ourna The Society of Automotive Historians, Inc. Issue 219 November-December 2005 A Waterlogged Hershey The law of averages caught up with Hershey this year and made for a drenching last two days of the AACA Eastern Division Fall Meet. And it was just the beginning of what has turned out to be a sopping wet October. Undaunted by the precipitation, many SA H members found their way to the newly www.autohistory.org expanded SAH tent for refreshment and conversation. Paul Lashbrook ran a tight ship, which was appropriate due to the weather conditions. Visitors Inside liked Stan Lyman's blow-ups of Automotive Hi story Review cov­ ers, which really spruced up the SAH News 1 tent. Members heeded Kit Foster's call to bring their pub­ lished books for display. My Editorial Comment 2 favorite moment was during john jacobus's book signing for his recently released The Fisher President's Perspective 3 Body Craftsman's Guild. Several folks were gushing over a con­ vertible model designed by Letters 11 Ronald Will when, as if on cue, Mr. Will walked into the tent. Leroy Cole, with wife, Cora, proudly shows plaque This was truly a wooooooooo! naming him SAH Friend of Automotive History 2005. Billboard 15 moment. The fall Board meeting at the AACA Library and Research Center featured the dedi­ cation of the Ralph Dunwoodie Automotive Research Archive, which is housed at the Library, and the unveiling of a plaque which will permanently identify the collection. Minutes of this meeting can be found in this Also Inside: issue ofthejoumal. This wasjoe Freeman's last meeting as President and the first for new McFarland's 2005-2006 Board member joe Malaney Catalog of Automotive Books The Hershey Lodge and Convention Center was the site for the Annual Meeting of Committee Contacts Members & Gala Awards Banquet. This year, for 2006 SAH Awards. unfortunately, many of the recipients could not Deadline for Submissions be on hand to personally receive their awards. is April 15, 2006 To the acclaim of all those present Leroy Cole was named the Friend of Automotive History Info on SAH in Paris 2006 for 2005, an honor Leroy graciously shared with his wife and dedicated helpmate, Cora. SAH President Joe Freeman (l) with Now on to the awards. President-elect Mike Berger continued 011 page 4 Year-end Kudos together this issue so much easier. in the journal the last 30 issues. Execu­ It also fi lled up the pages rather tive editor Steve Wilson is a welcome fix­ quickly There are articles, book reviews ture at the SAH tent and banquet at Thomas S. Jakups, Editor and letters that I could not fit into this Hershey It is always a pleasure for me to issue. They will be in journal 220. talk with him So thank you, McFarland elcome to another Hershey I did receive one short note that I for your longtime support of the Society issue of the journal. Inside would like to include here. David Bausch, You may have noticed the new face W you can read the award pre­ of All entown, Pennsylvania, wrote in that on Page 3. I welcome incoming SAH sentations that were made at the Annual the buckboard on the back cover of President Michael Berger to the journal. Banquet as well as the minutes of the journal 218 is an Orient buckboard and Mike is a keen observer of the culture of October Board of Directors meeting. that he owned it in 1948. the automobile and an excellent writer. I want to thank presenters Taylor Vinson, I want to thank the members who I look forward to his columns. Michael Bromley, Leroy Cole, Bob Ebert, have sent in photos for the back page. Finally, the SAH jou mal has been Don Keefe, Michael Berger and jim Wagner They really spice up the newsletter. I do awarded another Golden Quill Award by for making their remarks available for all need more photos and book reviews. Old Cars Weekly. I think it is a real feather the membership. Also thank you, Darwyn Enclosed with this newsletter is in the cap for the Society. So congratula­ Lumley, outgoing Secretary, for providing what is becoming a holiday tradition, tions to us all. the Board meeting minutes ahead of McFarland's Catalog of Automotive And to all, happy holidays .. schedule. All this made my job of putting Books. McFarland has been an advertiser -Tomjakups Jr.t~rn~,lIssue 219 November-December 2005 Officers Publications Committee SAH Journal (ISSN 1057-1973) Michael L. Berger President Christopher C. Foster, Chair is published six times a year by the Darwyn H. Lumley Vice President Taylor Vinson Society of Automotive Hi storians, Inc. Susan S. Davis Secretary Thomas S. Jakups Christopher C. Foster Treasurer Michael Lamm Subscription is by membership Joseph S. Freeman ex officio Beverly Rae Kimes in the Society. Board of Directors Membership