Harmonizer Vol21 No6 Nov1961.Pdf

Harmonizer Vol21 No6 Nov1961.Pdf

.-~ •I • ,• , , ,,- i ( NOW AVAILABLE on DECCA® RECORDS (1 /The -, Recorded at the Champsi 23rd International Convention. ,, 1961Inl""li",1 'I , BARBERSHOP QUARTETS OF 1961 ARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS IOE6cAI Ol/kidl s. P. E. B. S. Q. s. A. Recoldings IHlERRlTIOKil CHIMPIORS: CHORUS Of THE CHESIPEIKE, DURDIlK, MIRYLARD ( ~ .. '" ", ",,,"'..., ~u""...'" .........u. 1961 International BARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS • THE TOP TEN BARBERSHOP QUARTETS OF 1961 • VARIOUS VARIOUS ARTISTS - God Bless America • Oear Old Girl ARTISTS -ALitlle Street Where Old Friends Meet· Nobody's • Roll On Mississippi IRa II Onl • My Old Kentucky Home • Sweelheart •I Wouldn't Trade The Silver In My Molher's When You're Smiling !The Whole World Smiles Wilh Youl Hair IFor All The Gold In The \'/orldl • Oown Where The • Sunny Side Up • Soulh Rampart Street Parade' Stars Are Swanee River Flows· Brother Can You Spare A Dime? • The Windows Of Heaven· Take ANumber From One To Ten· Sonny Boy' My Melancholy Baby' Where The Black-Eyed Gee But I Hate To Go Home Alone· Minnie The Mermaid Susans Grol'l • That's Hol'I I Spell I-R-E-L-A-N-D • Let's Talk • (Here Am II Broken Hearled • Wedding Bells IAre Breaking About My Sweetie A Bundle Of Old Love Letters • Up That Old Gang Of Minel OL 4185 • OL 74185 (Stereol All By Myself DL4189· OL 741B9(Stereo) 'ROUND THE OLD STRIPED POLE • THE SCHMITT BROTHERS-Gee, But It's Great To COMING FOR CHRISTMAS Meet A Friend From Your Home Town • MERRY CHRISTMAS - BARBERSHOP STYLE • Bendemeer's Stream· let Me Call You Sweet­ EVANS QUARTET -Jingle Bells' Winter Won­ hearl • Every Time I Hear That Old Time derland • Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town· Melody' Old Girl Of Mine' Let's Sing Again Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas • • Wabash Moon • Believe Me If All Those Frosly The Snow Man' Silenl Night· Rudolph Endearing Young Charms· Baby Your Mother The Red·Nosed Reindeer· White Christmas· lLike She Babied Youl • All Through The Night Jolly Old SI. Nicholas' Silver Bells' We Wish • Hiltin' The Trail To My Home Sweet Home· You A Merry Christmas' Auld Lang Syne 'Til Tomorrow OL 4136. OL 74136 (Slereo) OL 4162· OL 74162 ISlereo) -,- __ ..0:....__ ~ • __ -0. _ ( November-December • H\-IHI-~<--Io--I"J--11 VOL. XXII 1961 THE HARMONIZER is the oHiclal publicntlon of the Society for the Presen'a­ International Board of Directors tlon and Encouragement of Dnrber Shop Quartet Singing in America. Inc, It Is published in the months of January, March, May. July, August, September Intemfltio1/fI! Officers and November at 100 N. Pine, Seymour Indiana and entered as second_class President, John n. Cullen, Investment matter at the post office at Seymour, Indiana. under tho Act of March 3, 1879, Building, Washington 6, D. C. Editorial and Advertising oHices are nl International HeadQuarter8. Notice of Immedil\te Pasl President, Clarence L. change of address should be 8ubmi tted to the editorial offices of THE HAR­ Jah'lng. 36-38 Enst Eighth Street, MONIZER. 6315 THIRD AVE.• KENOSHA, WISCONSIN, at leasl thirty da)'! Holland, Michlgnn beforo the next publication date. Subscription price Ia $2.00 yearly and $.50 ht Vice Pre.ddent. Louis Laurel, 4617 nn Issue. Wnlh!r Lane. EI Paso, Texas 2nd Vice Pre.ddent, John M. Ward, 3~3 Dailey I\venue, Pittsburgh 11, Penns)·I­ vanl" Vice Prealtlenl, Rlldy Hart, 1112 Ohio StrE"et, Michigan Cit)" Indiana FEATURES Vite President, S. Wayne FooT, IGG Bel­ meade Rond, Rochester 17, New York H(I1'molJ.')' Edllcation Program Scbool TOPI .. ,' ..