University at Buffalo School of Law Digital Commons @ University at Buffalo School of Law The Opinion Newspaper The Opinion 9-1-1952 The Opinion Volume 4 Number 1 – September 1, 1952 The Opinion Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/the_opinion Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Legal History Commons Recommended Citation The Opinion, "The Opinion Volume 4 Number 1 – September 1, 1952" (1952). The Opinion Newspaper. 13. https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/the_opinion/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The Opinion at Digital Commons @ University at Buffalo School of Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Opinion Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ University at Buffalo School of Law. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '- -- UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO LAW SCHOOL SPECIAL - ORIENTATION ISSUE ~ Vol. 4-No. 1 September, 1952 Education For The Law Student Bar Welcomes Freshmen Profeuor Jaoob D. Hyman The editors of Opinion have planned a series of feature On behalf of the Student Bar As­ articles on some of the broader aspects of the law. An appropriate sociation of the Uaiversity of Buf­ introduction, they felt, would be a brief discussion of education falo School of Law I wish to wel­ for the law. This can·hardly be a string of dogmatic pronounce­ come the class of 1955 and to con­ ments. Times like the present encourage, if they do not compel, gratulate you on your·choice of a the re-examination of basic goals as well as of methods. Legal ,fegal career. Your work in law education could hardly escape the questioning atmosphere. The school will be exciting and stimu­ following comments must, therefore, reflect primarily the lating for the most part· but for those who are either not adapted personal convictions of the writer. for legal training or not truly in­ The practice of law is a profes-4>""'-------------­ terested in law the case book meth­ slon, not a trade. To say this Is to . Ori.entation Program od will be hard, dull and discour­ · sa:, that while skills are required, aging. There is no easy · way to the skills must be practiced, not learn law. The reward however is merely in the interests of each job Monday Morning a course of study which has trained as it•comes along, but always with 9: 00-Roll Call you to be a leader in whatever regard to the impact of Jaw as a Opening address by Acting field you enter. whole upon society. A fundamen­ Dean Halpern tal problem of legal education, as Your school life will not be all Introduction of the Faculty PHILIP HALPERN wo·rk. We have committees whose of education for other kinds of Tour of· the Law School professional responsibility like the function it is to interrupt the rou­ Building, Erie 'Comity tine of daily classes with social, ministry, medicine, and engi~eer­ Library, County Court, Dean's Welcome legal and civic programs. You will illg, Is to avoid slighting either the Supreme Court, City all be placed on at least one com­ craftmanship of the trade or the •Court, and Federal mittee and have a voice in shaping vision of the profession. I am grateful to the editors of Court. the "Opinion" for this opportunity these· programs. To master the craft of the law Welcoming addresses- . to say a word of welcome to the The present Board of Directors the student must first of all strug­ Erie County Bar Ass'n. incoming Freshman class. You are of the Student Bar Association was gle a new method. The tra­ wj? u. B. Law School embarking upon a course of study installed on March 20, 1952.' This ditional technique of Anglo-Amer­ . Alumni Assn. which you will find arduous but student government proceeded to ican law, developed ·over a _period. Student .Bar Ass'n. stimulating. You wil\ find that in carry out the directives of the stu• Assignment of loc.kers and content, methods and objectives, dent body as expressed in the Con­ EDUCATION FOR THE LAW the law course is very different (Continued on Page Thre&) seats stitution. Committees were organ­ Purchase of books and from your college course. At first, ized to carry out the various activ­ payment of fees. you may find much of the material ities. The examinations in May puzzling, if not confusing. The fac­ Monday Afternoon were conducted under our new Advice To Frosh ulty will be on hand to help you, Honor System which is supervised 3.00-Reception for Freshmen although they will not be ready and enforced by the Student Ethics Say farewell to the lectures on and Faculty. with pat answers for your prob­ Committee and the Student Honor Russell and Freud, Tuesday's activities Will be devoted_ lems; the law does not lend itself Court. Gone are the "gut" courses so long to lectures on legal to that- kind of approach. Since I