Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid ISSN: 0211-1322 [email protected] Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas España Martínez-Azorín, Mario; Crespo, Manuel B.; Juan, Ana Taxonomic revision of Ornithogalum subgen. Cathissa (Salisb.) Baker (Hyacinthaceae) Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, vol. 64, núm. 1, enero-junio, 2007, pp. 7-25 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid, España Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=55664101 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid Vol. 64(1): 7-25 enero-junio 2007 ISSN: 0211-1322 Taxonomic revision of Ornithogalum subgen. Cathissa (Salisb.) Baker (Hyacinthaceae) by Mario Martínez-Azorín, Manuel B. Crespo & Ana Juan CIBIO (Instituto de la Biodiversidad), Universidad de Alicante, Apartado 99, 03080 Alicante, Spain. [email protected] Abstract Resumen Martínez-Azorín, M., Crespo, M.B. & Juan, A. 2007. Taxonomic Martínez-Azorín, M., Crespo, M.B. & Juan, A. 2007. Revisión ta- revision of Ornithogalum subgen. Cathissa (Salisb.) Baker (Hya- xonómica de Ornithogalum subgen. Cathissa (Salisb.) Baker cinthaceae). Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 64(1): 7-25. (Hyacinthaceae). Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 64(1): 7-25 (en in- glés). As a part of a taxonomic revision of the Iberian taxa of Or- En el marco de una revisión de las especies ibéricas de Or- nithogalum, results corresponding to O. subgen. Cathissa are re- nithogalum, se presentan los resultados correspondientes a los ported. Quantitative and qualitative characters are studied in de- táxones de O. subgen. Cathissa. Se estudian con detalle y se tail, and they are evaluated for the taxonomic value of morpho- evalúa cualitativamente y cuantitativamente el valor taxonómico logical characters of the three considered taxa: O. concinnum, de los caracteres morfológicos de los tres táxones considerados: O. broteroi, and O. reverchonii. A complete description is pre- O. concinnum, O. broteroi y O. reverchonii. Para cada especie se sented for all accepted species, and data on their biology, habi- presenta una descripción completa, y datos sobre su biología, tat, and distribution are also included. Moreover, a key is pro- hábitat y distribución. Además, se aporta una clave para facilitar vided to facilitate identification. la identificación de los táxones aceptados. Keywords: Ornithogalum concinnum, O. broteroi, O. rever- Palabras clave: Ornithogalum concinnum, O. broteroi, O. re- chonii, Cathissa, taxonomy, distribution, habitat, western verchonii, Cathissa, taxonomía, distribución, hábitat, Mediterrá- Mediterranean. neo occidental. Introduction 1866). Among them, O. subgen. Cathissa includes plants with long and narrow, racemose or spiciform Ornithogalum L. comprises about 120-130 species inflorescence; white concolour tepals –without mac- (Landstrom, 1989), or even 200 according to Ober- ulae or green bands along its central nerve–, disposed meyer (1978). However, Müller-Doblies & Müller- in two whorls of similar morphology; stamens with Doblies (1996) recognized 123 species only for filament from linear-lanceolate to tapering upwards, southern Africa, forty of which were described as without abrupt expansions; ovary fusiform, with style new taxa. Therefore, the total number of species in slightly swollen and trigonous capitate stigma, which the world could be higher than 200. The genus has a is well differenced from the style, bearing three de- wide distribution, including Europe, Asia (reaching current lobes covered with long glands; seeds polyg- Afghanistan to the East), Africa (excepting the onal, with verruculose or smooth testa, and in the lat- Tropic of Cancer band) and Madagascar (Zahariadi, ter case usually formed by sinouse ridge cells, giving 1965). a puzzle-like appearance. In this subgenus three On the basis of floral and reproductive characters, species are commonly included –O. reverchonii 17 subgenera have been recognized (cf. Baker, 1873; Lange ex Willk., O. concinnum Salisb. and O. brote- Zahariadi, 1965, 1980; Obermeyer, 1978), many of roi M. Laínz–, whose distribution is restricted to the them based on previously described genera (cf. Gray, Iberian Peninsula (mainly in the western part) and 1821; Rafinesque, 1837; Parlatore, 1854; Salisbury, northern Morocco. 8 M. Martínez-Azorín & al. Brief history of O. subgen. Cathissa Speta, C. roccensis (Link) Speta and C. broteroi (M. (Salisb.) Baker Laínz) Speta. Recently, Manning & al. (2004) presented a very synthetic treatment for the sub-Saharian species Salisbury (1866) reorganized the species previously based on phylogenetic molecular studies. These au- placed in Ornithogalum L. in 13 different genera. One thors extended considerably the circumscription of Or- of them, –Cathissa Salisb.