I>~~~ n*~~~~r<d- -· _ - I N /:xai ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I; vr t> THE Entered as second class Accepted for mailing matter, February 3rd, 1923 at special rates of postage at the post office at Des provided for in Section Moines, Iowa, under the 1103, Act of Oct. 3rd, 1917, act of August 24th, 1912. authorized Feb. 3rd, 1923. BOOK (V _ Co i\ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 LOG PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY Volume 14 JANUARY 15, 1937 Number 1- .. l _ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Bon Voyage! Help!! Help!! The time has arrived for the About this time of year we ask each department to make 'a listing of another graduating check of the work done and give class. As with others this group us a little item about what has looks back over the four short happened during the past year. years that at the beginning Dr. Fred Hecker of the Obstet- rical department, has been doing seemed too long. This next week this little thing for us and today we will be adding a few well handed us this startling list of trained Osteopaths to the grow- FACTS that you will find down ing list. We are proud of this a bit farther. small class. They have made a There is more significance in good record for themselves in his report that will be credited college and we predict that they by the majority of you. To many will soon find their place and of you it looks like just another fill it well. We know that there list of statistics, and figures are many opportunities for them were never interesting. There is and we know, best of all, that Know the Nose! "It's the Little Things one FACT that we want you to their field is not crowded. Select- That Count" get out of this report. THE STU- ing a location is like looking (By H. J. Marshall, D. O.) DENTS AT STILL COLLEGE over a forest of a thousand acres There is a good deal of the os- H A VE THE OPPORTUNITY and trying to pick the most sat- teopathic concept in the surgical (By Mary E. Golden, D. 0.) THAT YOU WISHED FOR. isfactory tree. We take pleasure treatment of chronic sinus dis- A successful practice must be This report is from one de- fnllnw- illin plru.jull~lll1nr, antlino. LUMt JYuuVrell t'haL11u 1V1VW- ease. Recurring attacks of acute made up all types and ages of partment only. The college clinic ing with a listing of the first sinusitis of the persistence of 'a people. There will be the rich is covering EVERY type of case State Board they will take: chronic condition are usually and poor, young, and old, high- that may be found in practice Myron Bos Iowa Board. In- due to anatomic abnormalities of strung and plethoric. The win- and with like results. Each of tends to practice in this state. the nose that illustrate perfectly ning and successful care of the twelve listed items on this the doctrine that normal func- children has a very essential report is a sermon in itself. Each W. F. Moore -Iowa Board. could be taken as the subject Undecided. tion and normal structure are in- part in a general practic:e. extricably associated and mutu- The common everyday little for a long article that would be B. A. Story-Iowa Board. Will ally interdependent. habits or interests of a child will intensely interesting. We can practice in Iowa. Deflections of the nasal sep- make or break its development give you a resume only and we J. J. Herrin-Iowa and Kan- tum, irregularities of this struc- into a strong or healthy woman. hope you will Stop, Look and sas Boards. Undecided. ture other than deflection, such One vicious practice among a Think after each statement. This. infnrmsntinn lnAblro- ;niS ani\In -a James Dunham- Iowa, O'hio as spurs, and malformations or certain group of kind, yet mis- 111J. l/IkIl 0 IUUlkm WiML, BVUU.ULB iat, and Texas. Undecided. malposition of the turbinates, guided, mothers is having a pro- little fishy. We would be glad to are the common causes, predis- found influence on the welfare have you stop at the office and Willis Crews - Iowa Board. examine the records, or better Undecided. posing causes, of chronic sinus of children and adding mater- infection. Any treatment that ially to the volume of the pediat- still, come and stay a while and Dick Phillips -Iowa Board. does not include the correction rician's business. This is the ex- see for yourself what goes on Undecided. of these anatomic defects is more posure of the limbs of a child day after day in the clinic of the Helen Butcher -Iowa Board. likely to be unsuccessful. from the ankle to near the trunk Des Moines Still College of Os- Undecided. The straightening