Federal Judiciary Tracker An up-to-date look at the federal judiciary and the status of President Trump’s judicial nominations November 18, 2020 Trump has had 229 federal judges confirmed while 23 seats remain vacant without a nominee Status of key positions !" #$ President Trump inherited 108 federal requiring Senate judge vacancies confirmation As of November 18, 2020: No nominee Awaiting confirmation 155 judiciary positions have opened up Confirmed during Trump’s presidency and either remain vacant or have been filled Total: 263 potential Trump nominations !!% !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* Trump has had more circuit judges confirmed than recent presidents at this point in their first term Number of Federal Judges Nominated and Confirmed +,-./ $&' )" " ?84:,8@:>@;-,:>A-BCD>>>> 68,@-8:>@;-,:>A-BCD>>>> E-/,D.D>6;-,:>A-BCD 012.2 $!( "* ! Source: Federal Judicial Center 3-45 $&) ") 6789:;9 $&% "* ! <=>3-45 $#( #! ! In three and a half years, Trump has confirmed more circuit judges than prior presidents in four years Number of Federal Judges Nominated and Confirmed !"#$% !"# '( ( ?84:,8@:>@;-,:>A-BCD>>>> 68,@-8:>@;-,:>A-BCD>>>> &'($( !$! () * E-/,D.D>6;-,:>A-BCD Source: Federal Judicial Center )#*+ !"% (' ,-./01/ !"& () * 234)#*+ !$% $* * An overview of the Article III courts US District Courts US Court of Appeals Supreme Court Organization: Organization: Organization: ! The nation is split into 94 ! Federal judicial districts ! The Supreme Court is the federal judicial districts are organized into 12 highest court in the US ! The District of Columbia circuits, which each have a ! There are nine justices on and four US territories court of appeals. There are the bench: one chief justice have a district court 13 US Court of Appeals and eight associate justices ! There are three judges and no jury Court cases: ! The Court has jurisdiction ! District courts hear over all federal and state disputes in trial and have a Court cases: courts, and is the final jury and district judge who ! Circuit courts hear interpreter of federal law hear the cases challenges to district courts within its circuit The three courts listed here are Article III courts, meaning that they are federal courts established under Article III of the US Constitution and have lifetime appointments Source: Ballotpedia Trump inherited over 100 vacant judiciary seats to fill at the beginning of his presidency Number of Federal Judicial Vacancies At the Beginning of Each President’s Term %& !! ?84:,8@:>@;-,:>A-BCD>>>> 68,@-8:>@;-,:>A-BCD>>>> E-/,D.D>6;-,:>A-BCD $! Source: Ballotpedia "# ') '( #( #! #& #* # !"