LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER SINCE 1884 T h e La w r e n t ia n FRIDAY • FEBRUARY 27, 2004 • VOL CXXI, N O . 17 • W W W .LAW RENTIAN.COM jP Elisha Cuthbert,the next Julia Stiles \ Faculty ready to get A& C and the “girl next door” / Page 4 This is the lost issue of the temi |0 p/ 0 t punk’d/Page 5 Asst conductor of LSO dismissed from position by Beth McHenry Bonnie Alger, a violinist, comment­ prised of students representing Staff W riter ed, "I enjoyed working with Ms. each section of the orchestra. Graham. She's an extremely hard According to Swanson, a student worker, an intelligent musician, member of that committee, Reischl Seong-Kyung Graham, former­ and a great conductor." "said several times that she was ly Assistant Conductor of the Graham's dismissal came sev­ sorry that [the argument] hap­ Lawrence Symphony Orchestra , eral weeks after a public quarrel pened in rehearsal...and that we was fired from the Conservatory of between Graham and Bridget- had to see it." He went on to say, Music on the morning of Mon. Feb. Michaele Reischl, Associate "[Reischl] said she wished that she 9. Although the motivations behind Professor, Kimberly-Clark could explain [the situation] to us so Graham's dismissal are uncon­ Professor of Music, and Director of that we would understand it bet­ firmed and confidential, the inci­ Orchestral Studies. On Tuesday, ter,” but that she could not due to dent has raised concerns among Jan. 27, Reischl reprimanded legal reasons. faculty and students. Graham in the presence of students Some professors and students Graham, who began her recent before orchestra rehearsal. hope to see an administrative position during the fall of 2002, was Students reacted differently to investigation into Graham's firing. discharged almost six months the public disagreement. Some Several conservatory professors are before her two-year contract was to orchestra students felt uncomfort­ concerned that an apparent disre­ terminate in July of 2004. able while others were less affected. gard for reason and rationale in this Although the administration is One orchestra student said, 'We all matter indicates a particularly low legally bound to keep matters of tried not to watch as Ms. Reischl level of job security for non-tenured employment private, students and yelled in her face and belittled Ms. employees. A professor commented, faculty were troubled by the secrecy Graham. To see this happen was "People should know about this and surrounding Graham's dismissal extremely discomforting and upset­ it should not be tolerated." This and the reasons behind it. An ting to me and several other orches­ same professor told The anonymous student commented, tra members, and for several days Lawrentian that a group of conser­ "The rumor most commonly float­ afterwards it was the buzz of the vatory professors has already met ing around the Con is 'rudeness ensemble." Another student, Mike with President Warch to discuss towards students and faculty,' but I Swanson, commented, "Ms. Graham's dismissal, but would not have yet to meet any faculty or stu­ Graham was trying to defend her­ comment further on the subject. file photo by Julien Poncet dents who thought she was ever self and to argue back, but whatev­ Initially, several conservatory Seong-Kyung Graham is the former assistant conductor of the Lawrence rude to anyone." A conservatory er caused [the argument] I don’t faculty agreed to speak to The Symphony Orchestra. She was released from her contrac, set to expire in July, professor, also speaking under con­ think was really any of my busi­ Lawrentian under the condition of prematurely on Feb.9th. dition of anonymity, said, "We were ness." anonymity, but later requested not all shocked...No explanation was Several professors expressed to be quoted for fear of repercus­ Reischl addressed these concerns deny details of personnel decisions. given to the faculty." shock at the argument. One conser­ sions. with the orchestra committee, say­ Most faculty and administrators Few musicians attribute vatory professor described the argu­ Graham is currently applying ing that changes will be manage­ including Reischl, Kathleen Graham’s release to her abilities as ment as "totally inappropriate. In for jobs nationwide. She holds no able. According to Swanson, "As far Murray, Dean of Faculty and Dean conductor or her behavior. The con­ Boston and New York, people would animosity towards Lawrence and as her explanations of how orches­ of the Conservatory, and Barry servatory professor said of Graham, not tolerate that." The professor says, ”1 am truly grateful for the tra is going to run the rest of the Hoopes, Director of Human "Over the last six years that we later added, "Reischl is praised for time that I had spent with year without an assistant conduc­ Resources, were unable to comment have been hiring assistant conduc­ her vigor. [She] is an energetic con­ studentsTand the faculty at tor, she had good answers to every­ due to employer etiquette and legis­ tors for LSO (Lawrence Symphony ductor, but that energy can transfer Lawrence and the relationship that thing that we asked." lation regarding personnel privacy. Orchestra), she is by far the best.” to aggression towards students and I have with them.TThat will Despite the general confusion Additional reporting by Jessie Claire Weiss, a cellist in LSO, faculty members occasionally." remain unharmed and invaluable." and expressed alarm regarding Augustyn, Jonathan Isaacson, and said, "It's sad that Ms. Graham had Reischl later spoke to the Regarding the changes that will Graham's dismissal, faculty and Devin Burke. to leave. She was a great conductor." orchestra committee, a group com­ take place to fill Graham's absence, administration cannot confirm or Warch sends letter to faculty that Yuai community to hold warns o f budget cuts, pay freezes open forum on smoking office and Lawrence University years have been challenging colleges and universities, even by Jonathan Isaacson bv Jonathan Isaacson Community Council. ones for Lawrence's endowment, those with considerably more The group hopes that some sort and we have see the endowment resources than ours, are facing The recently announced smok­ of proactive plan arises from the drop from an all-time high of budgetary pressures." Volk noted Lawrence University has ing ban has caused much discus­ conference. $188 million in Dec. 2000 to a that Stanford University proposed to freeze salaries for sion on the Lawrence Campus but "We're looking for some action low of $143 million in September imposed a salary freeze for all the coming academic year, not enough action. At least that's to come from this,” Roberts said, of 2002." faculty and staff this year facing reduce financial aid by .5 per­ what the Yuai Community thinks. commenting that lots of people are Volk continued, stating that a $20 million deficit cent, and make an extra effort to The Yuai Community sched­ talking about the ban, "But not the endowment itself has Warch deemed the proposed hold or reduce non-personnel uled a "Smoking Ban Conference" enough people are actually doing rebounded, but "the distribution measures a "financial necessity." costs in response to continued to address the issue that some stu­ anything. The Yuai community is from the endowment for the col­ The measures, Volk said, only be complications from the recently dents feel is a part of recent willing to back a smoking ban lege's operating budget has a temporary: "While we would reduced endowment changes that have not involved the repeal effort." remained essentially flat." all like not to have a salary In a recent letter to faculty, Lawrence Community members Acknowledging that such a To improve the financial situ­ freeze for all Lawrence Faculty, it President Rik Warch explained directly. movement would require broad ation, the school seeks to appears to be an essential and the financial situation of the uni­ According to Mandi Roberts, based support, Roberts said, 'Td reduced expenditures for the one-time step in addressing our versity, noting that Lawrence the campus liaison for the Yuais, really like to get the faculty and next fiscal year in the hopes to financial challenges." has already taken steps in recent the event is open to students, facul­ staff involved as well. Getting the capture $1.25 million. 1b that Warch noted that the school years to reduce expenses, and ty and staff. She said that the faculty on our side would be the end, the school is also consider­ has met similar financial chal­ these actions have carried into group plans to inform faculty mem­ best [situation]." ing plans for the early retire­ lenges in the past, referring to the current fiscal year. bers with a letter, inviting any con­ While the Yuai community ment program, reducing expens­ the late 1970s and early1980s In part, the money-saving cerned faculty members to partici­ opposes the ban, the discussion is es in areas such as athletics, and when Lawrence faced compara­ efforts are a response to a signif­ pate. intended to bring together as many the capital budget. ble economic difficulties, and icant drop in the endowment, As a way to educate communi­ opinions on the subject as possible. According to both the Volk "emerged from them as a from which the university is still ty members who don't know all the "We're trying to get all views and the letter from Warch, many stronger institution." recovering. details, the Yuais also plan to gath­ [on the smoking issue)," Roberts other colleges and universities Warch closed by saying, "I According to Greg Volk, Vice er all of the statements regarding said, "Whether you are for or have had to implement similar have every confidence that the President for Development and the school's smoking policy that against the ban, come." measures in recent years due to community will rally to achieve External Affairs and Executive have been made in the recent past The conference will be held the downturn in the economy.
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