Collinwood Spotlight Vol. XXII -Noi. COLLINWOOD HIGH SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO FRIDAY, October 6, 1939 o NEW PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM MAKES ITS DEBUT TO ENTHUSIASTIC STUDENTS FACULTY SCATTER 10 Students Compete ¡FIRST BROADCASTS At Oberlîn College TO FAR CORNERS Ten Collinwoo J students will par- BRING THRILLS, ticipate in the competitive scholarship examinations to bo held tomorrow at FOR VACATIONS Oberlin, Ohio, DISAPPOINTMENTS Sixteen tuition prizes valued at Some Head East, Some Go West $300 each, four worth $225 each, and four more at $175 each will be "Future Looks Good," Says Bob, Some Study, Some Rest awarded. Student Operator, After One is Detained in Europe Examinations will be held in lan- Much Work And Late Hours guages/history, mathematics, physics, Many Collinwood teachers spent the chemistry, biology, and physical edu- Sombre classroom walls became sud- summer seeing interesting places. cation. There will also be contests for denly animated on Friday, September Mr. William S. Newman and his many different musical instruments. 15. Voices came out of the air, wife were in Europe just before the Collinwood students participating in voices long anticipated by both stu- war broke out. They sailed July 11 he various competitions are as fol- dents and faculty. The Collinwood on the steamship Cameronia for a two lows : Vera Marinaro and Lois Kol- Broadcasting System was actually in months' tour. They visited Scotland morgen in French; Lisa Grimmer and operation. - England, Holland, Belgium, France Anna Louis Mayer in German; Mar- Broadcasts during the first three Italy, and Switzerland. Although it an Zupan in piano; Bill Botten and weeks were received with varying de- was a pleasure trip, Mr. Newman also Ed Bailey in math; Jane Thompson, j-it ea of enthusiasm. Students, Voic- studied music. Elizabeth Stanton and Marjorie Ham- ing their opinions, were both, thrilled The Newmans expected to return jurger in English. and disappointed; thrilled to be able home on the Saturni* on August 27. to sit in the classroom and hear the but a few days before the sailing date voices of their classmates and teach- they were told the boat was not sail APPLE POLISHERS NOTICE! ers but disappointed when reception ing. After many complications, was poor. V friend received permission from Sen' The engineers have made several ator Borah for them to sail- on the NEW FACULTY LIST HER adjustments and corrections, however, American freighter, the President Photo by Mr. Lamp and the system is expected to give Monroe. Changes Duo To Retirement much better performance in the Mr. Newman said that this last trip Marriages, And Transfers NIGHT SCHOOL OFFERS BUB MACK 12B DESCRIBES future. The engineers have had to was his sixth crossing but that he work after school, and on the. night of I never before had to work his way With the usual end-of-the-semester SEVERAL NEW COURSES JIB IN COJiiOL the Heights game, they worked until across. He had to clean up cabins changes in the school set-up came Twenty-six evening courses are be- after one o'clock in the morning. Standing before a huge three pan- with a mop and pail and make the many changes among the Collinwood ing offered at Collinwcod High School elled switchboard in the control room Bob Mack 12B, who, during the past washrooms sparkle with a rag and faculty. for the coming season. Other courses summer, watched the workmen in- some indespensible cleaner. After this of the Collinwood Public Address sys- Of those missing when eager ( ? ) will be offered upon request of at stalling and testing the Public Ad- work was completed, he took a shower tem is Bob Mack, student operator. pupils returned this fall was Mr. 0. J. least 25 applicants. Enrollment starts dress System and occasionally help- and reported for duty on his second Bob has been interested in radio since Deex, social studies teacher, who be- on Monday evening October 9, at 7 ing them, has been appointed student job. On the second shift he acted as ..he age of seven. came assistant principal of South High. o'clock. operator. Bob has spent many hours, a library steward. His duties here Included in the twenty-six courses A red light fiieks on, he picks up after school cooperating with broad- were to give out books and games, to Miss Edith Erickson, social studies are four new ones: A the telephone, and hears that the cast rehearsals and adjusting the con- ¡stage' dances and sings. teacher, .has gone to the new social studies curriculum center at West Civil Service Preparation—the aim broadcasters are ready to start. trols. "They called me the bathroom Technical High and Mr. Glenn E. of which course will be to investigate This is Bob's description of what he "Five boys, Wilbur Sater, Thomas •steward on ship