West Point Yard Sale Sat. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain date ® April 19. VOL. 65, NO. 13 SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF THE U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST POINT APRIL 11, 2008 Command Sgt. Maj. Martin Wells assumes responsibility Story and photo done so since June 1, 1983, when by Eric S. Bartelt I became a Soldier in the greatest Army the world has ever known,” Command Sgt. Maj. Martin R. Wells said. “For almost the past 20 Wells officially took the position years, I’ve had the honor of being of command sergeant major of involved with the efforts aimed the U.S. Military Academy at at providing the strength for our West Point in an assumption of Army, an all-volunteer Army in a responsibility ceremony Monday time of war. at Trophy Point here. “Now, my sights will be aimed Wells assumes the responsibility at being an integral member of (the of the job from Command Sgt. Maj. superintendent’s) team,” he added, Patrick J. Laidlaw, who was the “dedicated to the development of acting USMA command sergeant leaders of character who will serve major while also performing his as the future commanders within USCC command sergeant major our ranks.” role. Wells replaces Command Sgt. Wells, a native of Rockville, Maj. Michael L. Bergman, who Md., comes to West Point from retired Jan. 11 from his post as Fort Knox, Ky., where he served as USMA CSM after 32-plus years of the command sergeant major at the active duty service in the Army. United States Recruiting Command During the assumption since September 2006. ceremony, Wells offered many He enlisted into the Army as ‘thank you’s’ to those who helped a field artilleryman in May 1983 him in his transition to West Point. and first served as a Lance Missile He also said he is truly honored Crewmember with the 8th U.S. to have a part in the honor and Army Field Artillery Detachment tradition of West Point as the in Steenwick, Holland. Following West Point Command Sgt. Maj. Martin R. Wells receives the NCO Sword from Superinten- command sergeant major. that assignment, he served as an dent Lt. Gen. Buster Hagenbeck Monday at Trophy Point during an assumption of respon- “The West Point motto of, instructor at the Field Artillery sibility ceremony. The passing of the sword signifies the relinquishing of responsibility and “Duty, Honor, Country,” rings Center and School at Fort Sill, authority from the outgoing to the incoming sergeant major. It represents the trust and con- sound and true in my heart, and has See WELLS, page 5 fidence in the new NCOs leadership and commitment to care for the organization. Livieratos, Duda named East-West Center fellows By Eric S. Bartelt 35th cadets to earn East-West scholars from countries throughout impact on his Army career, both fellowships since the U.S. Military Asia, and contribute to bridging the as a junior officer and after his Army - Navy Firsties Cole Livieratos and Academy began competing in culture gap between the East and company command. Mike Duda were named graduate 1991. the West.” “The learning process and Lacrosse Sat. at degree fellows at the East-West Livieratos, 22, of Columbia, The future Armor officer will cultural interaction with those noon, also on Center of the University of Hawaii Md., will work toward a master’s begin his studies Aug. 11 at the at the East-West Center will at Manoa March 28. degree in Asian studies. The double East-West Center, and he believes contribute to understanding how ESPNU - They become the 34th and major in human geography and that his studies will have a profound cultural differences play a role in Channel 170. foreign area studies, is excited at the the Army’s current conflicts, and incredible opportunity to continue I can, hopefully, communicate his education while studying in an this importance to my Soldiers,” Army - Navy environment that allows him to Livieratos explained. “After Baseball - 1st directly interact with people from company command, I hope to work the region for which he is currently as a Foreign Area Officer, hopefully game Sun. on studying. in the East Asian theater. CBS College “This gives me the ability to “A master’s degree in Asian learn about Asian people and their studies and continuing language Sports TV - culture first-hand,” Livieratos said. training will help me reach this Channel 457. “One of the best things about the goal,” he added, “and best prepare program is the relationships that me to represent the U.S. Army See CALENDAR, page 14 Firstie Cole Livieratos I will be able to build with fellow Firstie Mike Duda See EAST-WEST, page 5 2 April 11, 2008 AER - Soldiers helping Soldiers To the West Point Community, The members of the I want to thank everyone for their continued Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program