"'owa's alternative newspaper' Vol. -108, No. 159 Monday" March 1, 1976 Iowa City I Iowa 52240 10c Ford favored among county delegates By K. PATRICKJENBEN delegates aelected for the dlltrict con­ be elected and six dele8ates-wih be IU~ Reagan IUpIIGrterI buIt.a1Iy qreed RepJNIcan to be eIeet.d It the countJ AlIt. Newt Mtw \'WItion and found 22lUppOrted PresIdent mitted by the state cearaI committee for with Reagan'. stated pblloeopby OIl IeYel In receri )'WI, said there 11'1 DDI President Gerald Ford hal the malt Ford while CIlly nine deleptea would an­ coosIderatloo, she said. federa1 ~ and states' n,bts. Democrata In the Caurt Ifjge IDd announced aupport amq JohnIon C0un­ nounce a preference for Ford'. main OIl­ In all, 18· delegates will be Ielected In "He'. more CCIIIIeI'VItive," one delegate =""'leans would need Democ::ratlc .. ty Republicans choIen Saturdly II JIOOent, fonner CalIfomia Gov. Ronald the two cenvent1oos, she said. said. "I au- Ida pblkw\*Y IDd mine port to win election dis,.,. "w. ban delegates t4 the GOP dlltrict and ItaIe Reagan. Madlen said the Repu1ican .ystem II are more cloeely aligned. '.' lOme pod Demcx:ratlin JoImIaD CouD­ ronventiOlll, a DI telephone poll reveall. However, 26 deIeptea laid they were desiJned 10 that delegates can remaiD ~ Gov. Ray supporter said, "It'. too ty. but we have ...bid 0IIeI and DDI . More than 204 _atea and jlllior IIICClIJIJnitted, many inIIatlng they prefer II'lCOI1lItIitted. She said the nameI IU~ early to tell euctIy where PreIIdem I'IIl dinpu"" - and 1 won't IJIIIltiGft delegatea gathered at the JohnIon C0un­ neither. Ford nor Reagan. mitted Saturday night were cboeen 00 the Ford and Gov. Rapn milbt fiDally Ricbard'. name," IIuIIa said. ty Republlcan ConvRloo Saturdly nIgbt Four delegatea indicated they would basis of party interest. "No questionl QJIne out. I peraonaUy feel Gov. Ray Is Tom L)'Ul, ~ cbalrperIoo, to select 112 delegatea for the district con­ aJppOrt a favoritHon campaign by Iowa were liked concel1Iing their preferen- one of the beat qua\IfIed people, baed 00 ea\Ied 00 RepJb!iclna to submit their his record In Iowa, t4 be president. " venUon June 18 and state COIlvention Gov. Robert Ray, one supported a ces, ".said. bi11a to the county forpayma, a refenn­ J\DIe 19 in Des Molnea. presidential bid by Sen. Howard Baker of However, Madlen admitted that The Des MoiJIa fteIIster, In a ce to Bartel'. IlteqIt to haft the COUD­ Delegatea aelected· Saturday will vote Tenn., eight refuIed t4l1111Wer. delegates · may ·vote for national oopyrIgbted story Sunday, reported that ty pay his lepl f. after a dIal1qe for 00 which ·of the 38 national delegatea Under the Republlean presidential delegates 00 the buts of a natlooaI Reagan and F«d appear 'to be rumina his supervIaora' _t from Iowa will go to the Republk.n eelectlon system ill Iowa, delegatea are nominee's preference for a presidential ''neck and neck" In Iowa. The Register Tbe GOP recuIan rejectecl a party National Conventloo Aug. 16-19 In KIDIu announced 81 uncommitted, according t4 candidate. polled various tnDy couventioos Satur· . plank calIInc for dec:r1mInaIizaU of City, Mo. Jen Madlen, delepte aelectlon commit­ County delegates indicating support day and found Ford with a·1lIcbt lead, I1IIrijuana, IUbmItt.ed by Bill Crews, a The party regulars aIIo adopted a tee chalrpel'\lOl\. for PresIdent Ford In '{be DI'. IU1'Yey primarily becauIe 01 his support In urban deletate fram Preeinet 22. county platform and took pot Ihota at LaVerne Larsoo, COIJIlty chalrpel'\lOl\, said they favored his actioos thus far In areas. Party recuIars cId approve a pIaIIk the Democratic Johnaoo CoImty officiala said the delegates aelected Saturday will office or did not agree with Reagan'. JobnIon ~ RepublicanI at the ca1ling for continuation of the federll at the convention held at the county elect three · national delegatea, at the proposed policies .. cmventloo took some pot shots at loca1 work-study pl'CJll'll11 for eaIIep Ita .... fairground'! . CoogressIonal district level COIlventloos "I feel he (Ford) Is a man wbo hu Democratic Party offtcIala - mostly at and supported (mtlnulQI fiDandallup. The Democratic Ccunty Convention 00 June 18 and nominate two delegatea assumed a great deal of respooslbt1lty county SupervIsor CbaI.rpenoo Riebard port for biper eOJcation The Ford ad­ will be held this Saturday. for at·large representatloo. and wbo Is doing an honest job," one Bartel. rrinlatratloo bas JII\4ICIII8d ",.hecb In The or Sunday contacted 70 of the 92 On June 19, the at-lal'l(e del&J!ates will delegate said. Sheriff Gary Hupea, the , only the work-atudy JIl"OII'IIIl. Dormitory meals: there's plenty left By LARRY PERL variety, better recipes and hotter food. plate. Staff Writer "The most criticism that came out of If the dish is not being taken - or 81 Here you are, precisely at 5 p.m., and the survey was to shake up our com­ Stokely said, "if studenta take one bite the supper 1ines In your donnltory have binations so that we wouldn't have and leave the rest 00 the plate" ~ the just opened. chicken and liver on the same night (for new dish will be dropped from the menu. Well , what looks good to eat as you am· example), " Bauer said. Stokely and Bersinger mentioned the In­ ble down the line with your empty tray? . DinIng services have now Instituted a famous tamale pie as one new dish that OIl, there's meatloaf. You'll have three new five·week menu. Managers of the six did not go over well. A new dish will pieces, please. What? Only allowed one donnltorydiningservlcesmeeteach week usua1ly be served more than once, before serving of meat at supper? In that case, t4 evaluate the success of the previous a decision Is reached for continuance or you'll just have three baked potalOes. week's menu. SUpervilOrs keep strict discontinuance. As you walk throuih the liDe there's a production records of how much of each DinIng service employees used to dish poster across from you which shows item during a given meal was prepared out several servings In advance t4 help someone carvirI& a pig, and reads, and how much was left over at the end of the line of waiting students move along "Don't go the whole hog." But you don't the meal. faster. Since students have complained see it because you're busy taking three Substantial leftovers will not be reser· about cold (ood, however, employees are dishes of green beans. Yed more than once, Margaret Stokely, Instructed to serve food only upon Half an hour later, you put your tray on ' Burge dIni.n& service manager, said. request. The Unes move more .lowly, the the conveyor belt and it goes back to the "We might compenSate and serve lea of food stays hotter. dishroom. Half a piece of meatloaf, two a scheduled dish (on a given meal) In or· baked potatoes, two di~ of green der to include a leftover. But we wouldn't Bersinger said the new menus are ap­ beans, the salad you never touched and a feel safe re-heating something more than proved by various student food commit· melted dish of ice cream go down the gar· once," tees in the donnltories. She also men­ bage disposal. Stokely and Carol Bersi.llger, Hillcrest tioned feedback from dining service ern· Steve Bauer. head of the UI domrl!4ry dining service manager, mentioned that p1oyees. "We've got 10 per cent of-our dining services, di8cussed production there Is a ceJ1ain amount of overproduc· cust4mers working as employees," she and serving aspects of donnltory food, tion in the preparation of meals. said. and the problems o( what he called "There's always surplus food," Stokely Bersinger said a typical menu will In­ "unlimited food. " said, "so if people want it, we've got It. " elude something popu1ar and something "There Is very little waste (of food) In Because of strict production records less popular, as main dishes. "We'll nm the kitchens," Bauer said. "We fan coo­ and a knowledge of how much of a given liver against something popular like roast beef," she said. "We'll make only trol our meat portion sizes, our produc· food will be eaten, based 00 past ex· countris, thole answers would be dif· perience and records, there are rarely 250 servings or so of liver, but we keep It "What students want moat of all," Bur· If they take icrnetbin" they're going t4 tIoo and receiving procedures. But it Is eat It." ferent. In this country, there', a lot of the person who takes four glasses of substantial leftovers In the dining ser· 00 the menu because there's a crowd that da said, "is Jelectlon variety In the The waste of food, then,·1s not the fault abundance. Food II ava\lable who vices. During one meal, for example, 50 really likes liver." menu." Burda strives for this In his orange juice and leaves two creates of tboee who prepare It, of thole who everywhere, In restaUI'IIU, In arocerY food waste. " cases of chicken were fried. By the end of Berslnger said, "In the dining services Unloo menus, 81 evidenced by the in­ lIut Bauer said the donnltory dining ser· the meal, 32 seMnp were left over. For we've got a captive audience for nine troduction of sudt W1UIIU81 foods u shark eat it, or do not eat It, 81 is often the case stores. So there'. ""." In the dormitory dinlnllIl'vices. Bauer said, .~ money we spend 00 vices are sensitive to students want.
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