Paris Junior College Annual Report 2007 - 2008 From The President Making Strides... Looking to the Future efl ecting back over the 2007-2008 college year, I fi nd that Paris Junior College made major strides to further its mission. In August, 2008, a new $10 million buildingg was occuppied in Greenville for the start of a new year. This $13.5 million project in Greenville was the fi rst major building effort for PJC in over 25 years. This project is only the beginning as the college looks toward revitalizing the Paris campus with new construction and renovation of existing facilities. A Core Team and a Data Team worked on the Achieving the Dream initiative ana d iddene tit fi ed three strt ategicc issues to focus ouru woro k.. Thee nexe t foouru yearss will be spent on implementing strategies to improve the success of PJC students and help students achieve their educational goals. 2007-2008 was also a year of partnershipps — developep d with various business and industry, other community colleges and four year universities. These partner- Dr. Pamela Anglin ships will train additional workers for specifi c industries within the area we serve President and will provide additional educational opppop rtunities for the residents of the fi ve Paris Junior College county PJC service area. As we look back over the preceding year in our Annual Report, it always gives us the opportunity to also look ahead. Looking forward to the many opportunities and challenges ahead for this great institution, we will continue serving and providing a top quality fi rst two years of a bachelors degree and preparing our students to be successful as they transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Also, we will continue to look for every opppop rtunity to train a workforce that will make this area economicallyy compep titive. Refl ection also gives us a time of thanks giving. We are so fortunate to be joined by our supporters and com- munity partners who share our vision of a better community, a better state, and a better nation. Paris Junior College is what it is because of the dedication of its faculty and staff who work untiringly to help students suc- ceed. Kevin Rose Named New Dean of Workforce Education evin P. Rose was selected as new Dean of Workforce and Continuing Education for Parisi Juniori Collllege thishi year. He bringsb i great famiilliariti i y to theh role from serving as PJC’ss Associate Dean of Workforce and Continuing Education at PJCC. In this rolee, as well as his previous role as Dean of Workforce Education at North-h east Texas Community College, he has worked extensively with a variety of community partr ners, including both public and private companiess, economic development groups, and local workforce development boards. Dean Rose’s participation was integral to the successful $1.2 million funding of the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Academy this yeara . He has served on the board of Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas since 20022. His corporate experience includes production computer programming and training in Kevin Rose various fi elds, including the banking and cellular phone industries. Dean Rose also taught computer science as a faculty member for NTCC. Dean Rose has two associates’ degrees in Criminal Justice and Accounting from Northeast Texas Community College, earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and his Master’s in Computer Science from Stephen F. Austin State University, and is now fi nishing his Doctorate of Education at Texas A&M – Commerce. Helping Students Achieve Their Dreams he 2007-2008 academic year at Paris how to navigate college and where to go to Junior College marked the fi rst full get the help they need in various areas; year of participation with Achieving • Review and revise the advising process the Dream: Community Colleges Count, a to better assist students; national initative to help more community • Improve performance from students college students succeed. PJC’s inclusion needing to take developmental courses. brought the nationwide total of participating “We will continue our implementation of institutions to 82. our fi ndings and increase student support Experts from the program have visited PJC services to assist our students reach new levels several times in the past year to help adopt a of success. By furthering our work with the model of institutional improvement. Achieving the Dream initiative PJC students This fi rst year focused on gathering data will reap the benefi ts for many years to come,” to identify places for improvement. From says PJC President Dr. Pamela Anglin. that data an implementation plan has been The second year sees implementation, developed with three key points: additional data collection, and continued • A success seminar to teach students refi nement of the plan. Big Boost for Training Regional Industry Employees exas Workforce Commission Skills Devel- and implementation of customized job trainingg. PJC and opment Fund Director of Workforce