GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 109 WATER POWER RESOURCES OF HAM·MA HAMMA, DUCKABUSH AND DOSEW ALLIPS RIVERS WASHINGTON By Fred F. Lawrence PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSE:RVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 109 WATER POWER RESOURCES OF HAMMA HAMMA, DUCKABUSH AND DOSEW ALLIPS RIVERS ·WASHINGTON By Fred F. Lawrence Washington, D. C., 1962 Free on application to the Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 109 PLATE 1 OLYMPIC I =.. .. I OLYMPIC .· .. .. ~· .. ·. .1: . L .- ·- ·-·-, L.---·-, . i I .. i ' • • • ,• •• I f\o.ari • • • :' ~· . age Basin sou • • • • • l_j ...Qfa'~ •• , • , • ~· .. N A I . I .. I ! . .. ·/· .. ·. .. .. P A R K /' ./ F 0 R E S T ' . / : -r-'-=-··_._·. ..:....:_ . _ __/_~--- _____J~FERS.9~r. · :_ · COUNTY_ . .' MASON • COUNTY KITSAP SOUNT'f_ ___ _ ---MASON COUNTY ... O'=='""";;;;;;;;i==i3""""'4i===::'==,;;6 Miles Scale one inch equals four miles Proposed developments shown in red overprint 12PM9 shown in red indicates power site index number See text for explanation LOCATION MAP OF HAMMA HAMMA, DUCKABUSH, AND DOSEWALLIPS RIVERS WATER POWER RESOURCES OF HAMMA HAMMA, DUCKABUSH AND DOSEW ALLIPS lUVERS WASHINGTON CONTENTS Page Abstract •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••. ,. 1 Water Utilization plan •••••••••••••••.• 13 Introduction. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Hamma Hamma River ••••••••••••••.•••.. 14 Previous investigations and reports •• 2 Duckabush River ••••••.•••••••.••••••• 14 Maps................................. 2 Dosewallips River ••••••••••••..••••.• 15 Future work.......................... 2 Stream r~gulation ••••••••••••••••••••.. 15 Geology................................ 2 Hamma Hamma River •.••••••••.••.••••..• 16 Geography & History •••••••••••••••••••• 2 Duckabush River •••••••••••••••••••••• 16 Power site index numbers ••••••••••••••• 3 Dosewallips River •••••••••••••••••••• 18 Water supply. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Water power ••••••• ·••••••••• • ••••••••••• 19 Precipitation •••••••••••••••••••.•.... 3 Hamma Hamma River ••••••••••••.••••••• 19 Runoff •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,...... 5 Duckabush River ••••••••••••••.••••••• 20 Hamma Hamma River •••••••••••••••••••• 8 Dosewallips River •••••••••••••••••••• 22 Duckabush River ••••••••••••• , •••••••• 10 Dosewallips River •••••••••••• , • • • • • • • 12 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plate 1. Map of the Hamma·Hamma, Duckabush, and Dosewallips Rivers ••• , •••••••••••• Frontispiece Figure 1. Annual precipitation, Seattle, Quilcene, and Cushman Dam ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 2. Annual distribution of precipitation at Cushman Dam, Brinnon, and Quilcene, and Runoff of the Hamma Hamma, Duckabush, and Dosewallips Rivers ••••••••••••••• 7 3. Monthly hydrographs for the Hamma Hamma, Duckabush, and Dosewallips Rivers ••••••• 9 4. Daily flow duration curves for the Hamma Hamma, Duckabush, and Dosewallips Rivers 11 5. Reservoir area and capacity curves for sites on the Hamma Hamma, Duckabush, and Dosewallips Rivers ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 ABSTRACT reducing the power available 95.and 90 percent of the time in a run-of-river plant. Th~ Hamma Hamma, Duckabush, and Dose­ wallips Rivers drain part of the east slope INTRODUCTION of the Olympic Mountains in northwestern Washington. The area is sparsely settled and This report is one of a series prepared for the most part is public domain lying in to assist in the classification of land with­ either the Olympic National Park or the in the public domain, with regard to its Olympic National Forest. value in the production of hydro-electric power. There are 500 feet of fall on the Hamma Hamma River, 1,100 feet on the Duckabush The field work incidental to the prepara­ River, and 1,500 feet on the Dosewallips tion of the report included plane-table River available for power development. There surveys of each of the three. streams studied. are no reservoir sites in the upper portions These surveys were all made by Mr. W. C. of the basins so the proportion of firm power Senkpiel in 1932 except Jefferson and Lena to total power is quite small. Each basin Creeks in the Hamma Hamma River basin, which has one reservoir site near the mouth of the were mapped by Mr. G. w. Crippen in 1936, and stream which can provide adequate regulation. the Hamma Hamma River dam site mapped by It will not be possible to divert the entire Mr. Arthur Johnson in 1937. The 1936 and streamflow for power because each of these 1937 surveys were made in cooperation with streams is used as spawning ground for salmon. the Department. of Conservation and Develop­ The amount of water necessary to maintain this ment of the State of Washington. The author spawning cycle will be a large proportion of made two short reconnaissance trips into the the l9w flow of each stream, thus greatly three basins by automobile in 1949. l 2 -Previous Investigations and Reports from the Regional Engineer, U. S. Geological