AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN ™ April 13, 1860 Owy Library To AROOSTOOK a . ^ December 27, 1916 J HOULTON TIMES HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920 VOL. LX No. 23 ODD FELLOWS OBSERVE COMMUNITY CENTER MEETING OF SONG RECITAL BY SHALL HOULTON SALVATION ARMY BLDG. WHAT HIGHWAY MEMORIAL SUNDAY MISS BURPEE’S PUPILS Rockabema Lodge, No. 78, I. O. O. F. : An appreciative audience enjoyed The work on the Salvation Army C O m IS TRYING met at their hall Sunday afternoon and DIRECTORS MAINE the recital given last Wednesday eve­ CENSUS STAND Community on Court street which has carried out a program as arranged in j ning by pupils of Miss Mary Burpee, been in process of repairs will be com­ keeping with the occasion of Memori-1 Throughout the program the numbers pleted this week except the Bowling TO ACCOMPLISH al Sunday. | AUTOMOBILE ASSO. were sung with a clearness of enun­ _ A S IT IS? On account of the storm the attend­ alleys which will be done the last ciation and a simplicity of style un­ ance was not large neither was it usual with performers, while Miss Buz- , thing. Guests o f President Hiram Letter firw the Director of Although Criticised by Some, possible to march to the cemetery, but | zell’s accompainments and Mrs. Wil­ j This gives an ideal building for the a delegation of members were appoint- j Ricker at Poland kins’ violin obligatos added greatly to Gems at Washington | work which this organization is doing Much Good Work Has ed to decorate the graves of the de-! the success of the evening. i all over the world, but which here in parted members and autos were pro-; The opening number was sung by I Houlton has been handicapped on ac­ Been Done Springs Regarfeg Recent vided for them. j Mr. Dempsey with so much ease and count of lack of room, Rockabema Lodge has a roll of 75 finish that it was hard to realize the There are always certain people in At the semi-annual meeting of the j On the street floor there have been deceased brothers, 50 of whom lie in hard work which must have preceded May 27, 1920. Maine Automobile Association at Po-j finished a reading room in the front, the world who seem to like to criti­ Evergreen cemetery these graves were My dear Mr. Hersey: ? land Springs on Thursday last a mat-, such a performance. a writing room back of that and in the cise the actions of most every one, but visited and a bouquet of beautiful 1 have your letter of May 26th, with ter of importance to every member was Miss Charlotte Flemming followed rear of these is a smoking room con­ officials appointed or elected to a pub-, flower8 wag placed on each grave, which you transmit a letter of May taken up. j giving her double number with sweet­ S4tik from Mr. Chas. H. Fogg, publisher nected with the room in the rear lie office seem to get more of it than Service being given at the grave of ness and simplicity. Next came Miss anyone else, as it is presumed that j For the past year the Directors of of the Houlton Times, in which he re­ which contains toilet and shower our late brother Charles F. Clifford. Yerxa singing with excelent swing they, having received such a position i the Association have been working on j quires whether it will be possible to baths. The exercises in the hall were as and rythm. are expected to be criticised. i the question of furnishing liability j obtain a recount of Houlton. On the third floor there are a dozen follows: Mr. Carson’s number, unfortunately Ever since the Highway commission ; insurance as well as fire protection for As suggested by you the figures rep- or more sleeping rooms which will be Opening Memorial Hymn had to be omitted on account of illness. was created they have been subject to j automobiles, and as soon as one diffi- j reseating the numbers of persons re­ for transients and also toilet rooms, Music Rockabema Quartette Miss McIntyre’s second number was a great deal of criticism, most of which j culty would be overcome another one | turned by the several enumerators in while on the second floor are the liv­ Prayer Chaplain particularly enjoyable. He voice, clear has been because they have followed ! would appear, until the effiorts of the j Boulton have been carefully checked ing apartments of Capt. Farmer who Duet Mrs. Towers and Mrs. Knox and high, surely is worth further train­ their judgment as best they knew, af- j Address | special committee have been reward- J over by this office and it is found that has charge of the building and the Address Noble Grand ing. ter a study of what is best for the | ed