Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 9-19-2005 Columbia Chronicle (09/19/2005) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (09/19/2005)" (September 19, 2005). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/651 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. INSIDE 2005-'06 landmark watch Jist ... Page 18 CHRONICLE R.I.P. radio ... Page 13 £. d SEP 20 ""'Rollins riles up F hiQfl cOLliMBIACOLLE as J.0f\V3.r EUStudent crowd Musician encourages Trans-Siberian Express. All the people who attended students to make the show can thank Lauren "great'' changes Frontino for the opportunity. Frontino, a junior film major, By Jessica Pearce said she's a member of Rollins' Assistant Campus News Editor e-mail update list. "I got an e-mail from the list Henry Rollins says his entire asking, 'Do you want Henry act can be summed up by a bit of Rollins to come to your col­ mangled English he copied from lege?"' she said. "And I thought, a note in a restaurant in 'Yeah, that would be cool'." Okinawa, Japan. The piece of So she e-mailed Rollins' tour paper, which Rollins took pic­ manager, who told her that she tures of to ensure correct tran­ had to go through an administra­ scription later, fini shed a list of tor to set up the visit. She knew ru les by saying, " I finish in a one of her professors, Josef loud voice and run about!" The Stciff, was a big fan, so she went legendary actor, musician, writer to him. The Film Department and monologist ranted, raved collaborated with Randall and laughed his way through a Albers, the chair of the Fiction two and a half hour Columbia Writing Department, to bring only stop on his spoken word Rollins to Columbia. tour Sept. 12. The event was Albers welcomed Rollins. and sponsored by the Film and his message: Fiction Writing "'In an age of sup­ departments. "/have great confi­ pression. free The free event dence in you. If every­ speech is particular­ was only open to one did something ly important to col­ Columbia stu­ tlzis country would be lege s tudents." dents. faculty very different. All Albers said. As he and staff, and change will come welcomed Rollins to publicity was from you." the stage. Albers kept to a mini­ encouraged students mum. to speak out: Rollins spoke - Henry Rollins, actor, musician and "'I hope you all con­ on a variety of writer front your own cen­ topics during the sors and move past two and a half them," Albers said. '"Speak your Eric Davis/The Chronicle hours he was on stage at the Film minds." Row Cinema in the II 04 Center, Rollins took the stage in front Nancy Jensen, visual designer of Oak Street Design, puts the finishing touch­ 1104 S. Wabash Ave. The self­ es on an ensemble designed by Becky Bisoulis as she prepares a window dis­ of a packed house. There were play at the Palmer House Hilton for Fashion Focus Week 2005. See story in proclaimed "angry man'" ranted 240 sitting in the theater, and The Word, pull-out page 6. about the Bush administration in I 00 more -watching the closed­ between stories of his taking circuit broadcast in a nearby care of a friend's 2-year-old son and his trip across Russia on the See Rollins , Page 6 Campus disaster plan intact By Hayley Graham cumstanccs that can be beyond Columbia's emergency step of Columbia's disaster plan is Campus News Editor our comprehension at the time," response plan is a detailed proce­ to follow a specific outline of said Martha Meegan, director of dure headed by the college vice responses, meant to direct and pro­ From bomb scares to catastroph­ campus safety. presidents in the event of a disas­ vide guidance to the emergency ic airplane crashes to biochemical Following one of the most ter or major emergency on cam­ response team. disasters, Columbia's Department destructive natural disasters in pus, which the plan defines as Each security guard station on of Security says it's ready. the nation's history, Hurricane causing death or serious injury, campus is equipped with an emer­ "We arc as ready as we possibly Katrina, disaster response plans disruption of operations, or physi­ gency response and evacuation pro­ could be in the sense that any dis­ arc now being re-examined cal and environmental damage. cedure protocol that they, too, have aster presents obstacles and cir- across the country. The plan was finalized July 2004. to follow. according to Aimee "'You can never anticipate Hardwick. security operations man­ everything that's going to happen, ager for The Wackcnhut but at least we know how we arc Corporation, which provides cam­ going to approach things." said pus security. Alicia Berg, vice president of Security guards receive intensive campus environment. training on how to deal with cam­ Two groups arc responsible for pus-wide evacuations. Wackcnhut . putting the plan into operation. if also has field supervisors working necessary. The first group is com­ around the clock to provide assis­ posed of all of Columbia ·s vice tance to Columbia. Director of campus safely presidents. the chief of staff and "Our security services pro­ Martha Meegan keeps !he dis­ Meegan, who would work together gram here at Columbia is based aster plan up-to-date. to prioritize the order for emer­ on the notion that it takes a com­ ty."" Meegan said. gency response. munity to stay safe,·· Meegan In an effort to continue impr('l\ ­ The second group includes said. "That sense of community ing disaster plans and to May pre­ Columbia's directors, dean of stu­ is from the inside out- security pared. Meegan is the vkc chair of dents, Facilities Department and offices, faculty. staff. students the Building Q,mers and Managers Information Technology and other agencies." Association "s security subcommit­ Dcparbnent. They implement the ··Columbia is on the forefront of tee and sits on the Chicago Police emergency response plan as priori­ educating themselves and partncr­ Department's advisory council for tized by the first group. ing-up with the agencies to address the First District of Chicago. According to Meegan, the next a disaster at the best of their abili- See Disaster, Page 6 NEWs&NoTEs Sept. 19,2005 'Girl' Crazy IN THIS ISSUE By Jeff Danna, Editor-in-Chief 1/ Campus News all me obsessed. Call me that the show is a classic exam­ to do the same, but "Gilmore C sick. Call me a person ple of art imitating life. At first, Girls" does it through its epic, who needs to get a life, as you it comes across as hopelessly lifelike storytelling and complex roll your eyes. You'd be right. idealistic- an old-fashioned characters. Situations are rarely mentary I' ve allowed a television show East Coast town, a goody two­ contained and resolved in indi­ to control a portion of my life, shoes daughter (that would be vidual episodes; they are intro­ namely Tuesday nights. In the Rory), trendy clothes and witty duced mid-episode and usually past, I have poked fun at people pop culture references. But span multiple weeks. who schedule their activities "Gilmore Girls" gradually Because the show draws on around the pictures shown on reveals its charms below the life's highs and lows for inspira­ their idiot boxes, but here I am gilded surface as the characters tion, watching it is like looking scheduling my fall semester encounter hurdles in their daily into a mirror. Stars Hollow is a classes around a one-hour block lives. reflection of my hometown; the of time. Although each character plays characters are reflections of my I might as well come out and a different role in Stars friends and family. I examine say it: I am a devoted "Gilmore Hollow- such as gruff-but-love­ my own hopes and dreams with Girls" fan. While I catch a lot of able diner owner Luke Danes, each year Rory spends at Yale; I flack for it from men and and town busybody and moralist examine my own romantic rela­ Announcetnents women alike, I'm quite secure Taylor Doosey-they never con­ tionship as Luke and Lorelei's with my little TV viewing habit. form to stereotypes, making progresses. People seem to think the show them relatable to viewers. The Yes, it's an obsession, but it's Crystal Williams Poetry Reading is the prime-time equivalent of a show's writers never attempt to the best kind of obsession. If a Crystal Williams, a teacher in Columbia's English sappy chick-flick, but it is actu­ turn picture-perfect Stars TV show is going to determine Department, will be reading her poetry on Sept. 21 ally a consistently well-written Hollow into the model my Tuesday schedule and serve at 5:30 p.m. in the concert hall at the II 04 Center, show that can make me laugh American community; its inhab­ as the basis for countless con­ 1104 S. Wabash Ave.
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