PLANTS THAT CAN POISON Compiled by: The San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society P.O. Box 712514, Santee, California 92072-2514 619-593-2123 www.sdturtle.org The purpose of this list is to make you aware of plants that are potentially dangerous to humans and pets. It was compiled from a variety of poison lists. Every effort has been made to identify the plants by their common and scientific names, along with the portion of the plant that is dangerous. Plants known to be toxic to tortoises are marked with an asterisk (*). The number in ( ) refers to toxicity symptoms listed on page 4. Plants with (D) potentially cause dermatitis. For emergency information, call the San Diego Poison Information System, 1-800-876-4766. Bluebonnet (Lupinus): all parts Acokanthera: fruit and flowers Bluegreen Algae (Mycrocystis):all parts Aconite/Monkshood*: root, flowers, leaves Blue Weed (Zchium vulgare): leaves, stems (D) African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha): leaves Boston Ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata): all parts Agapanthus/African Lily: foliage, bulbs Bottlebrush (Callistemon): flowers Aloe (Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis): possible irritant if not fresh Bougainvillea: flowers, leaves Almond: See Prunus Spp. Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)*: all parts, leaves (D) Amaryllis (Amaryllis belladona)*: all parts Buckeye Horse Chestnuts (Aesculus): sprouts, roots Amsinckia/Tarweed: foliage, seeds Buckthorn (Rhamus spp.): sap, fruit (D) Anemone/Windflower: all parts Burning Bush, European (Euonymus europaes): leaves, fruit Angel „s Trumpet Tree (Brugmansia, Datura): toxic Buttercup, Bermuda (Oxalis cernus): leaves Apple: See Prunus Spp. Buttercup, creeping (Ranunculus): all parts, leaves (D) Apricot: See Prunus Spp. Buttonbush (Ceptolanthus occidentalis): leaves Arrowhead Vine: toxic Caladium: all parts Atropa belladonna: all parts, esp. black berries Calla Lily: all parts Autumn Crocus*: bulbs Candy Tuft (Iberis): consider all parts suspect Avocado: leaves Cardinal Flower (Lobelia): all parts Azalea (Rhododendron) (18): all parts are fatal! Carnation/Sweet William/Pinks (Dianthus): all parts Bamboo ssp: all parts Carolina Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens): flowers, leaves, Baneberry/Doll‟s Eyes*: berries, roots, foliage sap Beach Pea (Lathyrus maritimus): consider all parts suspect Casava (Euphorbiacea): roots Belladona Lily (Amaryllis)*: all parts Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) (5): seeds are fatal! Betel Nut Palm*: all parts Cestrum (Cestrum spp.): leafy shoots Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae): foliage, flowers, seed pods Celandine (Chelidonium): consider all parts suspect Bittersweet (Solanum celastrus/dulcamera): leaves, berries Cherry: See Prunus spp. Black Locust: bark, sprouts, foliage Cherry Laurel: See prunus Spp. Bleeding Heart/Dutchman‟s Breeches (Dicentra) (13): foliage, China Berry Tree (Melia azedarach): berries roots Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema modestum. A. simplex): foliage Bloodroot (Sanguinaria): all parts Chinese Lantern (Physalis alkekengi): consider all parts suspect 1 5/7/02 Christmas Berry/California Holly (Heteromeles arbutifolia): Fly Agaric (Fly amanita mushrooms)*: all parts berries, leaves Four O‟Clock (Mirabilis jalapa): all parts Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger): all, esp. leaves (D) Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)*(12): all parts can be fatal Chrysanthemum/Shasta Daisy (Chrysanthemum maximum): Gardenia (Rubiaceae): consider all parts suspect foliage, flowers Gelsemium sempervirens (Carolina jessamine): all parts Citrus Fruits (esp. Persian Lime): leaves Gladiolus: can cause mild nausea Coffee Berry (Rhamnus spp.): sap, fruit (D) Golden Chain (Laburnum spp.): seeds/pods may be fatal Columbine (Aguilegia): all parts Grape Ivy/Heart Ivy: all ivies are fatal Common Privet (Ligustrum): black/blue wax-coated berries & Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica): all parts leaves Helebore (Ranunculaceae): all parts Coral Plant (Euphorbium): all parts Hemlock/Conium/Cicuta (Tsuga)*(30, 31): all parts Cow Cockle (Saponaria vaccaria): seeds Henbane*: all parts Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea): black or blue Holly (Ilex aquifolium, I. opaca, I. vomitoria): leaves, berries Crocus*: all parts Horse Chestnut (Aesculus): all parts Croton (Euphorbiacea) indoor plants are safe; outdoor plants are Horsetail Reeds (Equisetum hyemale): all parts toxic Huckleberry, Garden (Solanum nigrum): unripe berries, leaves Crown-of-Thorns (Euphorbia spp.): milky sap (D) Hyacinth (garden type not water) (1): foliage, flowers, bulbs can Cyclamen: foliage, stems, flowers be fatal Daffodil (Narcissus)*(1): bulbs may be fatal Hydrangea*: all parts Daphne/Spurge/Laurel (Laurus nobilis) (15): berries are fatal! Impatiens/Balsam/Touch-Me-Not/Snapweed: all parts Death Camus (Sygadenus veneous)*: all; roots fatal Iris (Iris spp.) (11): underground stems (rhizomes) (D) Deadly Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)*: all parts Ivy, (Hedera, Senecio spp., Napata spp.): all ivies are toxic Delphinium (Larkspur annual) (7): all parts Jack-In-The-Pulpit (Arisaema triphylla) (26): all Destroying Angel/Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)*: all parts Jasmine, Yellow (Jasminum): all parts Devil‟s Ivy: toxic Jatropha/Purge Nut/Curcas Bean/Peregrina/Psychic Nut: seeds,oil Dianthus/Pinks/Sweet William/Carnation: all parts Jequirity Bean: toxic Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane): all parts, esp. sap Jerusalem Cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum): fruit, leaves Dogwood (Cornus): all parts, esp. sap Jessamine/Jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens): berries are fatal! Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia seguine) (4): stems, leaves Jessamine, Night Blooming (Cestrum spp.) (19): leafy shoots Eggplant (Solanaceae): all except fruit Jimson Weed/Thorn Apple (Datura stramomium)*(32): all parts Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) (24): all, esp. roots; except Johnson Grass (Sorgum): all parts are toxic ripe fruit Jonquil (Narcissus jonquilla): toxic Elephant Ears/Taro (Colocasia) (4): all parts including fruit Juniper (Juniperus): all parts English Ivy (Hedera helix): berries, all ivies are toxic Lady‟s Slipper/Moccasin Flower (Paphiopedilum): all parts Euphorbia/Crown of Thorns/Poinsettia (Spurge) (3): all, milky sap Lambkill/Sheep Laurel (Kalmia augustifolia)*: leaves (15) Lantana Camara/Red Sage (20): foliage, green berries are fatal! False Helebore (Veratrum viride & other species): all, roots fatal Larkspur (Delphinium) (7): foliage, roots; seeds may be fatal! Ficus Benjamina/Weeping Fig/Fig: possible irritant Laurel (Primus varieties): all parts are fatal! Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata): foliage, latex sap Laurel, Australian (Pittosporum spp.) (18): all Fiddle Neck/String of Pearls (Senecio): all parts Laurel, Mountain (Kalmia) (18): leaves, flowers Fig (ficus spp.): milky sap (D) Lily, Belladonna (Amaryllis belladonna): bulbs Flax (Linum usitatissimum): all, esp. immature seed pods Lily, Climbing (Gloriosa spp.): all parts 2 5/7/02 Lily, Crinum (Crinum asiaticum): bulbs Orchid, Lady Slipper (Cypripedium spp.): hairy stems, leaves (D) Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus africanus): foliage, bulbs Oleander (Nerium oleander) (2): all parts Lily, Naked Lady (Brunsvigia roses): bulbs Oleander, Yellow (Thevetia peruviana): all parts Lily-Of-The-Valley (Convallaria sp.)*(10): all parts Osage, Orange (Maclura pomifera): milky sap Lily, spider (Hymenocallis americana): bulbs Pansy/Violet (Viola): all parts (OK for tortoises) Lily, Zephyr (Zephranthes spp.): leaves, bulbs Pasque Flower (Anemone patens): young plants, flowers Lobelia/Cardinal Flower: all parts, fruit (D) Peach (Prunus spp.): leaves; seeds: See Prunus Spp. Locoweed*: all parts Pear: See Prunus Spp. Locust, Black (Robinia)pseudo-acacia): all parts Penny Royal (Hedeoma, Mentha): foliage, flowers Lupine (Lupinus)*: leaves, pods, esp. seeds Penstemon family: Digitalis & Scrophularia: consider toxic Machineel: all parts Peony (Paeonia): all parts Majesty (Philodendron hastatum): leaves, sap Peppers (Capsicum): foliage Marigold (Tagetes): consider all parts suspect Periwinkle/Myrtle (Vinca): all parts Marigold, Desert (Baileya multiradiata): whole plant Peyote (Mescal): toxic Marijuana: all parts Pheasant‟s Eye/Spring Adonis (Adonis vernalis): consider all parts Matrimony Vine (Lycium helimifolium): leaves, young shoots suspect May Apple/Mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum)): all parts Philodendron (Philodendron spp.): all including sap Mescal (Peyote)*: all parts Pimpernel, Scarlet (Anagallis spp.): all parts Milkweed (Asclepias): all parts Pinks/Sweet William/Carnation (Dianthus): all parts Mistletoe* (Phorodentron flavescens) (6): berries are fatal! Plum See Prunus Spp. Moccasin Flower/Lady Slipper (Cypripedium spectabiles): all parts Pokeweed/Pokeberry (Phytolacca): roots Mock Orange (Primus caroliniana): all parts Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) (3): leaves, sap are fatal! (D) Mock Orange (Philadelphus spp.): fruit Poison Hemlock (Canium maculatum)*: all parts are fatal! Monkshood (Aconitum ranunculecea)*(8): foliage, esp. seeds & Poison Ivy/Poison Oak/Poison Sumac (Rhus sp.)*: all parts (D) roots Poppy: all except California poppies are dangerous Moonflower (Calonyction spp.): seeds Potato (Solanaceaae)*: green skin and raw shoots are fatal! Moonseed: berries may be fatal Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): leaves Morning Glory (Ipomea) (27): all parts Primrose (Primula): leaves, stems (D) Mother-In-Law Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata): toxic Privet (Ligustrm): leaves, berries Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia): young leaves/shoots are fatal! Prunus Spp. (apricot, bitter almond, cherry, cherry laurel, Mushrooms & Toadstools (wild types): all parts nectarine, peach, Narcissus/Daffodil
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