TFS Form 10-900 ,Oct 19Wj United States Department of the Interior National Park Service 1 National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form is for use in nominat~ngor requesting determinations for idivldual propnties and districts See instructions in How to Complete :he Na'aaonul Regbzer ofHi'sroec P!am Reg~~t~at!~nFor= (National Rester Bulldin 16.4). Complete each item marking "t" In the appropriate box or by enrenng the lnfomation requested If an Itern docs not apply to the prmbmg documented. enter "N;A" for "nat applicable " For fincrions, archtecmml chs~ficauon,rnaerials. and am5 of significance, enta onI? caregories and subcategories from the instructions Place addl~~omlcnrria and narrative itcms on cont~nuationshe (YPS Form EO-QMa) Use a ~pounter,word procrsor. or computer, to complete all items. I. Name of Property hjst oric name Capitol-Main Historic District other narne9'sitsite number . -- - 2. Location street & number 500 blmk of >lain St., 100-200 blocks of W.Capitol Ave., 500 black of not for publica~ion Center St., and 100-200 blocks of 11'. Sixth St. F;A city or totown Litde Rock state Arkansas code AR county Pulaski code 119 zip code 72201 3. Statfledera1 Aecncv Certification .4s tbc dslgnatcd authanty under the National Histonc Preservation .4cl. as amendsd. I. hereby certify that rhjs nnrninat~on rcquat For delerm~natiovof cl~gibilitymms the dmumcntatron mdards fnregistering pmpenfes m the Nat~onalRegister of Historic PIacs and rnm the proceduml and professiona1 requirements set for in 36 CFR Part 60. Ln my opinion. the property meets dmnot meet the Ksrtional Reejster cnrmia I recommend hat this mvatv be sonsidaed sim~ifcant Arkansas Historic Preservation Progmm Stake or FLY~CKI~agency and bureau In my opmlm. cbepm meets dmnot meet the National Reg~stercnma. (U Sm Contirmarion shm foraddit~onal wmmmts j SI~Wof ctrbfyng offic~alTitle Date Sfate or Fedem1 agency adbureau 4. Yatioeal Park Sen-ice Certification 1 bereby cerufy that the pmpep is Slgnahrre of the Keeper Datc of hctton entdin the Karional Register. See continuation shed determined eIigihle for the Natianal Register. Sm continuation sh& detdedmt eligible for the National Register. removed from the National Register. other, (explain:) Ca~itol-MainHistoric Dishcr Pulaski County, Arkansas Name of Pro- Cilunty and State 5. Classification hershipof Property- Category of Property Number of Resources tdithin Property [Check as m,my boxer a apply) (Cbwk only one bori (hnot ~ncludcpreviously listed resources ~ncoun~) Q private Contributing Nonconrrjbuting [7 public-local public-State site T 3 builQng Q public-Federal structure 0 0 sites object 7 3 Total Name of related multiple propert?; listing Number of Contributing resources pre\iousi?; listed (hrer'Y!A"' irpmperry IS not pan ofa muhiple pmwlisting.) in the National Register 6. Function or C-se Historic Functions Current Fanctions (tnrer cateponcj from immctiom] (Enter categories hminstrucrjonsj CommerceTTrade: Depamenl Store Comrnerce;Srade: Business CommerceTTrade: S~ecjalrvStore CommerceTrade: Restaurant CommerceTrade: Business RecreatimfCulrure:Theater Commerca'Trad?: Restaurant VACA\Tt?IOT M USE 7. Description Architectural CIassification Materials (Entcr raegones fm~nstruct~ons) Enter ca:e,hes fminstructians) Pare 19~and Early 20' Century .4macan Movements: foundation Concrete. brick Commercial Style Late 19" and Early 2oLhCentury Pkmerican Movements: walls Concrete, brick Chicago Modem Movement: Art Deco roof A.mhalt Modem Movement: International Style orher Narrative Description (Dcscn'be the historic and current condition of the propert?. on one or more continuatioq shzets ) Cmitol-brain Historic District Pulaski County. Arkansas Couuq and Start 8. Statement of Significance -4ppLcable National Register Criteria Levels of Significance (local, state. national) I (Mark 'x" JIW onc o: mar: ?JW. for rhe criteca qualifvlng the property LOG31 for National Register list1ng.j A Property is associated ~4hevents that have mde a significant contribution to the broad patterns of heasof Significance [Enter categories hminstructions) our hisroxy. Commerce Cornrnun~tyPlanning and k-elopment B Property is associated with the Iives of persons .4rch1tccsure sidcantin our past. Q C Propqembodies the distinctive characteristics of a tp,period, or method of consauction or represents the work of a master, or possesses distinguishable entrty losecomponents lack Period OF Significance indiv~dualdistinction. 