#$% &'($( )#*+ ,-./01/2 345)#*+ *George HW Bush signed the Judicial Improvement Act of 1990 which created 85 new federal judicial positions. Due to congressional opposition and the 1991 Iraq War, Bush was not able to fill many of these positions, ultimately leaving a large number for Clinton to fill. 105 federal judges will be eligible to take senior status during Trump’s four years in office Senior status: ! Article III judges can qualify for senior status through the “Rule of 80” ! Under senior status, judges continue to ' hear cases, but only a fraction of the "& Circuit court District court normal case-load (semi-retirement) ! Starting at age 65, a judge can take senior judges judges status after having served 15 years )! ! The years of service required for senior $* status decreases as age increases (at 66, only 14 years needed, etc.) ! Judges who take senior status create a vacancy for the president to fill Appointed by a Republican Appointed by a Democrat Source: Ballotpedia 1st Circuit: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico and Rhode Island 5 judges* (4D, 1R), 1 vacancy Current judge Date President Nominee (if applicable) Date nominated 658DF>G HDFF,DI><;J2,B !**! KL=L>3-45 E29B,2>MI9@5 $%%) 6789:;9 0L>N;CD,8DD>+5;./4;9> !*$* 012.2 =87782.>O2I2::2P>H,L> !*$" 012.2 ?2Q8B>32,,;9 !*$# 012.2 R2@29:>SH-29>+;,,-D772T $%(# ND2C29 *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 2nd Circuit: Connecticut, New York and Vermont 13 judges* (6D, 7R), no vacancies Current judge Date President Nominee (if applicable) Date nominated !"#$%&' ($)*+&,--&.#/#-0123- 4556 7898&:;1" <31=&!+)*+-$1& >??@ !A#-23- B31$C+*D&E33A$*& >??F !A#-23- B3)$*2&G+2HC+-- >??? !A#-23- E$2$*&I+AA 455@ 7898&:;1" ($--D&!"#- 45>5 J)+C+ B+DC3-K&.3"#$*L&<*8& 45>5 J)+C+ M;1+-&!+*-$D 45>> J)+C+ B#N"+*K&M;AA#/+- 45>F O*;CP <31$P" Q*+-R&:#+-N3 45>? O*;CP S#N"+$A&I8&E+*R 45>? O*;CP 9#AA#+C&<31$P"&T+*K#-# 45>? O*;CP M2$/$-&S$-+1"# 45>? O*;CP *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 3rd Circuit: Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the US Virgin Islands 14 judges* (6D, 8R), no vacancies Nominee Date Nominee Date Current judge Date President Current judge Date President (if applicable) nominated (if applicable) nominated !"#$%&' (8&:*33R1&MC#2" 4554 7898&:;1" E+22D&M"V+*2H 45>W J)+C+ O"$3K3*$&SNG$$ >??@ !A#-23- !"$*DA&,--&G*+;1$& 45>@ J)+C+ O"3C+1&,C)*3 4555 !A#-23- .;#1&Q$A#P$&B$12*$P3 45>U J)+C+ S#N"+$A&!"+0+*$1 455U 7898&:;1" M2$P"+-31&:#)+1 45>6 O*;CP G$-2&<3*K+-& 455U 7898&:;1" (+/#K&<+C$1&E3*2$*& 45>F O*;CP O"3C+1&I+*K#C+- 4556 7898&:;1" E+;A&S+2$D 45>? O*;CP <31$P"&7*$$-+V+DL&<*8 45>5 J)+C+ E$2$*&<31$P" E"#PP1 45>? O*;CP *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 4th Circuit: Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia 15 judges* (9D, 6R), no vacancies Nominee Date Nominee Date Current judge Date President Current judge Date President (if applicable) nominated (if applicable) nominated !A#-23-X&7898& ,A)$*2&(#+H 45>5 J)+C+ !"#$%&' B30$*&7*$03*D 4555 :;1" I$-*D&Q*+-RA#-&QA3DK& 45>> J)+C+ <8&I+*/#$&9#AR#-13-&YYY >?F@ B$+0+-& M2$P"+-#$&O"+NR$*& 45>4 J)+C+ E+;A&T#$C$D$*& >??5 78I898&:;1" E+C$A+&I+**#1& 45>@ J)+C+ (#+-+&7*#))3- S32H >??