2322 POYNI~GS. SUSSEX. (KELLY's Parish Clerk, James Barber. ! Police Station, Joseph Elphick. constable PosT 0FFICE.-Henry Hollingdale, receiver. Letters from National School (mixed), erected in 1858 by grants from . Beeding R.S.O. arrive at 8.40 a.m. ; dispatched at 5· 50 the Crown & other sources, for roo children; average p.m. ; week days only. Hurstpierpoint is the nearest , attendance, 54: Miss Mary Tutte, mistress money order & telegraph office I Devil's Dyke Railway station Allfrey William, Manor house Cuttress & Son, brewers & beer re- MarksJ. H. refreshmentrms. The Dyke Cuttress George Steven Cave tailers, Poynings brewery Shaw Abraham, blacksmith Cuttress Mrs CuttressMary(Mrs. ), farmer, Dyke farm Stubbs J oseph, grocer & draper Purton Rev. Walt. Onions B. A. Rectory Fleck Fredk. Matt. Dyke hotel, The Dyke Tuley Charles, farmer & miller (water), COMMERCIAL. Gardner Stphn. farmer, New House frm Manor farm Barber Alex. Wm. wheelwright & builder Hollingdale Frederick, shopkeeper Willett Joseph, shoe maker Chatfield Alfred Wm. Royal Oak P.H Hollingdale Henry, grocer, Post office PRESTON parish is now included within the borough and forms part of the town of Brighton, which eee. EAST PRESTON is a parish and bead of a union, Lyminster, Patching, Poling, Rustington, South Stoke, situated on the sea coast, half a mile south-east from Tortington, Warningcamp & West Tarring. The - Angmering station on the London, Brighton and South population of the union in 1881 was 26,364 ; rateable Coast railway, 66 from London, 5 west from Worthing and value in r89o, £r8r,302 3 east from Littlehampton, in the South Western divi- Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Arthur sion of the county, Poling hundred, Arundel rape and petty Shelley, Littlehampton sessional division, Worthing county court district, rural Treasurer, Edwin Henty, Old Bank, Arundel deanery of Storrington (fourth division) and archdeaconry Collectors to the Guardians & Relieving & School Inquiry and diocese of Chichester. The church (name unknown) is Officers, 1st district, Thomas Clark, Arundel; 2nd district, an edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular style, and consists William Linfield, juu. Worthing ; 3rd district, William of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, north and west porches Gibbs, Littlehampton and an embattled western tower with stone spire, contain- Vaccination Officers, The Registrars of Births & Deaths ing 2 bells: at the east end are three round-headed Medic;al Officers, No. I district, Charles Lambert Evershed, windows, under as many arches, supported by shafts of Arundel; No. 2 district, John Edward Grinfield-Coxwell Weald marble with trefoiled capitals: the church affords L.K.Q.C.P.~rel. Worthing; No. 3 district, Frauds Charles 300 sittings, 150 being free. The register dates from the Bryan, Littlehampton year I573· The living is a vicarage, with that of !<'erring Public Vaccinators, Nos. I, 2 & 3 districts, same as Medical and the rectory of Kingston annexed, average tithe rent- Officers charge £131, joint net yearly value £r64, with residence Superintendent Registrar, Arthur Shelley, Littlehampton; and 26 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of deputy, James H. Snewin, Littlehampton Chichester, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Arthur Registrars of Births & Deaths, Arundel sub-district, Thomas Mackreth Deane M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Clark, Arundel; deputy, George Burcher, Arundel; and prebendary of Chichester, who resides at Ferring. Littlehampton sub-district, William Gibbs, Littlehampton; Corney's charity of Lr3 z6s. yearly, left in 1805 by John deputy, John C. Standen; Worthing sub-district, Robert Corney of Littlehampton, is for bread. The Duke of Grevett, Worthing; deputy, Charles Stubbs, .Graham Norfolk K.G. is lord of the manor. The principal land- road, Worthing owners are Reginald Augustus Warren esq. J.P. and Mrs. Registrars of Marriages, Robert B. Garwood, Arundel; Oliver. The soil is strong loam; subsoil, mar!. The deputy, George Burcher, Arundel; Charles Hide, Worth- chief crops are wheat and oats. The area is 467 acres of ing; deputy, Charles C. Cook, Worthing land and 145 of water; rateable value £1,862; the popu- The Union Workhouse is a red brick building standing in lation in z88r was 420, including the coastguard station 3-k acres of ground, facing the north, with a view of the and 165 officers and inmates in the workhouse. South Downs & is