lhe imprisonment Guinea directly west of the Tulagi of Aleutian . actions, had little to only 140 miles short of Grozny, ance of the rnland sea to their fur­ of many clergymen and priests in area where U.S. naval, air and ma- say of the violent fighting for pos­ ther advances eastward, and to Czechoslovakia, "500 being II rlne forces were in action a,ainst 'session of the Tulag! area of the but there still was no conlirma- the nazi grand plot of conquest and moderate estimate." \ion he~e of that claim, ' a self-suiifiCient Euroj)e, , ~ the Japanese, S.olomon bases. Solomons ex ept that 't was con- 'I'he first step in the west usuaJly The remammg two Japanese , . 1 The Russians were fighting From the start, transport 1))- was to wHhhold paper supplies fighters out of a !light of seven bnumg. "heavy defensive battles both in wllr-damaged, overworked rail­ ot religious pubUcations on the encountered In the Samarai area 21 SbJps HIt The British government)s iirrest of Mohandas Gandb'l and Jawaharlal Nehru, regarded as behla- next the Cherkessk and Malkop ateas," ways and by motor truck over poor prelense there was a shortage. were reported damaged. The Aleutian altacks reported in and congested roads has been an in power to Gandhi iIi the naUonalist all..llndia coneres. , parb, precipitates riotous violence in Bom· Then religious education was sup­ Striktne northwest and north the communique sald, and the axis bottleneck, just as high seas bay as frenzied mobs -disregard Gandbl's caution ' to en,a,e only In paSsive civil diSobedIence In their the latest communique began July pressed, church organizations 01 Australia, allied airmen acaiD Germans also "broke through our shipping remains the crucial efforts to obtain Independence frop1 ~~It,aln. Taken Into custody with Gandhi Were his wlCe and Mad­ 22, actions carried out up to that were dissolved and activities of attacked JaJl8Oe18 shlpplnc off time having been announced pre­ positions" in the Krasnodar sec- weakness of the united nations war eleln Slade, daurbt~r of a BrItish adn\lral who bas filII owed the Indian leader for the past 17 years. I?l'iests and olergymen Hmited Tlanor, Dutch Eut indies Island, tor 60 miles northwest of Mai- effort. Rlotlne In 80m bay which followed GandhI's arrest In 1932 is seen above. viously. The Japanese ships hit strictly to their churches. where tbne Japanese sblps, tn­ raised to 21 the number the enemy kop. Seek Transportation Control cludine a laree destroyer, were SovIet tankmen and COSAtU Access to the oil and grain of the '* * * ' * * * has had sunk or damaged in the * * * reported knocked ou& Monday. Aleutians since OCCUpying Attu, picked off 19 German tants and Caucasus promises therefore only A carro Bhlp was sunk In Mon­ 31 trucks, and kUJed 70f Gtr· limited profit to the conquerors Agattu and Kiska islands. Nine day" attack, It wu announced ships have been sunk, one believed mans before wltbdrawlne ~ new unleSs it includes control of the Indian Situation \~gly' as Destroy oUically today, but the result ot Mobs sunk and 11 damaged. positions south 01 Krunodar, ihe water route by which bulky car­ the seeond raid wu not known. Other damage dealt the enemy Russians said. goes immemorially have been Direct hits on Japanese-held In the grim fight for the ap- moved between soulhern Russia included the destrutcion of two wharfs and buildings in the Kei !our-enalned Kawanishi seaplane proaches to Stalingrad the Rus- and Europe . Delhi Town Hall,Troops Fire In'to Crowds islands northeast of Timor also sians apparently stUl were holdin, I! a reminder of the relative im- bombers by American pursuit were reported. planes and the silencing of shore linn. portance of water, land and air Curtin's briet statement yeste.r­ "In the area south of KJets- transportation is needed it is sup­ batteries and severe damag\ng ot day on the Solomon flghtina was the Kiska camp area by the bill Itaya (75 miles northwest ot Sta1- plied just now by the fuel oil and Drum Investigating the first word from an oHicial ingrad), our troops carried out gasoline shortage in the United Moslem Police Nazis to ~elease French Prisoners-of-War guns of U.
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