San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1930 Special Libraries, 1930s 5-1-1930 Special Libraries, May-June 1930 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, May-June 1930" (1930). Special Libraries, 1930. 5. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1930 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 21 May-June, 1930 No. 5 San Francisco Convention Number Come June to the 18, 19, 22nd Conference FAMED ClIlNATOWN Program. M d - Annual Reports Travel Notes - + Departments Libraries of Interest Entsrad u umnd c1.s matter at the Post Office, Providence, R. I. under the Act or March 8, 1179. Aaaaptmm lor dhgat mecld nta ol pohge pmvlded lor In salon 1108, Act of OMh 8, 1917, authorid Oetobar 22. 1927. Rah: $11.00 a year. Forelm $6.00; dngle mplm 60 mth WE SPECIALIZE in the binding of books and periodicals FOR SPECIAL LIBRARIES, PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND SCHOOLS Featuring our attractive "RAINBOW BINDINGS" for rebound fiction and class books. They increase circulation 100% Foster & Futernick Co. Library Bookbinders "WE KNOW HOW" 444 BRYANT STREET - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Please patronize our Advertisers Contents ARTICLES Collections and System of the St Louis Post-Dispatch Library . By Charles T. Moore .................................... 156 Reference Facilities of the New York Times . By M . E . Walker .... 154 DEPARTMENTS Associations. 1929-30 ....... 178 Associations ............... 195 California Notes ........... 172 Classification and Indexing. ... 186 Captivating California Cau- Digest of Business Books ..... 191 serie 163 Editorials ...............159 ................. Events and Publications .......... 199 "Clip and File" .........1 53. 161 Personal Notes ....................202 Conference Notes .......... 167 President's Message ......... 160 Epicurean Adventures ....... 162 NOTES Executive Board ........... 185 Group Reports. 1 929-30 ...... 174 Courses on Special Libraries . I58 Historic Spots .......... 164 Engineering Index ........ 185 Program ...............165 European Tours ........... 184 Map Collections 184 Secretary's Report 173 ............ ......... Materials for Research ...... 185 Travel Notes ............. 164 Mines Bibliography ........ 185 LIBRARIES OF INTERET American Trust Company .... 169 Foreign and Domestic Com- Bank of Italy ............. 168 merce ............... 170 Business Branch San Francisco Forest Library Service ....... I71 Public Library ........ 168 Pacific Can & Electric Co..... 171 CaliFornia Academy of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Sciences ................ 171 Co .................169 Commonwealth Club ....... 169 San Francisco Chronicle ...... 171 Executives Library of Empor- San Francisco Stock Exchange 172 ium ................. 169 Southern Pacihc Railroad . 170 Federal Reserve Bank ....... 170 Standard Oil Company ...... 169 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to April. bl-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office . 11 Ninbet Street. Providence. R . I . All payments nhould be made to Special Librariea Amciation. 11 Nirbct Street. Providence. R .I . SPECIAL LIBRARIES May-June; 1930 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION 11 Nisbet Street, Providence, Rhode Island OFFICERS LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS President-William Alcott, In, The Boston Special Libraries Association of Boston- Globe, Boston. President, Rev. Frederick T. Persons, in, Con- Vlce-Presidents-Miss Florence Bradley, gregational Library, vicc pres~dent,Miss Lor- In, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, aine A. Sulhvan, Technology Division, Boston. New York; MISSMargaret Reynolds, In, First- Publ~cLibrary; secretary, Miss Kyth Canavan, Wisconsin National Bank, Mdwaukee. In, Metcalf & Eddy, 1300 Slater Building; Secretary-Mrs Mary H. Brigham, 11 assistant secretary, MISSDorothy St. J Ivlauks, Nisbet Street, Providence, R. I. In, Mass. Horticultural Society; treasurer, Treasurer-Miss Elizabeth 0. Cullen, Bu- Miss E Louise Lucas, In, Fogg Museum of reau of Railway Economics, Washington, D. C. Art, Harvard Univers~ty,Cambridge. Directors-Angus Fletcher, In, Britibh Li- Special Libraries Asso, of Cincinnatl- brary of Information, New York; Arthur E President, Miss Else L. Schulze, In, Chemical Bostwick, In, St. Louis Public Library, St. Divis~onL~brary, Procter & Gamble Company, LOUIS;Miss Eleanor S. Cavanaugh, In, Stand- Ivorydale, Ohio: vice president, Miss Edyth ard Statistics Company, Inc., New York; Cowie, Research Department, Chamber of Francis E. Cady, Cleveland. Commerce, Cincinnati; secretary-treasurer, Editor