–, included Scilla unifolia L. nithogalum, in which they proposed including most of –basyonym of the current O. broteroi– and O. concin- genera described by Salisbury (l.c.) in “Ornithogaleae”, num, being the only two representatives of this group plus Albuca L., Dipcadi L., Galtonia Decne., Neopater- known by that time. sonia Schönland and Pseudogaltonia Kuntze. Later, Baker (1873) considered Cathissa as a sub- In the present paper, we follow provisionally genus of Ornithogalum, in which he included 10 Baker’s (1873) arrangement, as it is the option fitting species from different origins and with diverse mor- better the naturalness of every morphological group. phological characters. On the one hand, O. concinnum Furthermore, this treatment has been widely followed Salisb. was regarded as a mere variety in O. unifolium in most of the Iberian floras. However, our prelimi- (L.) Link (currently O. broteroi). That variety had nary phylogenetic results on Ornithogalum (sensu O. roccense Link –species described from Cabo da lato), based on sequencing of plastid (trnL-F and Roca, Portugal (Link, 1799)– as a synonym. On the oth- rbcL) and nuclears (ITS) regions, in addition to mor- er hand, Baker extended O. subgen. Cathissa to include phological and anatomical studies, point out to the eight species from the Cape area (South Africa) –today monophyly of O. subgen. Cathissa as a sister group of referred to O. subgen. Aspasia Oberm. (cf. Oberme- a clade formed by O. subgen. Beryllis plus O. subgen. yer, 1978)–, and a Caucasian species –currently placed Ornithogalum. Thus, considering Cathissa as an inde- in O. subgen. Eustachys (Salisb.) Zahar. (cf. Zahariadi, pendent genus would be perhaps a good future 1980)–. The infrageneric arrangement of Baker (1873) choice, following the initial proposal of Salisbury has been widely accepted by most of authors and Euro- (1866), and recently corroborated by Speta (2001). pean monographers of the XXth century. In the Iberian Peninsula and after Baker’s proposal, two new taxa related to O. subgen. Cathissa were de- Material and methods scribed. First, Rouy (1890) published O. subcuculla- tum Rouy & Coincy, which was illustrated by Coincy Morphological studies have been usually undertak- (1893), and was later considered as a mere synonym en on living material from natural populations, and of O. concinnum (cf. Zahariadi, 1980). Secondly, within the few hours after collection. However, they Willkomm (1891) described O. reverchonii from Ron- were complemented with data from dried material con- da (Málaga), and attributed its authority to J. Lange. served at the herbaria ABH, BIO, GDA, K, LISU, MA, Furthermore, this author pointed out that the new MACB, OVI, P, RAB, SALA, SANT, SEV, and VAL species seemed to be related to taxa of O. subgen. (Holmgren & al., 1990; Holmgren & Holmgren, 1993). Beryllis, when considering characters of the inflores- As some of the herbarium materials are not com- cence. However, Maire (1958) transferred O. rever- plete, several morphological characters were not mea- chonii to O. subgen. Cathissa on the basis of floral fea- sured. Fragments on vouchers commonly proved to tures, an opinion accepted by Wittmann (1985), who be problematic, since some important structures were also apported biogeographic data justifying that solu- lacking –e.g. bulbs, fruits, or seeds, among others–, or tion. On the contrary, Zahariadi (1980) placed O. re- measuring certain structures –e.g. dimensions of the verchonii in O. subgen. Beryllis, giving priority to filaments of the stamens or ovary– would imply seri- morphology of the inflorescence, but making an ex- ous damages to materials. Therefore, such characters plicit reference to the controversy about its taxonom- were mainly measured on fresh plants. For these rea- ic position. Similarly, Moret & al. (1990) accepted Za- sons, the number of data for some characters had to hariadi’s option, since ornamentation of seed testa of be lower in some cases. this species shows clear connections with other taxa in Length and diameter of the bulb: Length was con- the latter subgenus. As a result of this, the position of sidered as the vertical distance from bulb base to its O. reverchonii still remained uncertain. apex. Diameter was expressed as the maximum width Pfosser & Speta (1999) and Speta (2001) revived of the bulb. Both measurements were shown in mil- Cathissa following the initial concept of Salisbury limetres. (1866), after molecular, morphological and chemotax- Leaf length and width: Maximum length and width onomic
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