are Col. support of one of the most needed services to our Jeanette McMahon, Shelley community, Army Emergency Relief. Ariosto (Garrison), Dan Since 1942, the mission of AER has been to Toohey (Victim Advocate), relieve the distress of members of the Army family Maj. Maria Burger (USCC), and their dependents. Maj. Kim Kawamoto (ODIA) AER, a private nonprofit organization, is an and Lt. Col. Tasha Williams (Dean). emergency financial assistance program available to Community members Cadets, Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve on can e-mail McMahon at continuous active duty for more than 30 days, and Jeanette.McMahon@usma. retired Soldiers, as well as the eligible dependents edu for advice or to offer and surviving widows and orphans of all those any recommendations on the program here. Soldiers. Cadets can also call the There is no other program that provides the Army sexual assault support helpline Family immediate financial assistance for today’s at (845) 591-7215. increasingly unforeseen challenges. West Point Soldiers and I encourage you to find out more about AER by civilians needing assistance contacting your agency’s representative or Barron can call (845) 938-3369. Henry, my West Point representative. This valuable resource to our Soldiers truly is a time honored tradition of “Soldiers helping Delivery Soldiers.” problems? Barron Henry, West Point AER representative, holds Thank you. the West Point AER goal chart. The campaign goal is FOR PV HOME DELIVERY PROBLEMS $110,000, but the red line indicates that as of Tues- CONTACT VALERIE MULLANE AT THE POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL AT day, donations, primarily from retirees, were below Lt. Gen. Buster Hagenbeck, Superintendent (845) 437-4730 OR BY E-MAIL $50,000. ELIZABETH HARRINGTON /FMWR AT VMULLANE @POUGHKEE .GANNETT . COM . Voting Assistance Information Contact the West Point Voting Assistance NCOIC, Sgt. 1st Class John Castillo at 938-8450 with your voting questions. ® This civilian enterprise newspaper is an au tho rized Lt. Gen. publication for mem bers of the U.S. Gov ernment, 85 Civic Center Plaza Buster Hagenbeck, the De partment of Defense, the U.S. Army, USMA PO Box 1231, Superintendent or West Point. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602 The appearance of ad ver tising in this publication, Col. Bryan Hilferty, in cluding in serts and sup plements, does not con sti tute Director of Communications en dorsement by the De partment of De fense or the For information, call United States Military Academy of the fi rms, prod ucts Linda L. Mastin or services ad ver tised. (845) 437-4789 Acting Chief, The Point er View ® is an unoffi cial pub li cation Everything advertised in this pub li ca tion shall be au tho rized by AR 360-1. Ed i tori al con tent is pre pared, Com mand Info. made available for purchase, use, or pa tron age edited and pro vid ed by the Pub lic Affairs Offi ce of with out regard to race, color, re li gion, sex, national USMA. origin, age, marital status, phys i cal handi cap, Linda Mastin The Pointer View ® is printed by the Poughkeepsie po liti cal af fi l i a tion, or any other nonmerit factor Editor, 938-2015 Journal, a pri vate fi rm in no way connect ed with the of the purchaser, user, or pa tron. A confi rmed Eric S. Bartelt De partment of the Army, under ex clu sive con tract with violation or re jec tion of this policy of equal op- Asst. Editor, 938-3883 USMA. The views and opin ions ex pressed herein are portunity by an ad ver tis er will result in the re fus al Kathy Eastwood not nec essari ly those of the USMA or the Army. to print ad ver tis ing from that source. Staff Writer, 938-3684 The Pointer View ® is published weekly by the USMA Public Affairs Office, Bldg. 600, West Point, N.Y. 10996 See SOLUTION, Page 12 (845) 938-2015 April 11, 2008 3 DOD to phase out full SSNs on IDs By Gerry J. Gilmore a mouse, she said. “You might lose that card,” American Forces Press TriCare, the military services’ Dixon pointed out, noting that Service health maintenance organization, Family members, including already has removed Social children, could misplace their WASHINGTON -- As a means Security numbers from its members’ identification cards, too. of combating identity theft, the identification cards, Dixon said. Modern information technology Defense Department will issue Plans are to remove the Social precludes the need to have full identification cards without full Security numbers from identification social security numbers printed Social Security numbers printed cards issued to military Family onto employee and Family member onto them, a senior official said members by the end of this year, ID cards, Dixon said.
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