scientia, -ae, f., knowledge, science. S scindo, -ere, scidi, scissus, tear, split, rend. scio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, know, know how, saccus, -i, m., sack, bag, money bag. perceive. sacer, -cra, -crum, adj., consecrated, sacred. scribo, -ere, scripsi, scriptus, write, sacerdos, -dotis, m./f., priest, priestess. communicate. sacrificium, -i, n., sacrifice. sculptilis, -e, adj., carved, sculptured. sacrifico, -are, -avi, -atus, sacrifice. scutatus, -a, -um, adj., armed with a shield. saepe, adv., often; saepe numero, oftentimes, scutum, -i, n., shield. repeatedly. se, sese, see sui. saepes, -is, f., hedge. secedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessurus, go apart, saevus, -a, -um, adj., raging, fierce, savage, withdraw, secede. cruel. secerno, -ere, -crevi, -cretus, separate, sagitta, -ae, f., arrow. distinguish, discern. saltus, -us, m., mountain pass, ravine, glade, secreto, adv., secretly, privately. dale. secretus, -a, -um, adj., hidden, secret. salus, -utis, f., health, welfare, safety. sectio, -onis, f., cutting, booty, lot. saluto, -are, -avi, -atus, greet, hail, salute. secundum, prep.+ acc., next to, according to. Salve, imperative of salvere (be well), Hail! secundus, -a, -um, adj., next, propitious, Good day! Welcome! favorable, following, second. salvus, -a, -um, adj., well, sound, safe. secus, adv., otherwise, not so. sancio, -ire, sanxi, sanctus, render sacred, ratify. sed, conj., but, yet, but yet. sanctifico, -are, -avi, -atus, sanctify. sedecim, adj., indecl., sixteen. sanctus, -a, -um, adj., sacred, solemn. sedeo, -ere, -sedi, sessurus, sit, be encamped, sanguis, -inis, m., blood, bloodshed. settle. sanitas, -tatis, f., soundness of mind, good sense. sedes, -is, f., seat, chair, throne, habitation. sanus, -a, -um, adj., sound, healthy, sane. seditiosus, -a, -um, adj., seditious, treasonable. sapiens, -entis, adj., wise, discreet; noun, m., seges, -etis, f., field of corn, grain, crop. man of wisdom, sage. segrego, -are, -avi, -atus, remove, sapienter, adv., wisely. separate. sapientia, -ae, f., wisdom. semel, adv., once. sapio, -ere, -ivi, —, taste, be sensible, semen, -inis, n., seed. understand. sementis, -is, f., sowing, seeding. sarcinae, -arum, f./pl., baggage, pack that each semino, -are, -avi, -atus, sow, plant, produce. soldier carried. semita, -ae, f., path. satis, adj., indecl., enough, sufficient, suitable; semper, adv., always. adv., enough, sufficiently. senator, -oris, m., senator. satisfacio, -ere, -feci, -facturus, satisfy, content, senatus, -us, m., council of elders, senate. placate. senectus, -utis, f., old age. satisfactio, -onis, f., amends, reparation, senex, senis, adj., old; noun, m., old man. satisfaction, apology. sententia, -ae, f., opinion, judgment, saying, saturo, -are, -avi, -atus, satisfy, fill. sentence; sententiam dicere, express an saucius, -a, -um, adj., wounded. opinion. saxum, -i, n., stone, rock. sentio, -ire, sensi, sensus, perceive, feel, think, scando, -ere, scandi, scansus, climb, mount. know. scapha, -ae, f., light boat, skiff. separatim, adv., separately, apart. sceleratus, -a, -um, adj., impious, criminal; separo, -are, -avi, -atus, separate, divide. sceleratus, -i, m., criminal. sepelio, -ire, -ivi, -pultus, bury. scelero, -are, -avi, -atus, desecrate, pollute. septem, adj., indecl., seven. scelus, -eris, n., wicked deed, crime, sin. septentrio, -onis, m., the Great Bear or sceptrum, -i, n., sceptre, rule, sway. the Little Bear constellation; the north. schola, -ae, f., school. septimus, -a, -um, adj., seventh. septingenti, -ae, -a, adj., indecl., seven simplex, —plicis, adj., single, simple. hundred. simpliciter, adv., plainly, simply. sepulcrum, -i, n., burial place, tomb. simul, adv., at the same time, at once, together; sepultura, -ae, f., burial, funeral. temporal conj., simul atque (ac), as soon as. sequor, -i, secutus sum, follow, attend, pursue, simulacrum, -i, n., likeness, image, statue. comply with. simulatio, -onis, f., pretense, deceit. series, gen. and dat. not found, acc., -em, abl., simulo, -are, -avi, -atus, make like, imitate, -e, f., row, series. copy, simulate. sermo, -onis, m., speech, talk, conversation, simultas, -atis, f., rivalry, hatred. language, diction. sin, conj., if, however, but if. sero, adv., late. sine, prep.