V. V , 'V •V- I • A.-I' X-' i f ■ ' V THURSDAYTJANUARY U , 1962 PAGE EIGHTEEN iiattrhPBtfc.lEttPttittg l|praU» • y ’ ■ . .r .1- \' Avoimge Daily Net Prew Ron >rThe WeathCT ’ For the Week Ended Stm aaatj 6, Iftn Foeeeaet of U. B. Wentkee i Cloudy, not ao cold tonlglit. 13,531 15^20. Satarda.y cloody, Blenber of the Audit ' of llght'fMow or enow flurrlee ■■ morning. High in mid 80s. GOOD//?EAR Scratch 'n Dent Boicmi of OtavnlnttMi Mancheaterr—A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXL NO. 86 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1962 (CIsMifled Advertising on Page'14) PRICE FIVE and Floor Model Sale! 3^000 Feared Dead StateSews OVEN BEEF. Roundup Kennedy Expedted to Gai: VEGETABLE STEW We Must Change Olir Floor Displays Few Mother Blamed IVi peoiid* Plnehurst Iran brrf, rut-In 11^ Inch onbM and It's Your Chance For Really Big $aving$!, ‘ Of Andes Slide For Auto Death S tebiMpooBs flour J f Of Her Child, 2 1 tCMpOOB onlt ^ of Progr a By tWEODORE A. EDIOBR fhirca escaped before a thick sheet toMpoon pepper of mud, rocl^ Ice and debris cov­ Hartford,' Jan. 12 (A*)— Cor­ 1 tableapoon butter - Lima, Peru, Jan. 12 (/P)— ered 85 per cent 6 t the town. Deluxe 2 Heat GE Electric Dryer NO MONEY Rescue planes flew into the Half of nearby Huarascucho, oner Louis W. Schaefer today ^ cup hot water Andes 'Valley of Huaylas 200 somewhat larger than Ranrahlrca, held Mrs. Mary A. Smith, 200 Central Congo 1 eup M W stewed tomatoes ^ miles north dSf Lima today, also disappeared under the ava­ Taylor Rd., Hazardville, crim­ WAS 174i95 lanche. inally responsible for the M ay W i] S taMeepoons lemon Jnire DOWN where 3,000 to 4,000 persons Some other settlements disap­ death of her son, Barry, two, Plans Cizenga <4 eop onitar are feared dead under an ava­ peared completely. With Your Old Dryer lanche of ice, snow, rock and Ambaasador Loeb aaid only in an accident. 1 baj leaf about 20 injured had been received The child was fatally Injured JUST mud. The disaster virtually Dec. 10 when the car In which he Censure Vote C utT ari] t whole rIoTM from the disaster area at hospi­ wiped out two villages and 14 tals at Huaraz, the nearest large was riding, driven by the mother, <4 pound pearl enlona washed and peeled o f th e eettlements ih eight minutes. town, 30 milea to the south. hit a tree on the north side of Leopoldville, The Congo, 1 cup strtaiir beans Before darkness last night, 60 -Altogether, officials said, 14 Kreysslg. Rdf, Bast Windsor. weekly bodies had been recovered. And a small settlements were destroyed, Mrs. Smith took both hands off Jan, 12 {JP)— A formal censure cup sliced carrots ' doctor back from the stricken area the steering wheel, the coroner motion against Lumumbist A uthoritI said rescuers would have little to said, when she reached for her <4 eup sliced celery. (Coarinued on Page Four) Antoine Gizenga was intro­ By JACK Or do but recover the dead—"There son, who had fallen asleep on the duced in the Congolese parlia­ Combine flour, salt and pepper: dredge meat In are no Injured.” front seat and fallen to one side. e Deluxe 2-heat ment today, charging him Washington, J*n. 1* 2 seasoned flour. Brown beef cubes in butter. Plies .Only two planes were able to In another report. Coroner President Kennedy ^ meat in casserole; add water. ■SAW stewed toma­ fly yesterday Into Caras, about 20 Schaefer held Charles Malino, 33 with deserting his official toes, lemon juice, sugar, bay leaf and cloves. Cover • Safety door. Dryer shuts off automatically monthly fniles north of the disaster area, Deep Freeze King St., Bristol, criminally re­ likely to win approva* when door is opened functions in Leopoldville and and bake in alow oven (300 degree.^ F.i one hour. before dense fog and bad weather sponsible for the death of Mrs. defying the parliamient. He er than half of the 4 Add vegetables and continue baking until tender. set In. But this morning, planes Grace Middleton. 77. of Rockville ing domestic and forei^'*!j \ Slowly Easing holds rank as deputy premier 4 to 6 servings. Scratched • Metal lint trap began a shuttle to carry In doc­ Ave., PlalnvUle. should he a hig No Delivery Charge tors, nurses, medicines, food and A car Malino waa driving struck in the Leopoldville Central grams he has handpA * n ■ Approjeimately 314 calories each sen-ing. Fully Guaranteed • “ Fluff” setting for towels, Etc. Dryer Cord Included clothing for 'vIcUms of Wednes­ Mrs.