APPENDIX A City Directory Like other city directories, this directory lists only the names of adults (people 18 and older) who live in your community. The directory does not list children under the age of 18 or adults who live in other cities. Also, city directories (like telephone books) are published only once a year. Thus, they might not list people who moved to your community within the past year. When it conflicts with information presented in the exercises, always assume that the information in this directory is correct and that the exercises are mistaken. You will be expected to correct the exercises’ errors. If a name in an exercise is not listed in the directory, assume that the name is used correctly. As you check the names of people involved in news stories, also check their addresses and occupations, as they might also be erroneous. Sources often make errors while supplying that information to police and other authorities. Also, a person’s identity may add to a story’s newsworthiness. You will find, for example, that some of the people involved in stories are prominent government officials. Finally, assume that the people listed as university professors teach at your school. SECTION I: DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS Belmonte, William. Member, City Council Brennan, Rosemary. Director, City Library Cycler, Alice. Member, City Council Datolli, Sabrina. Mayor DeBecker, David. Member, School Board Drolshagen, Todd. Director, Code Enforcement Board Farci, Allen. City Attorney Ferguson, Tony. City Treasurer Gandolf, Sandra. Member, City Council Graham, Cathleen, M.D. Director, City Health Department Hernandez, Ramon. District Attorney Hubbard, Gary. Superintendent of Schools Kopperud, Barry. Police Chief Lieber, Mimi. Member, School Board Lo, Roger. Member, City Council Lu, Judie. Member, School Board Maceda, Diana. Member, School Board Nemechek, Anna. Member, School Board Nyad, Carole. Member, City Council Nyez, Jose. Member, School Board Onn, Tom. Director, City Housing Authority Plambeck, Emil. Superintendent, City Park Commission Ramirez, Luis. Member, City Council Stoudnaur, Marlene, M.D. Medical Examiner Sullivan, Tony. Fire Chief Tribitt, Jane. Member, School Board Tuschak, Joseph. Member, City Council Vacante, Umberto. Member, School Board SECTION II: DIRECTORY OF COUNTY OFFICIALS Alvarez, Harold. County Administrator Chenn, Anne. Member, County Commission Dawkins, Kerwin. Director, Public Works Dawkins, Valerie. Member, County Commission DiCesari, Gus. Sheriff Ellis, Faith. Member, County Commission Gardez, Jose. Member, County Commission Grauman, Roland. Member, County Commission Hedricks, Donald. Assistant County Attorney Laybourne, Raymond. Member, County Commission McNally, Ronald. County Attorney Morsberger, Diedre. Supervisor of Elections Shenuski, Anita. Member, County Commission Sindelair, Vernon. County Treasurer Smith, Ronald. County Clerk Wehr, Helen. Assistant County Attorney SECTION III: JUDGES MUNICIPAL COURT Hall, Marci Kocembra, Edward CIRCUIT COURT Johnson, Edwin Ostreicher, Marlene Kaeppler, JoAnn Pfaff, Randall Levine, Bryce R. Picott, Marilyn McGregor, Samuel Stricklan, Julian SECTION IV: ABBREVIATIONS acct accountant admn administration adv advertising agcy agency agt agent appr apprentice apt apartment archt architect asmbl assembler assn association asst assistant athom at home attnd attendant atty attorney aud auditor av avenue bkpr bookkeeper bldr builder blvd boulevard brklyr bricklayer bros brothers capt captain carp carpenter cash cashier cc community college ch church chem chemist chiro chiropractor cir circle/circuit clk clerk clns cleaners co company colm council member com commissioner const construction cpl corporal crs cruise consultant ct court ctr center cty county custd custodian dent dental/dentist dep deputy dept department det detective dir director dispr dispatcher dist district dr drive/driver drgc drug abuse counselor econ economist ele elementary electn electrician emp employee eng engineer est estate exec executive facty factory fed federal ff firefighter formn foreman gdnr gardener govt government h homeowner hairdrsr hairdresser hosp hospital hwy highway inc incorporated ins insurance insp inspector jr junior jtr janitor jwlr jeweler la lane lab laborer librn librarian lt lieutenant lwyr lawyer mach machinist mech mechanic med medical mfg manufacturing mgr manager min minister mkt market mstr master mtce maintenance muncp municipal mus musician nat national ofc office ofer officer opr operator optn optician pcpl principal pers personnel pharm pharmacist photog photographer phys physician pl place plmb plumber pntr painter po post office polof police officer pres president prof professor pst postal pub public r resident/roomer rd road recpt receptionist rel relations