and contended that the list produced was the list referred to Poor-law Medical Officers : Petitions for inquiry into their in the agreement. condition, from Llandilo Fawr Union, and E. Waters and Mr. Baron BRAMWELL summed up the evidence, and the others: to lie upon the table. jury, without hesitation, found for the defendant. Mr. Baron Registration of Births, &c. (Scotland) Act : Petitions for Bramwell said that of all unfounded actions he thought this relief from granting certificates of death gratuitously, from was the most unfounded. Dr. R. M’Killian and Dr. J.Wilson, J. Irvine, A. Wallace, A. F. Greig, A. Rainy, J. Genard, C. Robertson, R. Greig, D. Ross and others, and Invergerden : to lie upon the table. Lunacy (Scotland): Copy presented, of Second Annual Re- Parliamentary Intelligence. port of Commissioners (by command): to lie upon the table.. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MEDICAL OFFICERS OF TEE ARMY. THURSDAY, MARCH 29TH. Mr. BUTT has given notice of the following for after Easter :- On going into Committee of Supply, to ask the Secretary of CORONERS AND MAGISTRATES. State for War, if it be the case that the medical officers of the Mr. BRISTOWE asked the Secretary for the Home Depart- army, during the service of their regiments in India, are de- ment why no inquest had been held by the Coroner upon the prived of the advantages both as to pay and rank granted to body of a coastguardsman who was killed by one of the trains medical officers by her Majesty’s recent Warrant; and, if so, of the South Eastern Railway Company on the North Kent whether it is intended to adopt any steps to remedy this. line, at Milton, next Gravesend, on or about the 21st of Feb. last. REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE BILL. said that Sir G. C. LEWIS the Coroner had been applied to, The following notices have been given with respect to the- and his had been forwarded in a which was explanation letter, new Reform Bill :-By Mr. MowBRAY, clause 13, line 16, leave as follows :-" I am not surprised at the expression of dissatis- out " the University of London," and insert " each of the faction conveyed by your letter that no inquest had been held. Universities of London and Durham. Mr. COLLINS, clause I wish it understood that I acted the instructions "-By only upon 14, to insert words to put on the same footing those who have- issued by the magistrates, and not upon my own view of the with to " graduated at the University of Oxford, respect the matter. to vote for members of Parliament for that University, MARCH 30TH. right FRIDAY, as is given by this clause to those who have graduated at the Medical Council: Petition of Dr. William Macdonald, that University of London to vote for a member of Parliament for the general medical practitioners of England may be repre- that University.-By Mr. BYNG, to move a clause to the fol- sented there: to lie upon the table. lowing effect -.-Every male person of full age, and not subject Poor-law Medical Officers : Petitions for inquiry into their to any legal incapacity, being a graduate of any University in condition, from University College, London, F. J. Prior, W. the United Kingdom, shall be entitled to vote as hereinafter Allard, and Hackney: to lie upon the table. mentioned: (that is to say,) where such person shall reside in Registration of Births, &o. (Scotland) Act: Petitions for any county or riding, parts or division of a county, in England relief of medical officers from granting certificates of death or Wales, elsewhere than within a city or borough which shall gratuitously, from D. Campbell, J. Forman, N. Fletcher, J. return a member or members to serve in Parliament, or a place Pirie, R. Harvey, and H. M’Hale: to lie upon the table. sharing in the election for a city or borough, he shall, if duly Universities (Scotland): Copy presented, of ordinance by registered, be entitled to vote in the election of a knight or the Scottish University Commissioners with reference to the knights of the shire to serve in Parliament for such county, University of Edinburgh (by Act): to lie upon the table.- riding, parts, or division; and where such person shall reside Return presented, of copies of the Report to her Majesty in within any such city or borough, or any place sharing in the Council of July 22nd, 1859, &c. (address, March 27th): to lie election for any such city or borough, he shall, if duly regis- upon the table. tered, be entitled to vote in the election of a member or mem- Registration of Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill: Second Reading bers to serve in Parliament for such city or borough: Provided deferred till Monday, April 23rd. always, that no such person shall be so registered in any year unless he shall have so resided for twelve calendar months next MARCH 31ST. SATURDAY, previous to the last day of July in such year. Registration of