Tuesday, February 4, 2003 Indigo THE Girls play in S.B. page 11 The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXVII NO. 87 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Senate calls for Bishop to stand firm on hall dances more informational and she By MEGHANNE DOWNES removed the clause regarding Associate News Editor a proposal for one in-hall dance per year per dorm. Senators called on Libby Bishop does not want to "put Bishop to give them a copy of all of her eggs in one basket" her Board of Trustees report and said, "I am not asking for and to stress the reinstatement anything. I am conveying to of in-hall dances for a yearlong them how students feel." probationary period at Senators were divided on Monday's emergency Student what the role of the Senate Senate meeting. should be with regard to Eight senators submitted a directing Bishop on her petition on Friday for an emer­ report's content. Erin Cushing, gency meeting to discuss the off-campus senator, said the content of Bishop's report Senate l)hould trust Bishop to because of concern that Bishop express student opinion. wait would not accurately represent to hear the results of the Board student opinion regarding in­ of Trustees meeting and then hall dances. decide whether another step is Bishop said at the beginning necessary. Blake Haan, of the meeting she was glad Keenan Hall senator, said it senators called the meeting to was not the duty of the Senate hear their opinions but did not to direct Bishop on this matter attend in order to argue the and the Senate should work issue. through channels on campus "I have been frustrated by in order to apply pressure to the way this meeting has been the Office of Student Affairs, GABRIEL TORRESfThe Observer called and how this was gone rather than bypass Bishop and Student Body President Libby Bishop speaks to the Student Senate at the emergency Senate about," Bishop said. "As much show a lack of confidence in meeting Monday. Senate asked Bishop to Include a proposal to return dorm dances to the resi­ as I appreciate your input, I her. dence halls In her report to the Board of Trustees. have been entrusted to make The Student Union the report and in the end it is Constitution states the Senate my report and I feel you have must approve the topics and opm10n and determine the Hall senator, said, "Whether discuss. A check is not neces­ to respect that." content for the fall and spring focus of her report. Rick this is our last chance or not sary," Bishop said. Bishop said the report was Board of Trustees report made Harris, Siegfried Hall senator, [to make a plea for in-hall The motion initially failed not completed on Friday as by the s1udent body president. said Bishop. as the ex-officio dances], I don't think it is but was passed later during originally intended and that Jeremy Staley, Sorin Hall sena­ representative to the Board of unreasonable to ask to see it." the meeting in a 20-4 vote. she decided to take the addi­ tor, said, "The only reason why Trustees does not necessarily Bishop said a check on the Senators said they wanted to tional time to reflect and make we don't have input is because hold a monopoly on student student body president from receive a copy of the report changes. She said the report the constitution is not updated view. the Senate was not appropri­ before Wednesday's Senate will include opinions she and had it been updated, Harris made a motion to ate. "What I think you want is meeting. Bishop said the received from dance commis­ would that have changed the direct Bishop to release a copy more input, but the flaw is that report will be sent to the print­ sioners, the freshman class discussion and content?" of her Board of Trustees report you are taking away from the er today and she did not know council and students. and that Bishop said her position as to senators so that potential power of the student body when it would be given to sen- she still must draft her conclu­ student body president grants issues could be addressed president. What about a reso­ sion. Bishop said her report is her the right to gauge student directly. Jason Creek, Knott lution where we can meet and see SENATE/page 6 Judge sets Economics department to split in two • Many faculty on ideological differences chance for both neoclassical ulty and the Arts and Letters new rape between neoclassical, or ortho­ and heterodox economics to College Council's vote at its oppose division dox, economics, which has a flourish at Notre Dame," he Dec. 29 meeting. Even though despite dept. more mathematical emphasis, said. the College Council did not trial date and hetero- endorse