p en,.0 Abbreviations acetal (see POM) AIA Automated Imaging Assoc. A ampere AIAA American Institute of AA acrylic acid Aeronautics & Astronauts AAE American Assoc. of Engineers AIChE American Institute of AAES American Assoc. of Chemical Engineers Engineering Societies AIMCAL Assoc. of Industrial AAR American Association of Metallizers, Coaters & Laminators Railroads AISI American Iron and Steel ABC acrylonitrile- butadiene-styrene Institute ABR polyacrylate AMA American Management ABS acrylontrile- butadiene-styrene Association AC alternating current AMBA American Mold Builders AC cellulose acetate Assoc. ACES Accurate Clear Epoxy Solid AMC alkyd molding compound ACS American Chemical Society AMW average molecular weight ACTC Advanced Composite AN acrylonitrile Technology Consortium ANSI American National Standards ad adhesive Institute ADC allyl diglycol carbonate (also see ANTEC Annual Technical Conference CA-B9) (spE) AEC Atomic Energy Commission APC American Plastics Council AFCMA Aluminum Foil Container APET amorphous polyethylene Manufacturer's Assoc. terephthalate AFMA American Furniture APF Assoc. of Plastics Fabricators Manufacturer's Assoc. API Alliance for the Polyurethane AFML Air Force Material Laboratory Industry AFPA American Forest & Paper API American Paper Institute ASSOC. APM antipersonnel mine AFPR Assoc. of Foam Packaging APME Assoc. of Plastics Recyclers Manufacturers in Europe AGMA American Gear Mfgrs. Assoc. APPR Assoc. of Post-consumer AI artificial intelligence Plastics Recyclers Appendix A Abbreviations 481 AQL acceptable quality level C Centigrade (preference Celsius) APC American Plastics Council C composite AR aramid fiber C coulomb AR aspect ratio Ca calcium ARP advanced reinforced plastic CA cellulose acetate ASA Acrylonitrile-styrene- acrylate CAA Clean Air Act ASAP as soon as possible CAB cellulose acetate butyrate ASCII American Standard Code for CaCO3 calcium carbonate (lime) Information Exchange CAD computer-aided design ASM American Society for Metals CAE computer-aided engineering ASME American Society of CAM computer-aided manufacturing Mechanical Engineers CAMPUS computer-aided material ASNDT American Society for Non- preselection by uniform standards Destructive Testing CAN cellulose acetate nitrate ASQ American Society for Quality CAP cellulose acetate propionate ASQC American Society for Quality CAS Chemical Abstract Service, Control division of ACS Assoc. association CAS clean air solvent ASTM American Society for Testing CAT computer-aided testing Materials CBA chemical blowing agent at wt atomic weight CBT computer-based training atm atmosphere CCA cellular cellulose acetate ATR attenuated total reflectance CCV Chrysler composites vehicle AW areal weight CD compact disk (disc) CEM Consorzio Export Mouldex bbl barrel (Italian) BDI Biodegradable Products Institute CFA Composites Fabricators Assoc. BFRL Building & Fire Research CFC chlorofluorocarbon Laboratory (NIST) CFECA California Film Extruders Bhn Brinell hardness number and Converters Association BM blow molding CFE polychlorotrifluoroethylene BMC bulk molding compound CIM computer integrated BO biaxially-oriented manufacturing BOPP biaxially-oriented CLTE coefficient of linear thermal polypropylene expansion BPI Biodegradable Products Institute cm centimeter bp boiling point CM compression molding BR butadiene rubber CMA Chemical Mfgrs. Assoc. BR polybutadiene CMRA Chemical Marketing Research BSI British Standards Institute Assoc. Btu British thermal unit CN cellulose nitrate (celluloid) Buna polybutadiene CNC computer numerically Butyl butyl rubber controlled CO carbon monoxide C carbon CO polyepichlorohydrin C Celsius CO2 carbon dioxide c centi (10 -2) CP Canadian Plastics 482 Plastics Engineered Product Design CP cellulose propionate DOE Department of Energy CPAC Center for Process Analytical DOE Design of Experiments Chemistry dp dew point CPE chlorinated polyethylene dP differential pressure CPET chlorinated polyethylene DP degree of polymerization terephthalate DSC differential scanning calorimeter CPI Canadian Plastics Institute DSD Duales System Deutschland cpm cycles/minute (German Recycling System) CPSC Consumer Products Safety DSQ German Society for Quality Commission DTA differential thermal analysis CPU central processing unit DTGA differential thermogravimetric CPVC chlorinated polyvinyl chloride analysis CR chloroprene rubber DTMA dynamic thermomechanical C/R compression ratio analysis CR-39 allyl diglycol carbonate DTUL deflection temperature under CRP carbon reinforced plastics load CRT cathode ray tube DV design value CS chlorinated solvent DV devolatilization CSA Canadian Standard Assoc. DVD Digital Versatile Disc CSI control system integration DVR dimensional velocity research CSM chlorosulfonyl polyethylene DVR design