capable of holding 240 inmates; George By the Divided Parishes Act a detached portion of this Satcbell Harding, master; Rev . .A.. Deane M.A. chaplain; parish was annexed to Angmering in 1877· Francis Charles Bryan, medical officer; Mrs. Margaret Parish Clerk, Stephen Ayling. Harding, matron ; Fanny Hotson, industrial trainer Letters through Worthing arrive at 8 a.m. PILLAR RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. LETTER Box cleared at 9.15 & 12 a. m. & 7.10 p.m. ; Meets at the ''Vorkhouse board room every alternate tuesday sundays, 4.10 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph ~t 11 a.m. office is at Angmering station Clerk, A. Shelley, Littlehampton National School (mixed), built in 1885, for go children; Treasurer, Edwin Henty, Arundel average attendance, 70; John Reeves, master ; Mrs. Medical Officer of Health, Charles Kelly M. D. Worthing Helen Reeves, mistress Sanitary Inspector, A. G. Gibbs, Littlehampton Chief Officer of Coastguard, George Biles SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE. EAST PRESTON UNION. East Preston Rural Sanitary Authority. Board day, alternate tuesdays at 10.30, at the Workhouse. Meets at the Workhouse board room every alternate tuesday. The Union comprises the following parishes, viz. :-Ang- Clerk, Arthur Shelley, Littlebampton mering, Arundel, Broadwater, Burnham, Clapham, Attendance Officers, Charles I<'ibbens, Worthing; Thomas Climping, Durrington, East Preston, Ferring, Ford, Clark, Arundel; William Linfield, jun. Worthing ; William Goring, Heene, Houghton, Kingston, Littlehampton, Gibbs, Littlehampton Andrews Major Alfred R.E Nelson Capt. Abercromby, Sea view Clough Robert, coal merchant Blackburn Henry Warren ReginaldAugustusJ.P. Preston Fannaner William, dairyman ·Corney George Place McLean Jane (Mrs.), Three Crowns P.H Harding John Barnett Nelson, market gardener Wheeler John, farm bailiff to R. A. Holiday Henry, Far end Booker Albert, blacksmith Warren esq -Margetts Charles Henry PULBOROUGH is an extensive parish and village, sists of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles and an embattled "tlituated on t.he Arundel road, near the confluence of the western tower containing a clock and 5 bells : the chancel navigable rivers Arun and West Rother, with a station on contains various memorial slabs and two ancient brasses, ·the Mid-Sussex railway, forming the junction of that line and in the north wall of the nave is a brass inscribed to Sir with the Midhurst branch, 46 miles from London, 9 north Thomas Harlyng, canon of Chichester and formerly rector -from Arundel and 6 south-east from Petworth, in the North of Ringwood and Pulborough; there are also many inscrip­ ·western division of the county, West Easewrith hundred, tions to the Apsley, Coles, Legg, Spragg, Marriott, Cobb Arundel rape, Thakeham union, Petworth petty sessional and Tredcroft families: the church was restored in 1859: ·division and county court district, rural deanery of Storring- in 188r handsome oak choir stalls were erected and in 1890 -ton (first division), archdeaconry and diocese of Chichester. the ancient sedilia were restored: an ancient window in the 'The great Roman road from Regnum. to Landinum passed south wall of the chancel, previously blocked up, was accu­ ·through this parish in a direct line for the space of 3! miles rately rebuilt and filled with stained glass in 1889, in memory .and near it many indications of Roman occupation have of the Rev. William Sinclair, late rector, and his first and been found: the name of this place is derived from the second wives, by their surviving children, and displays Welsh pwl, a pool and A.S. byrig, an earthwork; its an- medallion portraits of the deceased; below is a handsome tiquity is unquestionable, and in earlier times it waa a place inscribed marble tablet inlaid with mosaic and surrounded of some importance, containing within its limits the seats of by an alabaster moulding : a beautiful arcaded reredos with several old Sussex families. The village is supplied with shafts of red marble inclosing alabaster panels delicately water from various wells. The church of St. Mary, situated carved was presented in 1889 by the present rector and his on a sandstone hill, is an edifice of stone in the Early English brother-in-law, Sir Henry Longley K.C.B.: the stained east style, with Perpendicular insertions and additions, and con- window is a memorial to the Rev. John Austin, a former .
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