1399-1962 D Property h yielded, or is likely to yield, information lmportanl in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerations Significant Dates (Mark '1'-in all the hxes that appEy ) V! A Property is: A ouned by a religious instirution or used for religious purposes. SifgnifE~aIktPerson (Compbe if Critcrian 0 IS marked) E. removed from itr original location. C.birthplace or grave of a hlslorjcal figure of outstanding importance. Cultural Affiation (Complete ~f Critmon D is markad) D a cemetery. NA E a reconstructed building, object. or structure. Charles I,. Thompson F a comrnemorat~veproperty George R. Mann. Theodore M. Sanders - G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance Frank Ginocchio wliithin the past 50 years. Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the slgn~ficanceof the pmpeq on m or more conrmuation she& ) 9. Major Bibliograp hical References Bibliography (Ctte the book, articles, and other sources usrd in preparing this form on we or more continuation sheets) Prmioas documentation on file @J'S): Primary location of additional data: pteharydetemination of individual listins (36 State Historic Preservation Office CT'R 67) has been requested a Other State Agency previously Iwted in the National Register Federal Agency Previously determined eligible by the h'ational Local Gowrmnent Register University designated a National Historic Landmark other recorded by Hatoic American Buildings Sunrey Name of repository: # recorded by Historic American Engineering Record # Capitol-Main Histosic District PuIaski County, Arkansas Yamof Pmpeny Csunw and Starc 10. Geographical Bata .h Acreage of ?rope% Approximately 7.5 acres Urn1 References (Place add~t~omlLm Pefereoces on a continuation sheet.) 1 15 5666118 3844875 Zone Easting Northlng 2 4 [7 set continuation shm Verbal Boundary Description (Descnlbe: the boundnri~of the propem on a continuation she&) Boundary Justification Explam why the bundanzs -ere stlectad on a conhnuationshm.) 11. Form Prepared By ndtitle Kelsey FitldstTntem, edited by Ralph S. Wilcox, National Register & Survey Coordinator organization Arkansas Histonc Presenqtion Program date Septernk l3,20 I 1 street & number I500 Tower Building, 323 Center St. telephone (50 1 ) 324-9787 city or tomn Linle Rock state Arkansas zip code 7220 1 - .- .- - .- - - Additional Documentation S11b:nl- :It< Ii>:lowin_r items -ltt rhe completed form: Continuation Sheets Maps h USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location A Sketch map for historic districts and propercia having large: acreage or numerous resources. Representative black and white photographs of rhe propeT. Additional items (Chtck with the SfIPO or FPO for any additional irerns.) I Cnmpldc thir i tern at the request of SHPO or FPO.) name sueet & number telephme city or town state zip code Papcmark Redur(jon Art Statement: Th~sinformation is bang cot[ectcd for applications to the h'a~odRegister of Histonc Places to nominate properties for Ir~tingor daemune dlgibiliy for lisnng, tr! list pmpcrties, and tn amend alning listing. Responsr foths requm 1s requid lo obmin a benefit EIaxordance w~tbtbe h'atinnal Historic Prserv~~on.Act,asmended(16 U.S.C.470 es3eq.j Estimated Burden Statemenz: hblic rep~ningburden for this form is esthmiadm average 18.1 how per respnse including time for reviewing instructions, pthmngand mainbinme data, and completing and revlming the fom Dimr commenw rrgardlng th~sburden estimate or any aspert of this fom to the Chlef. hduulu~mtiveSmicm Divrsion, Na~ionalPark Servlcc, P. O Box 37127, ZVashinpton. K 20013-?127; and the Office of \4anagernmt and Budgtt. Papcnsurk R8duct1omPm~ccts ( 1024-00 18), \%'ashington. DC 20303. Capitol-Main Historic District Name of Property County and State United States Department of the Interior National Park Senlice National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number 7 Page 1 SUMMARY The Capitol-Main Historic Distnct is being submitted for nomination to the National Regster of Historic Places under Criteria A and C. The proposed district is a two and a half block section of West Capitol Avenue from Center Street to Main Street, bounded on the south by West Sixth Street. and includes the southeast corner of the intersection of Main and West Sixth Streets. The disb-ict is composed of seven large commercial buildings, three previously listed buildings and set7ennon-contributing resources comprised of 'bee parking lots, and four buildings. The buildings in the district are examples of 20th Century ComerciaI with architectural elements inspired by Art Deco, Italianate and Sullivanesque Styles. The majority of the buildings were built between 1909 and 1929. New buildings were built in the 1930s and the older buildings were remodeld in the 1960s. Many of these buildings are some of the remaining examples of the varied architectural designs by influential Arkansas architects, such as CharIes L. Thompson, Theodore M. Sanders, Frank Ginocchio, and George R. Mann. ELABORATION Galloway Building--601 South Main Street, Building #I, Contributing
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