THE ARIZONA POST Friday, March 3, 1961 Page Ten Remodeling Job Hollywood Report Completed At Round the Town Sands Hotel Grim Eichmann Tale l!lllll>lllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllillllllllll|llll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllll, A $750,000 remodeling job and so forth. He’s one of our THE BEAUTIFUL name- which includes construction most talented artisans . of a new terrace dining Will Be Filmed Soon plate atop THE ARIZONA room fashion section SEN. DAVID WINE was has been completed at the By HERBERT LUFT POST’S new elected chairman of the Pima G. was designed and drawn by Sands Hotel, 222 S. Freeway, SLAVIN, longtime County Democratic Central Mrs. Dorothy HOLLYWOOD—AdoIf Eichmann will be portrayed in a MORRIS In close race announces Tucson Committee. a Fowler, manager. Hollywood movie by Werner Klemperer, the Cologne-bom commercial artist in ardent doing free-lance he defeated another The terrace room will seat performer son Klemperer fled who is now political worker, DAVID N. and of conductor Otto who work and specializing in silk- 48 and is in addition to the Germany at the advent of nazism. We understand that the GINSBURG . screening posters, cards 52 - seat dining room. Two of • • • role originally was offered by Producers Samuel Bischoff banquet rooms can seat a STAND BACK, fellas. A and David Diamond to Joseph Schildkraut and declined total of 150 persons or can new of while the latter was portraying father of member the Tucson be divided for 100-seat rooms. the Arnold Roth- Department Jr / WESTERNER Police is MRS. cocktail lounge has stein in “The Big Bankroll.” MAURICE MARGOLIS. For The been enlarged and the coffee “Operation • many years Helen spearhead- Rudolf Heiss will be enacted in the Eich- Dining Room SAM RUBEN shop Leslie J. ed the Armed Services Com- remodeled. mann” movie by John Banner, a Jewish actor from Austria • Shop El Rio’s New Manager Newton, Tucson and Phoenix ..... Coffee mittee of the Tucson Jewish . who had escaped to Switzer- restaurateur known for fam- • Community Council. F land the Anschluss scoutmaster, Lt. Colonel ous prime ribs, leases the after And talk about the armed while his parents . ipl were Our new Banquet Room George Wycoff . food and beverage operation. f forces CHAPLAIN NEIL • • • He recently membership Wr murdered in Auschwitz on serv- won with complete private BRIEF of Ft. Huachuca at- NATHAN HANDMACHER in the Hall of Fame, the yPwf orders of commander Heiss ing facilities is available for tended the third biennial was presented with a life restaurant industry’s highest whom he is now portray- Private Parties and group western area meeting of the membership plaque by the recognition. Union of American Hebrew Temple Men’s Club. luncheons and Mr. 0 A ex- dinners. grim Congregations And non- Handmacher is a life member section of the Jewish scouts of Fort Hua- of the Jewish Chautauqua termination center is being 39 recently hon- re-created by art director Reservations: chuca Troop Society . New Flowerland MA 3-4761 ored one of their troop, HOW- MRS. A. COOPERMAN of Rudi Feld from photostatic ARD KOHNSTAMM, by at- St. Paul, Minn., is here vis- Branch Opened copies of the original blue- Coffee Shop Open: tending Jewish services at iting her children, MR. AND Daniel J. Cavicchioni, own- Herbert Lust prints, including a gas chapel. The scouts Nursery the base MRS. JOHN COOPERMAN er of Flowerland chamber, the barracks and part of the Auschwitz prison a.m. were accompanied by their . shop, announces 8 to 8 p.m. MR. AND MRS. WIL- and Flower yard, with the sets for “Operation Eichmann” covering four LIAM re- the opening of his new GITTLEMAN have sound stages at Hal Roach studios in Culver City where turned from Babylon, L.1., branch shop at 6172 E. Spee 1- the SOMCTHING OF SOUIHFRN ITALY N. to January Y., to spend the winter in way in the Monterey Shop- “thriller” was scheduled roll 12th for Allied CN NORTH FOURTH... release. Tucson. They are staying at ping Center. Artists over . Cavicchioni took 723 N. Plumer . Mr. Designer Feld, a brother of actor Fritz Feld,, formerly • • • Flowerland last ~ The original with Ufa in Berlin, went to Palestine during the time of the WESTERNER A ARIZONA S GLDESI ANO September and since that FINEST ITALIAN RESTAURANT When the airlines strike Hitler regime. Ironically enough, his family, too, was liqui- STONE AT BROADWAY kept time has completely remod- Israel AMBASSADOR dated in the very same extermination center he is now 434 N. 4th AVE MA. ?