- Middleton on East Main St.. election-conscious (’ni, In Deep South government.:^— ■ A salvo of appisoiu day’s tiaged'y. PlalnvUle, last Dec. 12- She died In Stanleyville. Gizenga Is re­ Because of the dknger of new shortly afterwards in New Britain ported openly at odds with hls one­ nedy’s State of the Uni^« 1211 Whether you follow this recipe or use your owti to the Berlin pr,*len," slides, the area was declared an By THE ASSOCIATED) PIUE8S General Hospital. time army supporter, Gen. Victor method and cook^n top of the stove, start with factor in where prepared to talk. wh„, -J Z jL , G-E Deluxe Automatic Electric emergency zone. "The Deep South looked forward Lundula. Reliable reports said Deluxe 12.Pound - 'T h e Best" The exact number of dead may to a promised warming trend to­ ate. and to fight, if Six to l l Lundula’s troops haVe arrested algnale)! general PINEHURST LEAN never be known'. day’ as the thermometer began to Hartford, Jan 12 (P)—The State 5-Cycle G-E Washer four o f Gizenga’s top lieutenants. ment on foreign poll«, - Clothes Dryer ‘ Roberto Thorndike, chairman of Inch back up from the lowest Motor 'Vehicle Department’s Dally Today’s tough parliamentary Pelni'c Red Cross, said first es- In the OoW War. ^ With Automatic Bleach Dispenser and New readings In years. record of automobile fatalities as move was backed by 44 members you sh op UmatM put the missing at 3,000. Overnight lot/s of zero or be­ There was bipartisan . \ “ Mini-Wa.sh” ® ot last midnight and the totals on of the lower house of deputies, a Most of these presumably are low were recorded for the second the same date last year; too-mlx*<d With some •JSSKI’I Stewing Beef Was 259.95 dead. majority o f those attending. ’The skepticism-for Kennan^^^J straight night in parts of the 1961 1962 number Included many of Gizen­ Fomento, Peru’s development South, with the coldest tempera­ Killed ......................................« 11 to submit a balanroa^ ^ * Was 359.95 mlnisUy, said the dead may reach ga’s one-time supporters. The bijfgest chunk of the food dollar goes for meat tures in Mississippi, KanMs and The motion is expected to come and here too, can be the, biggest food saving. When (Dented) 2 ,000. western Tenneesee, where skies Hut these displays of 1 On sale Other officials’ figures were 15th for Kouahki to a vote Monday—toy parliamen­ n«l rtUpel sign, tl^ Were clear. tary rules a delay of 4S hours must you find a meatman who plea-se.*! you, it make.s sense higher. —- Eldorado, Ark., in the aouLhem Seymour, Jan. 12 (A>)—U.S. Rep. Pivsldent’s major this to .slay with him. Meats at Hipthurst ai> sold the U.S- Ambassador James Loeb, Frank Kowalski has been given pass between introduction and be trampled under am iT ^ o part o f the state, reported 3 below voting on a motion of this Im­ service way, not preAMuiiiied All our fryers atid Who flew over the death vadley at zero before midnight. the backing of- the Deitiocrallc slonal’ pulling and haullna lb. 17,000 feet yesterday, reported es town committee in his candidacy portance. weekend chicken partiTare Connecticut Fresh U. S. Govern­ The Weather Bureau promized Diplomats Judge Gizenga Is now Not all o f the news wii*towll timatea of 4,000 missing and pre- high temperaturea in the 30s over for the party's nomination as U-S. Kennedy, however. * ment inspected and graded A quality. au m ^ dead. senator this year. seriously Isolated, having lost al­ Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and most all of'the blocs of Influences He and hla leadera" rouM il -He said there had been some parts of Tenneasee today — the An announced candidate, Kowal- ..‘‘What you do when It’i over la, you come out with a concensua,” New York Republican Govern­ toward the likely enarUssBt tl panic among the tew survivors. aki may be opposed by former he could once claim as heir to the or Neleon Rockefeller Is telling Connecticut’s four announced GOP gubernatorial contenders. Rock­ program In a form yst to bel I highest daytime resulings since up late Patrice Lumumba. “ It was one of the strangest dis­ to eight inches of snow fell ’Tues­ Governor Abraham Rlbicoff, who efeller knows whereof he speaks, being a. veteran ot a 5-way fight for the nomination he won In tenninsd — to give the aaiseui DRVER HAS— asters since there were practically has said he might accept a draft. ’The Leftist deputy pretnisr, In day and Tuesday night. 1968. John Lupton and John Alsop are on the left and Neivman Marslllus and Edwin Msy Jr. are authority to negotiate iswar no survivors,” he said. “ Every­ Rlbicoff Is now in President Ken­ a sudden change of heart, agreed • Rig 12-lb. capacity Meauiwhlle, some rslisf from on the right.
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