V. N.H.COLLEGE LIBRARY, DURHAM, N . H . (Hbt> Nwu fenpBhtrr V o l. 5, No. 1. D U R H A M , N. H., SEPTEMBER 24, 191& V Price 5 C ents TOTAL REGISTRATION COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Y.M.C. A. ENTERTAINS FOOTBAll PROSPECTS GOOD SOPHOMORES WIN FOR A SOCCESSFOLSEASON OF 584 STUDENTS RECEIVE APPOINTMENTS ENTERING CLASS ANNUAL ROPE PULL Lieutenant Sutherland Selects Officers W. H. Cowell Director of Athletics Comes For the Two Battalions in the New Highly Recommended as Coach—Eight 1919 AND 2 YR. 1917 CLASSES OFFICI­ 1919 MEN WALK :AWAY WITH THE BIGGEST FRERHMAN CLASS IN HIS­ R egim ent Games on the Schedule. TORY NOW AT COLLEGE ALLY WELCOMED TO N. H. C. INTER-CLASS CONTEST The military department issued its The football season is now on and the MORE THAN 275 NEW STUDENTS first general orders of the year last Tues­ All ACTIVITIES REPRESENTED prospects have never looked brighter for 2 YR. 16 ALSO TRIMS 2 YR. 17 day, and they are as follows: a successful season. Eight men have 167 Freshmen in Four Year Courses 69 in General Orders, No. 1. Varied Speakers Urge New Men to Serve returned who won their letters last year “Phil” Watson Pulls Top Heavy First Year Alma Mater Outside of Classroom Man from Briny Deep—Members of First Year of 2 Yr. Agriculture—34 in The following promotions and ap­ and this will form a very good nucleus First Year Engineering Course as Well as In—Refreshments Losing Class Kiss the Rope pointments of officers are announced to about which to build a fighting machine. take place this date. The officers are Another factor which encourages the Friday afternoon the Sophomores Nailing its flag to the slender tip of the assigned to organizations as indicated ‘ ‘The growth of this institution has outlook in athletics for the coming year made up for their theoretical victory of great pole in front of Thompson Hall, and any transfers to other, organiza­ been little short of marvelous,’ ’declared is that a new position on the faculty has “ poster night” by winning the annual and firmly tying hand and foot all soph­ tions will be mad!p for cogent reasons President E. T. Fairchild to the 277 been created—that of physical in­ rope pull from the Freshmen in whirl­ omore foes, many of them to the base of only. Freshmen assembled in the gymnasium, structor. He will have charge of all wind fashion. The ’19 class won the the flagpole, the biggest freshman class REGIMENTAL FIELD AND STAFF. Saturday night, September 18, “ and branches of athletics. The new direct­ in the history of New Hampshire Col­ Lt. Col. D. P. Crockett, Commanding we may reasonably expect to have to or athletics is W. H. (Butch) Cowell, toss-up and selected the further side of lege triumphantly established itself in Regiment; Captain L. P. Philbrick, hold this reception out-of-doors within a former star on the University of Kan­ the river, on which the Sophomore class Durham, Wednesday, September 15. Adjutant; Captain C. W. Archibald, the short period of three or four years.’ ’ sas football eleven. He has had much last year won their pull. This, how­ There are 277 students among the Quartermaster; Captain Joseph A. Sulli­ Under the auspices of the College experience in the game and, in fact, in ever, availed them nothing as less than new comers. Of these 157 are freshmen van, Range Officer. Christian Association, the classes of all branches of college athletics, not 40 seconds after the gun was fired the first man of the team was in the water. in the regular four-year courses, 68 are 1ST. BATTALION. 1919 and 2 yr. ’ 17, were cordially wel­ only at Kansas, but at the universities entered in the first year of the twc-year Major W. I. White, Commanding comed to New Hampshire College by of Illinois and Pittsburg. Here at New The Sophomore team averaged much course in agriculture and 34 in the first Battalion; 1st. Lieut. G. D. Parnell, the faculty and under-graduates of this Hampshire he will have charge of the heavier than the ‘ Freshies” and this year class of the new two-year Engineer­ Adjutant; 2nd. Lieut. O. C. Work, institution. football, basketball, baseball and track combined with their experience of last ing course. In addition, there are 4 Quartermaster. After introductory remarks by Chair­ teams, and will give regular courses in year enabled them to keep the ’19 class transfers and 4 new students registered Company A. man W. J. Nelson, ’ 16, in which he gymnasium work for both men and team on Ijhe move after the first tug. 1918 special. This brings the total registra­ Captain G. W. Burke, Commanding