NEW JERSEY CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOUSING & NJNAHRO News REDEVELOPMENT OFFICIALS Volume 2, Issue 1 September 2012 Special points of interest: HUD Funding • Pg. 3 Madison HA wins award “DOING MORE WITH LESS” • Pg. 4 President’s Perspective The mantra of the federal Are the public housing pro- to deal with these reductions government to public housing gram and Housing Choice through one-shot budget gim- • Pg. 5 Summit Housing Authority authorities, for more than a Voucher programs failures and micks such as the “subsidy in the News decade, is that you “must do in need of elimination? In re- allocation adjustment.” Once • Pg. 6 Boonton Ceremony more with less.” Historically, cent years, Congress has not these one-shot gimmicks are funding for federal housing been providing adequate fund- exhausted, public housing op- • Pg. 7 Marion Sally Retires programs has been cyclical. ing for these programs which is erating subsidy will be at an all • Pg. 8 Middletown Housing Unfortunately, the industry has resulting in cuts in services and -time low which will lead to Authority-Energy Efficient been in a historically low fund- deferred maintenance. It ap- further cuts in staff, service ing cycle for an unusually long pears that the federal govern- and maintenance. • Pg. 9 2012 Scholarship Recipients period of time. It appears that ment cannot figure out whether While public housing au- • Pg. 10 Newark ED Testifies this pattern is part of an overall or not it wants to be in the sub- thorities continue to do more attempt to downsize and/or sidized housing business. with less funding, the time is • Pg. 11 Bayonne Summer Camp eliminate housing programs. The government continues approaching where some enti- • Pg. 12-16 Conference Agenda From Franklin Roosevelt to to fund subsidized housing ties may be forced to go out of Barack Obama, American programs while they determine business. There is not much • Pg. 17 Annual Retreat Photos Presidents and their HUD Sec- their funding priorities. This bi breathing room; PHA’s with • Pg. 18 –19 Golf Tournament info retaries have enjoyed cutting -polar approach to funding is 250 or more units maintain 4 ribbons on their version of causing budgetary nightmares months of operating expenses • Pg. 20 Hoboken’s 20/20 Plan subsidized housing. The theo- for public housing authorities. or $100,000.00 as a reserve ry behind these programs has HUD Secretary Donovan will and 6 months for PHA’s with • Pg. 21 NJNAHRO training Photos been simple: the private market have to identify ways to cut 249 units or less. An increase • Pg. 22 Passaic County Camp fails to provide housing for low HUD’s FY 2013 budget by 5 in the cost of utilities could Hope -income people, and thus gov- to 10 percent. These cuts are a wipe out these reserve levels. • Pg. 23 Bollinger Scholar ernment subsidies are needed result of the Budget Control to fill the gap. Act of 2011 (the debt ceiling • Pg. 23 Cliffside Park Expansion President Obama has stated increase agreement) which set • Pg. 24 Graziano Retirement that his administration would discretionary funding at $3 eliminate programs that have billion less than FY 2011 lev- • Pg. 25 Passaic Resident wins failed. The question remains: els. HUD has been attempting awards • Pg. 26 Jersey City “Sports Day” • Pg. 27 Cape May Independent NJNAHRO OFFICIALS MEET IN WASHINGTON, DC Living NAHRO conducted its annual grams and funding. The New legislative conference on March Jersey officials were organized 26th to 28th, 2012 in Washing- into delegations that were di- ton, DC. The annual conference rected to meet with their Sena- is attended by Housing and tors and Representatives. The Community Development offi- delegations discussed their con- cials from across the country. cerns and voiced their opinions Officials convene in Washington on a host of legislative proposals in order to hear the latest legisla- affecting the Housing and Com- tive issues affecting their pro munity Development industry. Congressman Rodney Frelingheusen meets . with New Jersey Public Housing Officials. Page 2 NJNAHRO News Pictures from the 2011 Annual NJNAHRO Conference & Trade Show . NJNAHRO Annual Conference & Trade Show November 14th-16th, 2012 Resorts Casino Hotel Atlantic City, New Jersey Conference agenda & Registration are included on Page 12-16 Registration form is on Page 18 DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO NETWORK WITH OTHER NEW JERSEY PHAs! WORKSHOPS & SESSIONS WILL ADDRESS THE LATEST ISSUES FACING NEW JERSEY PHAs! Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 3 MADISON SENIOR HOUSING WINS INNOVATION AWARD The Madison Affordable Housing Authority purchased quirements of the State of New Housing Corporation’s Barbara the building from the Borough Jersey’s Department of Com- W. Valk Firehouse Apartments in October 2009. The munici- munity Affairs. at 24 Central Avenue in Madi- pal government waived all per- In addition, the develop- son received the prestigious In- mit and other fees. Ground was ment provides the residents with novative Program award from broken in 2009 and the project workshops and access to a so- the Morris County Chamber of was completed in 2011. The cial worker to assist them when Commerce. It was presented to spirit of the old 1903 firehouse necessary. Louis A. Riccio, Executive Di- that was the original building on Louis A. Riccio, Execu- rector at their 2012 Not-For the site is reflected in the de- tive Director of the Madison Profit Conference. sign, complete with turret. Housing Authority accepted the The award was given for Replacing the former dilapi- honor on behalf of the Board of “successful execution of an in- dated structure is a new four- Commissioners, noting the novative and successful pro- story apartment building with Board’s dedication and perse- gram that increases the effec- an elevator. The 122 units are verance were unwavering tiveness of the organization’s reserved for very low income throughout the entire process. missions.” senior citizens, with a targeted He added that “without the co- The Firehouse Apart- percentage of the units for the operation and support of Madi- ments development began in formerly homeless. son’s elected officials, the Fire- late 2009 with the demolition of Its location near the cen- house Apartments would never a vacant three story former fire- ter of the downtown business have become a reality and house on Central Avenue and district just one block off Main twelve needy seniors would not Cook Avenue. Subsequently Street is designed to promote have found a suitable place to used but vacated by the Madi- mobility, self-reliance and self- reside.” son Health Department, the sufficiency for the senior resi- building had been altered over dents. the years and had no historical The project is also significance. The Madison Af- “green” with durable finishes fordable Housing Corporation and energy-efficient appliances in cooperation with the Madison and meets all of the “green” re- Page 4 NJNAHRO News PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Welcome to the second annual edition of the newsletter for the New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NJNAHRO). Too often, the public does not realize the successes and inno- vations agencies throughout the State of New Jersey have achieved in their communities towards providing afforda- ble housing and programs to needy families. This news- letter gives us an opportunity to highlight some of the positive and vital work that our members are doing in communities and towns where they manage over 100,000 units of affordable housing throughout the State of New Jersey. President John Clarke Our members work to ensure that safe, quality af- fordable housing opportunities exist for New Jersey’s low-income families. We also work to break the generational cycle of poverty by serving as a catalyst for our resi- dents to become economically self-sufficient and we create meaningful partnerships to maximize available community resources for our residents. I hope you find this newsletter to be positive, informative and indicative of the good work our members are doing each day as they provide and maintain affordable housing throughout the State. The newsletter contains numerous examples of this excellent work. On behalf of NJNAHRO, I would also like to congratulate the three outstanding young people that were recipients of our 2012 scholarships. These individuals are featured on page 9 of the newsletter. If you have any questions or comments on this newsletter, please feel free to email the Service Officer, William Snyder at [email protected] Sincerely, John Clarke President, NJNAHRO Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 5 SUMMIT HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE NEWS After Martin Luther King’s assassination in Gallo, former Executive Director of the Summit 1968, our nation was in turmoil. Cities across the Housing Authority, who spoke from the heart as he country were in flames. Some of the burned out recounted the origins of the Housing Authority and buildings can still be seen in Newark and cities as related the inspirational history of Glenwood Place near as Plainfield had erupted in violence. In Sum- and how it all came to be. mit however, it was a different story. Beginning in Lou Riccio, the current Executive Director, 1967 a few caring residents, lead by the late Ted Ol- remarked that Glenwood Place remains the corner- cott, understood that our cities needed to look within stone of Summit’s unique relationship with public and resolve the derisiveness that was fermenting. housing. Riccio stated that cities from around the With the inauguration of the Summit Housing Au- country have consulted with Summit’s housing au- thority, these few leaders saw the need to maintain a thority to learn about Summit’s success in not only decent standard of living for all Summit residents, stemming the tide of neighborhood decline but fig- regardless of race or income.
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