
TUESDAY, MAY 15,1§4I Manchester Evening Avcrajge Daily Circulation The Weather ' For Bw Month of AprB,,lf40 Foraraat o( U. A.'Wf«aiar Bar TIm marriage of N. Sumner Cut­ The Mothers' Circla of St. Ge­ good service to ,our patients building BUitabla IdPvuaa M * • Cnnsldpraht,' rl-.Udli»r«, follnw- ler, adiv.of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Cut­ rard will meet tomorrow evening out thCir aaaiatance. buainesa eatabllahment or teair the Quality ^ Garden FertiHxcr 9,195 X 1^ ■ hy <th«wrrfk hrginnittg tonight About Town ler of lUdge street, and Miaa Mar­ with Mra. WillU>m Gahrmaiin of ]^ k TrasteeS^ “ Our Woman’s Auxiliary have le a d y to R ^ e building down to ^make wkjr for a $2.25 i^r 100 pounds and rniitiniiing Thursday; eontta- jorie R. LitGrange, daughter of East CenteAaf*veti ^ given aaoellent support. Their en­ new one in keeping with PUieK|id- Womber o f Mm A ndlt uod rool. thusiasm has done mqch ;o sup­ V n » CWuiMUcut Department of Mr. and Mrs. William LaGrange For Hospital Id Building Jrtning property. \ X At the Farm. Bnrann at Cirenlattona of Tbompaonvilla, Will taka place Hoapitai Apprentice 1-c William port us In tha aettvitiaa in which Te add to tha looks of the va­ Healtta weekly report lliU two Barclay,’ has been assigned to the they are interested. ' > Manchester-—A City opi^illtige Charm caaee ot nieaelee and two of' ac«r^ in St. Andrew's Epiifcopal churehr cant building, the ownera have ANK V. WILLIAMS ------------ ------------------- _:x, Thompsonvljle, tomorrow.,} surgical ward aboard the newly- Hospital Laboratery/Alded given permtsaion at timea to uaa let fever and thfee caees of lobar Old Board Is Reelected D ie Rogers E state mAde ita first Rialto W ilixBe Torn ISIBkf commissioned hospital ship, U.SFi. the windowa for placing -poatera ------- N , ......... (dnaalfigd ^dvwttatag on Paga 18) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDDNESDAY, M.AY 16, 1945 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE 1HREB CENTS pneumonia here for the weak end-, (fficera of Benovolenoa, commissioned Satur­ contribution to the Wpport of the VOL. LXIT., NO. 192 Teachers and officer At Annual Meeting; Down as Soon^ Ma­ of all kinds, shows, circusea or po­ ,1 in * ' Monday, May 1*. -r Zion Lutheran chi.irchrch imU hhave a day at Brooklyri. Seaman Barclay hospital laboratory/as provided in litical ada. ....... ^ iln g ja t 7;30 a t is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William the will. Oiir hpSpItal urgently ________________________ ih e Study GroUp of the Sopth meeting this even Yearly R eport Is Read. terials Can Be Bohsht. H as PteiM Prepnred the church. D. Barclay of 140 N orth School needs endowmo^.and we urge the tethodiat WSC8 will meet at the street and recently spent a seven- public to proyfde them for any one Nathan Marlow, the ' present W hy Okinawa Gains AreJM uasuretl in Yardc chtttch Friday afternoon at 2:30. Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. P, day furlough at his home. The annuel meeting of the Man­ of- severalpurpoaea. Every The old Rialto Djeater building} ly w r of the building and ovvner Oil Buriittrt Thewonhip aervice will be led by W., members wUl not meet a t tha chester Memorial Hospital Cor­ hospital ueeda and is entitled to for more than 20 yearsM e of tha or\Marlow’a Department store aad Furious Fight Rages Mra. VVC^lph Ward, Jr. The home thla evening to fold band­ The newly formed Mothers’ Cir­ poration, held last night at the aubstanml endowments so that its low er^w n on Main atreet, stated Ig llliilliMtimikKW- > K 'I' r w W f g F B aubject for^tbe .afternoon will be unsightly spots along Mahv:rtreet.’ to Die Herald yesterday that three ages for the. Memorial hospital, cle wrill hold its Brat meeting to­ hoapltai, reelected six members of work/ftn be carried on without the Furnaces Southeaatern «*!•• morrow evening at 8 o’clock « the wo5i^ due to insufficient finances. ir due for elimination once fede^l years ago im had plans drawn by Truax will lead Uie^laouaaion. owing to .the.' ahorUge of mate- th.a board of tniateea, whose terms riala home of Mrs. Anthony Kocuiti of Is psst year . witnessed the building materials restrictiona ark- ah architect raf* a new building 'gL A Pew Still AvailaMe. ppon Voling Food 35 Westminster road.v- ^expired last night. They are Philip asslpg away of two of our well- kt location but' wheq a permit The Manchester Gr^rt^arent- Cheney, Charles a. Burr, Howell. lifted. T’hia on the word of , tha tfy' Tax CS)lIector Samuel Nelaon beloved staff members. Df. Edwin present owner, Nathan Mariow, wai'^pught for the construction It RACKLIFFE OIL CO. ^Upon Edge 01 Naha; Teacher Aaaoclation will hokj^ta