Alma Mater Studiorum · Universita` di Bologna Scuola di Scienze Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica Primordial tensor modes from inflation and their detectability with GW experiments Relatore: Presentata da: Prof. Michele Cicoli Alessandro Conigli Correlatore: Prof. Gianmassimo Tasinato Anno Accademico 2017/2018 Sommario L'obbiettivo di questa tesi `elo studio delle fluttuazioni quantistiche dei modi tensoriali primordiali prodotti durante l’inflazione, con particolare attenzione alla possibilit`adi rilevare tali modi come onde gravitazionali di background. Una eventuale rilevazione confermerebbe ulteriormente la validit`adei modelli inflazionari. Tuttavia, la densit`adi energia predetta per le onde gravitazionali di background `edi gran lunga inferiore alla sensibilit`adegli attuali rivelatori. In questo lavoro noi andiamo oltre l’inflazione slow-roll standard e analizziamo nuovi modelli che ci permettono di amplificare le perturbazioni tensoriali su scale al di fuori dell'orizzonte. Introduciamo un meccanismo che sfrutta una fase transitoria di evoluzione non-attractor per amplificare i modi tensoriali. Procediamo poi con lo studio della fenomenologia del modello, dimostrando la possibilit`adi amplificare la densit`adi energia delle onde gravitazionali fino alle scale accessibili dai rivelatori LISA, aLIGO e PTA. Calcoliamo poi il numero di e-folds di fase non-attractor necessari per assicurare la rivelazione di tali onde. Successivamente, presentiamo un nuovo modello di bigravit`a,caratterizzato da un ter- mine di accoppiamento tra un tensore privo di massa ed uno massivo. Presentiamo un'analisi dettagliata della dinamica dei due campi tensoriali, derivando vincoli che la massa del campo deve soddisfare per poter amplificare le fluttuazioni prive di massa. Infine, assumiamo che l'accoppiamento sia dominante per un certo numero di e-folds durante l’inflazione e diamo una stima di tale valore per i tre rivelatori sopracitati. 3 Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to study quantum fluctuations of primordial tensor modes from inflationary models and to investigate their relation with late-time observables. Their detection would definitely constitute an important hint in favour of inflation mod- els. However their amplitude is predicted to be smaller than the sensitivity of present detectors. In this thesis we instead go beyond the usual slow-roll inflation and discuss two new methods to enhance primordial tensor modes on superhorizon scales. We first present a mechanism which relies on a transitory non-attractor phase that amplifies the would-be decaying tensor modes. We examine the predictions of the model and we show that gravity waves might be amplified up to the sensitivities of LISA, aLIGO and PTA detectors. We also compute how many e-folds of non-attractor phase are necessary to ensure that the energy density crosses the sensitivity curves of the detectors. Next, we discuss a new model of bigravity where we assume the existence of massive spin-2 field coupled with a massless tensor mode. We present a detailed analysis of the 2-field dynamics and we derive the constraints on the mass of the field in order to amplify the massless fluctuations om superhorizon scales. We also estimate for the above mentioned detectors the number of e-folds where the coupling term has to be relevant. 5 Contents Sommario 3 Abstract 5 Introduction 9 1 Inflationary Universe 13 1.1 The FRW Universe . 13 1.2 Einstein equations and stress-energy tensor . 14 1.3 Causal structure of the spacetime . 18 1.3.1 Horizons . 20 1.4 The drawbacks of the Big Bang theory . 21 1.4.1 Horizon problem . 22 1.4.2 The flatness problem . 24 1.5 Inflationary universe . 25 1.6 The physics of inflation . 28 1.6.1 Slow-roll regime . 30 2 Quantum origin of primordial fluctuations 33 2.1 Cosmological perturbations: generalities . 34 2.1.1 Gauge invariant quantities . 37 2.2 Harmonic oscillator . 39 2.3 Primordial perturbations from quantum fluctuations . 42 2.3.1 Scalar perturbations . 43 2.3.2 Tensor perturbations . 47 3 From Inflation to late-time observables 51 3.1 Tensor perturbations as relic gravitational waves . 52 3.1.1 Superhorizon regime . 53 7 CONTENTS 3.1.2 Subhorizon regime . 54 3.2 Gravitational wave energy density . 56 3.3 Tensor fluctuations enhancement . 58 3.3.1 Analogies with the scalar mode . 59 3.3.2 Tensor sector . 61 3.4 Non-attractor regime . 66 3.5 Energy density and sensitivity curves . 71 3.5.1 Power spectral density . 71 3.5.2 Sensitivity curves . 74 3.6 Conclusions . 81 4 Model building 85 4.1 Effective field theory: an introduction . 87 4.1.1 EFT techniques . 87 4.2 Lagrangian for two-field tensors system . 89 4.2.1 Superhorizon dynamics . 89 4.2.2 Subhorizon regime . 94 4.2.3 Modes matching and power spectrum . 96 4.3 Energy density . 98 4.4 Outcomes . 