Births, &c. (Scotland) Act: Petition from Ellon, for a more adequate remuneration : to lie upon the table. - Petition from Glasgow, for relief of medical practitioners in 3IINES REGULATION AND LiSPECTIO N BILL. being called upon to give gratuitous certificates of the cause of A petition has been presented against the educational clause. death: to lie upon the table. It is urged that children must begin to work in mines very in or contract a dislike to and fail to MONDAY, APRIL 2ND. early life, they it, acquire that tact which is necessary to their safety. The Act provides UNIVERSITY RETURNS. for the compulsory education of all boys employed in coal mines Mr. BYXG moved an address for returns of the number of under twelve years of age; this instruction to be communicated graduates of the different universities of the United Kingdom, between eight A.M. and five P.M., and to be not less than twenty distinguishing their several degrees, ,c.-Agreed to. hours per month. (It seems to be apprehended that the coal- On the motion of Sir STAFFORD NoRTUCOTE, in the absence owners will be ruined unless these poor children are deprived of sunshine KINNAIRD a clause of Mr. Mowbray, similar returns were agreed to in reference altogether. -Mr. proposes to the University of Durham alone. making it unlawful to keep any boy above ten and under four- teen years old under longer than hours in PUBLIC CHARITIES. ground eight any one day. Mr. HARDCASTLE obtained leave to introduce a Bill to facili- tate the appointment of new trustees to public charities.-The Bill was read a first time. Poor-law Medical Officers : Petitions for inquiry into their Medical News. condition, from Tewkesbury Union, Newport Pagnell Union, Gainsborough, and Amersham Union: to lie upon the table. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. - At the Comitia Registration of Births, &c. (Scotland) Act: Petitions for a Majora, held on Monday, April 2nd, the following gentleman, more adequate remuneration, from Weem, and Paisley : to lie having undergone the necessary examination, was admitted a upon the table.-Petition from Campbeltown, for relief of me- Member of the College :- dical practitioners in being called upon to give gratuitous cer- Frederick Beverley Dixon, M.D., Hoxton House Asylum, Hoxton. tificates of the cause of death: to lie the table. upon At the same the been of Comitia, following gentlemen, having Registration Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill: Petition from elected under the Bye-laws (no in for alteration : to lie the table. previously temporary longer Edinburgh, upon force), were also admitted Members of the College:- TUESDAY, APRIL 3RD. Edward Rayner, M.D., Paris. Alexander Armstrong, M.D., Malta. Medical Charities: Petition of Dr. Copinger and others, Daniel John Duigan, M.D., H.M.S. Vulture. against over the of medical charities to George Mackay, M.D., R.N. Hospital, Plymouth. making management Alexander E. Mackay, M.D., H.M.S. Royal dlberf. other than medical men : to lie upon the table. Samuel Laird. M.D. Douglas Isle of Man 361 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-The Alackenzie, Wm. Jackson, Greenwich. Robinson, Charles, Edgware. following gentle- Macmahon, T. Aug., R. M. St. P. Co. Rogers, John Fredrick, Bow. men, having undergone the necessary examinations for the Marshal), Francis Henry, Moulton. Salisbury, John, Ty Gwrydd. diploma, were admitted Members of the College, at a meeting BI Marston, Charles Henry, Devizes. Seville, John Heywood, Mossley. of the Court of Examiners, on the 30th ult. :- Massey, Isaac, Nottingham. Shepherd, Samuel Smith, Dublin. inlillett, Richard Oke, Penpol. Simpson, Henry Ernest, London. Anderson, Francis Bine, Southfield House, Hessle, near Hull; L.S.A. Feb. 3, 1820. Morley, Thomas, Oldham. Sliaife, John, London. John Amison, L.S.A. June Neill, Hugh, Liverpool. Stadden, Hart, Ipswich. Charles, Alston, Cumberland; 19,1834. Niblett, Stephen Berry, Portsea. Stephens, Daniel Wells, Emsworth. Carter, Joseph Barton, Chapel-town, near Leeds; L.S.A. July 26, 1849. Eames, John Nichol, Henry, Haddenham. Strong, Henry John, Stoke Conway. Davey, Melbourne, Cambridgeshire. Nixon, Henry Clements, Dublin. Studdart, John, Kirkcaldy. Greaves, Augustus Goring, Wardwick, Derby; L.S.A. May 11,1837. Cardiff. near L.S.A. Oakley, Charles, Shrewsbury. Taylor, William, Greenup, Henry, Farnworth, Warrington; May 3,1838. Oliver, W. Hodgson, Stockton-on-Tees. Thurston, Geo. J.tS., R. M. St. P. Co. Hughes. William, Market-place, Llanrwst, North Wales; L.S.A. February 14, Cloud. Julius London. 1850. Perrin, Jas. Dudden, Temple Tripe, Decimus, P. Town Tnbbs, William John, Upwell. near L.S.A. March Pope, Montague, Mailing. Joy, William, Northwold, Brandon, Norfolk; 31,1825. Joseph, Oldham. Turner, Thomas, Leeds. Marley, Richard, Bromyard, Herefordshire; L.S.A.
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