Dr. Vahid J. Niasar Assistant Professor of petroleum engineering, Chair of InterPore UK Chapter, Lead of the integrated multiscale porous media research (IMPRES) team. AAA DDRESSD D R E S S School of Chemical Engineering & Analytical Science The Mill, C44 The University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL Tel: (+44)0161-306-4867 Email: [email protected] Group webpage: http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/vahid.niasar/default.htm P RROOFFIIROFILE LLEE I am the lead of integrated multiscale porous media research (IMPRES) team at the University of Manchester, which has currently more than 10 PhD, MEng and MSc students and one post-doctoral research associate. My research interest is broad, covering: Flow and transport in porous media Enhanced oil recovery Groundwater and contaminant hydrogeology Pore-scale modelling and experiments of flow and geomechanics Hybrid modelling Particle-particle interaction Electrokinetics of porous materials I have more than 8 years of industrial experience in international companies such as Shell, Netherlands. PPP ROFESSIONAL EEE XPERIENCE Chronologically sorted Since August 2014 Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering OOcctt..Oct.Oct. 220011112011-2011---JulyJJuullyyJuly2014220011442014 Research Reservoir Engineer Shell Global Solutions Innovation and R&D, EOR/IOR , Rijswijk, NL FFeebb..Feb.2010Feb.220011002010---- DDeecc..Dec. 220011112011,2011 Utrecht University & PPoossttPost-Post---doctoraldoctoral Researcher Princeton University JJaann..Jan. 220000662006-2006---Feb.FFeebb..Feb.2010220011002010 PhD Research Assistant Utrecht University, NL MMaayyMay 220000222002-2002---Jan.JJaann..Jan. 220000662006 Research Assistant Sharif Uni. of Technology, Iran MMaayyMay 220000552005-2005---Dec.DDeecc..Dec. 220000552005 Project Manager Yekom Consulting Engineers, Iran SSeepp..Sep.1998Sep.119999881998----Nov.NNoovv..Nov. 220000552005 Project Manager & Environment Engineer SSCCEE,,SCE, IIrraannIran 1 EEE DUCATION UUtrechttrecht University MuMultiphaseltiphase flow and transport in porous media, PhD (Netherlands) Graduated with CCuummCum LLaauuddeeLaude FFeebb..Feb.2006Feb.220000662006----Mar.MMaarr..Mar.2010220011002010 Research Title: Analysis of capillarity effects in two-phase flow using pore- network modeling Adviser: Professor S. Majid Hassanizadeh Area of Study: Theory of two-phase flow in porous media, pore-scale simulation Sharif University of Technology Civil and environmental engineering (MSc) ((IIrraann))(Iran) Research Title: Simulation of Nitrate contamination due to cesspools in AAuugg..Aug.2000Aug.220000002000----Jan.JJaann..Jan.2003220000332003 unsaturated zone of urban areas- case study of Tehran Adviser: Professor B. Ataie-Ashtiani Area of Study: reactive transport in unsaturated zone K.N.T University of Technology Civil and hydraulics engineering (BSc) ((IIrraann))(Iran) Elected student AAuugg..Aug.1996Aug.119999661996----Jun.JJuunn..Jun.2000220000002000 GGG RRAANNTTRANTSRANT SSS AANNDDA N D AAA WWAARRDDSSWARDS 2200116620162016 Invited speaker at Gordon Conference, Spain 220011662016 Invited speaker at InterPore Conference, USA 220011222012 Shell Recognition Award 220011112011 Research visit grant awarded by Princeton UniversityUniversity, group of Prof. M.A. Celia 220011112011 Young Researcher InterPoreInterPore----FraunhoferFraunhofer Award for ‘outstanding contributions to the theory of two-phase flow in porous media and the analysis of capillarity effects in two-phase flow using computational models’. 220011002010 Research visit grant awarded by TThheeThe IInnssInstitutInstitut Français du PétrolePétrole–France 220011002010 PhD Cum Laude graduation 220011002010 Student Congress ScholarshipScholarship, XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Barcelona, Spain, June 21-24, 2010 220000992009 Student travel grant for International Conference on Non-linearities and Upscaling in Porous Media, Germany, October, 5-7, 2009 220000772007 Research visit grant awarded by University of Bergen, August 2007 220000662006 Research visit grant awarded by Purdue University, USA 220000662006 Full PhD grant from CICAT Delft University of Technology (NL), 2006-2010 220000332003 MSc thesis prize awarded by ministry of housing and urban development of Iran PPP R O J E C T MMM ANAGEMENT Chronologically sorted & L EEADERSHIPADERSHIP Since August 2014 Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering, University of Manchester • Chair of the UK chapter of international society of porous media, since August 2015. • Co-convener of the session MS 1.16.: Fundamentals of Enhanced oil Recovery, IInntteerrPPoorreeInterPore Conference, USA, 2016. • Organizer of the kick-off meeting of the UK chapter of international society of porous media, Manchester, August2015. • GGuueessttGuest