HONOR PRIZE PROBLEM Dr. GILBERT DOBBS and OTTO WURZBURG WH ITE MATES IN FOUR MOVES The OFFICIAL ORGAN of t he AMERICAN CHESS FEDER ATION LOEWENFISCH EDWARD LASKER CHENEY U. S. INTERNATIONAL TEA;\l SELECTIONS MARSHALL CHESS CLUB CHAlUPIONSHII> _ }' ItED NOTES ON THE CARO-KANN DEFENSE __ __ ERNS1' 10th RUSSIAN CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNEY _ 0 ,._. ' ___ _ _ N. MONTHLY 3D cts. ANNUALLY $3.00 (Abroad U rill.) 7he FOUR IN A ROW? Prague! Folkestone l Wartaw! and .JlOW St:ockholm looms ahead. Will the United States b", able to retain the world team title? :-. It l(X)ks as though nothing can s:op \IS. What a team the Committee has selected! Frank J Marshall, Capt. REVIEW Sa~nl1cl Re;:hevsky Reuben Fin.: OFFICIAL QRGAN OF THE Issac Kashdan Israel A. Horowit: AMERICAN CHESS FEDERATION Barring accidents of the type known to th.; legal profession as "acts of God" the blm: ISRAEL A. HOROWIT~, Editor ribbon of the ches; world (.he Hamilton­ S. S. COHEN, Managing Editor R us,ell Trophy) will continue to repose in tbis country. FRED REINFELD, Associate Editor HARNIE F, WINKELMAN, Associate Editor R. CHENEY, Problem Editor BERT RAM KADISH, Art Director Vol. 5. No.6 June, 1937 Four In A Row"? 121 10th Russian Champion~hip Tourncy___ _ 122 OU!' Readers' Column ____ __ ________ ~ _ _ 124 Marshall C. C. Championship ____ __ __ __ 125 Notes on the Cal'o_ Knull Defense _____ _ 128 Combination Studies 130 Checking the News 1St Game Studic» -_. _. _- ----------------- 133 Book Revic w" ---- ------------_ . -- ---- 138 Miniature Galllc~ Problem Department ---- -. _ -- --- - --- _ . -- 140 Published monthly by THE CHESS REVIEW, 55 West 42nd St., N€w York, N. Y. Telephone: WIsconsin 7_3742 . • Domestic subscriptions: One year $:l.OO- Two years $5.50-F ive years SILAS W. HOWLAND $12.50. Six months $1.75. Single copy 30 cts. • Foreign subscriptions: $3.50 pet· year except The chess public is indebted to Sibs W . U. S. Possessions, Canada, Mexico. Central and H owl~nd , President of the Mar;:hall Chess South Amel·ica. SinJtle coPY 35 cenls. Copyright 1937 by THE CHESS RE VIEW. Cluh, for the cnergctic and successful manner in which he made American participation "Entered as second-class matter Janual'Y 2f:i. possible. Given carte blanche by the National 1937, at the post office at New York. N. Y., Chess Federation, he secured the cooperation under the Act of March 3, 1879." of a committee consist ing of S. W. Addleman of Chicago, Fritz Brieger of W(X)dside, N . Y, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS D. Frederick Burnett of Newark, N. J. , H . LAJOS STEINER D. MacMURRAY Helms, James Hickey and Leonard B. Meyer J. B. SNETHLAGE IRVING CHERNEV of New York City, and W. M. P. Mitchell JAMES R. NEWMAN LESTER W. BRAND of Brookline. Mass. Success has crowned their JOSEPH GANCHER EDITH L. WEART efforts. The next move is up to the tea m. 121 122 Eetter was 18 P-B;l and if 18 .... P-KKt4, The 10th Russian thfn 14 P-KKt4 followed by P_KR:$. The text Championship Tournament opens the square K4 for Black. 