in Mountain page 6 pages 9-12 „President's Scope page 13 pages 14 & Amazing grace Editorial j) Because "Vfjoi Jesus Christ is both our Lord and our Saviour: 177. 7- ,1 • The local church will be the central focus and the Harry Sharley driving force of the denomination. Pastor • The joy and celebration of worship will attract people Waynesboro, Virginia to our churches, allowing the Sabbath to become a major Potomac Conference evangelistic tool. • Church fellowship will be so vibrant that retention of members will improve and conflicts over lifestyle issues Of all the English kings, Richard may have been the brav- will decrease. est. A great and daring warrior, he was surnamed Coeur-de- Lion, or Lion-hearted. But his heart was also generous and forgiving. King Richard had reigned for about 10 years when one of his French vassals, Vidomar, rebelled. Richard at once Clarence Irby, Danville, Eric McGuire, Danville, marched his army to suppress the uprising and besieged Potomac. Potomac. Eric was baptized in April of Vidomar at the Castle of Chaluz. Clarence was this year fol- During the siege, with his usual disregard for danger, Rich- baptized in April of this lowing an ard approached the castle walls without his troops. Seeing his year by Pastor Amazing opportunity, a young man, Bertrand de Gurdun, quickly fitted Rick Labate fol- Facts crusade an arrow to his bow, took aim at the king and released the lowing an conducted iron-tipped weapon. The arrow pierced Richard's left shoul- Amazing Facts by evangelist der. It proved to be a fatal wound. crusade. Jack Pefly. While England's king lay in his tent, the castle was taken and Bertrand was captured alive. In heavy irons, he was led trembling to the bedside of the dying monarch. Richard the Lion-hearted looked calmly into Bertrand's face and said, "Youth, I forgive you my death." Then looking to his soldiers, he commanded, "Let him go Face free and give him a hundred shillings." Baptism Profiles Amazing! Grace. Nothing is so startling, so humbling. Nothing jolts us to ace such deep gratitude as getting something wonderful that we don't deserve. The Apostle Paul felt that way when he wrote to the Ephesians. In his "epistle of grace," Paul repeats the word Ryan Payne, Danville, Poto- 12 times. mac. Ryan was baptized in Jerry Parker, Danville, "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the for- April of this Potomac. Jerry joined the giveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace,"— year by Pastor Danville, Ephesians 1:7. * Rick Labate fol- Virginia, "And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and lowing an church in sins ... for by grace you have been saved through faith, and Amazing Facts April of this that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest crusade held at year by pro- anyone should boast,"—Ephesians 2:1,8,9. the Danville fession of It was when I realized how much God had done for me— elementary faith. personally, undeserved, despite my sins and self-centeredness— school. that I fully committed my life to Him. I would not be a Christian, let alone a minister, if it weren't for the overwhelm- ing grace of God. Like Paul, "I became a minister according to me,"—Ephesians 3:7. the gift of the grace of God given to Clayton and Irene Jepson celebrated their golden weddinc Jesus, our Lion-heart, loves and charms us—who do not anniversary with their family and friends in August of this deserve it—to accept His amazing gift, to be saved by His year. grace. "Father, forgive them," He says. Amazing, isn't it? Clayton met Irene Whitcomb soon after his return from *All Scripture references are from the New King James Version of the Bible. the European theatre of World War II in 1946. She was teach- ing church school in Pendleton, Oregon, and he was waiting to return to Walla Walla College, where he COVER: Ernie (left) and John "Al" Sines celebrate their 62nd birthday completed the theology course in 1949. on Sabbath during the annual Adventist Laymen's and Services Indus- First working in the Upper Columbia Con- tries (ASI) convention held in Providence, Rhode Island. Representing ference, he then studied at the Theological more than 1,000 business persons at the convention, Ernie owns Sines Seminary in Takoma Park, Maryland. Construction Company in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Al is a dentist in Nashville, Tennessee. The twins were photographed by Dick Dower, Clayton and Irene pastored in the Ohio director of communication for the Lake Union Conference. Conference from 1957 to 1971, serving in the Zanesville/Coshocton, Youngstown/Warren/ Fowler Ridge/Campbell Spanish and Cincin- nati districts. The