du es are $40 per year. Through October 2006 Past Editors Send dues, membership inq ui ries Samuel V. Fiorani Robert R. Ebert Richard B. Brigham and changes of address to Patricia Lee Yongue Issues 1-29 Sept. 1969-(undated) 1973 Through October 2007 Society of Automotive Historians, Inc. C. Marshall Naul Michael Bromley Paul N. Lashbrook 1102 Long Cove Road Stanton A. Lyman 30-50 July 1973- Dec. 1976 Cales Ferry, CT 06335-1812 USA Through October 2008 John Peckham John A. Marino Arthur W. Jones 51-59 Feb. 1977-)uly 1978 ©2005 Joseph R. Malaney Walter Cosden The Society of Automotive Historians, Inc. 60- 87 Nov. 1978-Dec. 1983 SAH Journal Find the Society of Automotive Hi storians Richard B. Brigham Thomas S. Jakups, Editor, Adv. Mgr. on the web at www.autohistory.org. 37 Wyndwood Road 88-117 )an.jFeb. 1983-Nov.jDec. 1988 West Hartford, CT 06107 USA Christopher C. Foster Copy Deadline for Journa/220 860-233-5973 Fax 860-232-0468 118-157 )an.jFeb. 1989-)uly/ Aug. 1995 [email protected] Samuel V. Fiorani December 31st [email protected] 158-194 Sept.jOct. 1995-Sept.jOct. 2001 2 SAH Journal No. 219 The Road Less Traveled munities and act as nations. The automo­ ered to have happened in the distant bile was arguably the greatest technologi­ past, and we think of them only when cal artifact of the twentieth century; it we need to find an alternate means to has a near monopoly of the passenger provide the function they perform for us. land transportation in the United States Even university professors, on and, judging from recent reports, China­ whom we might think we could count that proverbial "sleeping giant"- has for such studies, have failed us in this awoken to find itself seated behind an regard. While a few have published automotive steering wheel. scholarly works on the automobile and We know a great deal about the socio-cultural change, they rarely publish ~ichael l. Berger, President automotive industry and the personalities more than one book in the area and then consider it an honor to have been behind it. Most of the significant mar­ move on to study something else. Thus, chosen to lead the Society of ques of the world have been the object of the author of the first scholarly work on ! Automotive Historians over the next at least one book-length study, and many automobiles and the development of two years. SAH is a unique organization, have had multiple volumes written about autocamps, tourist cabins and motels in combining as it does independent histo­ them. However, when it comes to inves­ the United States, published back in rians, university professors and auto tigating the social and cultural impact of 1979, never pursued the subject further. enthusiasts. lt is a pleasure to follow joe motorized vehicles on our daily exis­ Similarly, the author of the first serious Freeman, who during his tenure as Pres­ tence, how motorized transportation study of the impact of motorization on ident fostered new initiatives in member­ transformed the very institutions, activi­ women, published in 1991 , went on to ship, encouraged the creation of addi­ ties and services that define our lives, explore issues of gender in a broader tional chapters and successfully lobbied there is a relative paucity of information. transportation framework. It is almost as for greater recognition of the Society by The extent to which the automobile if once the topic has been subjected to and within the academic community. ln changed family relationships, altered the book-length analysis, it is viewed as partnership with the Board of Directors, functioning of towns and cities, affected "covered" and further research is viewed the Officers, and you-the all-important the nature and accessibility of leisure as unnecessary. This is very curious given members of the Society-! look forward activities and impacted on how medical the fondness of academic historians to to further enhancing the benefits and care is (or is not) delivered are just some WTite multiple books on the same sub­ satisfactions that come from sharing our of the topics that have barely been ject, each with a different historical inter­ joint interest in matters automotive. touched We know even less regarding pretation of the events described. Having said that, l have a few the influence of motorization on religion, While I believe the relative lack of admissions to make. The oldest car l education and minority populations, and attention to the social and culture dimen­ own was built in 2001. I would have need to further analyze the automobile's sions of motorization is regrettable, it difficulty differentiating one historic symbolic use in literature and film.
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