& National Day of Prayer The annual Wisconsin Gov- Other program people confi rmed to date are as follows: ernor’s Prayer Breakfast JJohnohn AAndersonnderson, former Green Bay Packer, CChristopherhristopher will be held once again on BBotschotsch, Deputy Chief – West Allis Police Department: the National Day of Prayer, EErickajoyrickajoy DDanielsaniels, Senior Vice President – Aurora Health Thursday May 5th, 7:30 am Care, Inc.: CCliffliff EEvansvans, Retired President & CEO – Badger to 9:30 am at the Italian Con- Magnetics; US Army 1967-71: MMattatt NNeumanneumann, Treasurer ference Center, 631 E. Chica- – Tim O’Brien Homes: FFrederickrederick FF.. SSchwertfegerchwertfeger, Presi- go Street in Milwaukee. The dent – Horicon Bank: BBekkiekki YYangang, Group Sales Manager – event is open to the public, iHeartMedia-Milwaukee: Music by the CCodyody CClausenlausen TTriorio: however we suggest that Speaker of the House PPaulaul RRyanyan via video you obtain your tickets early Governor Scott Walker as the Breakfast is usually Order tickets today at 414-344-7300. Info at www.wis- sold out. Ticket prices and the order form can be found on consingovernorsprayerbreakfast.com or e-mail at prayer- page 14. We are happy to announce that our speaker will [email protected] be NFL Quarterback CColtolt MMcCoycCoy who is presently with the Washington Redskins. Two-time Heisman trophy fi nalist; winningest quarter- back in college history; re- cruited by Mike Holmgren with the Cleveland Browns; college roommate of Jermi- chael Finley, former Green Speaker of the House Paul A copy of Growing Up Colt Bay Packer. Possible future Ryan will make a video will be given to each person in Packer? appearance attendance (value $25.00) The Cody Clausen Trio from Coloma, Wisconsin will perform. The Clauson Family Music Shows throughout the year at the Barn Theater and other locations. clausonfamilymusicshows.com Deliver To: Deliver THE DECISION AMERICA TOUR eld Avenue fi America is in trouble, and the only answer is found in Jesus Christ. During 2016 I will travel to the capi- tals of all 50 states to hold prayer rallies for our nation. I will challenge Christians to pray, to boldly live out their faith and stand for biblical values, and to help turn America back to God (2 Chronicles 7:14). I will also share the life-changing message of the Gospel at each stop. Will you stand with me? – Franklin Graham.” Milwaukee WI 53214 Milwaukee A ministry of Assn ProBuColls 9733 W Green Change Service Requested For details, visit decisionamericatour.com Page 2 March & April 2016 BE IN MADISON JUNE 15TH!!! by John Fisco The DECISION AMERICA TOUR 2016 with FRANKLIN GRAHAM will be in MADISON, Wisconsin on Wednesday June 15th, 2016. This event will be held on the Capitol steps and thousands are expected to attend. Decision America is traveling to every state and on the Capitol steps to encourage people to PRAY for AMERICA. This being an election year for President and other offi ces, Christians are encouraged to PRAY like they have never prayed before. AMERICA is in trouble, drifted far away from its founding belief in God and in many areas rejected the Bible and for what it states. We need to bring AMERICA back to GOD. Christians across the country are trusting and praying that the DECISION AMERICA will do just that – bring AMERICA back to GOD. Visit www.decisionamericantour.com for all the details. For local information and offering to help with the tour in Madison, con- tact the State director for DECISION AMERICA John Kieffer at 920-202- BE THERE! E-mail your friends about it! Call everyone yoyouu kknow!n Do 1390 or [email protected] whatever it takes to BE THERE! Madison needs this impact probably more than any other city in America. God Bless!!! AArere yyouou iinterestednterested iinn rridingiding tthehe CCharterharter BBusus ffromrom MMilwaukeeilwaukee ttoo MMadisonadison oonn JJuneune 15th?15th? ThereThere isis a ppossibilityossibility ooff hhavingaving oonene iiff enoughenough ppeopleeople ssignign uup.p. ForFor furtherfurther informationinformation andand toto leaveleave youryour namename asas anan iinterestednterested pperson,erson, ccallall thethe CChristianhristian CCourierourier oofficeffice dduringuring regularregular bbusinessusiness hourshours atat ((414)414) 344-7300344-7300 oror emailemail [email protected]@juno.com. Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. ~ Luke 12:27 a division of ProBuColls Association The Christian Courier Newspaper is available 9733 W Greenfi eld Ave at the following stores and gift shops... West Allis WI 53214 Almost Anything Holy Grounds Coffee House Oakland Gyros John M. Fisco, Jr Publisher Resale Shop 5385 N. Green Bay Ave 2867 N Oakland Ave Consulting Editor 7621 W Beloit Rd Milwaukee, WI 53209 Milwaukee, Wi 53211 Charismata West Allis Sundays 7:30 am - a pm (414) 963-1393 Enterprises Graphic Design (414) 321-0226 Mon - Fri 6:30 am - 5 pm Bob Conklin Contrib. Reporter (414) 228-5235 O’What a Day Café Photographer Almost Anything 2 234 W. Main St Suite 8 Grant Lawson Distribution Resale Shop Inspiration Ministries Waukesha, WI 53188 Al Reimer Distribution 9116 W Oklahoma Ave Hwy 67 & County Rd F (262) 574-0034 Karen Scharnick Administrator West Allis Walworth (414) 755-4881 (262) 275-2264 Oven Fresh Bakery Published monthly by ProBuColls W5320 County Road FF Association, a nondenominational Commitments Bookstore Jacobs Well Café Dalton, WI 53926 Christian organization recognized 3312 Washington St 3558 E. Sivyer Ave 501(c)3 with print readership es- Racine St. Francis, WI 53235 Pressing On timated in excess of 20,000 and (262) 633-8680 Toward The Mark, Inc. an on-line readership of 500,000 Lifeline Literature 6127 W Mitchell Street unique visitors monthly. Covenant Christian Northbrook Church West Allis Resource Center 4014 Hwy 164 West (414) 321-1444 © 2016 The Christian Courier 620 Williams St. Richfi eld All Rights Reserved. Publication of Randolph, WI 53956 (262) 628-3142 ProBuColls Christian ad, articles, or letters of opinion (920) 326-BOOK does not constitute endorsement by Literature Center the publisher, nor is implied. Cup O’ Joy Lighthouse Christian Books 9733 W Greenfi eld Ave 232 S. Broadway St. 2781 S Oneida St West Allis Tel: 414.345.3545 Green Bay Green Bay (414) 344-7300 Fax: 414. 344.7375 (920) 435-3269 (920) 497-0636 Reach Out Books Email: Dianne’s Wedding & Floral Martens Farm & Home 221 N Peters Ave [email protected] 3209 N. 50th St. 1100 Main Street Fond du Lac Rates available upon request. Milwaukee, WI 53216 Waupun, WI 53963 (920) 921-5102 All fi nished artwork & copy due (414) 378-0657 the 20th of each month preced- Martens Reedsburg VCY Center for Evangelism ing publication. Fuel Cafe True Value and Outreach 818 E Center Street 100 Viking Dr. 10707 W Capitol Drive ISSN: 0749-1077 Milwaukee, Wi 53212 Reedsburg, WI 53959 Milwaukee (414) 374-FUEL (414) 463-1770 March & April 2016 Page 3 A Word From the Heart by John Duckhorn During 1965 to 1979 my work in Columbia was focused on church plant- it was for some who sold their houses and ing. In the fall of 1979 we arrived back in the United States as a result of church building only to fi nd out it was wrong. my growing deafness. Our fi rst impression was that Christianity had gone Then the lawsuits began. bonkers. We discovered new Christian fads, concerns and nonsense. It There were more missionary deaths then in was a circus. The internet was growing at the speed of light and books, many other decades and they kept on increas- new and very old could be bought from practically anywhere around the ing. Our new enemy, trying to punish us, for world. I spend less time in book stores and more on a computer. My per- our cruel, behavior during the Crusades tried sonal library was not growing but my computer one was. Mega churches selling us a bill of goods that their religion were the expected result of successful outreach. Sunday fl oor shows, with was peaceful. While there are peaceful peo- big bands and attractive young ladies were the norm. Repetitive choruses ple among them, as in all religions, the media were the new Sunday morning hymnal and caused a hypnotic spell over had exposed its ignorance by emphasizing our minds. this one feature of this new madness. How Morals changed. Divorce became more acceptable; engaged Christian can we possible forget what is now known as 9/11. couples thought it was ok to live together because engagement was like But there have been some laughs. Our Wisconsin politicians, with nothing being married. At least that is what the Word taught, right? to do, came up with a Potluck Wisconsin law discussion by the legislator. The proliferation of Bible paraphrases was impossible to keep up with. I wrote on this inane and humorous waste of time. If they can’t think of Were people looking for a more accurate version or one to back up their anything to really chew on maybe regular work would help them contrib- personal moral or doctrinal preference? ute to our state taxes. There was plenty of panic. The Y2K folds thought that our computers were Last but not lease was the “Emerging Church” excitement. Many of us not able to handle a new century; some people believed the world might watched to see if the movement would offer any real substance and help be entering into a Stone Age era. Christians bought homes in the moun- jump start many moribund churches. Instead we had strange ideas about tains of the US, grew and canned their food, bought generators and bottles Christianity.
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