* THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, !). C. A-4 SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 1954 Five Correspondents Survey Berlin Conference Prospects U. S. Really Expects mmi yi HBLj French Fear Effect Soviet Held Unlikely . -'s%v K Showdown, But No mKBSBm WBBBBmm WKSSSHSBm I '—— JUnS Os Indo-China 'Balt' To Alter Basic Stand Accord With Russia On European Policy On German Question By John M. Hightower By Preston Grover By Richard Kosischk* Aitocioted Pre«» Staff Writar Associated Press Foreign Correspondent Auoclated Frau Foreign Correa pendant The United States expects to PARlS.—France faces two “agonizing reappraisals,” MOSCOW.—The Berlin meet- get the Berlin what out of Conference to do about the war in Xndor ing will be the first venture of « showdown with Russia on pro- China, and what to do about Premier Georgl Malenkov’s gov- posals for unification of Ger- merging her army with Ger- ernment Into four-power negoti- many and liberation of Austria. many’s in a European defense ations. pact. No one in responsible position As far as can be learned from here really believes an agreement |B JaS She will sit down in Berlin the Moscow press and diplomatic with mixed feelings of embar- sources, the Soviet Union has Germany Austria, 11 1 on and or even rassment at her own weakness m wf m not altered its basic position on progress an substantial toward and anger at what she feels is * Jfi ft ft Germany. Foreign Minister V. M. agreement, is possible at Berlin. an unduly rigid American line - Molotov may come up with some There has been no evidence of toward both Russia and France. -1 8 1 surprises but here is the way situation looks: any basic change in positions. Probably the gravest concern j I 1 the years have of the French delegation is that The Soviet Union Is unalter- But for there been Russia may offer two tempting ably opposed to the projected moves by one si,de or the other pieces of bait—aid in ending the European Defense Community to hold such a conference. The ulcerous war in Indo-China in (EDC) and the rearmament of last serious Four Power discus- return for delay in rearming Western Germany within the Germany. ft sions about Germany and Aus- framework of Western defense. opposes tria were in 1947. Refusal Is Risky. It the West's demand free all-German elections Sought. m for as Conference Lone The French delegation headed I M the first step toward unification In recent months it has become by Foreign Minister Georges of Germany. increasingly important for the Bidault is prepared to refuse Back East Germans. Western Powers to have a con- such a proposal—which could ference—or to try so hard to get come in several tempting forms The Soviets say they back one that it would be apparent —but it might knock to pieces the East German government the Soviets were blocking it. ¥ , the wobbly parliamentary ma- of Premier Otto Grotewohl. fl ft: ii •: ' accuse The governments, in jority which voted to support They Chancellor Konrad Western Mr. at the Adenauer the re- order to go forward with the Bidault Berlin con- and “Bonn ference. It is one of the greatest H pp vanchists” of plotting to seize European Defense Community of the perils East Germany and wage (EDC) which embraces French facing the West civil in Berlin. war. approval for West German re- armament, have needed to dem- Some of the French delega- The Soviets demand a halt to building plan BIG THREE MINISTERS READY—Berlin—Foreign ministers of the western Big Three join tion foresee a chance at the Ber- ~~ of American bases in onstrate no alternative for -- Western security was immedi- in a handshake after a preliminary get-together in the French sector of the city. They are, lin Conference to persuade the Europe and the elimination of existing. They ately in prospect. left to right. Secretary of State Dulles; French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault, and British Americans to a less rigid policy those say any toward security guarantees the Lo- They have wanted to show that Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. —AP Wirephoto via Radio. Russia. like carno-type pact by while the Soviets have unfrozen France is sympathetic to the MOLOTOV ARRIVES FOR CONFERENCE—East Berlin—Rus- advocated their idea of giving Russia some as- sian hat on Prime Minister Churchill or sim- diplomacy since Stalins Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov doffs his arrival by death they have not changed surances of “security” against ilar proposals Dr. Adenauer by plane in Berlin for Monday’s Big Four conference. Fol- one section Europe basic objectives or Molotov Suggests Western aggression. If there would “set of their unwill- Britain WillSeek Small Gains lingers lowing his boss at the airport is Andrei Gromyko, deputy