ALL-TIME SERIES RECORDS Opponent Record First Game Last Game Opponent Record First Game Last Game Adelphi 0- 1 3/20/1968 3/20/1968 Hawaii 0-1 3/23/1991 3/23/1991 Albany 2- 0 3/8/2000 3/24/2002 Hawaii-Hilo 0- 1 3/24/1991 3/24/1991 Appalachian State 35- 49- 1 4/30/1973 4/27/2008 High Point 3- 9 4/23/1964 3/27/2002 Armstrong State 7- 7 3/27/1968 3/7/1985 Hobart College 0- 1 3/25/1902 3/25/1902 Army 1- 0 2/24/2006 2/24/2006 Holy Cross 4- 1 3/3/1997 3/8/2007 Auburn 0- 11 3/5/1997 3/5/2008 Husson College 1- 0 3/17/1986 3/17/1986 Augusta 2- 3 3/5/1977 3/2/1991 Illinois State 1- 1 3/16/1995 3/17/1995 Belmont Abbey 14- 14 4/14/1956 2/24/1991 Indiana (Pa.) 1- 1 4/6/1968 3/20/1975 Boston College 0- 2 2/16/2002 2/17/2002 Jacksonville 1- 5 3/31/1962 3/3/1986 Boston University 1- 0 3/21/1951 3/21/1951 James Madison 2- 7 3/14/1974 3/9/1995 Bradley 0- 1 3/17/1987 3/17/1987 John Carroll 0- 1 3/4/1984 3/4/1984 Bridgewater 1- 0- 1 3/14/1984 3/5/1985 Johns Hopkins 1- 1 3/30/1972 3/30/1972 Brown 2- 0 3/25/1990 3/29/2006 Juniata 2- 0 4/4/1980 4/5/1980 Buffalo 1- 1 3/11/2003 3/12/2003 Kent State 0- 1 3/25/1992 3/25/1992 California State (Pa.) 5- 0 3/27/1975 3/5/1983 Kentucky 0- 1 4/3/1961 4/3/1961 Campbell 4- 6 4/24/1981 3/26/1997 Lafayette 3- 5 3/11/1989 3/11/2007 Catawba 34- 31- 1 4/9/1902 3/23/1990 Lehigh 0-2 3/17/2007 3/18/2007 Central Florida 1- 3 3/7/1980 3/25/1989 Lenoir-Rhyne 42- 16 3/28/1904 4/25/1990 Current Appalachian State Head Coach Chris Pol - lard defeated two ranked teams at Davidson in 1994 Central Michigan 1- 0 3/20/1972 3/20/1972 Lewis-Clark State 1- 1 3/25/1991 3/29/1991 — #1 Georgia Tech and #25 Western Carolina. Coll. of Charleston 11- 21 4/11/1911 3/23/2008 Liberty 4- 2 4/22/1989 3/15/1995 Roanoke 5- 1 4/17/1907 4/1946 Charleston Southern 7- 4 3/17/1971 3/28/1992 Lynchburg 5- 1 4/3/1928 4/7/1978 Opponent Record First Game Last Game Charlotte 25- 36 3/29/1979 5/4/2004 Manhattan 2- 1 2/26/2005 2/27/2005 Cincinnati 3- 1 4/16/1947 2/15/1998 Marietta 0- 4 3/8/1975 3/13/1976 Rollins 2-9-1 3/30/1959 3/4/1981 The Citadel 56- 108 4/24/1902 4/13/2008 Marshall 11- 20 4/12/1968 3/30/1997 Rutherford 3- 0 4/12/1902 4/6/1908 Clemson 9- 27 4/4/1903 5/2/1997 Maryland 0- 3 5/2/1947 3/18/1993 Sacramento State 0- 2 3/27/1991 3/30/1991 Cleveland State 1- 0 3/27/1969 3/27/1969 Maryville 0- 1 4/15/1916 4/15/1916 St. Andrews 2- 2 4/9/1969 4/15/1977 Coastal Carolina 