5th PROGRAMSIA\ for WEEK BEGINNING NOVEMBER WEEKLY www.americanradiohistory.com he Ear Inspires the Pen Florence Ryerson Clements, Shadow Ranch, receives, medically speaking. The Canoga Park, Calif. accent is always on the last syllable, Sirs: I do wish you would tell us disCRARGE. something about Sam Baiter. We find his news commentary And we now hear about the YEW extremely nited States -instead of the uNITed enlightening; in fact, a daily "must." States. These We would like to know more about two are really bother- his background. some, to say nothing of cigarette, which is pronounced Saar Ratter is a yraduale of UCLA. so often with where he was a letterman in baseball. the accent on the first syllable. It football and basketball. Ile was a mem- is never a CIGarette, always cig- ber of the All-American Basketball team aRETTE. and the 1'. S. Olympic learn that went to Berlin in 1936. Ile has had wide experi- But the one which is practically ence in sports brnadrnstinp and is the originator of "One For The Book." a program 0/ little-known stories about famous sports personalities Miss Emily J. Hare, 622 South Columbus Ave., Glendale, Calif. Thanks... Sirs: I was about to give up "One Man's Family" when Tony Bronson and Old Ben appeared at the mike. To NBC for presenting Certainly the script had bogged down fearfully since the permanent or temporary removal of Nicky, Clau- To United Langendort dia and Jack. Bakers For sponsoring Now that I know Tony is portrayed by John Lake, will you please give us his picture? So much the better And to You that he is handsome. His voice and Thanksgiving DAY- diction are splendid. Mr. and Mrs. Public Thanksgiying DINNER- Thanks- Also, give us Old Ben, who, don t- less, is anything but old. His laugh giving DISHES - Scour those is priceless. I know of no character tor listening to turkey roasters, pie pans, baking man who is as natural as he. Forrest Lewis portrays "Ben" on dishes, cookie tins the quick, easy "One .I1an's Family." Ile has been in the theater In stork. legit' to theater. mu- "A SONG IS BORN" way with Scotch Triple - Action sical rantedy and uaudenille. Ile prob- ably holds the world's record for a solo Cleanser. Scotch Cleanser scours scene. because he played a 23- minute art all by himself in "Twin Beds" on fast because it contains soap. The Broadway. Lewis' list of dialect parts RICHARD AURANDT includes Geraran. Japanese. Chinese. MUSICAL scouring powder loosens the dirt, Russian. Ir,sh. Scotch. Cockney. British DIRECTOR and Viennese. and Originator) the soap washes it away. Look for The actor is forty years old. five feet ten and a half inches tall, weighs 16.5 the FLAT package - it's red and pounds, has a ruddy complexion. dark brown hair and gray eyes. Ile is married blue. Look for the name Scotch to the former Frances Sheppard and they NBC -MONDAYS -6 P. M. have a fifteen -year -old son. Gene. Triple -Action Cleanser. CLEANS as it SCOURS as it SHINES, Jells Allan, Locksley Place, Los Ange- les, Calif. THE Sirs: In your column, "Ear In- BROADWAY spires the Pen," I note a reader has expressed his disapproval of the in- W1121 lo/ M.l.S .OS WII COMPI1MC1 elegant "progrum" which is so airily dispensed over the airwaves. I re- member that I was greatly irked by When the it for a long period of time -with no results, and so many of our pro- nunciations have been mishandled, School Bell Rings that the lid, -like Topsy; just grows. I fail to find anything like the It's Time to Listen to word "DIScharge" which is what THE FOURTH SESSION OF the radio says a service man often THE BROADWAY'S OUR PICTURES SEWING SCHOOL Hedda Hopper photos were taken by CBSTed Allan. Robert Craw. OF THE AIR ford is to be credited with the pic- Conducted by Sally Spinner tures of Mirandy, and those of station KGFJ. %SEW The Pacific Story EVERY TUESDAY EE' pictures are by NBC - Traxel, in our issue of October 22. J `. of 10:30 A. M. KHJ --_-7.p"--99 www.americanradiohistory.com fregnently, Via their impromptu pro- ruining the nervous system is "sac- is the straining on the part of some grams and Standard Radio transcrip- rifice," which is pronounced "sacri radio folk to follow the leader and tions. fis" with a short "i" in the last syl- do something a bit on the English lable. Last night the individual side. Or perhaps it s the Iesult of whose name appears to be Parks so many persons teaching that it is ( "Vox Pop ") went so far as to say clever to slide over the syllables and "sacrifisses." Our good old standby, the "r's." I am still unable to listen Noah Webster, offers us no such to the Lady Esther programs because D E F I N I T E Lr lady who reads the word. It