•... ,. 2 Treasurer. George JI. Chamblin, 209 South High Street, Columbus 16. Ohio St. lAmbert IY/orks Wilb YOlllb 5 Executh'c Director, Robert G. Hafer, 6316 1'hlrd A\'CIlIlC, Kenosha, \Visconsin Harmony Helps COllmgeolfI I)'lontreal Family ......• '.......... 6 A Look At PROBE .............................•.•.•..... 8 District Re/Jresell1f1tives Newlday Quarlet Contest , .. " .. " ......•.•... ,, 1/ Central Stntea. C. Herbert Wall, P. O. Babersbopping in A11karfl} Tllrkey , .. , •.•. ' ... , •. ", ....• ,', " 25 Box 1416. SSS. Silringfield, Missouri Dixie, John Dl\wson, 238 Hllwthorne Ronl!, N. W., Winston-Sl\lem, North Carolinn F.\,ergreen, Frl\nk Grnhl\m, Jnsller, Oregon COMMENT FAr We>ltern, George Dohn. 3520 Domlch \Yny, Snel'nmento, Cnlifornin SlalllS QIIOte! ...............•...• , .•.......... ,....... 12 Illinois, Chnrlell Snyder, 0138 Crescent Sbarps </lid Flals .............•. , .. ,.................... 13 Boule\'nrd, Lomhnrd, IllInois Im!innn-Kentucky, Leslie Emmerson, 3206 Sweet Adeline lujilt"(lIio11- .....•......•..... , ......•.•", 14 Parnell A\'enuc, Fort \\'nyne, Indiana Johnny AIII)]eseed, Chnrles \Y. Linker, Professor Wilson ...........•....•.•........•.............. 21 7:100 Timberlnnd Drivc, Cincinnati 013, Tbe Way 1 See it ................•. ,.... ..•.............. 24 Ohio Lnnd O'Lakes, Dnn Wnselehuk. I·HoI Bei­ mt:ret Street, Green nil)'. \Viseonsln ( ~1ichlgnn, Lou H n r ri n gton, 2361 First Nntionnl Building, Detroit 26, Michigan DEPARTMENTS :tlitl-Atlantle, John Nelmer, P. O. Box 26. Sbare Tbe Wealtb ......•.•. , ......•.•....•.•. , ......•. ,... 9 l.anCll.'ltn. Pennsyl\·nnin Northen!'ltern, Chnrles H1cketls, 2227 Crnns­ Barbersbop Cmft , ....•........•.•.... ,............ 19 ton Street, Cranston 10. Rhode Islnnd Ontario, Hugh Palmer, 46 William Street. News About Qllarletl , ...•........•.•... ,'., .• ' •.•.. ,. 22 Orlllill, Ontario. Canadn Con/identiall" )"OIl1'S " .......•......• '., .....• '., .. ,,'.',. 26 Senecn Lnnd. Jnmcs StecdlllRll. 616 Dela­ ware Hond, Kenmore 17, New York Soutl,wt'stern. Hnnk Lewis. 4320 South­ western BouleVArd, Dallas 25, Texas Sunshine, F. Stirling Wilson. 4808 llroal!­ MISCELLANEOUS brook Dri\'e, Jleth{'Stin H, Mnr)·land CbristlllaJ J\olercbandise Catalog ," ....•.•.• ' •.... 15 Am! Pflst INlerNfltio1/fll Expa111ioJl. Fund Nears E11d ., , .. " .. ,, •.•.•. ,.. 28 Presidents ('/Vithoul vote) AlIlIl1fll Cbicago MIISic ExpositiOl' (ACME) .......•.•.•...... 29 Coming Ellents ", , ,'., .•.•.•.. ,. 30 Executive Director Nell' CbapterI ...................................•........ 30 Note/vortby Cbaplers .......•.•.•........•......•.•.•...... 31 Robert G, Hafer Celltmy Cillb ...........•......•.•..•.•....•.•...•.•...... 3/ C01/t1'olle1'-Of fice Mflnflger \VI. L. (Bill) Ouo Inlel'J/fltio1/fI! Office ON OUR COVER 6315 Third Avenue Kenosha, \'1isconsin Jt had to happen . a quartet of Santas complete with Ol)'mpic 0·9111 moustaches! Do they look a bit familiar to you? \Vell, they should. They're our 1960 International Champs, The Evans Quar­ C"rlis P. Hockett, Editor tet from Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. This color photo will also be seen on the quartet's latest DECCA RECORD album, COlllrib/iliNg Editors "MERRY CHRISTMAS-BARBERSHOP STYLE" (DL 4162-DL Jnmes