Chefiey,' Judge William J. Sh^ again reminds the taxpayers that The Senior Luthbr League will' C. Higgins, for many years an ac­ who stated yesterday that plana waa fotmd impossible to obtain the aaa Maple Av m m - Hartfwd final rneeUng of the aeaaon tpfnor: meet tonight at 8,o'clock in Eman­ Rev. WHUam Dunn and Mijs K^Sry tive member of the hospital staff, required material^ IW. Hartford 7-8181 ^ la office will be open thla eve­ 'Chapman. ' for the building of a modern three- TOW •vening ftt eight o'clock In ning until eight o'clock for the uel. Lutheran church. Members of and a strong friend of the hospltai’ a^ire building have bew made for Die new "'building, he said, wers M easuTc the Green eohoo! aaaembly hMl. the Hsrtfortl Luther League will SerretaM^'.^eeda Report died March 31, J948. P r. John F. would have UireaNitoret which at payniettt of automobile taxes and The fbllovvlng report ofrthe sec­ the past three yearn Inability The Inatallation of the new o«ri- be guelts’^ Barry, chief of the dental aervice, ti< secure the required building the time the permltvwas sought cem will take- place at thla meet- the flrsl'^ifiatallment of the town retary |dvM in detairapme of the tax. died Jan. 6, J945. It will be diffi­ materials has brtd up the con- had been gji rented to'prospective G ^eraor Cahx^dze All T i m e In*. PupllB Of Grade 8 will p ^ work of the tniatees,ior' the past cult to' fin their placet. Both atruction. buaineaaea. Mr. Marlow eate ■ast a program, baaed on their year; .. /: , i n The Golden aub of St. brought into the lives of others For more than 20 years the Ri­ the hope that conditions w ill__ Foods m Trartsit, idance work.. All porenU ap« . “Manchester Memorial hospital those great values besides the permit the release of' the reetrici VINCENT Matya Church achodl^as sent a Manchester embarked on a^ n d raising'cam­ alto Theater building with ita fa­ W iarehous^ o r Senda are invited to attend, He- work of fheir chosen profession. miliar. overhanging marquee 'haa ttons on the necessary materiala To Ptpduce Marines . Regain Area freahmenU will be aerved by the box of useful gIfU to Uie hosplUl paign In Atigurt 1M4. A fter, all at Fort Riley, Kansas, and la also Dr. t^tariek Packham was elected been the aubject of criticlam by ,ao that he may proceed with the essing Plants to l4)st in Bloodiest Jap hcarteaia committee, Mrs, John Pa- /• Date Book subscrlptionsy^both/defintte and plana he had in mind three years MARGIN^ sending funny books and nuiga- contlngenty'Vere . totaled it was to t ^ active staff post of Head of Joeal and out of town people. The faps Give^ankees teUi chairman. ago.: ' sines to patients at the Manchas-' Today , the Dept, of O^tetrics which he theater was built by the late J^ n PL G ft HEATING vert to Points , of <Cars Again Counter-Attack of OkL found in excesa of 5400,000. will assume on or about July. 1, Arthur E. Gibson of Flower ter Memorial hospital. Mrs. CecU 'Seventh War Loan drive is on. The g o a/ls a minimum of $500,000 •Sheridan and Operated aa a movie Critical Shortages-. •• nawa Offensive; No Mackman, teacher of eighth grade , Friday, .May 18 and a^peoial committee continues 1945. Dr. Peckham' la^a graduate house during the^beglnnlng years All KtnaS'^New stm t ia contlned to hla bed with of Johns Hopkins University Col­ of the silent films. It was toen illaoed^llia Iveek. girls of St. Mary's Church school, BanquM and reception. Grand t h e ^ s k of raising the other $100,- and RepairW prk Auto Industry Figures Confirmation of Brit­ is director of the club. Members of Lodge, T. O, Q. F., of Connecticut, lege of Medicine and . com'es . by known as the Park theater. W ater Pampe State ' Capitol, Hartford, WO^from friends of the hospital. Joint Invitation of the Board ''■of her class who constitute the club Masonic Temme. ,, / “We were one of t^e early hospi­ Stage Shows Presented LECLERC and New Ones Install May 16.-X/P)—The Senate, Eight Months Neces­ ish Report ^pital City are: Janet M. Schaub, Shirley Saturday, May 19 Truatees and.the A ctive Staff of tals designated as a penicillin de­ the hospital. > During the heyday of the ailent concurring with the House', sary to Bring Output (^pttifed; Casualties Wagner, Ethelyn Taylor, Dorothy Annual session Grand. Lodge ^ pot for this area. Ecohoniies of pictures and vaudeville the Park '^FUNERAL HOME 69 Starkweather Street MorrisOn, Doris Erickson, Cynthia X. O. O.. F. of Connecticut, Qud unanimously approved today Hand - to - Hand Buttle; Allied Inteilt BABS SANITARY production have reduced the coat presented shows of all kinds and 23 Main Street Telephone 4848 L'P to Profits - Level.
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