of a deflect- of the body during the cold teopathy, Chester Wyman - Iowa and ed nasal septum, the removal of weather months. The argument Oklahoma Boards. a spur, or the outward fracture given is the child wears heavy DO YOU KNOW THIS? O. E. Owen - Iowa Board. of a middle turbinate are pro- snow leggings when out doors, In the Des Moines Still College Will remain on faculty. ceedures just as osteopathic in but his house clothing should 'be of Osteopathy Obstetrical their essence as the correction of very light to harden his system. Clinic Charles Gnau - No. Carolina lesion. No 'class of op- The mother forgets that prac- a vertebral A Study of 500 Cases. and Florida Boards. eration is productive of more tically every house and school Again we want to call your satisfaction than these intranasal room has a draft across the floor, 85.22% are spontaneous attention to the high percentage manipulations for the relief of so whether sitting on the floor, cephalic deliveries. taking the Iowa Board, the ma- chronic sinusitis. a chair, or playing about, the 4.06% are breech. jority of whom will remain in The frequency of sinusitis is limbs are cold and chilled. Again 6.27 % are forceps. the state. Those of you who keep underestimated. The general the mother does not realize the 4.45 % are podalic versions. writing to us to send someone practitioner has been taught to blood circulation of the legs 49.6 % are boys. to your state, keep this in mind. examine the teeth and the ton- reaches close to the surface be- 50.4 % are girls. May we repeat what is said sils; he consistently neglects the hind the knee and all along the .6 % are twins. nearly every semester at this accessory sinuses, although it is limb, thus on exposure pulling time: "If you want more Osteo- probable that they are more down the normal blood temper- 1-That a mother has not been paths in your community, send often the site of focal infection ature and cooling the circula- lost in 21/2 years. us students who will return to than either of the other struc- tion. This demands added effort 2-That the foetal death rate you and please don't expect boys tures. And the diagnosis of on the part of the body to main- is less than half that quoted and girls w'ho were raised in and chronic sinusitis is made with tain normal blood heat. Cold air in Government statistics. know the state of their birth, to relative ease in the average case. striking the exposed surface will 3 That under student care we migrate." Frequent or unduly prolonged cause contraction of skin and do not lost any full term The week beginning January colds, postnasal dropping with limbs, lessening normal circula- babies in the first month. 11th will be filled with farewell posterior pharyngitis, morning tion volume which will cause 4-That morning sickness is banquets and parties honoring headache spontaneously disap- circulatory congestion in some readily amenable to osteo. this group. Friday, January 15th pearing in the mid-afternoon, ab- other part of the body, perhaps pathic normalization. The will be Class Day. The class will normal nasal discharge, and ab- the tonsils, rhinopharynx, and clinic never uses endocrine arrange their part of the pro- normal opacity on transillumina- possibly sensitive ears. If the extracts, etc. (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) THE LOG BOOK _ __ I ~ I _ I a greater success with the dance planned for the future. "It's the Little Things To Jim Farley and the Demo- After the Christmas holidays craticl party we nominate to their the fraternity settled down to That Count" Hall of Fame and elected to, the serious business with a meeting Presidency of our organization, on January 5, at which time the (Continued from Page 1) Jack Eddy. Whereas F. D. lost following officers were elected: child is adolescent, pelvic con- two states, Jack didn't drop a W. E. Ryan, President; J. R. Mc- gestion may occur, leading to vote. Congratulations to our new Nearney, Vice President; H. chronic inflammation and pro- Noble Skull. To Finland we pre- Stim'son, Treasurer; J. iBi. Miller, ducing a "complainer" for many sent Harry Stimson, our treas- Secretary; H. Dresser and G. years in later life. urer, whose Finnish instincts Beghtol, Trustees; and Dr. J. Quoting from "Diseases of leads him to spend money, not Woods as Faculty Advisor. Infancy and Childhood" by Holt abroad, but on one. To Vatican At the semi-annual Senior and Howland, 9th Edition: "The State we send Ed Callahan as banquet to be held the week pre- custom of allowing young child- (H.
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