Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-26-1990 University News, February 26 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. v v [Z O.lderw.orke.rslearn Studentsand taxes l'More Bronco . newer skills- •:~d~~:~~ting for the --.:::=::::::::==::::::::==:::::::::-~:::::::::=::::::::::=:::::::::::-~=========:::::'---l IINI"FR~ITV.-. ,.. ... _ .. ~ ..... NF.W~.... .. - ..... ....-..-- - ,. _.- -- -- -- --'- - -,.' - -.'.- Volum"eX IssueEighteen Boise State University February 26, 1990 ASBSUSenate v. President,Reilly . , ., BSUstudents Idaho Impeachment hearings to start citizens testify in by RosemOry E. Hardin The University News ' abortion hearings By secret ballot, the ASBSU Students For Life, testified in Iavc Senate voted 10 to one last Tuesday by Lorry PUNlance to begin impeachment proceedings The University News of anti-abortion bills .. against ASBSU President Pat Reilly . Pro-choice advocates favorer a number of bills that would rcpca , An indictment against Reilly , The Idaho Legislature's heated the so-called·"trigger law," whict was presented to the Senate earlier and emotional abortion debate would automatically make abortior by Steve Martinez. spilled over into the hcavil y-guarded a crime in the event the U.S. Suo According to Martinez, he was SUB last week, and BSU students prernc Court repeals Roc v: Wade, a member of the ASBSU judiciary on both sides of the issue made their Many pro-choice advocates alse until Reilly decided to withhold his views known to tilejoint House and favored HB·626, which would per- salary and declare his justice posi- Senate State Affairs Committees. mit abortions as long as they well tion vacant because Martinez was More than 200 people from terminated prior to fetal viability. not a registered full-Ice student. around the state testified either in The Idaho American Civil Martinez did not register for classes person or by submitting written Presldent Pat Reilly Steve Martinez Liberties Union backed HJR-ll, a until Feb. 9. The ASBSU statements. Some traveled from as more generic biII calling for a con- Constitution states that all ASBSU According to Reilly, former According to Reilly, he was far north as Sandpoint and as far stitutional amendment guarantee- members must be t:.egistered, full- President Jeff Russell (1988-89) told by an adviser that paying Marti- east as Soda Springs. ing a right to privacy. ,.' fee students and have a minimum hired an SPB employee knowing nez would be in violation of the The debate was sharp and It was estimated by the House 2.25 GPA. his GPA was below the required ASBSU Constitution. sometimes angry, but anticipated State Affairs Committee on Friday minimum, then. decided not to pay One of ASBSU's advisers disruptions or violence never mate- "I've taken every step to avoid that pro-life testimonies outnum- impeachment," Martinez told the him. An ASBSU advisertold Reilly David Taylor said impeachment rialized. Security was tight, with at bered pro-choice statements by a 3- Senate. 10 pay the student after the student proceedings are very serious. "It least 30 uniformed and plainclothed 1 margin. He said the morning of Feb. 20 filed a complaint with the ASBSU sounds like they (the Senators) want policemen in attendance at all times. Pat to clarify why hcdid what he did Testimony jelled around three Individual testimony was he talked to Reilly about reinstating JUdiciary. ' strictly limited by a three-minute Reilly said that case is irrele- (in Martinez's case). They should distinctly different bills. The pro- him and paying his back wages, but time limit, and professional lobby vant Martinez's case. "I'm not go through a fact-findingprocc- life contingent overwhelmingly Martinez said Reilly refused. to Ists from both sides took to thr Martinez said he did not file the going to pay him (Martinez) be- dure." favored House Bill 625, which podiums first. causchcwasn'tastudcnt, Hewasn't At press time, an impeachment would prohibit abortion asa method indictment against Reilly based Sally Trott, a spokesperson for solely on this problem. "This isjust recognized by the university as a hearing date had not been set, and of birth control. There was scat- it also had not been decided if the tered support for HB-627, a bill that the newly-organized "Freedom one on a long list of many." student," Reilly said. Means