13 . , , . PxP M'l)' 11 th Illark~d the .::ompletion of the 14 Kt-B3 . , . 10th Championship Teumamcnt of the U. S. If 14 Q-R5, Kt-KKt3; KR-Kl, Kt(Q)-K4. S. R., hdJ thj~ year at Tiflos. The field of 14 . ' K{-KKt3 20 players compriHxJ every ou:standing S:lVi..:r I:') R·JH 4-K2 ll1<lster, with the .exception of Botwinnik, 16 U-KI Kt(Q)-K4 Bogatyrchuk, Romanowski, and Rjumin. G ..1. LOEWENFISCH Fint prize '","ent t ~ J G, Lo(wcnfis.ch of Lenin­ gr,ld with <i score of 12 % (Jut of 19 pos~ible points. Half a point hehind were: KOllstantin(y polsky (Kicv) and V. Ragosin ticd for second and third. Mabgonov (Baku) took f()ur~h prize with 11')2 points. 5th and 6th prizes were divided hetween Bclavcnt:t: (Moscow), Goglid:e (Tiflos), <lnd Lissitzin (Leningrad), each finishing with a score of 11 points. The fest of the fidJ finished in the follm,v, ing order: R,\uscr 10 1/2, Yudovitch 10, Ala­ tonew, Bondarcvsky, and E. Rabinovitch 9% each, K<ln 9, Lilienthal fn~, Panov 8, Budo, Ch"khovc", and Iliin,Gellev~ky 7% each, Kasparjian 7, Ehralic1zc )". Ai·.cr tne tournament, Bctwinnik challengc([ LocwenJisch to ,I match for the title of Cham­ pion of the U. S. S. R. and this event is sched­ uled to I,lke place in the autumn of this year. Black has achieved his purpose, He blocks N.. 'T. Cj"e~ov. the square K4 with a piece according to Nim­ zowitsch's pl'inciplcs of blockade, The f'll'thcr 10th Hussian Championship Tournament progress of the galliC will show how thorough­ May, 19.n ly this blockade is ('alTied out: fir~t with the Knights, thcn with the Queen, next with the NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE Rook, and finally with the King. (Notes by G. Loewenfikch from the "Bulletin" White's only chance (17 P-B5) is now im­ of the tournament) possible bccause of the m€nadng reply 17 . .. B-Kt5! V. A. Alatorzew G. .T. Loewellfisch 17 Kt(B)xl{t l{txKt 20 Q-Q2 B-Q2 'White Black 18 P -B3 1'-QKt3 21 Q-83 , . 19 J{txKt . QxKt 1 P -Q4 Kt-I\B:l 4 B-Q2 llxllch White cannot lcave the Black Q such a 2 P-QB·1 'P-K3 ~ KtxB . 3 P-KI(t3 B-KtSch If jn"tead 5 QxB, then 5 . ... P-Q4! ;) . .. Kt-B.3 7 B-Kt2 P -K4! 6 KKt-83 I'-Q:\ 8 P_Q5 , , .. Forced. Aftet' 8 PxP, 1'xP White's pieces 21 . , KH-K1! would be [lwkw[lnlly placed, If instead 8 1'-1\::1, Black maintains the bl()(:kade and will pre­ then Il .. .. B-Kt5 ! vent 'White's attempt to bl'ellk through with 8 , . KI-1\2 P-Kt4 by counte,'ing with ... , P-QR4! \I 0-0 0-0 22 QxQ RxQ 10 P-J{4 . 