@ !A#-23- <;A#;1&T$11&B#N"+*K13-& 45>F O*;CP B3)$*2&G#-0 >??F !A#-23- ,8&S+*/#-& 45>F O*;CP 78&M2$/$-&,0$$ 455F 7898&:;1" Z;+22A$)+;CL&<*8& :+*)+*+&S#A+-3&G$$-+- 45>5 J)+C+ ,AA#13-&<3-$1&B;1"#-0 45>? O*;CP <+C$1&9D--L&<*8 45>5 J)+C+ *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 5th Circuit: Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas 17 judges* (5D, 12R), no vacancies Nominee Date Nominee Date Current judge Date President Current judge Date President (if applicable) nominated (if applicable) nominated !"#$%&' E*#1N#AA+&JV$- 455[ 78&98&:;1" M2$P"$-&I#00#-13- 45>> J)+C+ \K#2"&<3-$1 >?F[ B$+0+-& 7*$00&!312+ 45>@ J)+C+ <$**D&\KV#-&MC#2" >?F6 B$+0+- (3-&9#AA$22 45>F O*;CP !+*A&M2$V+*2 >??@ !A#-23- <+C$1&I3 45>F O*;CP <+C$1&($--#1 >??[ !A#-23- M2;+*2&GDA$&(;-N+- 45>F O*;CP <$--#%$*&9+AR$*&\A*3K 4556 7898&:;1" G;*2&\-0$A"+*K2 45>F O*;CP .$1A#$&M3;2"V#NR 4556 7898&:;1" ,-K*$V&JAK"+C 45>F O*;CP !+2"+*#-+&I+D-$1 455F 7898&:;1" !3*D&O8&9#A13- 4545 O*;CP <+C$1&7*+/$1L&<*8& 45>> J)+C+ *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 6th Circuit: Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee 16* judges (5D, 11R), no vacancies Nominee Date Nominee Date Current judge Date President Current judge Date President (if applicable) nominated (if applicable) nominated !"#$%&' B8&7;D&!3A$L&<*8& >??[ !A#-23- <+-$&:*+-12$22$* M2*+-N" 45>5 J)+C+ G+*$-&T$A13-&S33*$ >??[ !A#-23- :$*-#N$&:8&(3-+AK 45>> J)+C+ \*#N&!A+D >??6 !A#-23- ,C;A&O"+P+* 45>6 O*;CP <;A#+&MC#2"&7#))3-1 4554 7898&:;1" <3"-&:;1" 45>6 O*;CP <$%%*$D&M;223- 455W 7898&:;1" <3+-&.+*1$- 45>6 O*;CP B#N"+*K&7*#%%#- 455[ 7898&:;1" <3"-&T+A)+-K#+- 45>F O*;CP B+DC3-K&G$2"A$K0$ 455F 7898&:;1" !"+K&B$+KA$* 45>? O*;CP I$A$-$&9"#2$ 455F 7898&:;1" \*#N&S;*P"D 45>? O*;CP *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 7th Circuit: Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin 10 judges* (2D, 8R), 1 vacancy Current judge Date President Nominee (if applicable) Date nominated !"#$%&' (#+-$&MDR$1 455@ 7898&:;1" <3$A&QA+;C >?FW B$+0+- Q*+-R&\+12$*)*33R >?F[ B$+0+- S#N"+$A&G+--$ >?F6 B$+0+- YA+-+&B3/-$*& >??4 78I898&:;1" (#+-$&E+C$A+&933K >??[ !A#-23- (+/#K&I+C#A23- 455? J)+C+ S#N"+$A&:*$--+- 45>F O*;CP S#N"+$A&MN;KK$* 45>F O*;CP ,CD&M28&\/$ 45>F O*;CP ]+N+-2&^,CD&!3-$D&:+**$22_ 45>6 O*;CP O"3C+1&G#*1N"&YY T3/$C)$*&>UL&4545 *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions **Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to the Supreme Court in September 2020 !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 8th Circuit: Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota 11 judges* (1D, 10R), no vacancies Current judge Date President Nominee (if applicable) Date nominated !"#$%&' .+/$-1R# MC#2" 4554 7898&:;1" <+C$1&.3R$- >??5 78I898&:;1" M2$/$-&!3AA323- 455W 7898&:;1" B+DC3-K&7*;$-K$* 455@ 7898&:;1" (;+-$&:$-23- 455@ 7898&:;1" :3))D&M"$P"$*K 455U 7898&:;1" <+-$&G$AAD 45>W J)+C+ B+AP"&\*#NR13- 45>6 O*;CP .8&M2$/$-&7*+1H 45>F O*;CP (+/#K&M2*+1 45>F O*;CP <3-+2"+-&G3)$1 45>F O*;CP *Does not include federal judges with senior status who in some cases have authority to vote in en banc decisions !"#$%&'(!"#$%&'($)$%*'+,-.$* 9th Circuit: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington
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