Ewln 74162, Stereo). This is the "first" Christmas pressing ever made by Rob(1ft O. Hnfer Dl\n Knn})l) a top Society quartet . a real collector's item. The LP will Denc Martin be at your record dealers in time for your Holiday listening W. L. Otto Stnfford Tnylor pleasure. The Evans are now recording exclusively for Decca. F. Stirling Wilson Left to right 011 our cover: Santas Turk Evans, Tenor; Pres Evans, Lead; Gene Smith, Baritone; and Shirl Beckstead, Bass. PRINTED IN U.S.A. The "Santa Four" join us in wishing you and yours a happy and harmonious Holiday Season. ~~Greatest HEP Termed Tonic" ( Since Barbershop 7th Chord Nestled among rhe beautiful green hills of \\{inona. Min· HEP V.P. Dan \\/aselchuk into a mild state of shock for nesota and bordered b}I the mighty ~{ississippi River, St. several hours until the Student Union Building fin.lly settled ~fary's College opened irs doors of learning to 500 Barber­ down for a pleasant evening of woodshedding. shoppers for the First Annual Harmony Education Program St. :Mary's is a homcy, restful sort of collcgeJ staffed by Summer School, August 24·27. as fine a group of men as we have ever met ... The Christian ~'[cl11bers arrived from 37 states in the U.S. and six Can­ Brothers. Brorher PatrickJ Public Relations Director for the adian Provinces. \V'isconsin took top honors with 104 regis­ college, acted as official host and chief den mother for our trations, followed b}' Illinois with 58 and l\1inncsma with 56. pack. He was anywhere and everywhere from sunup to lights Outsranding from the distances traveled, was California with Out each day. The students ma)' forgct much of the 15 hours 24 HEPsrers, traveling a total of LOO,OOO man miles. of class study thrown at them, but the),'ll ahva)'s rClnen1bcr All seemed anxiolls to "hit the books" as they waited in the quick smile, athletic handshake and sharp wit of Brother the long registration line ThlUsday night. A large number of Pat. last Ininute registrants threw Registrar Calmer Browy and Continued on next page The Behind Men HEP Rudy Hart HEP President Brother 1. Patrick D.n W'aselchuk Calmer Browy John Sullivan St..Mary·s Coordinator HEP Vice· President HEP Registr.r \X'inona Coordinator 2 THB HARMONIZBR-NOVBMUUR·DBCUMDBR, 1961 For those who did nor journey to \'{finella, a look at Friday's outside thc building. Obviously, the class has becomc too large schedule of evcms will give a deeper insight into the demands to be housed in thc assigned location. \'{filbur Sparks (Alex­ ( placed upon the sao eager and willing students. andria, Virginia) is discussing show themes with rhe group 6: 15 AM First C.oll lor Br..klast as his co-instructor F. Stirling \Vilson (International Board 7:00 AM" Breakfast (It was tremendous every Member-Ormond Beach, Florida) soaks up rhe sunshine wair­ morning) ing his turn in front of the group. Sparks and \'{Iilson were g·11 AM Class Room Study most encouraged by the inreresr shown by the students. IIAM-NOON .. Chorus Reh..rsal (500 Voices-Wow!) After visiting rhe Script-\"'riters, the next logical class to 12: 15 PM ......•Lunch (Great Food) attend was Stage Craft and Lighting held in the basement of 1:30--4:30 PM ..Class Room Srudy St. Mary's Hall. We listened as Charlie Wilcox (Freeport, 4:30-5:30 PM ..Chorus Reh..rsal (Whar A Sound!) Illinois) discussed organization and planning of the chapter 6:00 PM Dinner (What A Spread!) show.

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