1ti, apartheid 1ti, apartheid OCTOBER 1969 PRCE fid MOZAMBIQUE HOTSPOT: BIG BUSINESS -CONFRONTS FREEDOM FIGHTERS Troullcd dam gets go-ahead TRECONTRAortheCaboaRessa"dantTe s ouorhwesin the contr n st montt b en the Portu-t l 0n e gut-e Gvèrnment and the International 4 gio, wok.... .... -isbY ,f Co etc,"n... ......na... v u vrum. espite optitic ptentatiena team the Poetuuese, the storm lauds are eiready Iookiag eminaue, and the ikeilhod of the peeject reahing maturity soema somewhet dtbious The dam ås duo to be iurlt in Tate prolce, where RELIMO guerilian hae been flghtlng for ove. n year, with cealderahibe uccess agatnst Portuguene soldier. FRELIMO in Weil awre et tho otgaifcaace of the dam, both'in terms of ntrengtheoing tho eonolomies o the white reglms in Southern AMrieo, and in terme ef ie effect on the Pe tUguese hold o ideaeebique. They have expressed their determination to otop tho dem being buit and the South A"etoa_ tro.ps that have moved into Tete era aleady coming under millttey presnure boeït FRtELIMO gflgter. Strntegists nee the tile l Tate an bing potéetiaiiy Sretal toaoheWhoie of tho nen - hot al. emady FRELIMO han establiohed lithented dm ne. ed ie odeaia, tholr tears lhnd eome hate. Mereover, they were eoncrood about the pe~ibility. ef reaking Swedish lama on ano toHns. Thre W.o litinly .ome confuion In the Swedish govermoett en this polnt S but Cahiart matin0 hed to di.cuss it g-nonced that ASEA would be runnlng the rink ot hehing the mm. Mreover, the FRELIMO reprentatie in Stookhim made it enar that ASEA would not b Obio to guarantee the peronal saety of any Swedish wores thnt mighl be mptoyed on the projeet. After Tw weeks 0f netainty nd aite, ovet preau frrom the Swedish Govermot nd p ubi opinion, ASEA nired thee withdrwi fron, tho ZAMCO grop. Other frms am ager to take the piae of ASEA in the eoo tiom oach a. Egalýh Eletri hut all wiii roa thoe ik tt bre-nhi.g anetton. In the eeOf firn team Oeh oien a, Seoth Atf-, o LAST MONTH'S agreemnt tol the ,Cabora Bassa dam consteuction reached by the Portugese Government and a consortium of international firns, coincided signif'cantly with the fifth anniversary of the launchingwww.nuance.com of armed guerilla fightng against Portugese rite in Mozambique, by the Liberation Front -FRELIMO. The anniersary was marked in London with a poetry reading. Here Polly Gastei, secretary of the Committee for Liberation in Mozambique, aessesws FRELIMO 'S ogress inPDF this Create! 5 Trial war and describes Portuga's counter efforts. IN THE PAST year the FRELIMO armybs gon to ov.r 10,000 trahled and equlppod men, and thelr impact on the Purtuguo_ administration and 70,00)-strong ,ooe..ipt army has been correspondingty geefit. FRELIMO units have Ipenetratod the peovinte ef Zambezi, and have in reent mantha been inilitarily 0ative thera. In the vtal etrategi aroa 01 Tåta, alte of tho propo-ed Cara dam FRELIMO actions hOve ,p .ad throughout the province. This militaey front wae re-opened by FRELIMO in eeiy 1968; eince then Portugaene. units have hean tranoferred thee team .Nia.N pe......, Tota Regional hospital has ben e0nverted into a milltary hospita, and tho noumber of SouthAlern topraan top....l fot Jfi. uppuartingtroop.hn- he a1gnonted from ono battaion to thre <it is o seret in South Aflon that' mny young men eve part of their conaariptiou galning 'practieal ountergorerilia enpeeince' in Monontbique. A ne miiltnry taceto blas am been put Jnt prntica. with the use of iarger numoe mao to mount ustltaad operations n0inut Portugoeteeld tmn- Tho ndnii ýtroti- IOalsin uf the two noethern provinte. Viia Cafbral end Moeda, havo h t r ha - andar k ak nd Portu8' rmy jn Moamhibue annunced ene at ie ]hhhea caauaIty tig~ae~ fer some time darejg AugUnn (18 mao hilud). .1i1et a. ta on othur fortified posite, th mhtncd artileey and infantry har Soned the ahandomen t f several. Manyef the polo are re-oceupted aflru short iteered bu then tattaked agaht them engtlrneia are 000 only aa advane an tho -11,it Iht-aod-1ua mbuah tactics bu no, than 1m weapoa m',e anpiered, 18 hoxo o£ Oenrtt0l, 16 maganea,- nd a quSntity Of lothung hianh , dOh oaS Thero are ocoassinai astbnks. Under Prim Minister Mareell Caetana, Portugai has int nfled ilts war effort, and has also porsued an anérgete propaganda a-, pign on tho international ve. Nobody ehulad hafooled by tho lietanö image no 'moa moder' or 'mora liberal': ena of the fst resutlt 0f thi. oampaign mao nmmed up efter an October Wa8 General Meetig ef NATO with the wordu 'The Overes Provineo oan count ou the NATO forer'. D~ae'O de Moembiqo 19.10.6& Portugal hes ased everything she hn. psyholagioal warfare, bribery, intlimdaion, increased arrest of uspected' FRELIMO sympathise, Iereased bombing 0f the iiherated