
H88 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2018 of Fame. The recognition commemo- United States, or under the Territorial mitteewoman and businesswoman; rates the achievements and contribu- Clause, to use the constitutional term. Charlie Rodriguez, State chairman for tions of citizens age 65 and older. In- Our residents are subject to a second the DNC and former senate president; ductees are selected through a state- class citizenship. For all these years, Alfonso Aguilar, president of the wide nomination and judging process. the Federal Government has denied Latino Partnership for Conservative The program distinguishes individuals equal rights to all Puerto Ricans who Principles; and Ivan ‘‘Pudge’’ Rodri- in the areas of community service, edu- have, in war and peace, made countless guez, a Major League Baseball player cation, the work force, and the arts. contributions to our Nation; who have inducted into the Hall of Fame. Helen is a true public servant who bravely fought in every conflict since Puerto Rico has come to this House has devoted many years to serving the the Great War, defending our demo- today to claim the American Dream residents of Madison County and cratic values, yet they are being denied and to fulfill its destiny, to obtain Nameoki Township. Her no-nonsense the right to vote for their Commander- equality within the Nation, and to un- style may have ruffled some feathers in-Chief and have full representation in leash our full potential. Statehood will throughout the years, but she has this Congress. make Puerto Rico stronger, but we, to- never been afraid to fight for her con- A large number of them have made gether, will make the United States a stituents. the ultimate sacrifice, and when they more perfect Union. Helen, thank you for your public do, their casket is flown back, covered f service. in an American flag with 50 stars, and HONORING SERGEANT MAJOR without the one representing them. HONORING BOB BUTLER ROBERT HAWKINS Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I also rise Puerto Rico has experienced long- today to honor the longest serving standing inequities under Federal laws, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mayor in the State of Illinois, Bob But- which now the whole world has been Chair recognizes the gentleman from ler, who is a very good friend of Mar- able to witness firsthand following the Minnesota (Mr. WALZ) for 5 minutes. Mr. WALZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ion. Now, he is a very good friend, but, devastation caused by Hurricane to recognize Sergeant Major Robert whenever he first took office, he didn’t Maria. Hawkins of the United States Army for know me well because I was only 21⁄2 b 1030 his extraordinary dedication to duty years old. He was first elected in April Before that, hundreds of thousands of and service to our Nation. Sergeant of 1963, and Bob is retiring this month Puerto Ricans have already rejected Major Hawkins will soon transition after 55 years of service. this discrimination, choosing, instead, from his current assignment as an Bob has always been a straight to buy their equality with a one-way Army Congressional Legislative Liai- shooter and a good public servant. His airline ticket to Florida or simply son Officer in the House of Representa- progrowth agenda has helped turn Mar- changing their State ZIP Code. tives to serve in the Office of the As- ion into a regional powerhouse along I– Without the equal rights and respon- sistant Secretary of the Army for Ac- 57 in the State of Illinois. In fact, the sibilities that are only available quisition, Logistics, and Technology. industrial park in Marion is named through statehood, Puerto Rico will A native of Alexandria, Virginia, Ser- after him, and Bob fondly refers to the never truly recover and prosper from geant Major Hawkins began his mili- city of Marion as the hub of the uni- the hurricane effects. That is the rea- tary career as an airborne infantryman verse. He represents the dedication to son we demand and deserve statehood in 1990. He subsequently served in as- public service that should serve as an for Puerto Rico now. The islands over- signments to the Republic of Panama; inspiration to all of us. whelmingly voted for statehood in 2012 Fort Myers, Florida; Schofield Bar- Mayor Bob Butler, we honor you, and by a margin of 61 percent, and in June racks, Hawaii; Fort Polk, Louisiana; wish you a happy and well-deserved re- of last year, 97 percent of the islands Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Campbell, Ken- tirement. voted again for statehood. tucky; and three times at Fort Bragg, RECOGNIZING SAM AND EVA JONES That is the request that brought me North Carolina. Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I also rise here. That is what brings, today, the Sergeant Major Hawkins has served today to recognize Sam and Eva Jones Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo in multiple leadership and staff posi- of Marion, Illinois. This remarkable Rossello´ , Puerto Rico Senate President tions throughout his distinguished ca- couple was first married on September Thomas Rivera Schatz, House Speaker reer. His combat deployments include 27, 1936. Now, if you think about that, Johnny Mendez, and all other elected one tour in Iraq in support of Oper- that was 80 years ago. officials from the island who have ation Iraqi Freedom and three tours of Sam worked for Central Illinois come here to witness today’s historic combat in Afghanistan in support of Power Service until he retired in 1978. introduction of the Puerto Rico shadow Operation Enduring Freedom. Eva worked at Norge in Herrin and delegation to this Congress. That dele- In 2014, Sergeant Major Hawkins was later as a cook for Washington Elemen- gation will demand that the United selected as a fellow in the Army Con- tary School. Pillars of the community, States recognize the will of the people gressional Fellowship Program. He sub- they were longtime members of First of Puerto Rico to become a State. sequently served 12 months as a de- Baptist Church in Marion and the This long-awaited action is in accord fense legislative fellow in my congres- Williamson County Farm Bureau. In with the precedents set forth by the sional office, representing the First 1993, their farm was honored as Family Tennessee Plan, adopted by the terri- Congressional District of Minnesota. Farm of the Year by the Farm Bureau. tories of Tennessee, Michigan, Oregon, While working on our team, I came Sadly, Eva passed last month, at the California, Iowa, Kansas, and Alaska, to know Sergeant Major Hawkins as a age of 101. My prayers are with Sam which followed a similar path to even- shining example of the Army values set and the entire Jones family. Thank tual admission as States. forth in the Noncommissioned Officer’s you for making southern Illinois a It is my honor to introduce this dele- Creed. ‘‘Competence’’ is indeed Ser- wonderful place to live. God bless you. gation of seven members—three Repub- geant Major Hawkins’ watchword, and f licans, three Democrats, one Inde- his commitment to doing what good pendent, divided into two Senators, NCOs do, accomplishing every mission, PUERTO RICO’S SHADOW five Members to the House—as we be- while taking care of his teammates, DELEGATION TO CONGRESS come a State. was second to none. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Pedro Rossello´ , former Governor of For the next 2 years, Sergeant Major Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Puerto Rico, serves as the chair of the Hawkins served as a Congressional Puerto Rico (Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N) for delegation; Carlos Romero Barcelo´ to Legislative Liaison Officer in the 5 minutes. the senate, former Governor and a United States Army House Liaison Di- Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto former Member of the house; Luis vision. As the primary link between Rico. Mr. Speaker, today, after almost Fortun˜ o, former Governor and a former House Members, their staff, and the 120 years under the American flag, Member of this House; Zoraida committees, along with the Army, he Puerto Rico remains as a colony of the Fonalledas, Puerto Rico national com- has provided insight and understanding VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:39 Jan 11, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.006 H10JAPT1 January 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H89 of Army policies, actions, operations, nities and friends on both sides of the service to our country. He is in God’s and requirements. His firsthand knowl- aisle. hands now. May he rest in eternal edge of the military, its culture, and Representative Winn served on the peace. its tradition has been of tremendous House Committee on Foreign Affairs f value to congressional offices. for many years, ultimately becoming HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Sergeant Major Hawkins was espe- the ranking member on the committee. OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING cially effective in his service to Mem- During his time working on the For- bers and staff as he escorted them on eign Affairs Committee, the United The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fact-finding and oversight delegations States grappled with major world Chair recognizes the gentleman from within and outside the United States. events such as the Cold War, the Viet- Texas (Mr. AL GREEN) for 5 minutes, Members and staff found him to be a nam war, and conflict in the Middle Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- thoughtful, intelligent, dedicated sol- East. In addition to his role on the For- er, I rise today in the well of the Con- dier in the very best traditions of eign Affairs Committee, he also rep- gress of the United States of America America’s Armed Forces.
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