a- ’*■ . 'S' ;V5jf / ’ . 1; t ' ' . •. •-'\ j- ■ ■ U i - ^ I :•* — 1:45 to 6: 30p.m. Blbodmahile Center Church ■ *mir' ............................. ....... .. Armce Dally J^l Preas Run Tile: Weather Poreeaet of 0. 8. Weather Beidiar Far U«a'Week EMed _^' Jnae 7th. 1959 Considerable clondiaees, eeea- Rhmal showers, little riiange la tf'"’ 12,720 temperature tonight and Tneeday. Low tonight 55-M, high T ueeSay . Menber ef tiie Audit near 79. *. Bureaa of Oircnialtoa Mnriche*ter—nA City of Village ('.harm (Classified AdvertUiing on Page tS) VOL. LXXVII, NO. 2 tf (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAV. JUNE 9. 1958 PRICE FIVE CENTS H p M e Passes D e G a u lle BiU to Fin a nce B ruck er Against Cut M a y P ic k P a y for Jobless ^ WhBhington, June 9 (/P)— W ith recorti speed, the House S o u s t e l l e passed 'and sent to the Senate today a bill appropri- Phris, June 9 ,(JP)— Premier ating 1665,700,000 to finance Charles de Gaulle called his the emergency unemployment cabinet into session today and compensation law Congress his office aaid he will appoint two sub-cabln^t officers to co- enacted la.st Wednesday. ordinate affairs in Algeria. The action by voice vote esme. after a brief explanation of the No Change The oA ct said one of the euh- measure and le.as than an hour eabinet officers would he, as previ- after the House Appropriations oualy announced, .a top-ranking Committee had recommended the civilian “administrator 'who win- allotment____ . In Situation 4er\'« as an aide to Gen. Raoul The amount approved includes Salan. 8649 million for additional pay- ‘The second post would be i n -- ments to unemployed insured Paris directly under D* Oatilje Tor Boost workers who have exhausted their himself, although not within <he beneflts. .The amount payable de- cabinet. >•-. pends on the terms of state pro- Washington, June 9 (/P)— TTvO- announcement of the sec- grams and Mill range as high as 15 . ond Algerian post coincided with weeks in sOyeral states. ! Secretary of the Army Bruck- \Herald of Early Winter? the news thalt Jacques Souatelle, Administtotive expenses account ! er said today he still feels ths the chief political flgure behind the for the balance of the allotment. Arm y needs a minimum of May 18 right wing revolt there, The committee ssM it had no | 900,000 mien, but he is bound w*aa on his way to Paris, do:ibf that the amount recom- by the decision of superiors The fact that Souatelle-waa not mended would be sufficient to included in-the De OaiiUe cabinet carry out the emergency program, not to resist a 30,000 cutback. Brucker teallfied before * Sen- list enraged the rightwingers since some states may not partlcl- backing the Algerian insurrection, f pste. The money advanced by the ate Appropriations subcommitt^ De Gaulle has never revealed any federal government Is repayable ' which is considering an tutaskoS plans for SoiisUlle. who was once by nsrtlcipating states. '$99 million to keep th* ^ r n ^ at his chief lieutenant in the French Its present strength. The-'inoney Under the new federal plan, or.e i National Assembly. state has signed up and another was tacked on the Dcttnae De- Soustelle’s arrivat in Paris Is • has set a date for starting pay- partment approprlaybna bill by ' certain tb touch dtl political fire- I ments. the House. works. Although the National As- Others are considering action Under questioning by Chairman^ sembly. is adjourned, the deputlw but still others Indiosted they Dennis C lu w z (D -N M ), Briickier'7' are still holding various irommtt- : need — or want — no part of the said thexArmy recommended to tee meetings and Soustelle ty to '■ federal ad^ances they could get Secretory of Defense McElroy last many of them what a caps'u. to now subject to .later reps.vment. :^ b e r an increase Ut Army angry bull. His flight to A lgiers' Some say no' extension is needed. anpower to 925,000. waa widely condemned in the aa- . Some are barred by constitutions! aembly and there was plenty of ■ or other orovision*. A t that time, Brucker said. th« Defense Department had tenta- sentiment to lift his parliamentary ■ Pennsylvania signed up for the immunity, as was done in the esse . program Friday, the first state to tively ordered a cutback to 850,- 000, but on appeal McElroy agreed of Corslcsn Deputy Psscsl An ighi^ : do so. New YorlH"lre?dy b*a set to fix the limit at 870,000 men. also a flgure in the revolt. ^ ‘ a June 28 date for the start of the Brucker said he and Gen. Max- extra payments, under a standby (Oonlimird well D. Taylor, Army chief of pn Pmgp fiPvPmf/ law passed by its lejflslatul-e even ... ........w. '. ..