THE CHESS COMBAT SIMULATOR for Tobias THE CHESS COMBAT SIMULATOR Je roe n Bosch 2006 New In Chess - the Netherlands © 2006 Published by New In Chess, Alkmaar, The Netherlands www. newinchess.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or ttansmiued in any form or by any means, electtonic, mechanical, photocopying. recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the publisher. Cover Design: Steven Boland Production: Joop de Groot Proofreading: Rene Olthof Printing: A-D Druk BY, Zeist Printed in the Netherlands ISBN-10: 90-5691-186-4 ISBN-13: 978-90-5691-186-7 CONTENTS Preface ..........................................................7 How to Use this Book ........... ..... ..........................8 Round1 Combat 1 - Kasparov-Shirov ....................................... 1 0 Combat 2- Kramnik-Naiditsch .................................... 1 5 Combat 3- Grischuk-Kotsur....................................... 19 Combat 4- Akopian-Onischuk ..................................... 24 Combat 5- Wiersma-Sokolov ..................................... 29 Combat 6- Motylev-lskusnikh ..................................... 34 Combat 7- Euwe-Kotov .................................... ...... 38 Combat 8- Van den Doel-Sosonko .................................. 43 Combat 9- Beliavsky-Kovchan ..................................... 48 Combat 10- Van Wely-Sokolov .................................... 53 Your Round 1 Performance ........................................ 58 Round2 Combat 1I - Nielsen-Karjakin ..................................... 59 Combat I2- lvanov-Filippov ...................................... 63 Combat I3- Karpov-Lautier ....................................... 68 Combat I4- Timman-Bosch ......................................7 3 Combat I 5- Ponomariov-Kramnik ................................. 78 Combat I6- Kasparov-Vallejo ..................................... 84 Combat I7- Khalifman-Marin ..................................... 90 Combat I8 -Glek-Frog ........................................... 95 Combat I9- Adams-Kasimdzhanov ................................ 98 Combat 20- Van Wely-Delemarre .................................I 03 Your Round 2 Performance .......................................I 08 Round3 Combat 2I - Hodgson-Sukharisingh ....... ........................I 09 Combat 2 2- Movsesian-Borriss . II 3 Combat 23 - Ponomariov-Kramnik ................................II7 Combat 24- Kasparov-Morozevich ................................ 122 Combat 25- Malakhov-Dvoiris ................................... I28 Combat 26- Kasparov-Kasimdzhanov ........ ... ............. .....I33 Combat 27 - Ljubojevic-Smeets . ..... ............. ... ....... I38 Combat 28- Van Haastert-Glek ............................. ......I43 Combat 29 - Dreev-Vallejo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I48 Combat 30- Kramnik-Sokolov ......... .............. ... ..........I 53 Your Round 3 Performance. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 59 Round4 Combat 3I - Euwe-Capablanca ..... .............. ................ I60 Combat 32 - Tiviakov-Kulaots . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 66 Combat 33 - Ibragimov-Tate . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 72 Combat 34- Lputian-Kasparov ................................... 17 6 Combat 35- Luther-McShane .................................... 180 Combat 36- Lupulescu-Timoschenko ............................. I85 Combat 3 7- Nijboer-Bosboom ......... ........................I90 Combat 38- Nikolic-Van der Sterren .............................. I95 Combat 39- Onischuk-Hertneck ................................. 200 Combat 40- Polgar-Zviagintsev ................................... 204 Your Round 4 Performance ....................................... 209 RoundS Combat 4I - Khalifman-Polgar ................................... 2 I 0 Combat 4 2- Sadvakasov-Van Wely ... ...........................2 I 5 Combat 43 - Conquest-A.Sokolov ................................. 220 Combat 44- Topalov-Adams ..................................... 224 Combat 45- Sakaev-Kasparov .................................... 23I Combat 46- Topalov-Kamsky ....................................236 Combat 47- Vaganian-Meins ..................................... 24I Combat 48- Lagowski-Potapov ................................... 246 Combat 49- Dautov-Patriarca .................................... 250 Combat SO -Anand-Timman ..................................... 255 Your Round 5 Performance ....................................... 260 Your Performance ..............................................26I Index of Openings .............................................. 