Journal of Animal Research: v.9 n.1, p. 01-12. February 2019 DOI: 10.30954/2277-940X.01.2019.1 Conservation of Indigenous Cattle Breeds A.K. Srivastava1*, J.B. Patel1, K.J. Ankuya1, H.D. Chauhan1, M.M. Pawar2 and J.P. Gupta3 1Department of Livestock Production and Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, INDIA 2Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, INDIA 3Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, INDIA *Corresponding author: AK Srivastava, Email: [email protected] Received: 05 Dec., 2018 Revised: 19 Jan., 2019 Accepted: 25 Jan., 2019 ABSTRACT India, one of the twelve mega biodiversity countries in the world, is home to large diversified cattle genetic resources, having 190.9 M cattle and so far 43 registered native cattle breeds. These cattle breeds are specially adapted to different agro-climatic conditions of India and their genetic diversity is due to the process of domestication over the centuries. There is decrease of 4.10% in cattle population and 3.14% in cattle genetic resources of India as compared to the quinquennial livestock census. The exotic / crossbred population has been increased by 20.18% during the period of last census while population of indigenous cattle has been decreased by 8.94% during the same duration. The reasons for depletion of native breeds includes crossbreeding with exotic breeds, economically less viable, loosing utility, reduction in herd size and the large scale mechanization of agricultural operation. The native breeds need to be conserved for genetic insurance in future, scientific study, as a part of our ecosystem, cultural and ethical requirements and for energy sources in future. The indigenous breeds of cattle posses various unique characteristics such as the presence of unique genetic variation in HSP70 gene family, carry a ‘thermometer gene’ and presence of A2 allelic variant in cow milk, which makes them well adapted to the tropical climate. The conservation includes the preservation along with up-gradation (improvement) of the genetic potential and management of a breed for use in future. The effective management of indigenous cattle resources includes identification, characterization, evaluation, documentation and conservation. The future strategy should be to combine genetic improvement and conservation. Establishment of regional gene banks and people’s participation by involving breeders, communities, gaushalas, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders in conservation programs. For more effective conservation measures, proper coordination and integration among various agencies (ICAR, SAHD, SAUs, SVUs and Research Institutes) is highly needed. “National Consortium of Partners’ comprising different stakeholders should be formulated for conservation of indigenous breed resources with a holistic approach. Keywords: Indigenous cattle breeds, Characterizations, Conservation, Native, Indian cattle India, one of the twelve mega biodiversity countries in the or in agriculture work. There is a vast diversity in the world, is home to large diversified cattle genetic resources. phenotypic, utility pattern and adaptability of the cattle As per 19th Livestock Census, India has 190.9 million populations reared and adapted in varying agro-climatic cattle, which is a major livestock species; represent about conditions and production systems of India. The genetic 37.3% of total Indian livestock population and 14.7% diversity among the cattle breeds is due to the process of total world’s cattle population (Anonymous, 2012). of domestication over the centuries, mutation, selective There are so far 43 registered native cattle breeds in breeding, adaptation to local environment, isolation and India broadly classified into dairy, draft and dual purpose genetic drift (Groeneveld et al., 2010). breed depending upon their utility either in dairying Srivastava et al. The technical aspects of conservation of animal breeds is a loss of cultural identity and heritage of that community which are at the verge of extinction were considered jointly (Belew et al., 2016). Losing these breeds is like losing in 1980 by FAO and UNDP. The efforts in this direction a global insurance policy against future threats to food in India were started with the establishment of National security (Shah et al., 2016). It is estimated that in the last Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) Karnal in hundred years about 22% of known livestock breeds have 1984 under the ICAR (Tomar, 2004). The preservation of become extinct and another 27% are at varying degrees a breed is required when it reaches an endangered level of risk (Rege and Tawah, 1999). It is further reported that of a population near to extinct. The preservation covers approximately two breeds of poultry and livestock are lost the continued maintenance of genetic variability, whereas, each week (FAO, 2007). The indiscriminate crossbreeding the conservation includes the preservation along with between exotic breeds and indigenous animals has been up-gradation (improvement) of the genetic potential and adjudged as major cause for the losses, as well as the risk to management of a breed for future use. existing breeds. According to Hanotte and Jianlin (2006), though it may be too late for many livestock and poultry The different indigenous breeds of farm animals are breeds in Europe, optimism in the developing world about essentially the result of evolutionary processes, they slowing down the loss of both diversity and indigenous have adapted to the harsh climatic conditions with low animals is high. It is believed that continuous import of management inputs in terms of feeds, fodder and health highly productive animals from developed countries is the care, capable to convert low quality feeds and fodder most significant threat to domestic animal diversity in the more efficiently into animal products and better adapted developing world. Therefore, conservation of indigenous to withstand tropical diseases. They are integral part of animal resources has been projected as a suitable method agriculture. These breeds are now subject to fast genetic for slowing down the loss in livestock breed diversity degradation and dilution because of unplanned breeding through extinction. and introduction of exotic germplasm through cross breeding (Groeneveld et al., 2010). As a consequence some indigenous breeds are becoming endangered and Indian Cattle Wealth there is depletion of good native germplasm which was The livestock census conducted in India in 1951 revealed having unique quality of disease resistance and heat a total cattle population of 155.3 million, which gradually tolerance. The dilution of a breed is in terms of purity increased till 1992; thereafter it declined during 1997 to of breed. It is a decline in the availability of pure bred 2003, but increased in 2007 and finally in 2012 cattle animals conforming to the model attributes of the breed population was decreased to 190.90 million (Anonymous, and is very common in developing nations. Conservation 2012). The trend of cattle population in India during last of genetic diversity is essential to the long term survival six decades has been depicted in Fig. 1. of any species, particularly in the light of changing environmental conditions (Tesfa et al., 2017). 250 199.69 198.88 199.08 200 176.2 180 158.7 204.58 192.45 185.18 190.9 Depletion of Biodiversity 150 175.6 178.3 155.3 It has been estimated that since domestication, over 100 Population 7616 documented breed populations from 30 species of 50 livestock have been developed globally in the last 12 0 thousand years (FAO, 2000). It is reported that more than 1951 1956 1961 1966 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2003 2007 2012 1500 breeds of livestock are at risk of extinction or are already extinct worldwide. During the first few1 years of Fig. 1: Trend of cattle population (in millions) in India during this century, more than 60 breeds have disappeared with last six decades their unique genetic make-up. Indigenous cattle resources have been integral parts of the livelihoods and traditions of There is decrease of 4.10 % in cattle population as several communities over years and loss of a defined breed compared to the 2007 census (Table 1). The proportion of indigenous cattle to total cattle population is decreasing; 2 Journal of Animal Research: v.9 n.1, February 2019 Indigenous cattle conservation their percentage share is presented in Fig. 2. Madhya SURVEY-2013” in the year 2016. The whole cattle Pradesh state has the highest cattle as well as the indigenous population has been categorised under Exotic/Crossbred cattle population followed by Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Indigenous/Non-descript (Anonymous, 2013). Maharashtra and Rajasthan, whereas; Tamil Nadu has the The exotic and crossbred category is one of the high highest population of crossbred/ exotic cattle followed by yielding categories of animals in cattle which contribute Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka and West nearly 21% of the total cattle population. The Jersey and Bengal (Anonymous, 2012). Holstein Friesian (HF) are the most important exotic dairy cattle breeds in our country. Animals which are produced 100 90 by crossing
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