10 THE 3IORMXG OREGONIAX, 3IOXD AY, JANUARY 13, 1919. result in their football same last sea- son. defeated Columbia, 7 Franklin - PLAY INVITATIONS ISSUED to S. franklin registering- their final IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES BY BRIGGS. THREECUSHIOI. score in the last few seconds of the Came after a disputed play. OLD PAY MOU) FOR A AOICS. The basketball teams of both schools nve - -- THE LlTTLe 1 are composed of men who played on WELL i MOTHER Beueve l vajeeK HA.PPY LITTLE PfiOVIAIG FOR ARMY OLYMPIC BE LUCKY To HOLD MY ChecTk eveRY EVerJlNiG- - IrMJOY IS POPOLflR the respective football teams. Thomas. DA 15 OVER AMD LOOi-C- S AMD Shryder Reynolds, the J08 D0AJM The RcS"T SETTeR (F VAJHILS and three of I STILL HnG ON I HOPE Quaker gridiron mainstays, are on the OF "THE. VU'0Tt p? SETT6R 7h6 Y( MAY - Franklin quintet, while at Columbia To'ths olt job J63 WILL HKLtO Jacobberger, Sweeney, Driscoll and Mc-Kl- el LAST 'Till who played on the prep school's Twenty-on- e Allied Nations football aggregation are now on the Annual Handicap Tournament basketball five. AT LEAST Asked to Participate. Draws Large Crowds. ItSO CUP RACE IS CERTAIN Sir Thomas Lipton Accepts Later FRANCE APPROVES MEET DUlc, and Will Visit Here. FORTY-THRE- E ARE ENTERED LONDON. Jan. 12. (Special Cable.) Xltrnl lo Bo Staged in Paris in Maj- TOM MO.VKS NOMINATED FOR , George Hart Runs 35 Billiards In 4 7 or June Under Direction REFEREE. Innings Title Match Being PORTLAND. Or.. Jan. 12. of Americans. (Sporting Editor. The Orego-- a Arranged. nian.) I noticed Tom Monks' letter In The Sunday Oregonian In which he criticises the deel- - -- Stanley M a 1. mam- sions of Jack Grant and J r.RIS. Saturday. Jan. A MacDonald at the last boxing The popularity of the three-cushio- n moth military Olympic meet to be held smoker. billiard game was clearly demonstrated In Paris In May or June, under the I do not know Grant or Mac-- in the first week of the first annual of the American Army, for XoU LOOK three-cushio- n Donald, nor do I always agree MALCOLM IW'T Voo Go R6ht itJ To The You KisJOwJ VAJSLL I HAT'LL handicap billiard tourna fighting X-IS- "athletes from nil the allied with their decisions. Neither VueLL-- - DOMT TRSnT MANAGERS OFFlCe AMD TCLL. Brinjs TojY seMC3sr- - ment on at the Rialto Billiard Parlors. force. t projected In plans announced my old 'cm TneiR ig have I agreed with friend Y0l RIGHT AT TH'Vr OFFICf HIM Y0U JAOT MORE PAY Pershing, who Is taK-l.-- J ThY ouo A LOT To YOO Despite the "flu" scare and the "fire- toiay. General George Siler or Eddie Smith in AOD BETTER HOURS o - - a keen Interest in the plans. Is send-in- s many of their decisions years AMD TriSY KhJOAJ IT- side" weather, capacity crowds turned a personal letter to the comman-iers-in-chi- ef ago. You Quit! J out to each nights matches and were Na- but after reading Mr. Monks' of the armies of all letter I am firmly convinced that treated to some real three-cushio- n tions with whom the I'nited States nas 4 games, me rest or play is on par in- as long as he is eo well versed n been associated during the war. Jn the fight (tire and can criti- 4 with the past week's, the billiard fans viting the officers and men to partici- cise referees' decisions so keenly. are in for some great games in the pate. I for one nominate Mr. Monks as coming matches of the tournament. Twenty-on- e allied countries will be one of the referees for the next When the time came for the first ked to take part, and ll is planned match last Monday night 43 surpasa any smoker. Why send out of town, cueists that the frames mill other ss Mr. Uonks suggests, when we were on Manager Harry Green's entry athletic competition ever conducted in have so capable a judge of fisti- - list and were divided into three classes, the history of sports. The games will according to their ability. entirely by American ana right here in our midst? l.e financed the 'Who'll second the nomination of The feature of the week's play was Army, in with the welfare the performance of George Hart, now operating It. Mr. Monks? who acencies with (Signed.) FIGHT FAN. ran 35 billiards in 47 innings against The French government and the C. W. Peterson Friday night. Thirty-fiv- e French army have given their approval billiards in 47 innings is cham- f the plan and have promised their pionship form, con- hearty and if Hart can Lipton accepted tinue that pace he will be a hard man latltatl.a M laaneal. Sir Thomas has the to beat by the best of