for- against They likely ingness to yield Communist any real suspicion in the another.” con- eign minister. —AP Wirephoto via Radio. play up trol of any area in Central Kremlin that the West Intends will the French-Soviet Europe. Red China Join In Likely to Case World Tension some day to attack, or to permit and British-Soviet friendship Germany to attack, it should be treaties as a better idea for real Seek Hint of Attitudes. By Arthur Gavshon future, East' and West might wiped away clean, the French security. The United States also Big Associated Brass Foreign Correspondent begin to withdraw their own feel. Bonn Takes Pessimistic View, will push a is con- 4 Berlin Talks Germany. The Soviets for cerned to get a new reading LONDON.—For the record. troops from five-power conference, including By Serious Conflict in Thought. through first-hand contact of tha Associated Brass Britain has expressed hope that They expect Russia will bring Red China, and may dust question Sinking off the attitudes of BERLIN. Jan. 23.—Russia’s the Berlin conferees will unite in such issues as Red China's On the of European Fears of EDC Hopes the Soviet gov- defense, slogans for a five-power peace ernment under Premier V. M. Molotov flew into Berlin in Germany, restore Austrian in- claims for international recog- the past two years have treaty. Malen- brought in By Richard K. O'Malley the path to full partnership with In this respect, the inten- a Siberian-like snowstorm today dependence and clear the way nition. boosting of trade between a serious conflict the kov. basis Foreign Correspondent the tion of State and immediately suggested a full for a nonaggression agreement the Communist and non- of French and American Atiocioted Brett allies. Charge Bonn “Plot”. of Secretary Dulles thinking. Americans, voice for Red China in the for- with Russia and curbs on arma- Communist the To Russia Germany. Many government are The Soviet press has charged to discuss international atomic worlds and is FRANKFURT. official? plans with eign ministers conference open- ments. Kremlin’s professed fears of the the great menace, although convinced for plotting Foreign Minister Mol- ing Monday they agree West Germany's government ex- the Russians believe weeks that Bonn is otov may prove here on aspects of Privately, British diplomats Atlantic Defense Pact and the that the menace has to frustrate the Berlin talks and profitable. the France, pects concrete benefits from EDC is dying on the vine—that cold war. expect of these things will United States’ system of foreign diminished. In now that no that “reactionary” United States basic of none * The attitude the Ei- By the time Molotov’s Red- the Russian menace has abated, the Big Four conference. it will perish if they stall long newspapers also are predicting senhower administration is Mr. be achieved. bases. to starred plane touched down at aim be to welcome the age-old concern about Ger- It even the may enough. Some of the German their failure. avoid haggling with the Soviets Britain’s first will Britain would in- many has displaced fears Russians frigid Schoenefeld airfield, Secre- lessen the impact a conference talks on President Eisen- fears of officials contend negotiations over details but to stand firm on. formal Russia. succeed in killing off the pend- If Berlin fails, the press al- tary of State Dulles, Britain’s breakdown may produce. Foreign pool basic principles. hower’s plan to atomic ing European Defense Communi- should be entered into with the ready has placed the blame. United States Anthony and Georges Secretary Anthony Eden know-how and materials Certain Frenchmen whose in- report tight Eden will for Moscow could consider it a suc- officials understand- Bidault of France already fluence will be felt at Berlin, ty pact through which West Russians after EDC is a reality. with were strive for a series of limited peace. But she anticipates these cess if it canceled or further de- ings the British and French holding the first of a series of consider that France has a his- Germany would be part of the They take the view that the governments gains designed to relax East- exchanges will be confined to layed EDC and possibly pushed on policies to be solid-front talks, designed to per- West tension. He for the American and Soviet toric role to play in wanning allied bulwark against aggres- West should always negotiate followed in the will try govern- China into a Big Five parley. Berlin meeting. feet the unity of the three West- trade easier relationships between the West sion. In fact, they hope one increased and travel ments. with the Soviet Union from a If nothing came the talks result of mi leaders in their negotiations between East West Ger- She expects the full and Russia.
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