262 PREFACE How should you train and improve your files, an intermediate move, a move to chess results? While the urgency of this complete your development, or simply question may vary depending upon the recapturing of material. You don't have whether you are a beginning chess player, a clue, just like in a real tournament game. an aspiring junior, a club player or a sea­ This type of 'solitaire chess' is not new. In soned professional, the question itself will the Netherlands, for example, there was a be familiar to all chess players. Traditional series of such books co-authored by Max and accepted forms of chess training in­ Euwe. From the 50 games in this book clude the solving of tactical exercises, ana­ some 40 games were previously published lysing your own games (preferably with an in a differentformat in the periodical of the experienced trainer), analysing the games Dutch Chess Federation: Schaakmagazine. of strong players, studying (theoretical) The origin of this book may be traced to the endgame positions, and so on and so festivities celebrating the firstdecade of the forth. If done in a proper and serious way Max Euwe Centre in 1996 when I was all these forms will be beneficial. asked by the editor-in-chief of Schaak­ Yet, these methods are also artificial to magazine if I wanted to write a column some extent - you are given the assign­ along the lines of Euwe's books. This may ment to mate in four moves, you calculate, explain why there aretwo games played by and yes it works! But how often did some­ Euwe in The Chess Combat Simulator. Still, one tell you to mate in four during a chess the vast majority of the selected games was game? Similarly, analysing games in the played in the period 1996-2006. A period comfort of your home (or chess club), very much dominated by Garry Kasparov perhaps even with some computer soft­ who features in six games. ware humming in the background, is a far More important than your perfor­ cry from the tournament hall where you mance in each of these 50 Combats is have to findthe best move in a tense situa­ your actual performance in a club or tion against a real-life opponent. Indeed, it tournament game. It is my firm convic­ is not for nothing that the world's most fa­ tion that you will significantly increase mous chess trainer Mark Dvoretsky has your chess-playing skills by working noted that: 'Training is more effective, the through the games in The Chess Combat more successfully the atmosphere of a real Simulator. tournament game is imitated.' The Chess Combat Simulator aims to rec­ Jeroen Bosch reate the circumstances of a real chess Nijmegen, October 2006 game. In this book you will find 50 in­ structive games. Your task is to find the best move. This may be the start of a strategical operation, the beginning of a combination, a pawn sacrifice to open 7 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK This book is divided into 5 Rounds of 10 sheet of paper and you try and guess the Combats each. At the end of each Round right move. When you are sufficientlysure there is scorecard to keep track of your re­ of your move (if you want to perform un­ sults. At the end of the book there is a der time pressure: place a chess clock next scoresheet for comparing your Average to your board), you write it down, and Round Combat Performances per Round. lower the sheet of paper. You execute the Start in Round 1 with Combat 1. Play move that was actually played in the game, through the opening moves up to the dia­ you do the same with 'the opponent's' grammed position. The commentary will reply, and the whole process starts again. provide you with some basic information A competitive element is added by the for the upcoming battle. When you have points that you can score for each move. reached the diagrammed position you are Points may also be scored for alternative told whether to play with White or Black. moves , so even if you did not opt for the Take up your position behind the board. game continuation you may still earn Now, you cover the next page with a something. At the end of each game you 50-Points Combat Scoring Table Score 46- 50 Points Performance > 2500 Score 41 42 43 44 45 Performance 2420 2440 2460 2480 2500 Score 36 37 38 39 40 Performance 2320 2340 2360 2380 2400 Score 31 32 33 34 35 Performance 2220 2240 2260 2280 2300 Score 26 27 28 29 30 Performance 2120 2140 2160 2180 2200 Score 21 22 23 24 25 Performance 1980 2010 2040 2070 2100 Score 16 17 18 19 20 Performance 1830 1860 1890 1920 1950 Score 11 12 13 14 15 Performance 1720 �0� 1760 1780 1800 Score 6 7 8 9 10 Performance 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 Score 0- 5 Points Performance < 1600 8 can rate your ownperformance. To ensure bat Scoring Table. However, this would maximum profit from the whole exercise have created the fa lse impression that you should go over the notes to the game. moves played in the I 0 shorter games are Compare
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