is just sacrifice, with the of the young DIFFEREt. T, last syllable a long "i" and giving commercial. She likes "necessaree" it its full value. I fear the difficulty and "powdah" and has that special MADAM! something in her voice which gives it such an artificial tinge. Be that as it may, it is entirely her business and the business of the sponsor and none of mine. And none of us has to listen to a program of which we do hot approve. I am enjoying Ona Munson's pro- gram on Saturday evenings. I think it listen to it may prove to be the best one of its kind. She is natural and has in- teresting bits to tell. How one does PURE The Broadway love the natural! áxofl OLD ENGLISH11" STYLE Mrs. Parry, 322 Salem, Glendale, Calif. News Sirs: It's criminal having "Duf- ORANGE MARMALA DE Every day at 12 noon and fy's" on at the same time as "It Monday thru Saturday at Pays to Be Ignorant." Can't some- - Its fifty -year old recipe from thing be done about it? Surely they makes 5 p. m., over KHJ. aren't keeping the "Nitwit Court" Berkshire, England, Saxon on. I haven't heard anyone say it House Old English Style Orange was good. Sorry to make such a Marmalade truly different... -11004 complaint in such a nice magazine. delicious. Its the " fresh DOWNTOWN In spite of listeners' protests. many made PSIS. topnotch alrshows buck each other on fruit" marmalade a MALCOLM MaMAGMTIM, Court" was a Where Los Angeles Shops with Confidence the airwaves. "Nitwit in from summer replacement show and is noii' California off the air. whole ripe oranges! f Leota Stevens, 2604 Military Avenue, Mrs. ,Gtton lfnn.¡ Los Angeles 34, Calif. Irr 2 /b. aged r t.. lh. jars MtÌBlNA. Sirs: We agree that "I Love a At your Grocer's Mystery" is not good without the ICE-4 original Jack Packard. I just take no interest in the program any more. Would also like to know what happened to Leo Diamond and his Harmonaires. We miss them very [CREAM much at 11:30 Monday night. SUNDAY NIGHT At the present tirite. Leo Diamond and his Harmonaires are not heard on the air regularly. and there is no immediate!) prospects of their returning. However. it is likely that you will hear there in- IIøa pint * * RADIO LIFE * * R0100691 November .í, 1954 Volume 10. Number 9 RA1/0/0 Published Weekly at Lon Angeles 15, California. the Always delicious Business Offices: 1029 West Washington Rlcd., Phone Richmond 5303. Editorial Offices, 1558 North Vine, Hollywood 3a. Phone IIKnsp- MMead 50YR. Northern ('alifornia Affiliate, RADIO TAN FARE, 333 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 4. Phone Netter RIKî. YOU make any flavor Radio Life was entered an Second class Matter May R, 1042, at I.o Angeles, under Art of March 3. 1109. Postpaid Subscriptions. $2.75 2 year, $1.541 six months. Single Copies on sale K N X 9:30 in minutes. Please at leading Independent (irners In Southern California at 5e each. Reprinting In whole or In part without permission strictly forbidden. Stories woven arounc ask your grocer for Publisher. curl M. ltignhy: Editor- in- l'hief Radio the romantic and adven Life and Radio Fan Fare, Kselyn A. Rigsby: Editor Radio Fan Fare, Helene Peters; Rosi- turous atmosphere of ness Manager, Vinson Vaughan; Office Man- ager, Georgia Cayw.Md; Art Director, Allen Early California. Ricks; Log Editor, Pearl Rail; Editor- in -the- Sersiee, John F. Whitehead. Sponsored by LOf1D0nDERRy Adsertising Representatsae of RADIO LIFE and RADIO FAN FARE: southern California, TITLE INSURANCE 835 Howard Street ('ulbreth Sadler. Northern California, Elwood AND Carey, Hal Jackson. San Francisco 3, Calif. All material used by Radio Life Is specially pre- TRUST COMPANY pared by its own staff writers, and reprinting LOS ANGELES In whole or in part will publisher's per- mission strictly forbiddr.. www.americanradiohistory.com By Shirley Gordon OFF THE AIR, Penny Singleton is Mrs. Robert Sparks, wile of a Marine olhcer, and mother of two lively young daughters, Robin Susan, aged two, and Dorothy Grace, aged nine. In addition to being Blondie" and managing the mythical household Sunday, 8:30 p.m. of the Bumsteads, Penny finds her hands lull with her real -life family. CBS-A \' VERYTHING happens at our house," Penny Single- ton sighed with exaspera- It's Bad Enough Being "Blondie," tion. "B u t," she added But Penny Singleton Finds Her quickly, pursing her lips as "Blondie" w o u l d d o, "it Dilemmas Don't End at the Mike never gets quite as bad as at the -CUS -Ucn Polin Photos Bumsteads!" "Although, of course," she wrinkled her brow in remembrance, "there was Apr DAGWOOD'S IN A STEW, and Blonde's in a dither.
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