board," said Mr Graham, mathematics teacher, to the the types of positions available does to set up one program on one Robinson, Joe Harzen, Allen Filific, Newman, "but there really is no one mathematics curriculum center at through Civil Sendee in Cleveland channel. and Stanley Gulick, are being trained word for the work I did." and the Federal Government. East High. Mr. Clyde Newell, foot- by Bob to act as his assistants so that All men passengers were compelled "I check the input panel to be sure ball coach and social studies teacher, Commercial Law—a course intended there can be at least one boy in the to work because of the shortage in the correct microphone outlet is cut went to Lincoln, and Mr. Milton Bloch, to help the individual become more control room every period of the day. the crew. Mr. Newman said "We had in, then the monitor panel to be sure printing teacher, to East Tech. conscious of the legal aspects of This Control room has facilities for several scares as we saw submarines that the mònitor speaker is cut in on many of our daily activities and ex- sending to any or all classrooms a and battleships, but nothing hap- Miss Charlotte Bockes, English the channel which, in a few seconds, periences. school program, a commercial radio pened." There were many days of teacher, was married in July. Miss will be 'shot'. The monitor speaker Human Engineering a practical program, or your favorite phonograph suspense and worry, but Mr. Newman Thelma Prazier is now at Laurel resembles a room speaker, except that course in which personal problems record. said he was glad they visited Europe School, and Miss Sally Kenney, gym there are four buttons on it which will be discussed related to getting a With our system it is possible to because "there won't be a Europe to teacher, is at Hathaway Brown enable the operator to listen to the job, holding a job, etc. have three programs on at one time, visit for s'ome years." School, both private schools for girls program on any of the three channels Mrs. Margaret Bateman, home Radio Broadcasting and Speech—a of the radio. each program going to a different (continued next week) economics teacher, went to Patrick course which will emphasize radio group of rooms, Bob says. "After a final glance at thè AC panel Henry Junior High. speech and radio writing. During President Roosevelt's ad- to be sure the amplifiers are turned Dr. Clara L. Robinson left last The following other usual Courses dress to Congress, Bob had all three Brother Rat October 9 will be offered: on, I say the awaited words, 'You're spring to take a special position at the channels in operation. The President's Next week's movie is the comedy Air Conditioning, Algebra, Art, Architec- on', into the telephone, and simultan- Board of Education. Mr. H. D. Clarke, speech was being broadcast to sev- "Brother Rat" from the Broadway hit tural Drawing, Auto Driving, Auto Theory eously turn up the gain, or 'volume'. vocational adviser, retired from teach- and Repair, Blue Print Reading, Bookkeeping, enteen history classes on one chan- stage, play of the same title. The Cabinet Making, Civil Service Preparation, nel. Another was being used for a picture stars Wayne Morris and Pris- ing. Commercial Law, Electrical D.C. & A.C. "Then come the real tense mo- Always interesting to would-be Theory, Electrical D.C. Lab., English, Geom- ments. The gain control must be rehearsal of the third Spotlight Cam- cilla Lane and supporting players are etry, Human Engineering, Machine Design. paign broadcast. The third channel Johnnie Davis, Jane Wyman, Ronald apple polishers are their new teach- Machine Shop, Mechanical Drawing, Photog- varied until the output meter 'kicks' ers. Twelve instructors are serving raphy, Radio Broadcasting and Speech, Sew- to the point which indicates that the was from the control room to the Reagan and Eddie Albert. The scene ing, Sheet Metal Layout, Shop Mathematics, Spotlight broadcasters to correct the their first terms at Collinwood. Five rooms are receiving the program with as set in the Virginia Military Insti- Shorthand, typing. quality of their enunciation and speed tute and the play revolves around the teachers new to the home economics sufficient volume. This meter indi- : cates instantaneous volume that is, of talking. secret marriage and prospective par- department are Miss Carlotta Greer aculty Picnic At enthood of one of the cadets. from John Hay, director of the home it 'kicks' at each Word, and falls to A modern broadcasting studio is be- ing planned for Room 201. The studio Date Movie economics curriculum center here, zero between words. October 9 Brother Rat Miss Lillian Gallagher from West Vletropolitan Park will be soundproof and in an ideal October 16 ......................
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