Title Configuration of Migmatite Dome Comparative Tectonics of Migmatite in the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt Author(s) Kizaki, Koshiro Citation Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy, 15(1-2), 157-172 Issue Date 1972-03 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/36009 Type bulletin (article) File Information 15(1-2)_157-172.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP CONFIGURATION OF MIGMATITE DOME COMPARATIVE TECTONICS OF MIGMATITE IN THE HIDAKA METAMORPHIC BELT by Koshiro KIzAKI (with 16 Text-Figures) (Contribution from the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, No, 1227 ) lntroduction The Hidaka metamorphic belt wliich represents the geological backbone of the Hokkaido is}and in northern Japan, is composed of various metamorphics and migmatites of pelitic and psamitic origin and a}so is characterizecl by thick sheets of basic intrusives which were metainorphosed to various aixtphibolites. Basic and ultrabasic plutonics as olivine gabbro, norite, gabbro and periodotite are significant in the belt. The core portion of the belt is occupied by the migmatites which are classified to biotite migmatite, cordierite migmatite and granitic migmatite of agmatitic, schollen, nebulitic and anatexitic natures, while sometimes of massive kind (Fig. I). The radiometric age of these migmatites indicates 30-40 my by K-A method (Kawano et al, 1967). So that with other geological informations, the age of the metamorphism and migmatization should be around from Cretaceous to Tertiary. The petrography of the metamorphic rocks and migmatites of the belt has been published by several authors (HiRoTA, l963, HuNAHAsHi, et al, l9S6, KizAKi, l964, ToNozAKi, 1965, etc.). The general picture on the Hidaka orogeiry in the Alpine period has been presented by HuNAHAsHi, and KizAKi, (HuNAHAsHi, l957, KizAKi, l964). The migmatite forming dome and arch along the core zone are divided into several tectonic units throughout the belt though some of the units are not clear yet. The irtajor units, however, have been investigated to classify from the tectonic facies view points. The conception of tectonic facies which is provided by the scale, shape and composition of the structure, has been originally defined by HARLAND (HARLAND, 19S6). The synclinal structure of the Pipairo complex and the Oshirabetsu dome dealt with in the present paper, reveal to be the identical tectonic facies nevertheless they might be seemed to be different in struck}re, because it shows that the synclinal structure of the Pipairo conaplex and dome of the Oshirabetsu body represent the different level of a l58 K, KIZAKI / tt e .. tt. 14 / IKVTORA------ KARIKACHI PASS iilri + , 1 + ' , + J SHINTOKU e ' + - , n + ' l + llt . ; + 5- si 11 IX + N { + + ti l x + l " + ft l N -l + N x F i' :L/ + tti tt li xN t e IL t NIDAKA ti, IiN t.M m r9.ft} N i" tL xi ttt t tttt tttt tx ti il x NN if i? IL :1 /-- -- - pt i l l} L zi tN gl b 1 il LIY'gi , 1- " i l .,kU 1 N + it N 1 t Ns H ' H N tN Mt.PorosfiiriA"SL, 1 - kg,.. N INI x 1 ss1. ! 1 / tl iS x stix X Jd gsrrr ・ktk x lb SATSUNAI o - Mt.K.Ekuuchikaushil"NV LL tN ft-- -,,i )Sillll , l)< N>IE Na Nes NN.lvi }s,. AX Mt.LN amu rz Cretaceous Formations SNs N LNS.Y, XilSxNx >kl NN )( Z/l] Htdaka supergroup .-.-Xx 'SL x v --I >5E : zag Nllii;E:fg.-=- ;"" Basic metamorphics N t & syn-kinematic gabbros / >srCSI / BIRO / 1・ NN . Nx i . Late & post-kinematic gabbros N -N ,2 ・' x tf ' x ABETSU yul t..t :; Mt, aklslii"SN e tt..tt t Acid metamorphics J 'f / N , i? i]'i", ..t..x ma & migmatites /-- t ti "N lt t N ' .- N mo Late-kinematic gramtes SAMANI- xl NiNsl e ' .t x t N ts, /x -N s-N K- t t ng x N N [llll] post-kmematic granites 1 M zz s N x sX K t s t -s / Fold axis PAClFlC OCEAN HOROIZUMi- e ; 53i.1 630oeoe 1.Lmeation . f 61e- 8of l CAPE ERIMO. o 10 20 KM f Thrust fault / Fault Fig. 1 Tectonic map of tlie Hidaka metamorphic belt, A: Pipairo complex, B: Oshirabetsu dome. MIGMATITE DOME IN THE HIDA}<A METAMORPI-ilC BELT l59 structure of the sanie tectonic facies. Furthermore, the direction of the tectonic transport of the structures is also identical toward south that is of the same tectonic style (HARLAND, l9S6). Il-herefore, the tectonic configuration of