of "Speclal Libraries"-Herbert hliss Elise Hauck, Department of Litho- 0. Br~gham, In, State Library, Providence, graph~~Research, University of C~lic~nnati, R I Cincinnatl. Cleveland Chapter, Special Libraries Association-Pres~dent, Miss Alta B. Ciaflin, COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN In, Federal Reserve Rank of Cleveland, vice- Classi0cation-Chairnlan, Miss Louise Kcl- pres~dent,MISS Elsie Vogt, In, Cleveland News, ler, In, Independence Bureau, Philadclpliia. Cleveland; secretary-treasurer, Miss Mlldred Continuation Reading-Chairman, Miss Stewart, Technology Divlslon, Cleveland Public Ethel A. Shields, In, ~astn~anKodak Company, Library. Rochester, N Y Illinois Chapter, Special Libraries As- Co-operatlon with the Library of Con- sociation-Pres~dent, Miss M~ldredA. Burke, gress-Chairman, Mrs. Lucy Cullen, Card In, Chicago Tribune, Chicago, vice-pres~dent, Section, Library of Congress, Washington. MISSSophis L. Lanmers, In, Schaffner Library Exhibits-Chdirman, Miss Ethel Baxter, In, of Commerce, Northwestern University, Chi- American Bankers' Association, New York. cago; secretary-treasurer, Joseph A. Conforti, MemhershipChairman, Miss Florence In, People's Gas Llght & Coke Conipany, Bradley, In, hletropolitan Life Insurance Com- Chicago. pany, New York. Ijetroit Chapter, Special Libraries As- Methods-Chairman, Miss Mdrron Bow- sociation-President, Ford M. Pett~t,In, The man, In, Old Colony Trust Company, Boston. Detro~tNews, Detro~t News-Chairman, Miss Isabel H. Jackson, hew York Special Libraries Association Bank of Italy Library, No. 1 Powell Street, -President, Miss Florence Bradley, In, Metro- San Francisco, Cahf. politan Life lnsurarlce Company, New York; Publications-Chairman, Miss Linda H. vice-president, Miss Marguerite Burnett, In, Morley, In, Industrial Relations Counselor?, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, secretary- Inc., 165 Broadway, New York treasurer, Miss Constance Beal, Russell Sage Resolutions-Chairman, Arthur E. Bost- Foundation, New kork wick, In, St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis. Special Libraries Council of Philadelphia Training for Librarianship-Chairrnan, and Vicinity-Chairman, Miss Dorothy Be- Miss Rebecca B. Rankin, In, hlunlcipal Refer- mls, In, Lippincott Library of the Wharton ence Library, New York. School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania, Ways and Means-Chairman, Miss Eleanor Ph~ladelphia, vice-cha~rman, Alfred Rigling, S. Cavanaugh, In, Standard Statistics Com- In, The Franklm Institute, Phdadelphia; secre- pany, Inc , New York. tary, Miss Helen M. Rankin, head, Municipal May-June, 1930 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 143 Reference Division, The Free Library of Ph~la- phia; treasurer, MISS Laura E Hanson, In, American Philosophical Society, Ph~ladelpliia. Special Libraries Association Pittsburgh Special Libraries Association -President, Miss Jessie Callan, In, Bcssemer RECENT & Lake Er~eRailroad, P~ttsburglr;vice-prcsi- dent, Miss Edith Portm'ln, Koppers Company PUBLICATIONS Laboratories, Verona, Penn.; secretary, Miss Esther Fawcett, College of Fine Arts Library, Special ~ibraries Directory, 2nd Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh edition. 1925. .............$2.00 Special Librariea Association of San Arranged by subject and Francisco- President, ThomasCowles, In, Cali- gcographicolly. fornia Academy of Sciences; vice-president, Index of libraries by name Mrs. A. hl. Caya, In, California State Chamber and of librarians. of Comn~erce;secretary-treasurer, Miss Mar- Local Directories of special libraries garet M. Miller, Standard Oil Company of in :- Cahfornia. Boston .................... .SO Southern California Chapter, Specia 1 California. .............. .SO Libraries Association-President, Ralph M New York Metropolitan District.$l .O0 Whiting, Municipal Reference Library, Los 'Philadelphia. ............... Angeles; vice-president, Miss Alma F. Frey, lnfor~nationBulletins:- Western Precipitation Company, Los Angeles; No. secretary, Mrs. Helen Allen, 956 North Brand 1. Supplement to Special Li- Blvd., San Feinando; treasurer, Miss Margaret braries for March, 1925, en- Add~son,In, Security-First National Bank of titled "Recent technical Los Angeles. bibliographies". ...,.,.,. 2. Supplement to Special Li- GROUPS braries [or July, 1925, en- titled "Foreign burcaus of Civic-Social-Chairman, Miss Ina Clement, inlorrnat~onin New York Municipal Reference Library, New York. City" ................. Commercial-Technical-Chairnlan, Miss 3. Bibliography of Illuniination, Alma Mitchill, In, Public Service Corporation 1924-1925
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