+ abl., without. sero, -ere, sevi, satus, sow, plant. singillatim, adv., one by one, individually. serpens, -entis, m., serpent, snake. singularis, -e, adj., one by one, single, serus, -a, -um, adj., late. singular. serva, -ae, f., (female) slave. singuli, -ae, -a, adj., one to each, one servilis, -e, adj., of slaves, servile. by one, one at a time, single, individual. servio, -ire, -ivi, -iturus, serve (+ dative). sinister, -tra, -trum, adj., left, on the left. servitus, -utis, f., slavery, servitude. sinistra, -ae, f., left (hand); sub sinistra, servo, -are, -avi, -atus, save, preserve, on the left. keep, guard. sinistrorsus, adv., to the left. servus, -i, m., slave, servant. sino, -ere, sivi, situs, allow, permit. sescenti, -ae, -a, adj., six hundred. sinus, -us, m., fold, gulf, bay. sese, emphatic acc. and abl. of sui. sitio, -ire, —, —, thirst, be thirsty, thirst for. setius, adv., less. sitis, -is, f., thirst. seu, see sive. situs, -us, m., location, site. severe, adv., seriously, gravely, severely. sive (seu), conj., or if; sive (seu)...sive (seu), if... severitas, -tatis, f., gravity, seriousness. or if, whether…or, either…or. severus, -a, -um, adj., serious, grave. socer, -eri, m., father-in-law. sex, adj., indecl., six. societas, -tatis, f., society, alliance, sexaginta, adj., indecl., sixty. confederation. sextus, -a, -um, adj., sixth. socius, -i, m., companion, comrade, ally. sexus, -us, m., sex. sol, solis, m., the sun; solis occasus, sunset, si, conditional conj., if, whether; quod si, but if; sundown. si quis (quid), if anyone (anything). soleo, -ere, solitus sum, semidep., be wont, be sibi, see sui. accustomed. sic, adv., so, in this way, thus; ut sic, as. so; solitudo, -inis, f., wilderness, waste, solitude. sic ... ut, so ... that, just as. sollicito, -are, -avi, -atus, stir up, disturb, rouse, sicut, adv., just as, as, as if, as it were. solicit, tempt. sidus, -eris, n., constellation, star. solum, -i, n., lowest part, bottom, ground, soil. significatio, -onis, f., sign, signal. solum, adv., only; non…solum...sed etiam, not significo, -are, -avi, -atus, show, announce, only…but also. mean. solus, -a, -um, gen., solius, adj., alone, only, signo, -are, -avi, -atus, mark, mark with a seal, sole. indicate, sign. solvo, -ere, solvi, solutus, loose, pay, release, set signum, -i, n., mark, sign, military standard, free; navem solvere, set sail. ensign, signal, seal of a letter, statue, figure. somnus, -i, m., sleep, slumber. silentium, -i, n., silence. sonitus, -us, m., sound, noise, din. silva, -ae, f., wood, forest. sono, -are, -ui, -itus, sound, resound. similis, -e, adj., like, resembling, similar. sonus, -i, m., sound, noise. similiter (simile), adv., similarly. sordidus, -a, -um, adj., foul, filthy, unclean. similitudo, -inis, f., similarity, resemblance, soror, -oris, f., sister. similitude. sors, sortis, f., lot, fate, casting of lots. sortior, -iri, -itus sum, cast lots, select by lot. suaviter, adv., sweetly. spargo, -ere, sparsi, sparsus, strew, sprinkle, sub, prep.+ acc. (motion toward), under, scatter. towards, close to, until; prep.+ abl. spatium, -i, n., space, room, distance. (place where), under, beneath, at the foot of, species, -ei, f., aspect, appearance, show, during. sight; ad speciem, for show. subduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductus, lead up, spectaculum, -i, n., show, spectacle, exhibition, lead away, carry off, withdraw, draw up (of entertainment. ships). specto, -are, -avi, -atus, look at, watch, see, subeo, -ire, -ii (-lvi), -iturus, go under, consider, look toward. go up to, ascend, undergo, submit to. speculatorius, -a, -um, adj., spying, subigo, -ere, -egi, -actus, conquer, subjugate, scouting; speculatorium navigium, compel. spy boat. subito, adv., suddenly. spelunca, -ae, f., cave. subitus, -a, -um, adj., sudden, unexpected. spero, -are, -avi, -atus, hope, expect. subjectus, -a, -um, adj., lying near, subject to. spes, spei, f., hope, expectation. subjicio, -ere, -jeci, -jectus, throw from beneath, spiritus, -us, m., breathing, breath, breath of life, place near, expose, make subject. spirit, courage. sublevo, -are, -avi, -atus, lift up, assist, spiro, -are, -avi, -atus, breathe, blow. support, raise, raise up, lighten. splendidus, -a, -um, adj., shining, gleaming. sublimis, -e, adj., raised up, sublime. splendor, -oris, m., splendor. subluo, -ere, —, —, wash, flow at the foot spolio, -are, -avi, -atus, strip, rob, pillage, of. despoil. submergo, -ere, -mersi, -mersus, plunge under, spolium, -i, n., skin, hide; pl., booty, spoils. submerge, sink. sponsus, -i, m., bridegroom, spouse. subministro, -are, -avi, -atus, furnish, provide. sponte, abl. of obsolete word spons, of one’s submitto, -ere, -misi, -missus, send under, own will, of his (her, their) own accord. submit. stabilis, -e, adj., steady, stable, firm. submoveo, -ere, -movi, -motus, move from stabilitas, -tatis, f., steadiness, stability. under, drive back. stabulum, ii, n., stall, stable, standing place. subruo, -ere, -ui, -utus, undermine. statim, adv., immediately, at once. subsellium, -i, n., low bench, seat. statio, -onis, f., outpost, picket, guard, garrison. subsequor, -i, -secutus sum, follow up, follow statuo, -ere, -ui, -tutus, set, place, build, resolve, closely. determine, decide. subsidium, -i, n., reserve, resource, assistance, statura,
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