—- befo.'e Congress completed action, staff, "are Itound by the decision t Rhode Island votes In a referen- of our superiors." He added, ^ 1 dum tomorrow. Other action has ■We’ve done all in our power.” been or probably soon will be Japs ^Katge Chavez reminded Brucker that j taken in Michigan, Massachusetts, he could express an opinion with- ' Marylaod, Minnesota and Indiana. out hocking the decision. States have the right to accept Crowlev with Here's prdbl .lei acotoeta that rceidents in the Keency-Bldweh- Brucker theii told the Senator: *' ! or reject the federal advances. Fortland Sts. area weren't seeing things when they reported “I can say that we have seen These are designed to permit each -spotting a white robin winging hlahis way over backyards dnringSi.--- -nothing -since last' September to One” of” the ermera ‘■studies" esdws the stale to extend by 50 per cent the Death erf Jonei the last'' few'few weeksu-eeka One of the change the logic of our .request. On " ■ to;''the-* other. L" Ik..___ -It_ pays Jobless j tsu^ pln]|t-«y«d:red> atoipo. atand^^JKOudij'. aione, to-to< work'ers who have used the contrary, we see nimiy iitidfl* ’•IVhltey,'' or whatever hia frien d call him. has Jotoed' ■hla mother. ben^ts t6"worke to corroborate our judgment. Bin;- Tokyo, June # iF) Joseph P. up their rights. In more than hslf Crowley of New Haven. Cbim.. was and two other members of the family in a .search for a garden we are not here in any sense to dinner before returning to the as yet unl^aunl^aled nest. (Herald ■ the states, tjiis would mean an- In a bit of close conversation with his chief of indicted today for the death of^ other 13 weeks of payments. Secretary o f the Arm y Wilber Brucker upset the' decision of mir supe- hia brolherrin-iaw and partner,’ Photo by Ofiarai. Staff. Gen. Maxwell Taylor, before testl^ i a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing today riors.” Connecticut alread.v has extend- T. A. p. Jones Jr. I ed its payment period without fed- ■ in~VV«-shlngton. (A P Photofax). The subcommittee Is considering Tha indictment aCciised the bur- ' eral help, and Ohio and Illinois the biggest annual money bill, ly, 48-year-old ex-halfback bf heat- carrying $38>j billion of new mav follow this course. Michigan » -r , | ing Jones while under the Influ- is another possibility, depending l j | Y l f | t l A J l f t C K money to operate the nation’s military forces for tlie year that ence of-alcohoL.. ...... St eve n so n P r o p oses I'on what Its legislature decides. Crowley was charged specifical- I In many states special sessions dcmillan Urges begins Jul.v 1. It passed the House Thursday. ly with "inflicting bodily, injuriea iof the legislature will b» needed j'to make the new program effec- Local Strike^t Brucker, with Taylor M hia side, r e s u l t i n g in death," roughly equivalent to manslaughter in' ' live! But at least two governors said the opinion of all tha experts N e w M a rsh a ll P la n say they have no Intention of-trail- America. Closer Tie to U. S. in hia cltmmand is that 15 divisions Tokyo chief proiwyutor Kenjlro ing special sessions. Chrysler Corp* of at least 900,000 men ia the mini- Gov. J. Lindsay Almond Jr. of ■ Furukawa presented the Indict- mum defense requirement for ar I5ast Lansing, Mich., June 9 * igenda upon which nations Virginia and Gov. Leroy Collins of ? Detroit. Jrfne 9 i/Pi — The Unit- adequate army. ment to the Tokyo District Court. Indlanapnii.s, June 9 .i/Ti British.problems , under De Gaulle’s lead- Adlai E. Stevenson sa.vs new steps | I ed Auto Workers union checked a Under Japanese procedure th* McElroy last Friday aiaked toe i 1.1 it would take in. (ConMnurd on Page Seven) I threatoiied rank and file walkout Prime Minister Harold Macmillan indivisible; the Court sets a date for'trigl be- to regenerate the free world -join , rneasures to secure -sus- Senators to trim out an extra quar- at Chrysler Corp. as auto peace appealed yesterday (or clo.ser artificial bar- fore three Judges. There Is iib Jury. ! economy and a power equality, tained growDi, Joint negotiations I ter of f i billion voted by the House Trials normally extend over talks resumed today. , economic lies between his country- riers to the free flow of money and I agreement with Russia are needed I for a low tariff or free trade area, to prevent cutbacks in-the man- many months.
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