103 Conclusions 107 A Diagonalization Procedure 109 B General Solutions of the Equation of Motion 113 Acknowledgements 119 Bibliography 121 8 Introduction The theory of cosmology deals with the origin and the evolution of the universe. The current understanding relies on the application of the general relativity framework to the universe itself. Cosmology provides an explanation to many observational facts with great success, such as the universe expansion, Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) spectrum and Large Scale Structure (LSS) formation. Besides its great predictions, standard cosmology is not able to explain questions such as the flatness and horizon problem. These shortcomings are strictly related to the profound question of the initial conditions of the universe, and a possible solution is provided by inflation. The theory of inflation assumes a phase of accelerated expansion of the uni- verse that took place in early times at ultra-high energy. Besides solving some of the hot big bang drawbacks, it was then realized that inflation provides a powerful connection between the universe LSS and its quantum nature. Inflation, together with quantum mechanics, yields a dynamical mechanism for the production of cosmological perturba- tions on large scales. This is actually one of the rare cases in physics where a prediction based on quantum mechanics and general relativity can be tested experimentally with the present day technology. Indeed, the today's observed cosmic structure evolved from isotropy and homogeneity deviations generated on early times. These deviations may be traced back to quantum fluctuations of the metric and matter fields at the epoch of inflation. Superluminal expansion then stretched fluctuations to a-causal distances, and when inflation ended they eventually re-entered the horizon as classical perturba- tion. Therefore quantum fluctuations behave as primordial seeds for inhomogeneities, and then they collapse due to gravitational instability. With the development of precise CMB measurements, inflation became an empirical sci- ence, and not only a theoretical speculation. There is great accordance between inflation predictions and the measurements of a nearly scale invariant primordial spectrum of density perturbation. Among these predictions, inflation generally admits the existence of a stochastic background of gravitational waves over a huge range of frequencies, from 9 Introduction those detectable with CMB experiments to those directly accessible with gravitational wave detectors, such as LISA, aLIGO and PTA. In this dissertation we try to investigate the detectability of the gravitational wave back- ground predicted by inflation at the frequencies probed by the above mentioned detectors. The experimental detection of such background would open up new observational win- dows for the evolution of the universe at very early times, besides CMB experiments. Indeed a potential observation could give us relevant data about the high energy physics, that will never be accessible by today's particle accelerators. However the stochastic gravitational wave amplitude is expected to be very week, hence their detection without CMB polarization experiments is so far unlikely. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss new models which slightly modify the standard slow-roll inflation paradigm in order to enhance the primordial power spectrum of the tensor sector. This would give us a chance to amplify the gravitational wave energy density up to the scales probed by the detectors. The other main purpose of this thesis is to study the phenomenology predicted by these models, and we try to understand whether or not the primordial spectrum might be enhanced. Then we give an estimate of the required amplification in order to intersects the sensitivity curves of LISA, aLIGO and PTA detectors. More precisely, this dissertation is organised as follow. In chapter 1 we give a brief introduction of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) space-time and we review the cornerstones of modern cosmology. Working in the general relativity framework we describe the dynamic of homogeneous and isotropic universes, showing the relativistic nature of the expansion and we discuss whether or not it might be accelerated. We then explain how standard Big Bang theory leads to the finely-tuned initial conditions question, namely the flatness and horizon problems. We give a detailed explanation for each of this problems and we show how they can be solved assuming an early period of accelerated expansion called inflation. Finally we discuss the key features of cosmo- logical inflation and we describe how it modifies the causal structure of the space-time. In particular we focus on the physics behind inflation, introducing the notion of the scalar inflaton field as the best candidate which might support the accelerated expan- sion phase. Eventually we explain the slow-roll approximation which allows us to solve the inflaton dynamics with a perturbative approach and we characterise the number of e-folds required to solve the hot big bang problems. In chapter 2 we give a brief review of cosmological perturbation theory, trying to explain the mechanism which converts quantum fluctuations during inflation into macroscopic seeds that led to the LSS formation.
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