23 P-QR3 P-QR4 This incaulious move weakens \Vhite's game 24 P-Kt3 ..•. oil the black squat'es. 24 P-Kt4 would not be g'ood. Black would 1 0 • • ' . Kt-Q2 e.ontinue , ... PxP; 25 PxP, R-Kt4! forcing 11 IH-K I P-KB4 26 R-K2 and thus retaining possession of the 12 Kt-Q3 , . QRfile. Not 26 R-Rl, RxR; 27 RxR, B-RG; 28 The altel'native 12 1'-B4 would be met by R-R2, K_B2 followed by the exchange of thc 12 , ... PxBP. pieces and t he ending is an easy win for Black. 12 . , . 1'-85 24 . , . K-B2 13 Pxl' . - ' 25 K-B2 K-B3 .J Ul\ l':. 1~): 17 :!Ii K-K2 • • • • :\ot H).:P, R).:B ch , Whit" vainlr attempLs to murch hi ~ Kinlt :JS .... I\-Hl: t o ti-L ;\!I II -Q:J . - . ~Ii . It - H.) If R- QH I. B-)o; t=,; and if ·10 R:-.: Bl" R-KIU NOL l! " .••. P- KKt;l; t.7 K-Qa! followed lor WIl1:<. )\- 1.-1·1 allil Whit" IHI" >,utl'eedl'!l in "tr"nJ,l'thl'n­ ;l!) ••• _ H-HIi : HlJ,l' th.· main wtl,~ kl lt!"s uf his pOl;i tivn. This wins at le 'l ~ t Ih \~ e).: chanll.'(. t.i It· KIII 1';.)'; .1 -I:J B ).: 1\ B I' IhRch ~s 1\ ·q:l I'.I{:I ·11 l';xH B:-.:B ~!J 1'- 113 . ... 1~ Ih l' " ·Kill ~li Jdl U y bdl.!!r wa:, t.o! »-Kl{,I, bill Blal'k Th,> q\li(' kf'st wn.v t" vktn",,·. w"~l l d ('""linut: with ... R-TU (,,11,,11'(-" by ·13 H-U6 I\ -Q6 -I.; K·B2 I'· !lfi . • KKI'1,,...~Ol ' I, 'I' '_)0" QR- KKtl. P - Kh:t4 ! I-I IhQI' H-Kich I ii B-I(6 . - tu 1.01' rull(" ,\\'ed or B- Rti. !-'u"n·d h,.('a u.<" of BI:H' k'.< thn'at of H_Kl..:l1. 2!) .... H- K I 1 ·lIi . 1 ~-K I \ tJ 18 U-R·kh 1'; . 1!6 :lO H· Ht. n . KU> I i I{·H~ -I !) It-HZ fe-I\ t :\ :1\ 1'-1'; H.\ • • • • II l'" i J:' n". Blm·k thl'"ull'!ll't! I" play P_KKt·\ , lIwn p- TIR' l'on:<i:<tf-'nt blockade of t.he blal'k ~qmn'C' ~ K R·I. ::nd finally P- K t!>. h a~ brouJ,l' ht a bout un intcrc~tinj:!' finalt·; a :1\ . H-1\KII journl'Y I!f the J! lack King l u t he hurd ur till' :J2 K·K2 Whit .. Pawns. Th"I'e w n.~ nothillJ,l' better. ela ~k t hreaten" .' tu 01'('11 LIl(' KK\ file and White cuuld not 1'''''­ VUlt it 1.0.1' :)2 P- H5 dUI to 32 ... B· !(KU·,! 10lh Hu ~" iall Champiulls hip Tuul'lll'Y :J2 • • , . p·I';KI ·1 ~ :'Iay. Ini 1').:1' NDlZOWITSCII HEl"E:\'SE ::,1 K· H2 I'. K!.,! Thl' I.wg in n ing uf a f orceful cunclu"ion. G. LU(''''('lI li :<ch G. GOl!' lid z\' Blat:k 's threat i~ .... Ih Pch; E d {, P - KtG\' h White Black wit h ;1 won e:lding. White's last hulle there­ It)(» { orC' lie:< in coun te r -iitlilCk. I ".Q.I I\I-KII:I 1' .:1' 2 P-(lH·, !'-K:! 18 /'-1\ -1 I t.~ It :l:; H-W,th K-IP 37 n _lo I' .~ I' " 36 n ·llh:h 1\-» 6 38 B-Bl .
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