Survey, Sacramento, Calif. Mr. E. E. Jones made reconnaissance surveys of the three streams in 1927 and Future work prepared reports on the potential power available, These reports and maps were not Detailed topographic surveys are required released to the public, at those dam sites not already mapped on a large scale, and the geology of all the dam sites should be investigated before any de­ tailed planning is undertaken. Geological Sur~-- River survey maps, all on a scale of 1:31,680 (! mile to 1 inch) GEOLOGY with conto1:r intervals of 20 feet on land and either 5 or 10 feet on the water surface, Very little geologic investigation has have been published for all three streams, been made in the basins of the Hamma Hamma, These maps are: Plan and profile of Hamma Duckabush, and Dosewallips Rivers. So far Hamma River and tributaries, Washington, as is known no reports have been published, with dam site (l plan sheet, l profile sheet); Plan and profile of Duckabush River, Washing­ The Geology Department of the College ton, from mouth to mile 18 (1 sheet showing of Puget Sound in Tacoma, headed by Professor plan and profile); and Plan and ~ofile of F. A. McMillin, has maintained a summer camp Dosewallips River, Washington, from mouth in the area for some years, studying the to Deception Creek, and dam site (1 plan geology, No results have been published. sheet, 1 profile sheet), · GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY The dam sites on the Hamma Hamma and Dosewallips Rivers are on a scale of The basins of the Hamma Hamma, Ducka­ 1:4,800 (400 feet to 1 inch) with contour bush, and Dosewallips Rivers are on the intervals of 10 feet on land and 5 feet on eastern side of the Olympic Peninsula in the the river surface, Mt. Constance quadrangle, northwestern part of the State of Washington, scale 1:125,000, contour interval 100 feet, about 30 airline miles west of Seattle. All covers all of the Hamma Hamma River and three streams drain into Hood Canal which is those parts of the Duckabush and Dosewallips an arm of Puget Sound. The adjacent drain­ Rivers upstream from their respective gaging age systems are as follows: on the south, stations. 'The Brothers and Mt. Steele the North Fork of the Skokomish River; on quadrangles, scale 1:62,500, contour interval the west, the Quinault and Elwah Rivers; on 100 feet, cover the south half of Mt. · the north, the Dungeness and Quilcene Rivers; Constance quadrangle and include the same and on the east, Hood Canal, Part of the parts of all three basins. Hamrna Hamma River basin is in Mason County and the rest of it and all of the Duckabush Cor~s of Engineers, u. s. Army-- Pt. Misery and Dosewallips River basins are in Jeffer­ qua rangle, scale 1:62,500, contour interval son County~ 20 feet, covers the area to the east of The Brothers quadrangle and includes the The central portions of the Duckabush area downstream from the gaging stations on and Dosewallips River basins and the re­ the Duckabush and Dosewallips Rivers except mainder of the Hamrna Hamma River basin are for a small part of the Dosewallips River in the Olympic National Forest, and the upper basin which appears on the Quilcene quad­ parts of the Duckabush and Dosewallips River rangle, scale 1:62,500, contour interval 50 basins are in the Olympic National Park. feet. Moat of the land along the lower reaches of the three rivers is privately owned. The U. S. Forest Service-- Two maps of the land 11•hich is under private ownership has, Olympic Peninsula; one on a scale of 2 miles for the most part, been logged off and in to 1 inch shows contours where available. many places a good stand of second-growth The other, on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch, timber has come up. In spite of some rather shows no contours but covers a slightly heavy logging between 1920 and 1930, the larger area on the north and south. National Forest .land has hardly been touched. No logging operations were under way at the The above Geological Survey and Corps time of this writing and the Forest Service of Engineers maps may be obtained from the has not planned any large timber sales for Map Distribution Section, U. S. Geological the next 5 years. Except for a fine stand Survey, nenver Federal Center, Denver, Colo. along Washington and Jefferson Creeks in the The price for quadrangle maps is 20 cents Hamma Hamrna River basin the timber in the per sheet, and for river surveys 10 cents three basins is difficult to reach, and per sheet. The Forest Service maps are probably will not be sold until the more obtainable from offices of the Forest Service accessible Forest Service stands have been in Olympia, Wash,, or Portland, Oreg. cut. The timber is predominantly an excellent grade of Douglas fir with small amounts of In connection with the preparation of silver fir, cedar, and hemlock. the maps of The Brothers and Mt. Steele quadrangles, a line of levels was run up The topography of all three basins is each of the three river valleys and a series very rough except for the first few miles of bench marks set.
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