THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 9,620 — FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1946. PART n . — LEGAL. (Separate paging U given to each Part in order that it may be filed separately.) PAGE PAG Govtrnor’a Ordlnanass .. am •• Coimeil of legal Education Notioei mm Passed Ordinances „ a , 881 Notices in Insolvency Cases „ mm — Draft OidtttMM - n — Notices of Fiscals' Sales ,, m » . 882 NotifiestfMa of O ite la a l Setslama of the Supreme Court .. — Notices in Testamentary Actions .. - 888 Sapiens Court N e tfscs . • • — List of Notaries .. • • D istric t and UI b m Courts Notloos . 882 Miscellaneous am PASSED ORDINANCES. Ordinance enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, with the advice and consent of the State Council thereof. No. 45 of 1946. M. H. A.— D. 284/44. L. D.—O. 19/44 An Ordinance to amend the Orphanages Ordinance, No. 2 2 of 1941. J. C. H o w a r d . BE it enacted by the Governor of C e y lo n , with the advice and consent of the State Council thereof, as follows :— 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Orphanages Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, No. 45 of 1946. 2. Section 16 of the Orphanages Ordinance, No. 22 of Amendment 1941, (hereinafter referred to as “ the principal Ordinance ” ) of section 10 of Ordinanoe is hereby amended as follows :— No. 22 of 1941. (1) in sub-section (1) of that section, by the substitution, for the words “ the orphanage.” , of the following:— “ the orphanage and, where any other children are also maintained in the orphanage, a maintenance grant in respect of such of those children as are proved to have been admitted to the orphanage before the appointed date.” ; (2) in sub-section (2) of that section, by the substitution for paragraph (b) of that sub-section, of the following paragraph :— “ (6) fixing the amount to be paid as a maintenance grant in respect of each child or each class or description of children.” ; and (3) by the addition, immediately after sub-section (3) of that section, of the following new sub-section:— “ (4) For the purposes of this section, such of the deaf, dumb, or blind persons maintained in the school for the Deaf and Blind (whether on its original premises at Mount Lavinia or elsewhere)' as are proved to have been admitted to that School before the appointed date shall, notwith­ standing anything in section 19 (1), be deemed to be children until they attaiD the age of twenty-one years.” . 881--------J.N . A 64975-1,078(10/46) B 1 882 P a s t n . (L e g a l ) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE <— O o t. 25, 1946 Amendment of 3. Section 19 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended ■estion 19 (l) o f jh sub.section (1) thereof by the substitution, in the definition °f “ orphanage”, for the word “ solely”, of the word “ m ainly” . Passed in Council the Twenty-fifth day of September, One thousand Nine hundred and Forty-six. D . C. R . G u n a w a r d a n a , Clerk of the Council. Assented to by the Officer Administering the Government the Twelfth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and F orty -six . C. H . H a r t w e l l , Secretary to the Governor. DISTRICT AND MINOR COUNTS NOTICES. Central Plottage. Destruction ot Old Records. In the District Court of Kandy. NOTICE is hereby given that three months from the date hereof, The Commissioner of Income Tax, Colombo ..............Petitioner. the records o f the Distriot Court o f Nuwara Eliya holden at Hatton, No. X. 997/A I 7954.- . Vs. the Court of Requests and Magistrates Court, Hatton, decided K. Richard Peiris of 209/A, TJyanp,, Mbratuwa .... Respondent. prior to October 31, 1940, will be destroyed under the provisions of section 5 of the Destruction of Valueless Documents Ordinance NOTICE is hereby given that on Tniesday, November 26, 1946, (Cap. 336). at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, will De sold by publio auotion at the Any person interested in any record may personally, by Proctor, premises the right, title, and interest of the said respondent in the or by duly authenticated petition olaim upon good cause shown, following property for the recovery of the sum of Rs. 70-50, viz.:— that such record should not be destroyed. All that allotment of paddy land called and known as Elamal- ketiya; in extent 2 acres, situate at Atabage ITdagama in Kandu- M . M . M a h a r o o t , kara Ihala korale of Udapalata in the Distriot of Kandy, Central District Judge, Commissioner of Requests and Magistrate. Province ; and bounded on the north by Hunugalewatta belonging Distriot Court, to Mr. Richard Peiris, east by ela, south by boundary bund of Hatton, Ootober 21, 1946. Elamalketiya field belonging to K. G. Dingitha TJpasake, west by ela separating Sogama estate and Hunugalewatta. Valuation Rs. 3,000. Circuit Courts, Ratnapura District. Fiscal’s Office, H. P . R a t w a t t e , NOTICE is hereby given that the Circuit Courts at Balangoda Kandy, October 19, 1946. Deputy Fiscal. and Rakwana will be held by me on the dates given below :— (The dates are subject to alteration.) In the District Court of Colombo. 