the structure from the view poiilt of structural Ievel is quite probable to be a sort of diapir of the migmatite in the metamorphic belt. Pipairo Complex (Fig. 2 and 3) The Pipairo complex has been seemed simply to be a mass of gneissose granite called the Pipairo gneissose granite. The complex is, however, composed of the biotite gneiss and biotite migmatite which form a synclinal basin structure of 9km long and 3km wide at the center and the coarse granitic miginatite of anatexitic itature revealing three sheet structures or steeply inclined phacoliths at the easterR side. The complex situated at the north-eastem part of the H[idaka metamorphic belt, contacts to tlie schistose biotite hornfels with faults or sheared zone in between. Further east it transits to the slates and sandstones of the Hidaka , supergroup, presumably of the lower Mesozoic in age. It is surrounded l)y the gabbros to north, west and south. [l]he eastern side of the H[idaka metamorphic belt generally represents a series of progressive metamorphism of the high temperature and low pressure type from the sediments of the Hidaka supergroup to be various types of migmatites via biotite hornfe}s, schistose biotite homfels and banded biotite gneiss. In the area in questioll, the zone of the banded biotite gneiss is missing and also the most graAitized portions, i.e. anatexites of the granitic migmatites, occur on the eRstern side. A iiumber of gabbro sheet in the migmatite aureole separates tliLe structural subunits which are tl'ie synclinal basin and phacolith structures. The gabbros are acidified tobediorjtic,graRodioritic rocks by migmatization and are scattered in the migmatites as paleosomes. The gabbros at the northern portion iiiterfinger and contaminate with the migmatites so that the boundary between tlaem is obscured. The schistose biotiie hornfels and banded biotite gneiss on the westeri] side of the syiiclinal structure are tlae cohtinuation of the septum between gabbro masses from the north and envelope tlie synclinal structure at the southern end. A small sheet ofgranite is observed on the eastem flank of the syncline and its petrographic natui'e is quite similar to that of the postkinematic granites which are seen at the northern region of the belt (Fig. 1). 160 K, KIzAKI f ltl/tiss Nfl N nx, Nf N l !N re N. eke ivfug fx if %,eie 2eo":a$i,il, o eq ag qta. I .)N ]; i elljl ig % eq fa e !.i eq igeq k Segie eee ee l< .. m..tttt ss,// x N vaigva ts %e 20 e - ig e igk 30 e l- die efits " e ig g eq s ktse e es ig va va ts fi eee yi N ta W$si¥,el.e e gx { ts". k e g ig 1 / -bets y eq eq % e 3oN / 50q ¢ hete' ek es "e ts G. Ge ee ts 3 N/ I)v"ti,}ilillli;ilXIIIIilliiilii)lllll)lililli(x-il$,$i:,:f}tg,i,,,i,ts ee te" g / N. 40 pt ts .e "x ig "s / treqS 6 O ets:s?eO,"eG e, X ! ",,g ¢ e w"sfu eESSIti K ts e" k. t. -.'''-r-- tw E,,{ / iN "" Nkt$ijIIN¥aj%y x /Nt .] 10 otso ooe'e N fu4 ee /t i ssM3o eB e N "e fi eeg"- i]l 1 pmptpt 5 e Xi5< !,i(i 3 Elii!ili Midaka N i l sssstwtwlscstsi bs 35 " gy<y " iv ss $upfif Group' N el",, N h Schistose 1 / Ve fi 5st・ Hornists 1,ti)(l,, '-"` N sex e gedi Bandeci 1 ! "lk i5 Gneiss l<l/;)(xv<ll¥1,is ts× as1V Biotite o, e ,J. MigmatRe N la -e -e :- Granitic 5t÷iiSt)"7g6c o so Migmatite N 5>ljts [illiX] Granite wN 'x tw . ts 60 [Ii!{llll2 1X!. Gabbro `ts ew. PI R4 /RO . "tJ..lljil N ee Xliisllll " iR lN 'N e -"ab z A2o Fotiatlon / ...eg " ee x ! eeeq pa ee e N lx ea ble / N .t / e, m e ts e !x N .t se e Li neation e h e: N N! X45 .-"" e IN e zaN eN 1 .. 'sc(,,, fu " e N N N Thrust,Fau{t llNN e7 ! N !l l N e1IN XI N 7N e! Fig. 2 Tectonic map of Pipairo complex. MIGMATITE DOME IN THE HIDAKA METAMORPHIC BELT l61 .--tt tNiN SxN 1 ' i t-- S- t ' "te X sJ ' t lll;'i'/e';l'11i tt /f'/ ,'/"3i';,'1' t st tt it 1t lt ' Ilss$ss LIt x : t ! tt'.1'g..・J.IIIill・f.::1 sst ! 4 aooO m sw' "N f℃ 'ite,il,'i,,kfei:"iii."Ze'//i/liii;ell'II";"l:{zi";;" NE Nf ZZT)Z. "if fN y .kNtsSf sss o ptpm f K NNNkl X XxXNtNN "LsNsx-lts.N K Fig. 3 Cross section of Pipiro complex Structures Foliation: Foliation is signified by the p}anar arrangement of biotite flakes and tlie compositional alternation of biotite-rich layers and quartz - feldspathic layers emphasizes the foliation.
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