Choice" citizens lobby, said Martinez said he had been as- hearing will 00 open to the public. would prohibit abortions for any But Martinez did single out her group will be able to muster what he called a similar case in sured by Reilly through Chief Jus- The ASBSU Senate chambers reason, including rape or incest. Both ASBSU Vice President more than 6,000 members by the which Reilly opted topay an ASBSU tice Jean Maxon in January that his are temporarily located in room 115 member who had a GPA below the late registration would not bea of the Technical Education Build- Lon Burke and Senator Mike Had- don, members of the newly-formed See "Hearings;" page 13 ma~datory minimum. problem. ' ing. BSUsquirrel incident enrages .animallovers by Jeff Faulkner Exterminating to get rid of the The University News squirrels. ' , Richard Lewis, an accountant BSU's physical plantended up for the physical plant, said they with quite a headache over a dead contracted with Sawyer's to "relo- squirrel, a $300' bill and angry cate the squirrels" somewhere off people when they responded to an campus. In January, metal box alleged complaint, over. gnawed traps were set on the southeast side wires in the communication build- of the communication building. ing. Most said.on Jan. 30 ;1squirrel The physical plant contracted was trapped and then escaped. an exterminator to get rid of the Then on Jan. 31 another squirrel guilty squirrels, and several of was trapped in the box and was BSU's staff and students are an- confined over the weekend with- gered by the incident. However, out food or water in freezing tem- according to Richard Lewis of the peratures. He said the traps were not monitored so he contacted the physical plant, the rodent problem . .-.' Marly MQoIJSpodoI to "'" lInMnIv Newt is "solved." physical plant and was told it was Trapped squIrrel lies dead In a bloodied trap after It spent 24 hours In freezing weather with no food Accordi,ngto communication the communication. departnlcnt's or water . The squirrel was trapped on the ~ast sIde of the communication building as part of an effort professor Marty Most, last June job to check the traps. Most said to remove squirrels that may have been gnawing wires and causing structural damage. physical plant elerk Linda Th- he had could not find anyone in the .ompson told the communication ' communication departnlentto con- squirrel mauled itself· and died Stephan said February is "the that 'AIDs wouid do the job. for secreuiry that in response to com- firm. that they were supposed to trying to escape from the cage. baby season" for squirrels and the free, and did.not consider calling plaints from the deparunent, the check tile ~ps. "Of course it's going to try to worst time 10 relocate. Had AIDs the humane society, either. squirrels would be trapped. The According to Lewis, the con- escape-its a wild animal," said done the job, Stephan said, "We .As for relocating the squirrels, rodents, according to Thompson, tract with the exterminator stated Animals in Distress (AIDs) Vice would have encouraged them (the Heidi Kirkpatrick of the BSU or- were. biting at the wires and caus- that is was Sawyer's job to check President Valerie Stephan. ,She ,physical plant) to wait until spring." ganization Voiccsfor Animals, said ing structural damage to the build- the traps. Because. of this mix-up" said. there is a good chance the She said squirrels build their nests she. understood that the squirrels ing. the second squireCIremained inthe squirrel had babies in its nest,and early in the year and· to relocate would be relocated to Lucky P-'..ak. Although there is no record of trap for 24 hours. Most said, added that AIDs would have relo- them now neithertheenvironmcnt where there is no·natural squirrel the complaint, or any confirmation· "There is no way we could have cated and "rehabilitated" the ani- nor other squirrels would accept habitat ' by the communiootion department, monitored the trap; We don't keep mals for free and in a "much more them during their birthing season. Thompson contracted Sawyer's regular hoUrs on weekends." The humane manner" than Sllwyers. Lewis said he was· not aware The University News Older workers bring experience, maturity to jobs 1l~.L:iIC1:I:.i:i7~.~~.;.tS- *~=l:l'::',-!Ir~ '=,.. ::...~~J.'::-Tt l.~.a:.te::. 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