them. New Tork Tacht Club's suggestion that Manager Green, General Pershing's letter of Invita challenge for the America's of the Rialto Billiard. tion to the French army, which Is iden- his latest Parlors, already has began to figure on cup for of races Hart-Cond- should call a series a three-cushio- n tical mith those sent to the comman- being sailed in 1920 and not year. match for the ders of other armies, follow?: this championship of the city a He New Tork in the near m "The men of the Amer will visit i. it i I soon as the present tournament is over. officers and future, sailing from England, late this 111 ican expeditionary forces, helntt keenly month or early In February, to Inspect 7 Condon won the championship of appreciative of the plendid relations his Shamrock IV, and decide for him- Portland the first part of last year which exist among those who have self whether she is in condition to he defeated Si Sanders, winning borne arms in the great common cause serve as a challenger or whether it will at the same time a trophy emblematic and which in the present instance have be necessary for him to build a new of the title. The championship cup has o happily developed Into such deep yacht. to be won three times before it be feelings of mutual respect and admira- comes the permanent property of any tion, are most anxious to preserve and CLATSKANIE DEFEATS RAINIER player. Condon won his first leg on Mrenftthen this relationship In every t when he defeated Sanders. Later In way possible. i the season Condon defended his titlo "Now that active military operations Score of 25 lo 10 Recorded in Fast CATHEY IEDS IN SHOOT TWO OFF OREGON SQUAD and the cup, and ,won again, securing have ceased they believe that nothing MODEST EVERETT SCOTT RATED two notches on the trophy. ould be more conducive to this end Basketball Contest. The time is now rolling near for the than to cither in friendly competition CLATSKANIE. Or., Jan. 12. (Spe city championship battle and without on the field of sport representatives of cial.) The Clatskanie High School FIRST ROCS D OP DIRECTORS' AS GREAT BASEBALL PLAYER BASKETBALL TEAM HANDI doubt Hart will be the man to take the armifs of each of the nations which basketball team, playing In mldseason on Condon. If the latter succeeds inr have so lorg been associated together form, trimmed Rainier High last night CUP EVENT DISPOSED OF. CAPPE BV DOCTOR'S ORDERS. defeating Hart when they meet, he in the strucsle for right. on the latter's floor. 25 to 10. American League Boasts Least Talked About Star in Major Baseball, but will become the permanent holder of "Accordingly, they have decided to game by the trophy. inter-allie- The was marked brilliant He Can Be Relied Upon in Pinches Does Not Play to Grandstand. organize an d athletic meet- playing on both sides, but the excel- Everding, Hololian and Kcllar Are Dow Wilson, Last Year's Guard, May Joe McClusky is also playing a sen ing, to be held in the Coloinbes Stadium. was too game, ran 30 points in 69 Paris, during the month of May or lent teamwork of Clatskanie Tied for Second Place; Spe Be Barred When Given Phys- sational and much for Rainier, and they clearly out BT BILLY EVANS. tha,t club. Now, "Dutch' no innings Thursday night when he de- June. in which officers and men Leonard is 3 1JI. left-hand- J. Warren, 30 to 6. be eligible classed their opponents. cial Events Shot. ballplayers are not necessarily ordinary He is rated as one ical Examination. feated of all these armies shall to "Ex-Gob- ." The scoring highest run take part. Fred Baird. the fighting who recerve most pub of the star southpaws. Ordinarily it honor of the was in the limelight for Clatskanie as those the worry oppos- up to date in the tournament goes to S'licity. To break constantly into doesn't Leonard if all the ladivialaal Prlsea Provided. was his lanky brother Phil, the pair Dr. Collie F. Cathey won the first ing hitters are right-hander- s, but on UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. G. Miles, who ran six straight billiards As commander-in-chie- f of the Amer winning three-fourt- of the winners' round on the' directors' cup shoot, PSint, one, of course, must be a trifle this occasion he showed some concern, Jan. 12. With the season's basketball Wednesday night, although he lost his ican expeditionary forces, I have the hon- points, while Uulker and Miller showed which was held yesterday at Everding out of the ordinary.
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