4- 5 4/16/1989 4/5/1992 Memphis State 0- 1 5/10/1987 5/10/1987 St. John’s 0- 1- 1 3/13/1999 3/13/1999 Coker 1- 0 2/13/1993 2/13/1993 Mercer 7- 5 4/21/1904 4/4/1963 St. Joseph’s (Ind.) 1- 1 3/4/1987 3/4/1987 Colby 2- 2 3/31/1939 4/2/1964 Mercer-Atlanta 1- 0 3/1/1977 3/1/1977 Samford 0- 1 3/4/1999 3/4/1999 Colgate 0- 1 3/28/1963 3/28/1963 Mercer-Macon 1- 3 3/2/1977 4/27/1978 Slippery Rock 1- 4 3/15/1976 3/10/1982 Columbia 7- 1 3/14/2000 3/18/2008 Methodist 2- 1 3/20/1973 4/25/1981 South Carolina 23- 40 4/25/1902 4/2/2008 Connecticut 4- 10 3/25/1959 3/18/1987 Miami (Fla.) 1- 1 3/13/1990 3/15/1990 USC-Spartanburg 1- 2 2/20/1988 3/30/1988 Cornell 2- 1 4/2/1929 3/18/2007 Miami (Ohio) 2- 0 3/9/1996 3/9/1996 Southern Illinois 0- 2 3/12/1990 3/14/1990 Cortland State 1- 0 3/15/1988 3/15/1988 Michigan State 1- 1 3/26/1934 3/29/1935 Southern Mississippi 0- 1 5/9/1987 5/9/1987 Delaware 0- 2 4/1/1968 4/5/1977 Milligan 0- 1 3/29/1963 3/29/1963 Springfield College 2- 5 3/28/1929 3/18/1952 Delaware State 1- 1 2/15/2002 2/17/2002 Morehead State 0- 1 3/21/1994 3/21/1994 Stetson 1- 0 3/28/1966 3/28/1966 Duke 26- 104- 1 3/31/1902 5/6/2008 Mount St. Mary’s 8- 1 2/12/200 2/24/2007 UT-Chattanooga 3- 5 3/1/1978 4/4/1981 East Carolina 6- 25 4/2/1965 4/9/1977 Muskingum 2- 0 3/21/1978 4/11/1979 Union 1- 1 3/19/1932 4/8/1933 East Tennessee State 13- 38 3/27/1979 5/13/2005 New Hampshire 1- 0 3/18/1994 3/18/1994 Ursinus 1- 0 4/16/1930 4/16/1930 Eastern Baptist 2- 0 4/6/1970 4/6/1972 Newberry 0- 2 3/27/1950 3/28/1950 Vanderbilt 1- 2 3/3/1980 3/5/1980 Eastern Kentucky 1- 0 3/17/1963 3/17/1963 Niagara 5- 2 2/23/2002 3/2/2008 Virginia 5- 13 5/1/1903 3/15/1992 Elon 26- 28- 1 4/10/08 5/8/2008 North Carolina 21- 83 4/4/1904 3/25/2008 Va. Commonwealth 2- 5 3/14/1980 2/16/1997 Erskine 5- 2 4/29/1921 3/25/1950 UNC Asheville 20- 7 3/15/1989 4/1/2003 VMI 48- 45 4/15/1905 3/9/2003 Evansville 0- 2 3/21/1989 3/24/1989 UNC Greensboro 19- 29 3/19/1991 5/16/2008 Virginia Tech 7- 26 4/30/1913 4/8/2008 Fairfield 3- 3 3/22/1976 3/15/2001 UNC Wilmington 2- 14 4/1/1965 3/10/1994 Wagner 3- 0 3/12/1988 3/13/1988 Fairmont State 3- 0 3/19/1982 3/16/1984 North Carolina A&T 14- 2 3/31/1989 3/2/2005 Wake Forest 27- 92- 2 4/22/1905 4/30/2008 Florida 0- 1 3/6/1981 3/6/1981 N.C. State 31- 83 4/29/1903 4/18/2007 Warren Wilson 6- 1 4/5/1978 5/11/1985 Florida International 1- 1 3/7/1988 3/8/1988 Northern