Devel- the other partners worked for three years to secure the opment Larry Jones presented a check for grant. $1,2264,8845 to Paris Junior College, Northeast Texas Eight of the fourteen participating industry partners are Community College and Texarkana College during located in the PJC service area. The grant will assist in a ceremony celebrating the creation of the Regional the creation of 85 new jobs and upgrade the skills of 624 Advancedd Manuffactturiingg Acaddemyy in Mt. Pleasantt exiisting emplloyees. For PJC’’ss serviice delliivery area, these in August. The academy will serve fourteen indus- numbers include 49 new and 296 upgraded jobs. tries in the colleges’ service areas. hen presenting the check, Jones stated, “this “OOne of the impop rtant roles of Paris Junior Collegge iis thhe most successffull grantt application we’’ve is to serve the business and industry of this area,” seen in the past two years. A criterion in re- said PJC President Dr. Pamela Anglin. “This grant viewing grg ant appplp ications is for the pap rtnershipsp involved, represents a partnership between three colleges and and I ttakke greatt priidde in hhaviing thhe thhree communiitty coll- industry in this region that will provide training to leges, industries and the local workforce board involved. imprp ove the workforce within this pap rt of the state. It presents a real model for others in the state to follow.”. Presentation of $1.2 million in August kicked off the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Academy, a partnership be- tween PJC and two other com- munity colleges, fourteen re- gional industries in their service areas, and Texas Workforce Solutions. “We’re ready to do whhateverhateve it takes to help the re- Participating industries listed by location include: Paris gion’ss industry and we want to share our talent and – Kimberly-CClark Corporation, Campbell’ss Soupp, Sara expertise with those industries to boost economic de- Lee and Harper Corporate Services; Sulphur Springs – velopment. We’re proud of the project and proud to Flowserve, Morningstar Foods and Ocean Spray; Mount be a partner with Texarkana College and Northeast Pleasant – Priefert Manufacturingg, Dekoron Wire & Cablee, Texas Community College.” SpeedyMac Fab, and Diamond C Trailers; and in Texar- The Skills Development Fund program assists kana – Alcoa Mill Products, International Paper and JCM businesses and trade unions by fi nancing the design Industries. New Greenville Center Opens After dirt moving began in July, 2007, SHW Group architectural fi rm, Char- ter Builders of Dallas and PJC staff pushedp hard to ready thethe new bbuilding ildi ffor classes l beginning in the Fall 2008. The 42,000 square foot multipurpose building sits on 172 acres west of Green- ville High School. The two- story facility has state of the art classrooms with the most current technology. The student friendly build- ing includes three rooms equipped for instructional television broadcasts and many areas for students to gather between classes. Excellen aris Junior College has great in- structors throughout its system; many were standouts during the past year. Paris Junior College Master Teach- er for 2008 is Santos Garcia (right). He was in the fi rst group of full-time faculty hired at the PJC - Greenville Center. For 13 years he has taught Of- fi ce Technology and Computer Infor- mation Services courses at the PJC Greenville Center. The Master Teacher is nominated by faculty – a committee evaluates the nominees according to a set of specifi ed criteria and selects the recipient. “Santos Garcia’s dedication to s studentstudents a andnd t too hi hiss w workork in t thehe c classroomlassroomi iss the reason he won this award,” says PJC President Dr. Pamela Anglin. “we credit his dedication for making the PJC Greenville Center a student friendly place. ownsizing chemis- try experiments has brought internation- al attention to Paris Junior College Instructor of Chem- istry Don Kosterman (below left) with publication of the article “Microscale Con- tainers” in Chem 13 News, an international publication produced by the University of Waterloo’s Department of Chemistry in Ontario, Can- ada. Reducing the amount of chemicals used in experi- ments yields the same results t Faculty but costs less, an important advantage for smaller in- stitutions. Kosterman’s teaching career spans 41 years and he has been with PJC since 1972. JC History/Government Instructor David Lar- kin (left) was selected as a Faculty Scholar for the 2008 Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholar Conference and 2008 Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Institute. Larkin is one of only 24 people se- lected for this honor from a large pool of applicants. Applicants must be Phi Theta Kappa advisors who have exhibited exceptional knowledge of the cur- rent Honors Study Topic, The Paradox of Affl uence: Choices, Challenges, and Consequences, and demon- strated excellence in teaching.
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