areas with napalm lnOuding tho dostruetian 9f orope, indilsriminota rnid on the tviIan population mounted from French heliopter , the hording of peopilta 'protced vil e e. ,me Of thee boohniqen hava aused damag to the frede trggie hut the peopio ae geueailyprepared hoth polti~iy end praet'caily for verything Thle ana mtllion pooplu who leve an FRELIMOarea amn n., going to eehjoi, prattising better methode of cultivatian etatlg up o-operatives and mail-eal home industris, onounig that FRELIMO will protet them as far a poasible. In 0068 for avery to eaudo epent on governmMent eroicas, the Purtuguesa gvernmeat upent ana ened. ftor mllitary purposes - nerly 50 par cent nf Portognin total budget Tnoes were raisd by tt per C-t. Irer 1969 the inatiT extraordinary budget aliocation for delfoce h.. inoreneed hy 13 per ent 000r 196S; 1a preceding ynear the initial aiiaoation h-a a1may. fnally been at least doubled. It le ciene that withot support frnom NATO -Illie Portugal wold nom fld it bmpossible to continue her soleni are in ,Mozambque, Angoa and GuiES. IMAM DIES INSIDE My prison l'fe: by Dave Ernst - age 3 Guide to the Freedom Movements - pages 4 & 5 Book reviews - pRge 7 Sport - page 8 THE NUMBER OF POLITICAL DETAINEES i SuJth Aein, to die whie in detenlion he isen to Il The latent violin i. Imn AbdulIla Harnum, ahcis af "SemNaew whoms Tound dead" in da Cape T.n mli on Septe 27. Hanun aged 41, le take inte eusody m www.nuance.com Mayfolleoing a ~ecurity bnnch enid on the .Moikcn Nae' pramn. The potlc ai1m detamned about 40 other South Afejcans, of all rams, at the same time, .a.dg them of tkng part in 'suteiee' mctiime. Around 30 of thean in naltody - including Mu vn, Medldoi ~ will eppam in cmn int Novembt An hoh ufpeotingPDF the nims ot the AfCreate!-anNatinalConIeg Th m~ tenmo. 5 Trial - inuding Beiton Philip Gldig - me enpctoed te appmea ,atte wilnonun. The mspiiom of Haouo's fends wae rst wou~d whe tIey wae trned away from the Mailimat pelice ell on the mouming of Septembe 27. The police told them that Haeoum weeld be ~biob to nopt ln tfood they had hrougti to, hi, At 7.30 p.m securlty poliea ~ Harerolum's Section 10 THE VORSTER REGIME In preparing to destroy the last right, of Afihns to lve in Whit, urban aireas Tho pront law (..0 t no Africanmay oy an Urban area for mornthan 72houmunless he has (a) continuously resided therm since birth, or (b) has worked in that area for one mployer for at least ten yeart, or (.) hqs lived lawfully, mn that are. for at least fSetro yar 'l'ero , provisions are inoerpoyated in S etidten of the Bantu (Urban Areon) Art, to em7- of then last re"aInln guarantees of Security for the urban African worker would have the effect of turming the entire African population of Sooth Afrioa Into a pool of migrant labour Plet Koornhof, Deputy Minister for 'Bantu Administration and Development' stated in the South African Parliament: ' Let me empase- that we think Setlon ten is an obstacle in relatlon the exertion of our policy of separate development' Mozambique Day SiPTMBER 25 was Moarmbirique Day. In a special leaflet issued for the ocasion, FRELIMO stated: 'Our life is the war. A war that started five years ago, en Septemher 25. A non aimed at destroying Portu'es colonialism, at restoring to our people (oe freedom and dignity, at building . new society free from exploltation, at establlshing a truly democratic government in our country. 'For Us, war means peace, a freedom we never knew before. At the beginning only a few of Us Imagined and tasted that freedom. Now we are many, we are more than a million, We Monambetms oelebrate September 25 an the day our freedom hogan'. 'Po Comomeorate Mozambique Day, tho Committee for Freedom in Mozambique held an event in London, with poetry from Afrian freedom fighters in the Portuguese coonie, with film frem Moesmbique and !ith PI aIy perford by micoero of 111 A E-CE - REPORT, Anesty Interealenal stated that most of the inhabitants of Suthern Afrien, nelud°ig Rhodesin and the Portuguee colonies, had been reduced to silence, or had been compelled to begin uooising 'rebellion against the tyranny and oppression of which they ar the vietico'. The situation of the political prisoners in Southern Africa was strongly critiolsed. Namibia Day THE LAST ISSUE of Andi.Apartheid News nel to pIes too early to repeet tho eulessfel _ommemoeation of Nambia Dayen ,Auge 26. Over 70 people responded to a call from the AAM and the represenitlve in London of the South Sit African Peoples Organization, Peter Kaijaviva, to picket South Africa ooem, They expressed their -olidaiiy with the SWAPO armed stsgle, nd thoe pieteet at the sentences ecenitly passed on SWAPO feedom fighters.
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