1947. Balangoda. Rakwana. (1) Nana Muttupalamappa Chettiar, (2) Nana Thiagarajan January .. 3, 4 and 17, 18 10 and 24 , , ' Chettiar, and (3) Nana Annamalai Chettiar, all carrying on February . 7, 8 and 21, 22 14 and 28 business under the name, .style, firm and Vilasam of Nana March 7, 8 and 21, 22 ■ . 14 and 28 J Moona Awanna Reena or N. M. A. R. o f 285, Sea street, April . 1, 2 and 18, 19 .. 11 and 25 Colombo......... ^...............................................................Plaintiffs. May .. 2, 3 and 16, 17 . 9 and 23 No. 6,766/S. _ VS; June .. 6, 7 and 20, 21 .. 13 and 27 G. M. S. Aponso of 16, Armour street, Colom bo..........Defendant. NOTICE is hereby given that op Thursday, November 28, 1946, H. K. S. K e y t , at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, will be sold by publio auction at the Magistrate and Additional Commissioner of Requests. premises the right, title, and Interest of the said defendant in and Magistrate’s Court, to the following property,£af the recovery of the sum of Rs. 4,382-42, Ratnapura, October 16, 1946. togother with interest, on Rs. 4,300 at 15 per centum per annum from February 26, 1946, up to date of decree (June 24, 1946) and thereafter legal interest on the aggregate amount of the decree at 5 per centum per annum till payment in full and poundage, viz :— NOTICES OF FISCALS’ SALES. All that lands and premises called and known as Kataragam- dewalewatta with the houses thereon, bearing assessment Nos. 63, Western Province. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 and 74, situated at Colombo In the District Court of Colombo. street, Kandy, Central Provmce ; and bounded on the north by. Colombo street, on the east by Castle Hill street, on the south M. S. M. Muthuraman Chettiar of 188, Sea street, Colombo.. Plaintiff. by lands claimed by Hendrick Mudahyar and late C. Jayatilaka No. 1,347/M.B. Vs. Mudaliyar and land appertaining to the Mercantile Bank and on the west by land claimed by W. Jayatilake, the late C. Jayatilaka D. A. P. Ranasinghe, Proctor, Tudella, Ja-ela........ Defendant Mudaliyar and Keerapone Holottara otherwise bounded as follows:— NOTICE is hereby given that on Saturday, November 16, 1946, East by premises No. 62, west by premises bearing assessment at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, will be sold by public auction at the No. 75, north by Colombo street, south by Kataragama Dewala premises the following property mortgaged with the plaintiff by Walauwa ; containing m extent one acre one rood and two perches, bonc^No. 1259 dated July 13,1940, and attested by C.M. Kumaravet- and registered under title A 61/235, Kandy. pifihi, Notary Publio of Colombo ; and declared specially bound Valuation Rs. 11,000. and executable under the decree entered in the above action and ordStedrtif be §old by the order of court dated September 10,1946, for mb recovery of a- sum of Rs. 1,567/20, together with interest Fiscal’s Office, H. F. R a t w a t t e , on He. 860' at the rate of 18 per centum per annum from April 10, Kandy, October 21, 1946. Deputy Fisoal. 1946v4fet May 11, 1946, and thereafter on the aggregate amount at 5:per centum per annum to the date of payment m full and costs oFstiit and poundage, viz :— Sou thsra .Province. An undivided J (seven eighths) shares from and out of the un­ In the District Court of Tangalla. divided southern half share of the land called Madangahawatu- Jayasunya Patabendige Sopinona of Mora- kotasa, situated at Tudella m the Ragam pattu of the Aluthkuru ketiara...............................- ................... Substituted Palintiff. korale m the District of Colombo, Western Province; which said land is bounded on the north and south by land of Nanayakkara No. 4,795. \ t*. S s . Wamakulapatabendige Maria Madalena Perera and her children, (1) Don NikuJas Abeywickrama of Mandaduwa east by field and west by high road; containing in extent about and another ...................... JL.. ........................... Defendants. 3 roods (A. 0, R. 3, P. 0,) with the buildings standing thereon ; which said undivided share is now dividedly possessed and as such is NOTICE is hereby given that bn Wednesday, November 20, bounded on the north -by the remaining £ (one eighth) share of this 1946, commencing at 2 o’clock inr'the afternoon, will be sold by land, on the south b y the land of Nanayakkara Wamakulapata­ public auction at the premises the right, title, and interest of the bendige Maria Madalena Perera and her heirs, on the east by field said 1st defendant in the following property, for the recovery, of and on the west by high road; containing in extent within these Rs.
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