The Student Bar Association en­ enjoyed. background presented am not now engaged In teaching, visages a student government No more pretty coeds with trim by members of the I feel free to say that we have an which is working continuously for legs In-i;horts. Faculty. butstanding faculty, the members the best interests of the school, ~e Lady jUBtice Is garbed in Contracts Purchase of books and of which are nationally known, not comm11nity and the legal· profes­ and Torts. payment of fees. only for their scholarly publica­ sion. We hope to have students tions but also for their excellence placed on the active and Important Wedneeclay-Classes begin Take copious notes, read case after In classroom instruction. committees of the Erle County' Bar case. -Ralph Halpern, cha.lrman You are entering upon an ap­ Association. We hope that we can Learn about "conversion" and pr,enticeship to a great public pro­ send delegates to represent us at "speci1lc res." fession, . whose skill and under­ the next national convention of the Study hard, your work, don't Social Committee standing are indispensable to the National Law -Students Associa­ abort. proper functioning of our social tion. We hope to make our job The Social Committee, Impor­ Do every assignment Including and economic system. It Is trite placement service efficient and' tant to well-balanced student life, Moot court. to say, but It is nevertheless true, continuous. We would like to provides relaxation and establishes see· Brief all that you read and when that the soundness of the founda­ the Barristers' Ban supported b:, you are through, friendly relations between students tion which you build' In your law all of our alumni so that It will be­ Who knows, you may edit the by arranging the law school's so­ school days will, to a large extent, the social event of the year for X.w Review. cial functions and the Individual determine the security and the legal profession In the Buffalo Class parties. Plans for the coming strength of the superstructure of area. 1 year Include receptions for distin­ 1 So run get your books, find your your professional career. guished speakers plus a variety of The class of 1955 will be abl' third story nooks You have before you an exciting And listen for gems that are hid• dances, parties, and get togethers to do a great deal In achlevt,pa -the climax of all being the Bar­ three years. I hope that you will these objectives. We Bincerely wish den. enjoy them and that yau will come risters' Ball, an annual Spring af­ that the coming y~ will be a Remember the saying oft quoted through with ftylng c!Olors. by one, fair. happy and succeafur'one for you ''TBlnldng Is not forbidden." -FrankOUcnno -ftl,llp Balpem and the Law School. -Jen711artabeJos -Ronne Kollla .&etblcDean ., 2 OPINION 52-53 Moot Court Committee Comments Student Publications ov1,-..·10,-.. Com~ittee--Opinion OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO Program Continued Figuratively speaking, our law LAW SCHOOL school is student "owned and op­ The Student Publications Com-' Edltor-ln-Chlef ......................Don Holzman Like so many other terms that erated." Naturally, this presumes Managing Edltor........ .. ...........Davld Mix the freshman law student hears, mittee concerns itself primarily Business Manager ......Stanl ey Grossman "Moot Court" probably means lit- at least a minimum of bureaucra- with the business of the OPINION. ~!:i!r:di1~tor:: ::::::::::~.~~.~~.D~~flrl~~ tie or nothing. A "moot" question cy so characteristic of most Amer­ Plans for this publicatlon call for its appearance once a month from ~~~rorEg\~~····Represeniai7v~~ .13.~~I~~:::: in the law is merely one which has ican institutions. Here it assumes ..................... .... ..............Norma Spezzano not been decided and which need the shape of an elaborate and September through April. Its man­ Advertising Manager ......Aaron Goldfarb not be decided because of the non- agement is in the hands of students Circulation Managers......"ii-~n~•l!h~:: existence of any actual litigable smooth-functioning committee sys- from all classes, and is guided by Secretary .... .. ................................Ann Skulicz facts which require its decision tern of government as prescribed Professor Charles Webster in the p,;!rts~or--;;;a~i!::no~gulakl, Sally/ and settlement. In short, there is by the Student Bar Constitution capacity of faculty advisor. In ad­ dition to being distributed among -- n.o n eed to decide the _l egal ques- for the coordination of conglom- Faculty Advlsor ..............Charles Webster tlon presented by a given set of . the law students at the University hypothetical facts, although those erate student act1v1ties, and gen­ of Buffalo and approximately 2,500 Vol.
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