by having the State Insurance Com- j no error was made in compiling the work in this town. In the basement Reading Mrs. Jennie Whitcomb Mr. Houghton always a favorite community at large and as well as the j nissioner grant a license to a company j total, which was announced as 6,191. are four bowling alleys which as soon Roll Call of deceased brothers showed what he could do with classi­ future, of what they may be trying to j with plenty of financial banking to do i The Bureau is in receipt of a great as they are renovated will furnish Secretary cal music, winning warm applause for do, while like everyone else who is j business in the state and a license is- j many complaints of defective enumer­ good clean amusement and sport for Music Rockabema Quartette his “Ave Maria.” “doing things” they have made mis­ ! sued to Mr. A. O. Miller of Auburii, j ation the most of which appear to have anyone who wishes to avail them­ Closing Prayer In her Hayden number, Miss Thomp­ takes, for which they may have been : Maine, who will act as agent for this | been made without good reason. selves of the opportunity. Rebekah Service son’s high, sweet voice was at its best, justly criticised. j Company. ; Practically all such complaints are ac­ The sister lodge gave a brief service her manner, dress and singing seem­ From the street floor on the north­ The building, locating and develop­ I The final action took place at the companied by requests or demans for which consisted of vocal and reading ing particularly appropriate to the erly side of the building is a large ment of roads is a business by itself above named meeting, when a com- menumeratlon. If the Bureau were selections as the roll call was read a ever charming selection. room capable of seating about one and like all public commissions the I mittee from the Maine Insurance to comply with airsuch requests with­ sister placed a carnation in a vase for Miss Barrett’s Italian song was giv­ hundred people where the weekly and longer the men composing such, serve 1 Agents Organization met the Directors ‘ out requiring the complainants to sub­ Sunday meeting are held. The entire each departed member there being.25 en in thoroughly musicianiy style, of­ the better able are they to work for of the Maine Automibile Association, mit evidence in support of their as­ building has been painted throughout in all. fering her a chance to show the flexi­ the interests of all concerned. State Insurance Commissioner Smith sertions, an enormous amount of and is a very attractive place and will The service was impressive and was bility and sweetness of her medium | The Highway commission has per- being present and entered a protest wholly unnecessary expense and delay be an instrument for much good in one of the best, ever given by the tones. Mention of Mrs. Buck’s de­ ! haps more of this than almost any of against any company being allowed to would be entailed. It has been found Houlton. lodge. lightful accompaniment should not be . the numerous ones in the state, for it enter the state and take risks for fire necessary, therefore, to adopt the omitted. ! commenced when the Federal Govern- and liability insurance for cars and practice of requiring all complainants EVENTS TAKING PLACE Mr. Shields gave his number in good AROOSTOOK DFNTAL ASSN. ' ment requested them to lay out a sys- drivers to members of the Maine Au­ to submit some tangible evidence of j voice and with excellent expression. ; tern of Highways throughout the state IN HOULTON TUESDAY tomobile Association in good standing. defective enumeration if they desire j HOLD FIELD DAY To many of the audience, Miss Mur­ ! which they would assist the state to Meeting of the Stockholders of the Many important points of interest the Bureau to take action upon their! The Dentists of Aroostook county ray's singing was a surprise. Her j build, giving dollar for dollar for Aroostook Tel. & Tel. Co. at 10 a. m. were brought out at this meeting, the complaints. The procedure to be fol­ met Saturday at Crescent Park for voice, especially full and sweet in its every one that was appropriated up to followed by lunch at the Meduxnekeag j insurance agents, giving their rea­ lowed in cases of this kind is outlined their annual meeting and those who medium and lower tones, is of unus­ a certain limit. This was done, as will Club after which the employees will sons why they thought that permis- in Form 47, copies of which are inclos­ attended declare it the best ever held ual promise.
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