Illinois 0- 1 3/13/1996 3/13/1996 Washington & Lee 14- 11 4/6/1905 5/2/1959 Florida Presbyterian 0- 1 4/1/1966 4/1/1966 Norwich 0- 1 4/3/1980 4/3/1980 Washington State 0- 1 3/28/1991 3/28/1991 Florida Southern 0- 4 3/30/1966 3/24/1970 Oak Ridge 17- 14- 2 4/1/1902 3/21/1930 Wesleyan 1- 1 4/2/1953 4/8/1954 Florida State 0- 1 3/23/1954 3/23/1954 Oakland 1- 0 2/25/2003 2/25/2003 West Georgia 0- 1 2/28/1977 2/28/1977 Francis Marion 1- 0 3/18/1973 3/18/1973 Oberlin 5- 1 4/8/1960 3/25/1972 West Liberty State 1- 0 4/7/1969 4/7/1969 Franklin & Marshall 2- 0 3/26/1973 3/28/1974 Oglethorpe 4- 5 4/6/1918 3/30/1937 West Virginia 2- 12 4/22/1957 3/24/1967 Furman 73- 106- 1 4/5/1904 5/4/2008 Ohio 4- 6 4/8/1952 2/23/2007 West Virginia State 2- 8 3/20/1978 3/14/1983 Gardner-Webb 17- 8 3/23/1982 5/1/2007 Ohio Wesleyan 0- 1 4/7/1955 4/7/1955 Western Carolina 23- 76 3/26/1977 5/20/2008 George Mason 1- 0 3/31/1969 3/31/1969 Old Dominion 0- 1 3/12/1992 3/12/1992 Wichita State 0- 1 3/26/1991 3/26/1991 George Washington 12- 3 4/8/1907 4/20/1970 Pfeiffer 16- 34 4/11/1959 4/24/1990 William & Mary 21- 24 4/4/1949 3/9/2004 Georgetown 11- 5 3/20/1930 2/24/2008 Portland State 1- 0 3/22/1991 3/22/1991 Williams 1- 1 4/1/1953 3/28/1975 Georgia 5- 6 4/3/1903 4/26/1989 Presbyterian 8- 4 4/14/1915 4/6/1960 Wingate 8- 7 3/15/1979 4/14/1989 Georgia Southern 18- 67 3/22/1954 4/20/2008 Princeton 1-1 3/20/2007 3/21/2007 Winthrop 10- 23- 1 4/25/1980 4/17/2001 Georgia Tech 2- 12 4/5/1918 4/4/1995 Providence 1- 5 3/1/1997 2/22/1998 Wofford 45- 31 4/6/1903 3/30/2008 Guilford 25- 28 4/2/1902 3/2/1987 Quinnipiac 1 -1 3/8/2008 3/8/2008 Xavier 0- 1 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 Hamilton 1- 0 4/1/1975 4/1/1975 Radford 10- 5 2/17/1990 2/24/2008 Yale 12- 9 3/24/1962 3/10/2008 Hampden-Sydney 2- 5- 1 5/2/1933 3/10/1977 Rhode Island 1- 0 3/13/1985 3/13/1985 Youngstown State 2- 0 3/24/1986 3/22/1987 Hartford 2- 0 3/20/1990 3/21/1990 Richmond 13- 23 4/23/1907 3/14/1996 Others 28- 45 Harvard 2- 0 3/31/1993 4/1/2004 Rider 0- 2 3/20/1989 3/23/1989 HONORS AND AWARDS Conference Honors Southern Conference National Honors 1998 Mike DeSimone, DH 1st Player of the Year All-America 1990 Robert Eenhoorn, SS 1st 2000 Tim Frend, OF 1st American Baseball Coaches 1998 Mike DeSimone, DH 1st 1975 George Weicker 1B/OF Ben Brown, SS 2nd Assoc.
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