eeddiittoorreditor for special issue of journal of Computational Geosciences on “Pore-Scale Modelling Approaches for Flow and Transport”, 2014-15. • Co-convener of the session MS 1.16.: Multiphysics non-classical problems in porous media in IInntteerrPPoorreeInterPore Conference, Italy, May 18-21 May, 2015. OOccttoobbeerrOctober 220011112011-2011---JulyJJuullyyJuly 220011442014,2014, Research Reservoir Engineer, Shell Global Solutions Int., Rijswijk, NL • Organizing the international workshop on “Pore-Scale Modeling Techniques for Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport”, Shell Global Solutions Int., Rijswijk, January 2013 (Several distinguished speakers are invited from Princeton Uni., MIT, Utrecht Uni., Texas Uni. at Austin, Eindhoven Uni, Heriot-Watt Uni., Illinois Univ., Pacific North National Lab, and Schlumberger Russia). 2 • Co-chair of Gordon Research Seminar on “Moving Through Scales From Pore to Field Permeable Media Systems: Challenges and Knowledge Gaps”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, June 22-24, 2012. • Invited Co-convener of the mini-symposium on “pore-network modelig applications in porous media” in XVIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWRCMWRCMWR), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA, June 17-21, 2012. • Guest editor for special issue of journal of Transport in Porous Media on “Pore-Scale Modelling Approaches for Flow and Transport”, 2012. Feb.Feb.201020102010----DecDecDec201120112011,, Research fellow at Utrecht University & Princeton University • Co-convener and chairman of the session “H71: Complexities of Flow and Transport in Porous Media” in AGUAGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, December 5-9, 2011. More than 51 presentations were included in the session. It was the second largest session in hydrogeology discipline. • Co-convener of a mini-symposium “Porous media research in the Netherlands; theory, experiments, models and applications”, September 6th , Utrecht University, 2011. • Co-convener and chairman of the session “H48: Flow and Transport in Complex Porous Media” in AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, USA, December 13-17, 2010. More than 48 presentations were included in the session. It was the second largest session in hydrogeology discipline. • Organization assistant in XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWRCMWRCMWR), Barcelona, Spain, June 21-24, 2010. • Project leader of “ electro-osmotic flow considering dynamics of chemical properties” in collaboration with KAUST and Professor R. Schotting. • Invited co-chair of Gordon Research Seminar on “Moving Through Scales From Pore to Field Permeable Media Systems: Challenges and Knowledge Gaps” to be held in Switzerland, 2012. • Invited Co-convener of the mini-symposium on “pore-network modeling applications in porous media” to be held in XVIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWRCMWRCMWR), to be held in Illinois, USA, 2012. • Guest editor for special issue of journal of Transport in PorousPorous Media on “Pore-Scale Modelling Approaches for Flow and Transport”, 2010. Jan. 20062006----Feb.Feb.Feb.201020102010,, PhD student at Utrecht University • Organizer of summer school “Role of Interfacial Area in Two-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Theory, Experiment, Modeling”, Utrecht University, July19-24, 2009. More than 48 participants attended the summer school. The quality of the summer school was assessed very good to excellent. • Co-convener and chairman of the session ”Pore-Scale Modeling and Imaging of Multiphase Flow, Solute Transport and Bio/geo/chemical Processes in Porous Media in AGUAGU Fall MeetingMeeting, San Francisco, USA, December 10-14, 2007. It was the largest session in hydrogeology discipline. • Coordinator and co-organizer of Marie Curie workshopworkshop on Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Utrecht University, Netherlands, November 12-16, 2007. About 50 participants attended the summer school. May 20022002----Jan.Jan. 20062006,, research assistant at Sharif University of Technology Project manager • 2005-6 "Investigating the Influential Factors on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in Tehran region"- Initial Stage: Feasibility Study -Literature Review on Different Artificial Recharge Methods - Study on Soil Clogging Procedure and Mitigation Measures - Study on Numerical Approaches of Soil Clogging Modeling -Study on ASR Wells Method - Feasibility Study on ASR Method in the Case Study • 2005 "Effects of Caspian sea water-level changes on sea-water intrusion in coastal aquifer in Mazandaran and Golestan region: Phase III- Numerical Modeling by SHARP semi-three dimensional model" - Numerical Modeling by SHARP Numerical model - Salt
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