Jepsons have three children and four grandchildren. VISITOR, September 15,1996 ( Or I 1 I ; I I ,`1 Kathryn Park the ground, my jeans were cov- Richard Duerksen Editor Reprinted from Insight ered with mud, and six inches Charlotte Pedersen McClure Managing Editor from my nose was the odorous Randy Hall Assistant Editor fly-covered evidence that one of Tamara Michalenko Terry Project Editor/Cir. I could never bring myself the neighbors' sled dogs had Amy Chambers Design Intern recently visited the area. Kimberly Luste Communication Intern to call Him Father Linda pulled me out of the Zi Design Design Service ditch, and together we tried to The VISITOR is the Adventist publication for restart the thing. "Come on, you people in the Columbia Union. It is printed to can do it," Linda insisted, so I inspire confidence in the Saviour and His church and serves as a networking tool for sharing climbed back on and headed methods members, churches and institutions I have always believed in God, "I sure wouldn't mind!" I re- straight for the other ditch. can use in ministry. Address all correspondence to: Columbia Union VISITOR, 5427 Twin Knolls and I have always accepted the plied eagerly. "But you'll have to "God, help me!" I cried, and thus Road, Columbia, MD 21045. Free to Columbia fact that theoretically He is my show me how to work it." began the longest prayer of my Union members. Non-member subscription— $7.50 per year. heavenly Father. But somehow I "Since you've ridden a moped life—it was to last all the way could never bring myself to refer before, you won't have any trou- across town. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE to Him in prayer—even private ble," she assured me. I'll just get it "God, please. You're really (301) 596-0800 (410) 997-3414 prayer—as "Dear Father." started for you, and you'll be off." going to have to help me," I R. W. Martin President That was the case until last She got it started all right, but pleaded. I felt the left rear tire H. Lee Secretary summer, when a love of adven- my "being off" was a different slip into a rut. "No, God, please D. J. Russell Treasurer C. Wright Undertreasurer ture, a ravenous school bill and a matter. I pushed on the throttle, keep me right side up! On second P. Johnson Asst. Treasurer highly unlikely chain of circum- but nothing happened. I looked thought, why don't You just take P. Lee Rev. Fund Treas. stances sent me to seek my fortune at Linda. "You're OK," she en- over and steer for me?" H. Otis ASI, Publishing in tiny, desolate Kotzebue, Alaska. couraged. "Push a little harder." From that moment on, things B. Manspeaker Church Ministries There were many things I Vroom! The beast leaped for- began to get easier, though the R. Duerksen Communication liked about Kotzebue, including ward, and my head snapped dangers were still there. C. Pedersen McClure Comm. Associate the little three-wheeled motor- back. I barely had time to catch As I rounded the last corner T. Michalenko Terry Comm. Assistant cycles that were the main means my breath before—"Turn!" Linda before reaching the airport, I N. Lamoreaux Data Management H. Greene Analyst of transportation in town. Every- shouted. I jerked the handlebar, realized that somewhere along H. Canosa Education one rode them—teenagers, fish- the bumpy road through town and the machine lurched to the F. Hoffer, A. Westney Educ. Associates ermen, grandmas and grandpas, left; my knee grazed the bumper my concept of God had changed R. M. Wisbey HealthCare Liaison businessmen and little kids. Every of the truck. Ka-bump, Ka-bump. drastically. F. Ottati Ministerial time one roared past me, I would Something was wrong, I was Now suddenly the childlike A. Westney Religious Liberty tingle with envy. I hoped that leaving the road! I leaned toward faith I had for my earthly father R. Patterson Trust Services maybe someday, someone would the road for all I was worth, but had expanded to take in God. N. Sahlin Women's Min. offer to let me drive theirs. Fi- to no avail. I careened to the Brushing away tears caused COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE nally, someone did. I was packing right directly into the rut that led by the biting wind, I stuffed my ASSOCIATION my things to fly out to a village to the edge of the muddy ditch frozen hands into my jacket R. W Martin President for Vacation Bible School when into which I toppled, head first, pockets and breathed the final D. J. Russell Vice President my friend, Linda, appeared. with the monster riding me! phrase of my prayer: "Thank R. Patterson Secretary "Kathryn, would you mind driv- What a mess.
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