presented to the new men and women women students. TEAM. tion to date (September 22) up to 584. Company; 1st. Lieift. K. C. Westover; an outline of the varied and numerous Director Cowell is a native of Lynn, Cummings, Dalton, Badger, Sawyer, Of this number 109 are girls. The class 2nd. Lieut. W. P. Knox. activities of the college, W. J. Bugbee, but went to a western Kansas town R. H., Huse, Wadleigh, Jeffers, Humis- of 1919 has 157 members. There are Company B. president of the Y. M. C. A., spoke with his parents when two years old, ton, Bennett, W. Willand, Allen, Bril, Perley, Dodge, Sawyer, LL., Tope, 116 sophomores, 89 juniors, and 75 sen­ Captain E. L. Blake, Commanding briefly of the work and ambitions of and now Kansas claims him. iors and 2 yr ’16 has 36 members. Company; list. Lieut. V. W. Batchelor; the Christian Association. “ The Y. The past slimmer he attended the Ford, MorriU, J., Jenkins and Bell, Leader. The village is literally stuffed with 2nd. Lieut. A. B. Whittemore. M. C. A. heartily welcomes the class of coaching school at the University of 1919 TEAM. students, and a large number come daily Company C* 1919.” “ For the last few years,” said Illinois, where he delved deep into base­ I.andrey, Smith, I. R., Rector, Night by train from Exeter, Dover, Newmar­ Captain W. E. Hbwfcrd, Command­ President Bugbee, “ the spirit in the ball with George Huff and battled with ingale, Smith, H. B., Gale, Torrey, Har­ ket, Rollinsford, Berwick, Somersworth ing Company; 1st Lieut. R. C. Gra­ Y. M. C. A. has seemed dormant. We Zuppke, the wizard who turned out a rell, Lovejoy, Belyea, Andrew, Emery, Rochester and other nearby towns. ham; 2nd Lieut. J. D. Colomy. wish to relieve that condition and to in­ Western Conference football champion­ Wildes, Robinson, Wallace, Brown, L. One feature of the greatly increased 2n d . b a t t a l io n . fuse a new spirit of attractiveness into ship eleven last fall. enrollment which gives President Fair­ Major C. S. Pettee, Commanding the association. We hope to do this by After the training school season at W., Knowles, Buckley, and Mitchell, Leader. child particular satisfaction, is the size Battalion; 1st Lieut. R. W. Watson, more frequent joint meetings with the Illinois he spent several days with of the entering class in the two-year Adijutant; 2nd Lieut. R. D. Brackett, Y. M. C. A. There will be no Bible Zuppke outlining formations for the fall TWO YEAR CONTEST. For the first Lime in the college his­ Engineering course. This course is Quartermaster. classes this year, instead, a series of campaign, working mainly along the ^iven this year for the first time. Its Company D. lectures on social, economic, and religi­ lines of open football. He believes in tory, the two year men also participated purpose is to do for the young man of Captain H. W. Chase, Commanding ous questions will be given. The Y. M. the open game, as played in the western in the excitement of the day by having a the manufacturing cities of the state Company; 1st Lieut. W. H. Thomas, C. A. will this year attempt to create a universities, he says, and plans to de­ tug between 2 yr. ’16 and ’17. This what the two year course in agriculture 2nd Lieut. S. W. Wentworth. stronger, more definite, growing spirit pend upon it during the coming season. was a much more even match than the 4 has done for years for the young man of Company E. in the work.” PRACTICE STARTED EARLY. year pull, the Sophomores finally win­ the rural community. Captain W. T. Tapley, Commanding Mr. Bugbee spoke of the advisability Football practice started a week and a ning by superior weight and better It is a course which is not only new Com pany; 1st Lieut. R. C. Wigg'in, of having college traditions. He also half before college opened with a squad knowledge of existing conditions. The here, but is new everywhere. It has 2nd Lieu't. C. B. Tibbetts. referred to the employment, lost and of a dozen men. The squad now num­ match was without excitement except been tried but once or twice and then in Company F. found bureaus which the association will bers about 50 men and increases every for the “ hero” act with “ W atso” as the West. President Fairchild saw Captain W. J. Nelson, Commanding run this year. day. leading man. One of the Freshmen that there was an opportunity for ser­ Company; 1st Lieut. C. C. Bond, 2nd The work of the Y. W. C. A. was dis­ Swasey, an old star halfback, former­ 2 year men got beyond his depth and vice of this sort in New Hampshire, Lieut. R. T.
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