Report on the Curriculum June 2016 Tessa Browning The Summer Term has involved a redeployment of some staff following the extended absence of Mr Callaghan. Mrs Nightingale and Mrs Browning have taught the Hare class, with the support of Mrs Taylor and Mrs Dudfield. The TE Day was spent looking at emotional health, particularly Growth Mindsets as well as how we may improve children’s speaking and listening skills. In house professional development has also focussed upon gaining a better understanding of the new curriculum, particularly the end of key stage one assessment. We have also had a visit from Mr Hill (awaiting report) which was successful. Key Stage One assessments have also been moderated, and the County found our assessments to be accurate. SECTION ONE: OFSTED AND HMI 1.1 Ofsted Priority One: Improve the quality of teaching across the school in order to accelerate progress in all subjects, and particularly in writing and mathematics, by making sure teachers: check on the progress of all groups during lessons to pick up and address errors or misconceptions as they occur use assessment accurately so that they can provide appropriately demanding work for all pupils, but particularly the most-able, at all times give pupils clear feedback through marking to show how they can improve their work encourage pupils to try to work problems out for themselves and not simply wait for adults to come and support them or tell them the answer. In the last report it was stated that we were looking in to doing NfER tests in the Summer term so that we have a national baseline for comparison. We would not get the results until October, so we have decided to do a baseline in the Autumn term and ensure that staff analyse end of term assessments this term with the new class teachers to ensure continuity for children in September. That is, staff will work together to analyse areas of strength/weakness ready to inform the curriculum plan for next term. We have had moderation of Key Stage One teacher assessments in Maths, Reading and Writing, and our judgements were found to be accurate. Mrs Browning and Mrs Nightingale analysed children’s abilities carefully at the beginning of the term and focussed on writing skills whilst also looking to ensure that the children had the opportunity to demonstrate their skills against all ITAF (Interim Teacher Assessment Framework) statements. Please note – this is a shift from previous years because children have to have evidence against every 1 statement to be awarded the grade – it is no longer a ‘best fit’. This new approach is called an ‘exact fit’. Results for Key Stage One assessments has four categories. These are: Below – S/he is not working at the ITAF standard Working towards – S/he has achieved some of the statements for expected, but are not yet at the expected level. Expected - S/he has achieved all of the ‘expected’ statements and is found to be working at the expected level. Greater depth – s/he is working on the Year Two statements in greater depth. Please note – a breakdown of the statements is available on the Governor page of the website for your reference. Please note that below on the ITAF forms equates to ‘working towards’. There are ten children in the cohort, two children are in receipt of pupil premium. KS1 Writing Maths Reading Assessment Below the ITAF Working 30% 30% towards (10% PP) (10% PP) 50% 70% 40% Expected (10% PP) (20% PP – 1 child (10% PP) outstanding progress) Greater 20% 30% 30% depth We are pleased that this shows good or better progress in relation to levels suggested by the EYFS profile: Year Two Predictions: Pink – working towards or lower Yellow – at the expected level Green – working at greater depth EYFS Score Reading Writing Maths 40% (4 chn) 40% (4 chn) 40% (4 chn) Emerging 10% PP 10% PP 10% PP 30% (3 chn) 50% (5 chn) 20% (2 chn) Expected 10% PP 10% PP 10% PP Exceeding 10% (1 child) 40% (4 chn) 30% (3 chn) 2 This suggests that the focus on maths, particularly the introduction of numicon, has been successful in improving children’s mathematical skills. The focus on more able readers has also been successful as 30% of the cohort achieved the ‘greater depth’ standard (whereas no child achieved level 3 last year) and we have enabled 20% of children to be working at greater depth in writing – 10% higher than our initial predictions based on EYFS scores. We do not yet know the national averages or floor targets for comparison. Moderation of Reception, Year One, Year Three, Year Four and Year Five In addition the formal local authority moderation of Y2 assessments we have also moderated our work in Y2 with the cluster of schools. In addition to this, all other year groups have conducted joint moderation with other schools of core subjects in a whole cluster moderation session. 1.1.2: Assessment for Learning This term we have focussed upon improving children’s speaking skills. Mr Poultney will provide an analysis of the speaking project at the curriculum meeting. 