rep representative repr repairer rept reporter restr restaurant retd retired Rev reverend sav savings sch school sec secretary secy security sen senator serv service sgt sergeant slsp salesperson slsr sales representative soc social sq square sr senior st street stat station studt student supm supermarket supt superintendent supvr supervisor tech technician techr teacher tel telephone ter terrace treas treasurer univ university USA U.S. Army USAF U.S. Air Force USM U.S. Marines USN U.S. Navy vet veterinarian vp vice president watr waiter watrs waitress wdr welder wid widow widr widower wkr worker SECTION V: SAMPLE ENTRIES Hurley Carl J & Mary; printer Weisz Printing Co & ofc sec Roosevelt Ele Sch 1 2 3 4 5 6 h 140 Kings Point Dr 7 8 Hurley Ralph studt r 140 Kings Point Dr 9 10 11 12 1 = Family name 2 = Names of spouses in alphabetical order 3 = First listed spouse’s occupation 4 = First spouse’s employer 5 = Second listed spouse’s occupation 6 = Second spouse’s employer 7 = Homeowner 8 = Home address 9 = Name of roomer or renter 18 years of age or older 10 = Roomer/renter’s occupation 11 = Resident or roomer 12 = Address SECTION VI: ENTRIES Aaron Betsy retd r 410 Hillcrest St Apt 302 Abare Ann recpt Chavez Bros Chevrolet h 855 Tichnor Way Abbondanzio Anthony & Deborah brklyr Wagnor Bros & athom h 473 Geele Av Abbondanzio Denise pub rel rep Haile Associates r 3218 Holbrook Av Apt 832 Acevede Esther & Louis both retd h 8484 Highland Dr Acevede Miguel atty h 812 Bell Av Adams Jenna & Donald mgr Wendy's Old Fashion Hamburgers & pst wkr h 1943 Hope Ter Adcock George & Lydia mgr Blackhawk Hotel & soc wkr Catholic Social Services h 141 N Cortez Av Adler Sandra & Stuard athom & min Ch of Christ r 1847 Oakland Blvd Adles Dora & John athom & rep Bach & Co h 1218 S 23rd St Ahl Thomas C facty wkr Vallrath Plastics r 2634 6th St Apt 382 Ahrons Tommy managing editor The Daily Courier h 1097 Leeway Dr Ahsonn Jeffrey R & Teresa both retd h 49 Groveland Av Albertson Wanda pers dir Vallrath Plastics h 529 Adirondack Av Alicea Carlos city emp h 2930 Leisure Dr Allen Christopher univ prof Pierce CC h 1810 Collins Av Allen James D & Margie mach opr Collins Industries & atty h 28 Rio Grande Rd Allen Michael mech Allison Ford r 410 Hillcrest St Apt 82 Allersen Alice & Thomas athom & acct Mercy Hosp h 418 Meridan Av Allyn Christopher & Julie dir Center for Arts & univ prof h 1504 Lincoln Dr Alvarez Harold & Tina cty administrator & techr Washington Ele Sch r 854 Maury Rd Apt 11B Alvarez Jose cpl state hwy patrol h 1982 Elmwood Dr Alvarez Thomas studt r 854 Maury Rd Apt 11B Amanpor Effie & Elton athom & technical writer Wirtz Electronics h 823 E Pierce Av Ames Robert & Emily asst mgr University Bookstore & sec Cypress Av Med clinic h 2380 Wendover Av Anchall Mildred dir Sunnyview Retirement Home r 2202 8th Av Apt 382 Andrews Ira auto mech Allison Ford h 561 Tichnor Way Andrews Paula wid aud Blackhawk Hotel h 4030 New Orleans Av Aneesa Ahmad univ prof h 1184 3rd Av Aneja David & Tracy sgt sheriff's dept & carp h 488 Tulip Dr Ansell Herman clk Blackhawk Hotel r 2814 Ambassador Dr Apt 61 Antonucci William plmb Rittman Engineering Co r 107 Hillside Dr Apt B Arico James K pntr Kalina Painting & Decorating r 9950 Turf Way Apt 703C Austin Anna & Terrance C chef & athom h 481 Cottage Hill Rd Baille Maggy wdr Halstini Mfg h 810 N Ontario Av Baliet Karen & Thomas adv exec Bailet & Associates & pres Republican Bldrs h 1440 Walters Av Ball James studt r 1012 Cortez Av Apt 870 Barber Herbert & Irene vp Denny's Restr Group & athom h 2440 College Dr Barlow Janet & Raymond hairdrsr Lynn's Styling & dir United Way h 2868 Moor St Barlow Janie & Wesley r 977 4th St Apt 2 Barlow Kevin polof r 3363 Andover Dr Barlow Robert A mech Allison Ford r 112 Hope Cir Barsch Margaret & Michael athom & sgt police dept h 2489 Hazel La Barton Eileen owner/mgr Barton Sch of Dance h 1012 Treasure Dr Basa Shannon optn r 6718 Fox Creek Dr Apt 1010 Baugh Marcia state consumer advocate h 350 Meridan Av Bealle Denise univ prof h 1018 Cortez Av Beasley Ralph pntr Kalina Painting & Decorating r 810 Howard St Beaumont Edward & Hazel pst wkr & athom h 7240 N Ontario Av Beaumont Roger studt r 7240 N Ontario Av Becker Maurine & Ricky athom & publisher The Daily Courier h 1521 Cole Rd Belcuor Christine & Paul watrs Holiday House Restr & librn h 497 Fern Creek Dr Belmonte Lucy & William mus & city colm & archt Belmonte & Associates h 177 Andover Dr Berg Mildred univ prof h 984 Elmwood Dr Best Bryan para Sacred Heart Hosp r 4320 Michigan Av Biagi Allison polof r 2634 6th St Apt 906B Biegel Franklin custd Filko Furniture r 782 12th Av Blackfoot Jason & Veronica Dawn archt & atty h 2045 Wendover Av Blake Amanda C & Carl P nurse & electn r 3314 Santana Blvd Blanchfield Elaine
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