-965/ MICHAEL eled his facilities and is now re- COMAY from producing on the motion picture stage, as he reveals to coming here speak at in the process of putting in to the JTA today. Sunday Evening Forum, Rab- a modern glass greenhouse bi Philip Bernstein served as and a new patio shop which A movie about the former head of the Bureau of Jewish emphasize patio and pinch-hitter. The visiting rab- will Affairs in the Nazi German Government has been written by furniture. bi told the Forum that he be- outdoor English author Lewis Copley, long a resident of Israel. It '' lieves will execute Mr. Cavicchioni has been Israel not will concern itself mainly with the 15-year manhunt which Adolph . .. in the florist and nursery Eichmann led through Italy, Spain, and the East to culminate DAVID A. BLOOM was se- business since 1937 and is the Middle with capture by lected as speaker at the 43rd third generation of florist the of Eichmann Israel agents in the Argen- annual convention of the Na- and nursery men. tine last May. What actually went on in the minds of the tional Assn, of Retail Clothi- Flowerland employs 16 and Colonel and his fellow conspirators of Nazi Germany, no * ers and in Chica- specializes in weddings, cor- one will know before the trial starts in Jerusalem this ' Furnishers in- go . sages, designs, But last week . funeral spring. the movie makers have, nevertheless, decided • • • door planters, both artificial to make the “cloak-and-dagger” yarn ahead of the hearings green. also has ... MR. AND MRS. CARLOS and living It to time the release of the film with the first court appear- —s s ZIMBALIST of a complete nursery stock of |ggll|l Buenos Aires ance of the man charged with complicity in the mass murder I COCKTAIL with his sister, trees, outdoor and indoor Ii visited MRS. of millions of Jews. Ii LOUNGE ARTHUR ARM, last month. plants, insecticides, and plant This was the first time they foods. The Germans themselves are delighted about the pros- married | Having a Party? | had seen each other in 26 Mr. Cavicchioni is pect of having one person persecuted and convicted for years . to a Tucson girl, the former crimes that are so heavily on their conscience. I was in RUBEN, Gradillas, and has Reception? SAM president of Estella G. Mannheim when the news about Eichmann’s capture broke Wedding H & R Hotel four children, two in public and Restaurant in the German press. Everyone then commented that, at last, Supply, is the new general school and one at tne Jewish the “mass murderer” has been caught, the one Banquet? E manager at El Rio Golf and Community Center. and only the Germans now Country Club. The long-time o make responsible for the policy of genocide. CALL US! resident of Tucson is married WEST BERLIN Mayor No wonder that even in Germany, Col. Adolf Eichmann has S m lo the former Adeline Browns Willy Brandt says West Ger- become a favorite subject for magazine stories, newspaper m j» of a articles and books these days. An “Eichmann picture” Enjoy Be Entertained By Tucson. El Rio CC is now man cities have purchased is now a to of Comedian on drive up its member- million dollars worth Is- being announced by Arthur Brauner, formerly a Polish-Jew- Newton’S ship total. rael bonds. ish D. P. and now West Germany’s largest independent film Famous WILD BILL producer. Brauner who heads Central Cinema Corp. of Ber-. lin bought his PRIME RIBS MOSES : story from Meyer Levin who is also writing PAUL KAHN the screen play. in the relaxing aimo*phere a! the Organ in the Account Executive JB jr Another of our Dining Room Cocktail Room project, “The Life of Adolf Hitler,” is being ¦ Walston & Co., Inc. completed M ¦¦ from documentary footage by Koppel ¦I 1 Walter of Members New York Stock Exchange Real Film, Hamburg, as British producer-director ¦ FREEWAY at W. Congress MA 2-7764 Z Arizona Land Title Bldg. Paul Ro- MA 2-3551 ..WHr tha (non-Jewish) who guides the venture writes to this columnist. There are several other pictures dealing with the Third Reich in the offering in Hollywood. Stanley Kramer is going TIRE SALE! ahead with his feature film on “The Nuremberg Trial” based on last year’s television epic, while MGM announced the pur- chase of screen rights to William L. Shirer’s “The Rise and PRICES FOR 4 TIRES: Fall of the Third Reich.” Tubeless Black Firestone Nylon “500” REGULAR PRICE OUR PRICE ELECT AN Temple Sisterhood 670 x 15 $122.40 $ 88.00 The Sisterhood of Temple 750 x 14 $122.40 $ 88.00 EXPERIENCED Emanu-El will hear a talk by DEMOCRAT Mrs. Don Hummel on “Chris- Tubeless White Firestone Nylon “500” tian Views on Progress in Israel” at a 7 670 x 15 $148.40 $102.00 March meeting Harold A. (Porque) at the Temple at 1 p.m. A x 14 $148.40 $102.00 750 snack luncheon will precede 800 x 14 $162.40 SIIO.OO the meeting.
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