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C31":'..c--0,'tLeilLegic._oy•tLui,.8c,t _9 C.:--,to,Li'l 11131; _I• 4, .5-1,, .• a 0 +104:Artitare ;443)/..11 cp,,r_17 Al VI ig,0 2,-.0 Lare)4.-je. h■ 7 .,z/r•my•iVei q' AA.LAAJOY1 j 7 ")y er- jr:Lig.k?‘).?, (33.651G.-. ()453 ■■••,,J,101;" • .:'71T :+• •7••• IMPFWIrli1W911,1 dit 8 I 40.4, 1. 1 0. L.), 64:109 av`-.>".,t4- (J) ,)rvittAi4t; a-,1r4 . • 6V. ke4. Le. .41.:1_4(cr_rAid,ytalionjf/tiot, .--c ? ore_421.4)) ,-.1.1-1-irdv.tst( 1-5N fg' ((It (..i...291,..4,CeLL-r)rlAgAr)70;Kte),Offil*ljtt“). ..:0Yrt.f.J.M.3./(}1. 1.1.31e-Ajt*Lf4t.);(710.111,4/61 fr,49L14011 A 6 17)-3 „zp \x'ef t>4K„t' cyf(N ( Or' If_41.7-") • 63— o * Government POIStarvl Nationaljdentit0i, 14' OvereaSJ4ddita 36403241.35271- Name: Saeed 4rraid Fatl,er's Name: M4ham (rider; '41 Date of Birth " 1 45- Goon! f ,11 • Hopistrar Cis no of Pakiqao . — 111111111111111111111110111puip Present Add 36 Cazenoye d, Wallhain810W London,E17 4 United King Permanent ass : Vul & P. O. C = k No. 35/ S 13, Sargodhk*, Sargodha • " • " Pakistan SneedA h is entitled vin. treeentry into Pakistan 3<PAK384032 13<52717XPPN1 6904041K1902237PAK8G5B9 401MAD<<SAEED<<<<<<“<<“ • IN THE LAHORE HIGH COURT RAWALPINDI BENCH RAWALPIND NO 731 /ADRE • Dated 77— 2013 From The Deputy Registrar (Judicial) Lahore High Court Rawalpindi Bench, Rawalpindi To, Chief Election Commissioner Pakistan Islamabad . The Additional District & sessions Judge / Returning Officer PP-32, District Sargodha-V Subject; Election Appeal Diary No 159.2013. National Bank of Pakistan Vs Returning Officer PP-32,Sargodha Dear Sir, I am directed to forward herewith for information and immediate compliance a copy of this Court 's order dated 16.04-2013 by the Appellate Tribunal Comprising of Hon able Mr. Justice Rauf Ahmad Sheikh and Hon able Mr. Justice Mamoon Rashid Sheikh. Yours Faithfully Assistant Registrar (Judicial) For Deputy Registrar (Judicial) • 1 Endt No A D R R Dated 2013 Copy with a Copy of this Court order dated 16.04.2013 is forwarded To, The Regional Election Commissioner, Rawalpindi for information and necessary action. Assistant Registrar (Judicial) For Deputy Registrar (Judicial) Office Objection is therefore Sustained BEFORE ELECTION TRIBUNAL, LAHORE HIGH COURT, LAHORE (RAWALPINDI BENCH) PETITION No. /2013 National Bank of Pakistan, a banking company incorporated under the laws of Pakistan, having its Head Office at II Chundrigar Road, Karachi and Corporate Centre at 27-C-III, M.M. Alain Road, Gulberg III, Lahore, through Mr. Shahid Majeed G.M (Credit), duly authorized officer of the National Bank of Pakistan. ... Petitioner Versus 1. Additional District & Sessions Judge/Returning Officer, PP 32, Sargodha-V. 2. Aamir Sultan Cheema R/o 161-R, Gulberg II, Lahore. 3. M/S National Sugar Industries, 146 M Gulberg III, Lahore through its Chief Executive Mr. Aamir Sultan Cheema. ... Respondents CLAIM IN PETITION To convert the Petition into Appeal under Section 14 (5A) of The Representation of the People Act 1976, And For setting aside the impugned order dated 5.4.2013 of Additional District & Sessions Judge/ Returning Officer, PP 32, Sargodha-V and for rejection of nomination papers of the Respondent No.1 against Provincial Assembly seat of Constituency No. PP 32. Respectfully Sheweth: 1. That the Petitioner is a banking company, a person and a financial institution and, therefore, competent to institute this petition befpre this Honourable Court. Form No:HCJD/C-121 ORDER SHEET IN THE LAHORE HIGH COURT, RAWALPINDI• BENCH. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT Case No: Diary No.159-2013 (E.A.No. -2013) Versus National Bank of Pakistan R.O. PP-32, Sargodha-V, etc. S. No. of order/ -Date of order/- Order,with signatures of Judge and that of Proceeding Proceeding parties or counsel, where necessary. OBJECTION CASE 16.04.2013. Nemo. The instant appeal under section 14(5A) of the Representation of People Act, 1976, has been received on 15.04.2013 through TCS. The last date for filing of the appeals was 10.04.2013. 2. The learned counsel for the appellant has not filed it in the office. Even otherwise para No.8(f) of the memorandum of appeal shows that on 15.04.2013 a period of one year will elapse from the date on which the loan having became The appellant, therefore, cannot claim qiqualification under Article 63 (1) ((q) of the nstitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, ead with section 99 (1)(s) of the Representation of People Act, 1976.
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