value resource CT carbon tetrachloride DVR Dominick Vincent Rosato CTFE chlorotrifluorethylene DVR Donald Vincent Rosato CV coefficient of variation DVR Drew Vincent Rosato DVR Druckverformungsrest d denier (preferred DEN) ( compression set/German) d density DVR dynamic value research 2-D two dimensions DVR dynamic velocity ratio 3-D three dimensions D diameter E elongation DAIP diallyl isophthalate E modulus of elasticity or Young's DAP diallyl phthalate modulus DAS data acquisition system E c modulus, creep (apparent) dB decibel E r modulus, relaxation DC direct current E s modulus, secant den denier EBM extrusion blow molding DDR draw-down ratio EC ethyl cellulose DEHP di-ethylhexyl phthalate EC European Community DGA differential gravimetric analysis ECTFE polyethylene- DIN Deutsches Instut, Normung chlorotrifluoroethylene (German Standards Commission) EDC endocrine-disrupting chemical DINP di-isononyl phthalate EDM electrical discharge machining DMA dynamic mechanical analysis E/E electronic/electrical DMC dough molding compound EEC European Economic DN Design News publication Community DNA deoxyribonucleic acid EI modulus times moment of inertia DOD Department of Defense (equal stiffness) Appendix A Abbreviations 483 EMC electromagnetic compatibility F Fahrenheit EMI electromagnetic interference F Farad EMS environmental management F force system FALLO Follow ALL Opportunities EO ethylene oxide (also EtO) FBF Film and Bag Federation of SPI EOT ethylene ether polysulfidc FC fuzzy control EP epoxy FDA finite difference analysis EP ethylene-propylene FDA Food & Drug Administration EPA Environmental Protection FEA finite element analysis Agency FEP fluorinated ethylene-propylene EPDM ethylene propylene diene FFS form, fill, & seal monomer FLC fuzzy logic control EPE expandable polyethylene FMCT fusible metal core technology EPM ethylene propylene fluorinated FPC flexible printed circuit EPP expandable polypropylene fpm feet per minute EPR ethylene propylene rubber FR flame retardant EPS expandable polystyrene FRCA Fire Retardant Chemicals ERr' enterprise resource planning Assoc. ESC environmental stress cracking FRP fiber reinforced plastic ESCR environmental stress cracking FRTP fiber reinforced thermoplastic resistance FRTS fiber reinforced thermoset ESD electrostatic safe discharge FS factor of safety ET ethylene polysulfide FS fluorosilicone ETFE ethylene terafluoroethylene ft feet ETO ethylene oxide FTIR Fourier transformation infrared EU entropy unit FV frictional force x velocity EU European Union EUPC European Assoc. of Plastics g gram Converters G giga ( 10 6) EUPE European Union of Packaging G gravity & Environment G shear modulus (modulus of Euro European currency rigidity) EUROMAP European Committee of G torsional modulus Machine Manufacturers for the GAIM gas assisted injection molding Rubber & Plastics Industries gal gallon (Zurich, Switzerland) GB gigabyte (billion bytes) EVA ethylene-vinyl acetate GC gas chromatography E/WAC ethylene/vinyl acetate GD&T geometric dimensioning & copolymer tolerancing EVAL ethylene-vinyl alcohol GDP Gross Domestic Product copolymer (tradename for EVOH) GF glass fiber EVE ethylene vinyl ether GFRP glass fiber reinforced plastic EVOH ethylene-vinyl alcohol gpm gallons per minute copolymer (or EVAL) GMP good manufacturing practice EX extrusion (see QSR) GMT glass mat reinforced F coefficient of friction thermoplastic 484 Plastics Engineered Product Design GNP gross national product (GDP HTS high temperature replaced GNP in US 1993 superconductor following rest of world) hyg hygroscope GOR grill opening reinforcement Hz Hertz (cycles) GP general purpose GPa giga Pascal I integral GPC gel permeation chromatography I moment of inertia gpd grams per denier IB isobutylene GPEC Global Plastics Environmental IBC internal bubble cooling Conference IBM injection blow molding GPPS general purpose polystyrene IBM International Business Machines gr grain IC Industrial Computing publication GR-S polybutadiene- styrene ICM injection-compression molding GRP glass reinforced plastic ID internal diameter GSC gas solid chromatography IEC International Electrochemical GWP global warming potential Commission IEEE Institute of electrical & h hour Electronics Engineers H enthalpy IGA isothermal gravimetric analysis H hysteresis IGC inverse gas chromatography H 2 hydrogen IIE Institute of Industrial Engineers HA hydroxyapatite IIR isobutene-isoprcne HAF high abrasion furnace IKV Institute for Plastics Processing, HAP hazardous air pollutant Aachen, Germany HB Brinell hardness number in. inch HBSE Hazard-Based Safety InTech Instrumentation, Systems, and Engineering Automation Society publication HCFC hydrochlorofluorocarbon ipm inch per minute HC1 hydrogen chloride
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