the rec­ conflicts dox econom­ ommendation, By MEGHANNE DOWNES ics, which is voting 14 in less quanti­ favor and 25 Associate News Editor By NATASHA GRANT tative, such against with one News Writer as Marxism. abstention. The trial dates for two for­ After men­ Roche and other mer Notre Dame football play­ The Blue Ribbon Committee, tioning the administrators ers accused of sexual assault a distinct group appointed by split in were not were rescheduled at a status Notre Dame Provost Nathan December, deterred in their hearing last month. Hatch, recently recommended H a t c h goal. St. Joseph Superior Court that the Economics informed the Faculty mem­ Judge Roland Chamblee Jr. Department would function Economics bers such as rescheduled Abram Elam's better if it split into two sepa­ Department Amitava Dutt, a trial from Feb. 24 to March 31 rate departments. The of the final heterodox econo­ and Justin Smith's trial from Committee called for the exist­ decision mist who works March 31 to April 28, said the ing department to be renamed during a in development St. Joseph County Clerk's Economics Thought and Policy Faculty and macroeco­ office. Mark Lenyo, Elam's and for a new Department of Senate nomics, agrees attorney, said Chamblee reset Economics to emerge. meeting in with the College the trial dates because of John Affleck-Graves. profes­ January, Council's deci­ scheduling conflicts. sor of finance and chair of the said Mark sion. Dutt isn't as Another potential conflict Blue Ribbon Committee, said Roche, dean much concerned arose in the prosecution of DEPAilTMEN'f u that in a situation where there of the THOUGHT .AND .Poucv with tenure and these trials as county is no perfect solution. the split College of job security as Prosecutor Michael Dvorak is the best solution. Affleck­ ·Arts and he is with acade­ appointed Ken Cotter. Lorenzo Graves believes the difficulty Letters, who agrees with the mic freedom, which he Crawford's former defense lies in having heterodox and change. Dissension believes the administration attorney, to be one of his neoclassical economists in the Roche, though originally But the split may not fall into would violate if it moved for­ deputy prosecutors. same department. skeptical of the split, said it is place as smoothly as adminis­ ward with the split. Last week Lenyo said The central conflict in the worth the financial costs. "In trators would like because of Economics Department focuses short, the split offers the best strong opposition from the fac- see ECON/page 6 see TRIAL/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ WHAT'S UP Tuesday, February 4, 2003 INSIDE COLUMN WHAT'S INSIDE CAMPUS WORLD& BUSINESS HaRPY NEWS NATION NEWS VIEWPOINT SCENE SPORTS New Year! Students NASA Bush sets Guest colum- Scene reviews Wicks leaves organize engineers $2.23 trillion nist questions Folk womens Happy New Year! I know it has only been a month since we celebrated New summer camp overlooked budget the validity of Implosion's basketball Year's Eve but you can start 2003 all for children damaged war with iraq new album team over again by cele- brating the Chinese shuttle tiles New Year. Just The first in a Folk Implosion Sophomore when you had for­ Notre Dame The Columbia President Bush series of columns releases their new guard Kelsey gotten about all of juniors Dan Shuttle was cov­ sent lawmakers in that will offer vari­ album The New Wicks is the third your New Year's Doherty and Adam ered in more than Washington, D.C. ous views weigh­ Folk Implosion, player to leave the resolutions and are Dell have started 20,000 thermal tiles, team in the past the not-for-profit his 2004 govern­ ing in on Iraq and their first since getting used to the some of which year. business Camp ment budget, the possibility of 1999. idea of 2003, you were damaged which seeks new Kesem for children war. can celebrate it all during lift off and tax cuts. over again. of parents who suf­ may have caused This year the Sarah Nestor fer from cancer. an explosion. Chinese New Year was celebrated last Saint Mary's page 5 Saturday, February Editor page 4 page 7 page 8 page 10 page 20 1, beginning the year of the black sheep. Last weekend I actually pre-maturely WHAT's GoiNG DowN celebrated the Chinese New Year when friends of mine had a party, but I don't think anyone minds repeating the New Year just one more time. My friends did actually get into the spirit of the occa­ sion by placing lanterns around the house, [which in retrospect probably No new information on the wasn't the best idea considering the NDSP crime blotter.
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