1.1.3 BHMS Transition Cluster activities have been programmed in for this term to ensure that children have the opportunity to meet peers. Our Year 5 staff have met staff from all Middle Schools that we are feeding in to so that appropriate information may be shared. 1.2 Ofsted Priority Two: Improve provision in the Early Years, especially for boys, so that they achieve in line with girls in all areas by: e boys school are used more purposefully to improve lesson planning 1.2.1 Using assessments for learning KL attends meetings with other NQTs in EYFS, where they have looked at a range of issues including moderating work. 1.2.2 Moderation EYFS has been selected for moderation this year. We do not yet have a date, but we will let you know the outcome of the moderation. 1.3 Ofsted Priority Three: Improve the effectiveness of leadership and management by: 1.3.1 Staff check on the quality of teaching and its impact on pupil progress in their areas that governors receive regular updates from all leaders, including middle leaders, on the progress the school is making with its improvement plans so that they gain a broader and more informed3 view of its effectiveness. 1.3.1 Overview Mrs Nightingale and Mr Poultney have continued to support staff with core subjects. Mrs Poole has analysed staff skills in PE to enable her to focus support from Sports Challenge and consider the plan for the current financial year. Staff will be reviewing the SDP this term. This should be completed by the FGB. 1.3.2 Information for Governors Staff have continued to meet with governors, at governor request. There have also been monitoring visits this half term. 1.4 HMI Additional Priority One: Strengthen leadership and management, particularly in the Early Years Foundation Stage, so that the school does not become over-dependent on the extensive support it has received. 1.4.1 Curriculum Leadership Mrs Dudfield and Mrs Browning have met Helen Pretty (SEN Advisor). Consequently, we have class provision maps and have reduced the number of children being referred to the LSAT (Learning Support Advisory Teacher) as we have revised our way of working. 1.4.2 Widening Participation As part of strengthening leadership at Broadway First School by working to support partner schools/institutions we have: - Participated in a periodic review of two of the University of Worcester’s education courses. - Led a Year Two working party, including devising a moderation form for the cluster to use for all moderation exercises. - Liaised with other schools on joint CPD on Maths. - Supported University of Worcester’s interview practise day. 1.5 HMI Additional Priority Two: Check the impact of teaching assistants on pupil learning as closely as that carried out for teachers 1.5.1 Plans for Teaching Assistants Mr Poultney has seen most teaching assistants to review their targets. Teaching Assistants are monitored as part of class room monitoring. 4 SECTION TWO: DATA 2.1 Overview I have included a ‘flavour’ of patterns so far for EYFS (target year for Ofsted), Year One (the target group in terms of achievement) and Year Two (national data capture year). 2.2 EYFS There are 65% of pupils now on track for a GLD (11 pupils) – an increase from 33% (6 pupils) last term. 2.3 Year One Phonics Check Please note that we do not yet know the standard for Year One phonics – it has not yet been published. The information below is a comparator to last year’s assessments, using 36 as the threshold for meeting the standard. One child in Year 2 was required to retake the phonics assessment. That child got 36+. All twelve children in Year One took the phonics check. Three children scored below 36 – all three are on Individual Provision Maps for Special Educational Needs. This means that the percentage of children in the cohort achieving 36+ is lower than last year, but this is due to small cohorts and the needs of individual children. A comparison with last terms assessments illustrates that these three children have made progress through the term. 2.4 Year Two Please see above. Section Three: Parents as Partners The school has been entered on the ‘Best Practise’ database for its strength in parental engagement. Family lunches Class assemblies Inspire Workshops Numicon meeting Easter Production Phonics meeting Key Stage One assessment meetings Section Four – Staff Training March 2016 Critical Incident Training - TB Athletics INSET – JP Bellboating and First Aid Training – TB and JP OTrack training – LN and LP April 2016 Life after levels – TB Joint moderation of work – all teachers 5 Section Five: Broadening the Curriculum Additional learning opportunities for our children: World Book Day Residential at Marle Hall May Fair Fun Fayre (included British Values – maypole dancing/May King and Queen) Section Five: Specific PE Events Bellboating Cluster Athletics 6 .
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